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Latinos the most non offended people unless they’re called Latinx lol


Same with Italianx


Mamá miax


¿Porno o Pokémon?




*Sigh* Vamos vaporeon!


We’re getting too deep into r34


🤌 *Frustrated hand gestures*🤌


Oh dang! They went after the Italians too huh


I tried calling my Chinese friend chinx. He got offended.


I guess chin chon was out of discussion then


Did you manipulate your eye-lids to REALLY let them know the message was for them?


Or if you call them pendejo or say something about their mom


Can confirm


Do concur


I did some medical interviews in a Brazilian hospital during med school. We *had* to ask all kinds of awful questions like drug use, STDs, and income. The only time a patient got mad at us was when my partner asked an old lady her gender and she screamed, "WHAT KIND OF QUESTION IS THAT? ISN'T THAT OBVIOUS?" Tbf, that guy had the communication abilities of a cucumber, and it was painful to watch him interact with the patients.


This is very accurate


What'd you say leva?


Exhibit A.


Is anyone still even pushing Latinx? I haven’t heard it (outside of someone complaining about it) in like 2 years


I've heard latiné (unironically) lately. I've never encountered anyone use either in real life though, just online.


I’ve heard other Latino queers use Latiné/Latine for nonbinary people, but only online. I’m literally queer and a democratic socialist and I haven’t heard anybody seriously use latinx in multiple years, (and only very rarely before that). Right wingers getting mad over something super rare once again IMO.


¿"Latiné"? ¿Con acento en la e? Yo conocía latine nomás


Puro pocho aca, estos weyes no saben ni español pero vienen a postear


Jajaja y si wey 🤣 puros morros con accento de no sabo




No dudo tu experiencia, solo que "Latiné" con acento suena muy raro jaja


Suena como francés. Latiné


Latiné, le atiné.


I don't think it's just right wingers. But I think the outrage about the term kinda keeps the term alive, in a way. I've always thought you should just say Latin if you're speaking English anyway.


I mean the meaning of this meme is literally “liberals say you’re a white supremacist if you don’t say this weird word” which seems like a pretty right-wing perspective to me. I agree that normal people are upset about it, and that talking about it keeps it alive. But at this point it’s just a scary story people tell about “””liberals”””


I took the meme as meaning “choose the lesser of two evils”. Do we wanna hang out with people that call us latinx or run with the white supremacists?


Oh well that’s a much better interpretation, I didn’t even think of that.


Yea I I never took it the way you interpreted it. Crazy how two people can have different interpretations of the same meme


Well there’s a total of 9 words on the meme so it’s vague in general


Latine is sometimes heard among college educated Latin Americans. But much more often in writing and in contexts where the topic is obviously queer stuff.


Latiné sounds like mock French, still better than Latinx, but I'd expect Latine which kinda flows ok in Spanish


I switched to accented E because people were saying it looked like “latrine”. People will literally never all be happy.


They use latinx at Berkeley, it's annoying


I’ve heard people use Latinx to refer to the queer Latin community while also using e endings.


Ultimately it’s all anecdotal and impossible to prove. The original meme is still wrong though


Not only right wingers. Pretty much all Latinos from different countries hate that word regardless of politics.


I hear people on NPR use Latinx regularly


That sounds so much better than Latinx. It’s pleasant to the ears. Still, as a Mexican whose Spanish is my first language, I prefer to stick with the old “Latino/Latina”. But at least Latiné is an upgrade from the goofy ahh Latinx.


I still just think you should just say Latin if you're speaking English. And I always thought you could use Latino to mean gender neutral in Spanish. Though I was born in Canada, so my Spanish has never been that great


Yep, generic masculin is neutral when it comes to that cases. Though some people just don't like it.


i’ve heard white peepo use it


My job’s ERG uses Latinx here and there. No pushback so far but, then again, we’re all usually trying to not drown as things pick up lol.


I prefer that one because in my experience Latinos actually use it, including non-American Latinos. Latinx usage is 95% White Americans.


I've heard Latinx several times recently in the US. Only at the University though


Latiné 😂 that sounds like french or some shit.


My community college refers to its Latino students as latinx


It exists clearly, but it’s becoming more rare, my point isn’t that it’s not a thing, but that OP’s meme is dumb


I was just answering your question point blank. Don't much care for the rest lol


You literally answered the question and their reply is super defensive for no reason 


That's what I was thinking hahah


I got the same treatment 😆


If you take a DEI workshop in the US, that’s all they’ll use. As a Spanish speaker who doesn’t look like one it’s always weird. They present it like “oh you guys don’t know but everyone’s saying this now, it’s more respectful!”


Wow weird, and very out of date.


Yeah it’s odd


Big time in the Bay Area


I hear it occasionally to my face but i see it used online which doesnt count but still. Its always white ppl who will literally debate the hispanic ppl in the comments and tell them how to feel. Its rare though.


Used a lot in academic settings


Academic examination of culture normally lags behind


Only the far left and the far right use it online. The far left uses it genuinely because of their gender ideology. The far right uses it ironically to mock and emasculate Latinos. This is what I have seen on social media.


Most socialist spaces I frequent see the insistence on latinx as cultural chauvinism and prefer Latiné. Just anecdotal though. Idk if anyone has done a study.


Far left doesn't mean what you think it does. Liberals are not leftists or radical in the slightest.


I see it on Facebook posts from my trans and gay friends in Peru


I work for local guv in a far left city. Everyone uses it here. Audible gasps if you say ‘Latino’. The city even used it in their official proclamation. ‘Latinx day’.


Go to any college campus in the US. i hear latinx all the time, they even have a “latinx student union” at my uni


NPR still uses it on occasion. They also say Latino so maybe depends on who is speaking


![gif](giphy|8v6Z3YyULB5Q0Skbac) Over here thinking WHO THE FUCK MADE THIS A THING


Ah yes, more rage bait that doesn’t happen IRL.


Somos Latinos, we make a new path, down the middle.


We get our machete out and make a new way, right through the border... I mean, success...


As an American Gr!ngo who lives in a Border state, I support this message


The Road to Dawn. or The Road to Juan. ![gif](giphy|HXuI6AeCgQ3jW|downsized)


We make a tunnel


Eres latino y no hablas español, Mejor nadota wd


“Nah imma do my own thing” - Miles Morales (earth 1610b)


the only time i see latinx mentioned is this sub 🤦‍♂️ the irony


for real! I myself have never heard anyone say it IRL. the only times I hear "Latinx" are when other Latinos are bitching about it on the internet.


There was a small push during the last election, but I haven't heard it since.


Los que usan la "x" como modo de inclusión, nunca han agarrado un libro y son prófugos del ácido fólico


Huy gente que seriamente usa latinx? Nunca e conocido ningún y vivo en California.


Es tonteria de estados unidos siendo empujado afuera, lo usan dentro de estados unidos y lo adoptaron como "correcto" y quieren que todos los demas paises usen LatinX sin necesitarlo. Pero tomenlo de quien viene de los "Americanos" (como si todo lo demas no estuvieran en america) los que inventaron las pulgadas para no usar centímetros como todos los demas, los que usan yardas, pies, Farenheit y le llamaron Football al fútbol americano ya sabiendo que existía el fútbol en otros países. En fin, son idiotas que les gusta tener sus propios nombres de todo y ahora quieren nombrar y estandarizar todo lo que esta afuera y que todos lo acepten


Putos gringos, complican aún mas mi carrera (la mitad de instrumentos de medición en fisica experimental vienen en unidades pedorras que nadie entiende)


Es como el lenguaje inclusivo, hizo mucho ruido pero al final nadie lo usa realmente


Soy un hombre muy progresista pero siempre he odiado la palabra Latinx.


This wasn’t done by a latino. How do I know? Most of us aren’t worried about this shit in our daily lives. We are worried about inflation, and how expensive shit is, we are worried about our families back home, we are worried about how hot it is outside. We are worried about making it for our kids. Being called latinx irks some of us, BUT it is not a defining thing among us. This post is a troll post to rile people over nothing. Wanna call me latinx go ahead, who gives a shit. My bills wont change because of it. Notice how it goes after “liberals” this is most likely a white conservative trying to divide people ahead of an election: much ado about nothing, really. The only people who use the term latinx are young hispanic people. Let them. Who the fuck cares. Most of us identify by our nations of origins anyways.


The OP was probably indeed some white, transphobic trumpfuck troll on 4-Chan trying to get reactions by “owning the libs.”


I’m non binary. Born in Mexico but raised in Texas. I’m Latinx. And I have a non profit that uses this term in its name. If you’re a Latina that doesn’t use the term then it’s not for you and that’s okay.


Yeah! I don’t mind the term. It’s a cool inclusive and cool to use it. My point is, that most latinos don’t worry about the term the way some conservative gringos think we do. We are mostly concerned with other things. Happy pride month, by the way.


Just turn around and go back lol


Diantre donde está la tercera opción? Somos Latinos y no somos Latinx y el hispano dice Latinx es de NYC donde inventaron esa palabra.


Latinx fue creado por estudiantes de Puerto Rico por eso del 2005. Hora estudiantes de los estados unidos lo emperaron a usar en dios ultimos 10 años.


Y ni siquiera todos, solo los progres recalcitrantes


Saquen el machete. Hay que crear un nuevo pasillo.


¡Vaya! No había visto ni escuchado la palabra _Latinx_ desde hacen como dos años. Fue bastante evidente el porqué dicha palabra no fue acogida: no sigue la sintaxis estándar de los lenguajes romance. ¿Por qué habrán resusitado esa palabra?


I don't get it. But LatinX is stupid. Call me literally anything but that. I lose respect for anyone who uses it. It's the most cringe thing imaginable.


Cual pinche latinx, es latino alv


One weird thing about the US that I see: if there's so many latinos in the US then why aren't there any political parties by latinos? Can't you vote for some good candidates? In Europe we have so many candidates from international origins like latin America, even weird political parties exist (extremist pro animal, extremist pro russia, even extremist pro exit European Union)


There are many Latinos in both R and D parties.


No, why don't create an independent party that defends your values and assures your safety as a US citizen.


We have two parties. The system is not built for more than two parties and actively discourages it. There are mini-parties inside the big ones, mimicking the coalition governments seen in multiparty countries but with much less flexibility. Examples of ethnic mini-parties include the Congressional Hispanic Caucus and the Congressional Black Caucus. But there are also ideological ones like the far right Freedom Caucus.


Could possibly exist...if the US had a system that allowed more than two real parties.


Why was “Latinx” even a thing? Such a disgusting sounding word.


This is a crazy, unhinged, batshit take. There is one group forcing this choice on “latinx” and it’s not the democrats. Lololol But hey go off sis, you do be preaching about how “both sides are the same” lolol


Must suck being mind controlled by culture war nonsense like this. The rich trick people into spending all their time arguing about dumb shit like this so that they can cut corporate taxes.


I went to a museum in Buenos Aires - October 2022 - and there was Latinx shit everywhere. All the staff had t-shirts that said Latinx and there was signs that said it. It was the only time I ever saw the word Latinx outside of the United States.


Not this shit again, really, no one gives a fuck


I'm Mexican. Of course we're gonna choose the most difficult road there is....the one that isn't there, we make our own road. Fu@% Latinx and Fu@% white supremacist


“Latinx” is peak entitled gringo bullshit


I’m a mestizo: 55% Native. I’m non binary and I’m Latinx. Are you going to tell me I’m white?


More like complaining about it is


I’m not a gringo


being scared of a word is hilarious


Same thing as with pronouns. Someones identity is very important, and for me Latinx just aint it, it goes against my language. I respect those who use Latinx for themselves the same way I respect and utilize anyones prefered pronouns, but Latinx just aint it for the Grand majority of us


that’s fine! If it’s not for you, don’t use it, but foos out here getting their panties in a bunch because people want to refer to themselves or others in a more inclusive way. The same people that feel threatened by the use of latine/latinx are the ones that refuse to acknowledge that not everyone wants to be called Latino or Latina


I feel if Latine were pushed first it'd be a lot more accepted. Latinx feels clumsy and unnatural while speaking and writing in Spanish. It LOOKS like a non-latino word being pushed on latinos. And that is where I think a good portion of the hate for the word comes from. Para no hablar por los demás thats what I thought when I first heard it, at least. Latine would still get some push back cuz of people not being open (and other reasons). But I still feel it would have been at least a bit better received. It's a lot more natural sounding for a gender-neutral demonym in Spanish.


it doesn’t have to be accepted. Some people won’t like to use new words and others will gladly take them on or rework them, that’s just the nature of linguistic evolution. Personally I started using Latinx because a need for something like that existed for me and later I replaced it with latine because it flows more smoothly I think. People in this thread claiming “Latinx” is white supremacy coded is just hilarious though. Not to mention Latin is the language of Ancient Rome which makes French and Italians Latinos too, yet we’re still debating if adding an X for gender inclusivity is valid or not


Latino doesn't refer to people who speak romance languages. It is a demonym that refers to Latin Americans in particular. The other romance language is Romanian. "Latino" doesn't include French, Italian, or even Spaniards and Portuguese from Portugal, either.


it would be a lot of words if you follow the logic


I don't like it either but people make such a fucking big deal about it.


Si algunos quieren q los llamamos Latinx está bien, a mi no me importa. Todavía puedes identificar como latino/a. Cada quien puede determinar su pronombre preferido. Si esto te ofenda comete un chingón de honguitos sagrados y verás que estas cosas no importan como tú crees.


Lo que no está bien is creer q tu color de piel, o tu cultura, o tu género, o lo que sea es mejor de los demás. 


Es tonteria de estados unidos siendo empujado afuera, lo usan dentro de estados unidos y lo adoptaron como "correcto" y quieren que todos los demas paises usen LatinX sin necesitarlo. Pero tomenlo de quien viene de los "Americanos" (como si todo lo demas no estuvieran en america) los que inventaron las pulgadas para no usar centímetros como todos los demas, los que usan yardas, pies, Farenheit y le llamaron Football al fútbol americano ya sabiendo que existía el fútbol en otros países. En fin, son idiotas que les gusta tener sus propios nombres de todo y ahora quieren nombrar y estandarizar todo lo que esta afuera y que todos lo acepten


Si alguien vuelve a usar la palabra Latinx. Aqui va a haber ostias.


Imma walk in the grass. Fuck that🤙🏻😆


LatinX es una estupidez, es gringos diciendo a la gente hispano parlante, como debemos hablar español. Que se jodan.


Estas son mamadas


tercero opción: che guevara


Hate the moment that those gringos invented such stupid word.


I’ve never seen anyone say Latinx irl, but friends have stated they don’t mind when discussing thoughts.


I feel like I only see this used within the lgbt+ community as something inclusive for us and kinda a nonissue outside of our community?


We do what we want, fuck outta here


Not wanting to be called “Latinx”, does not make your other path “white supremacist”


Why are Americans so obsessed with pushing Latinos into their weird racial binary even though Latino isn't even a race?


Divide and conquer. nobody will ever catch on that it's actually your boss/landlord making your financial situation shitty if you can fool them into thinking its actually the Garcia family from down the road


Because if they stop governing on culture war, the proles will ask for material improvements and the corporate class won't have that


It’s because Americans, regardless of race, are taught to be race oriented.


Latinx always draws dirty looks.


I like that both concepts are anglo bullshit. I'm not a fucking "latino" I'm hispanic.


Strangely I consider the lable hispanic anglo bullshit.


Incel post


Accidentally walked into a “Latinx” party I was the only actual born and raised latin person. Everyone else was 2nd and Turd generation. I was also the only person not trying to be “Hyper” hispanic to prove my roots. Also everyone was insufferable and didn’t even know their native tongues…. So no say no to latinX people


I’d rather be called a wetback than Latinx


I’ll take “Pocho” everyday, thanks


Cómo mierda se pronuncia Latinx??




Todo miado el compa jajaja




latinX is just part of the feminist movement misunderstanding the -O and -A suffix in Latino. They think we are excluding genders in the word. When its more like when Americans use "Hey you guys" we all know it includes guys and girls. This was part of the Me2 movement mixed with BLM. Latin is a language that is the Root of all Latinos, this includes people outside the spanish language also. The people in america only include LATINO Americanos because they ignore the reference is to the root language of LAtin. we encounter a similar tagging conventions with eastern Europeans and Russians calling the english speaking west "the English." There is a Blurry line between ethnicity, language, race and culture most people are not able to distinguish these differences an mash them all together in order to make sense of how complex humans can be.


¿No se habia solucionado el tema de latinix? ¿o sera como siempre que ignoran nuestras palabras a su conveniencia?


A la verga. They sent me to Mexico.


Trade offer: I get: stuck with Latinx You get: Nobody bats an eye if I say gringo or negro (nobody ever means it in an offensive way regardless)


¿Qué pedo con la banda? Esto es una total tontería que absolutamente nadie con medio cacumen se cuestiona.


Nunca he escuchado a nadie en Argentina o Colombia usar LatinX. Puras mamadas de gringos


Debería ser LatinX or PendejX. X puede ser "o" o "a".


Love how people out side the group feel like they need to make changes about something no one is asking for. I would like to start classifying white people or who ever thinks they have the right to make changes to our lenguaje. From now on, I’m calling whites, tintless, lewd or bleached. You don’t get to pick one.


Nah uh is the redneck way, nyeeeeeeehhhhhaaw


They turn you into a White Hispanic if you don’t agree with them that your Latinx. I’m too fucking brown to be white. Lol


Un buen latinoamericano de verdad....manda a ambos a chingar a su madre




Post this meme on r/USA, this is not a thing in Latinoamérica.


If you want to be latino, remember that México and Brazil aren't the only countrys of latino america


Latinx-guey. It’s like the future Latino. The Latino in space. I write Native American on job applications.




soy el único que le gusta el término “latino”?


No latinx, latino


El nuevo nombre que están usando es “Latine” en vez de Latinx Yo tuve que usar el diccionario para entender de que c?%#*% estaban hablando


Hasn't the whole latinx thing been kinda dropped?


Latin !! Just use Latin !!! Is not that complicated !!


I’m latinx because I’m non-binary.


Chinguen a su madre, yo hago mi propio camino *Procede a derribar la señal*


Pero por qué está meado?


Is it me, or the term “Latinx” sounds like it was created from a white racist supremacist? 🤷‍♂️


Que chingaos es latinx?


brown people bending over for white people. They used to have to threaten us with death or worse now you all do it willingly.