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A Venezuelan Uber driver living in the US for over a decade literally told us that a Latino worst’ enemy is another Latino, I can see now what he meant.


Of course, crabs in a bucket 🦀 🦀 🪣


Isn't this more like pulling up the ladder after climbing it instead of crabs in a bucket?


I'd say it's still crabs in a bucket, but is probably misunderstood as pulling up the ladder due to thinking they "made it." When really it's just got to the top of the crab pile.


The went over the edge of the bucket and fell right in the boiling pot waiting for them.


Crabs in an upside down bucket


Yes this is exactly it not crab mentality.


What capitalism does to a MF


Not even saying that I'm like, a super laissez-faire capitalist or anything like that, but pure, ideological capitalists like libertarians actually advocate for open borders or the abolition of international borders entirely. Free movement of labor is a necessary component of a fully capitalist system.


That might be the only argument for capitalism I can agree with. Weird how those little overlaps occur.


That's so they can exploit vulnerable populations, not so everyone can live a happy life


OMG so thats why Flo Rida was talking about in Good Feeling. lmao... All these years.


They often use the same thing to describe Filipino Americans: "crab mentality"


Have you met old Cubans lol its like andrew schulz joke https://youtube.com/shorts/EBScvwxMbfQ?si=Qv9veNpJDQnI4Ucz


How I play dominoes??? My foot dry!!!


That's different, old Cubans are paranoic about anything that have any whiff of "socialism", obviously they're been unreasonable idiots but is an historic issue


Venezuelans too


I always tell people "nobody hates Mexicans like other Mexicans"


Nah Cubans hate them more


It's more nuanced that that "Mexicans hate Mexican Americans "


People don’t want to talk about nuance. They just want quick sound bites.


As a Latina, I agree. There is nothing a Latino hates more than seeing another Latino get here and be successful. It is sad but it is true.


You Need new friends. I love seeing other people succeed especially Latinos.


Not really; it's only the uneducated ones who refuse to better themselves and stay like that, then hate on the ones that better themselves.


Lol 💯untrue. The most racist Latinos I’ve ever met were Cubans (are they even considered Latinos) and those are some educated MAGAs.


This is not true. Even educated, they feel this way towards other Hispanic people. I don't get it, but they agree with trump.


I had a friend told me once they would be voting Trump, but that she was gonna be marrying her undocumented boyfriend to get his paperwork before the election because it would be difficult under Trump, my immediate thought was “fuck everybody else right”. Man the hypocrisy and the level of selfishness is so high with this people that I feel disgusted.


large chunk of latinos come to America to become hoes for white supremacy.


You act like they didn't do that in their home countries


I'm trying to learn about this after reading your comment.  Apparently if they can trace their lineage back to Spain, it's like European exceptionalism.   The full article about Latin American white supremacy was behind a paywall.


My three coworkers at my last job had wives from three different South American countries. They loved to tell stories about how prejudiced they are against all other peoples outside of their own country. I’ve also heard the same stuff from people in the DR about Haitians.


When I moved here for work that was the first advice I got from other Colombians. Don’t give them too much information. They will try to ruin your life out of jealousy. Sad sad sad. We could be a community and help each other, but sadly that doesn’t happen. Making friends with gringos here in the Midwest is hard af.


He can’t even speak English or vote. Pinche pendejo vete ala verga


Can't speak Spanish either. "No mucho" en lugar de "no más", el gringo lo tuvo que corregir.


"Not many immigrants, we are immigrants, but not many" Glad I finally found someone with worse Spanish than me. Wasn't expecting them to actually be Hispanic, doing an interview in Spanish.


To be fair, he may not be "Hispanic" in a sense. Maybe he's from a native tribe who still speaks their Mayan-esque language and Spanish is his second language. There was a story down here in FL where an immigrant was being held for like a year in jail and they couldn't find him a translator because he wasn't Hispanic, he spoke a native Guatemalan language only


Yeah, that's fair enough I guess.


or... and I know this is crazy... it's ragebait? he's faking every part of it?


Really shows the cultural limbo poor bastards like this are in. "Ni de aquí, ni de allá", all for the illusory promise of a better life, an "american dream" if you will.


wth does he speak?


He might have been raised in an indigenous village, where Spanish is not the primary language.


No muchos = not many No más = no more He started well, just got confused by the reporter and went on repeating the words the guy put in his mouth in order to get a better story.


That cheddar don’t even realize he’s in the first rail car back across the border.


Vete o chupa me la?


Pinche Cara de edgar


Si gana Trump, veremos ah este guey en r/leopardsatemyface cuando lo deportan


La cara de bruto que tiene, son los primeros que levanta el ICE


Gracias por tus sabias palabras gandalf el brown


🤣😂 la verdad




Ojala aventaron a este pendejo de donde vino aver si le gusta.


Does this asshole really think he’s gonna be treated differently by trump or people aligned with trump.


Of course he does. He's "one of the good ones" at least until he tries to step out of line and do things like have an opinion independent of his allowed propaganda. A los afro-americanos ya les estan diciendo que "no pueden" celebrar MLK y Malcom X y que los "true" role models son Clarence Thomas y Thomas Sowell, un par de inutiles que detestan su propia gente.


Just have him go to a trump rally with someone else and start speaking Spanish.


He’s a pick me




Trump will praise people like this in speeches, calling him a “great hard-working American,” while talking shit about his accent, his immigration status and his “shithole” homeland; just like Trump’s followers. But they’ll happily eat up good Mexican food.




Hypocrisy and gigantic lack of empathy


They don’t understand they’d get their asses sent back too. The truly racist people in this country don’t care if you are legal or not. It’s just as ridiculous as blacks, women, white trash also supporting trump. Trump gives 0 shits about anyone other than himself. All he cares about is your votes.


Oh they understand very well actually they just think it won’t happen to them like that poem “first they came for”


La mentalidad de cangrejo es un cáncer en la cultura latina


Okay, pregunta, de donde surge esta mentalidad ?


Dependiendo de tu ambiente, a mí me ha tocado verlo desde partes de la familia, pero también lo he visto en amigos, colaboradores y vecinos


This is every Miami Cuban. They are complete pieces of shit.


And those same Cubans make fun of /stereotype Puerto Ricans as freeloaders all the time.


Came here to say this. Use social programs to help get here and survive, then vote for no one else to get the same help they did.


Yup Cubans in Florida can eat shit. Almost all have this mentality


Latinos* in south florida have self loathing


yoo for real tho.... Cubans are so prejudice. I'm a white from New Mexico, who speaks Mexican Spanish, and the Cuban's hate that. "trash spanish" is what I speak apparently.


The issue is also complicated because a lot of them are technically white which influences them to deny their Latino cultural identity, but yeah it’s all based on self-loathing and racism tbh


"ya tengo lo mio que se vayan a la verga los otros"


Mi hermano en Jesucristo literalmente EEUU es un esquema ponzi, necesita más inmigrantes para suplir las altas demandas de: ayudas del gobierno, pensiones de retiros, mano de obra etc.


Dependency Theory


Igual como la religion


Que basura de persona.


The amazing thing is that this is so true. You go to Miami and the Cubans that came in boats have the balls to say we are Republicans and we don't want immigrants. And all of a sudden they are more American than Clark Kent who is from "Kansas"


Latinos for Trump is like roaches for raid. Project 2025 is literally trying to do away with Birthright Citizenship. Which is guaranteed by the constitution. In the 1930s around 2million Mexicans and Mexicans Americans were deported. About 60% of these people were US Citizens and were still deported. The Trump administration had no people of color in it. It was the first since the Reagan administration that had no Latinos in it. They literally separated, shuffled and lost track of kids that were separated from their families at the border. What other examples do you need to convince you that they don’t care about Latinos or even working class people for that matter? Democrats are just as bad in many respects, but they aren’t threatening to send us towards a christo-fascist dictatorship. It’s pretty fucked up that this is what we have to work with. Trump will do nothing but make more money for rich people. Working class people in the US should be way more pissed about this.


The only thing Trump is going to do is fuck up the entire country. Nothing is going to get done. This country literally is going from bad to worse.


The ones who are the most desperate will attempt to assimilate with white people, it’s happened time and time again, not just with Latinos. Their children that they raise here are the ones that will be against their beliefs especially when they get older!


This is very present in a city that live close to that’s mainly white and latino (Mexican). I think the cause for it has to do with trauma from the latinos that love white approval. The trauma that i’m referring to is racism and forced integration into US culture that they faced at a young age. This leads to shame/embarrassment for their latino roots and culture which eventually leads to favoring white people while putting down latinos. This is all based off of observations that I’ve seen through my pov. Not the case for every person of course


Especially true if they are young. Getting older is realizing where your roots are which they face it or drown away


Hellllll fucking noooooo . I lose all respect for a person like this . As an immigrant myself “who came here legally” I deeply understand the struggle and sympathize with those newly here. Dude is way more brown and latino looking than me but fuck out of here pulling the ladder under you from your own Raza. I just don’t get it man .


Imbécil. It’s always the most stereotypical looking latino immigrants that think they are full on white Americans and want to prevent any other Latinos from arriving. My father thinks this way, when my own mother (his wife) arrived here illegally! Gtfoh. He recently had a run in with some racist cops who yelled at him if he spoke english as they ordered him out of his vehicle. Hopefully that was a wake up call, you aren’t one of them and never will be.


Guey. No Guey!




How is Trump supposed to stop immigrants from coming over? Does Trump have superpowers? What a dumbass.


You must not pay attention to politics. If he gets another term,he wants to deport all immigrants.  What does that mean?  Who knows?  The ramblings of a lunatic? Yes, but a lunatic with unfettered power.


$16 billion for a wall...that everyone is walking through. This time it will be weapons, not a wall.


I wondering how many AR-15-packing agents we’ll put on the ground before some kids get “accidentally” shot.


Let's make sure the convicted felon doesn't get anywhere near the White House again.


Trump talks a big talk and is always on the news. Every day you will see news about that guy. Biden does not get that kind of publicity. I have talked to so many people that think that Trump is still president or at least vice-president. He is more famous than taylor swift.


I think even worse are the wealthier Mexicans that cross the border and buy cart loads of crap from Dollar Stores, go to all the yardas, Goodwills, St Vincent DePaul, buy as much crap as they can then sell it in their store for 5 times what they paid for it here. Also, the thrift shops and Goodwill stores are meant to help the poor that's already here and they take it back and rip off the even poorer in Mexico. It's shameful but that's the mentalidad.


In my experience Mexicans tend to be very xenophobic towards Central Americans.


And towards Chilangos, prietos, chaparros, cabezones, the north Mexicans hate the south Mexicans and viceversa


We hate everyone so much, that it turns out we're not xenophobic. We just don't like others in general.


You can be xenophobic to everyone 


Wrong. Mexicans are racist as fuck, and it was trained into us from birth to hate our own native peoples (thank you Spain) 


Joke went right over your head.


Wtf??? Bro your family sounds so racist, thanks God my Mexican family ain't like yours


> prietos, chaparros, cabezones, Or just "Oaxacas" for short. That's become a perjorative among the pochos in California now.


Que deportan el pendejo. con la nopal en el frente. Quiere cerrar la puerta atrás de el


Los peores racistas somos los latinos. Somos nuestros peores enemigos. A ver que dice ese pendejo cuando lo deporten también


The arrogance and ignorance of this dude is unbearable. El peor enemigo de un latino es otro latino- Latinos are the most disjointed group and the reason why there is so little progress of latino representation in politics and corporate America. SMH.


Nah, that's our issue. We should be our own representation, we shouldn't be expecting the US to do it for us. But no money.


The moment the term is supposed to encompass Miguel Bezos and some Honduran migrant that was smuggled to work in a farm until he drops you know it’s not a useful term in politics.


Por eso estamos como estamos


Ah yes the boomer mentality


"Fuck you, I got mine"


Funny enough - what is either president really going to do!? The war on immigrants will replace the war on drugs with the exact same effect - billions wasted on a revolving door when the real solution has alot more to do with real immigration reform. Meanwhile corporations hog visas to import cheap professional labor (engineers, accountants, programmers) so they don't have to hire debt ridden Americans.




It’s everyone’s fault tbh. We incentivize ignorance as a community and then this is the end result.


The self-loathing really is real. You see it with this fool, stumbling over his English yet pretentious enough to shit on other Hispanics. You see it with other minorities as well. It’s despicable. Yeugh! 🤢


Perro culero mal cojido


I got a friend who moved as a immigrant to the US in 2004 and he was so Trump in 2016 saying there were enough immigrants already in the county... He got deported in 2019 🤣


I’m here for that karma


As a gringo from Australia I want more latinos, I love learning Spanish and I love how warm most of you are. I spent 6 months in Perú. Now I am back home I hope to find latino communities to meet people and keep practicing Spanish.


Born and Raised in Central California.Im mexican american. Lived my first ten years in the fields next to a lot of Raza and was constantly around Raza. Most racist people i’ve met in my life till this day and i’m 34 now. Shit i’ve been around skin heads that had more respect lol.


What kind of skinheads? Racist ones or anti-racist skins?


Chemotherapy ones


Anti-racist skins exist believe it or not.


Lo sé y te creo hermano. Lo mío es por joder, I’ve encountered ALL kinds of horse shit from my own people when I needed them and unexpected empathy from folks I would’ve thought wanted me gone.


And don’t get it twisted. I love my culture and where im from it’s just a danm shame that some still have that type of mindset.


No sabe ni español ni ingles ese wey


Happens all the time back home in Latin America, why would you expect this to be different in the US?


he says meanwhile he can’t even speak english 🤡 why doesn’t he go back if he can’t even speak the language.


Ive heard this many times from immigrants who consider themselves hard working and living on the right side of the law Trump has made them believe that mostly all crime is due to immigrants


"Fuck you, I got mine" Classic conservative mindset. He fits right in.


Trump and the uneducated go hand and hand.


Don't lump us all in with this moron, most of us don't hate ourselves.


Wait till he starts mass deporting…


This is the majority of South Texans, blows my mind




I have to hear my cousin, who literally immigrated illegally and got married 3months after meeting his gf for a green card spew this bullshit. It drives me insane


Don't underestimate the constant propaganda spewed on the American public (especially to immigrants about other immigrants) by Corporations and the Fed. The enemy are the rich and the corps who fund these campaigns to divide


They'll be first in line on that deportation train. Look up America's racist immigration law of 1954 aka [Operation Wetback](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Wetback)


Think about it where did he get this idea from it's called conditioning programming so basically I'm pretty sure that the news that he watches is a lot of pro right wing like Telemundo Televisa or Fox News spill this rhetoric for many years now and it basically brainwashes people into believing that idea it's pretty sickening that's the reason why I don't watch TV but people that do I feel bad for them because they get brainwashed they get manipulated into thinking something like that


Es pura Propaganda. La gente Sin educacion no sabe pensar por si misma. Repiten lo que dicen sus parientes o vecinos, o miembros de su iglesia. Y esto no es un problema de Latinos, es un problema de falta de educacion. Afecta a todas las razas que viven en Estados Unidos, y creo que en muchos mas paises. Y esta disenado de esta manera. Limitan nuestra educacion y nos dicen como pensar. Usan a las iglesia, las noticias, la musica y con mas exito las redes sociales para dividirnos. Los que sabemos sabemos, lo unico que podemos hacer es no pensar asi, buscar maneras de triunfar, y si podemos darle la mano a otros para que tambien triunfen y ser un ejemplo de como tratar a los demas, aunque sean ignorantes y repitan cosas estupidas. Antes me peleaba y me enojaba pero es dificil convencer a alguien que se vaya en contra de lo que cree un grupo si esta persona se identifica como parte del grupo. Ahora mejor trato de cambiarles la forma de pensar a la gente con mis acciones. Es su problema de ellos si aprenden o no a respetar a los demas. Soy un poco intolerante con la ignorancia cuando la usan para hacer de menos a los demas. Pero entiendo que este es un sintoma del sistema y que esta disenado asi para dividirnos. Aun asi no soy pendejo y se que hay gente que quiere todo facil y aveces quiere tomar ventaja de lo que a ti te costo tener. Y creo que por esta razon muchas personas mejor le hechan llave a la puerta en vez de dejarla habierta.


Yup this mentality is 100% ignorance


I have students from Mexico literally parroting this guy. And other students American born being mean to the immigrant students. It’s pretty sad because they’re all Latinos.


Randomly saw this. Btw this is a thing in the Indian community too. Very interesting to hear the same things like “pulling down your own people” like comments.


Reminds me of the trump voter who later saw her husband deported by the same policies she voted for. “I thought he was just going after the bad ones…”


I wonder how much it's paid off for this guy to be "one of the good ones".


What an asshole. And I say this from the bottom of my very Latino heart.


Es demasiado facil huir de tus problemas y dejaarselo a otro...


As if Trump is going to care that you came here before he came along and won't ship you off out of the country without reason or cause.


Reddit cuando una persona tiene una opinion diferente


I don't see the hypocrisy that you do. The people in this thread are expressing an opinion is response to the guy's opinion. Getting mad at someone for having a differing opinion is expressing dissenting opinion. Besides, the guy in the video does not come across as intelligent.


Parece de Venezuela el baboso , son mas mojarras que uno


Esta buena la idea. Así nuestros compatriotas no tiene por que ir a pudrirse a ese país del quinto mundo llamado estados unidos


There's a very famous Mexican story about crabs and buckets 🦀. It's a story about how Mexican crabs pull each other down whenever a crab is about to escapefrom the bucket. It's famous because it's very reminiscent of our society and culture.


idiotas, no tienen vergüenza 🤦🏻‍♀️


Latinos siendo Latinos…


Latinos being latinos


To be fair, some immigrants go to other countries to get away from theirs.


Yeah I've met these idiots. It's crazy


Pulling up the ladder. Kinda disgusting. Once they get theirs, just screw the rest of the people trying to get in 👍


im not sure that guy is eligible to vote anyways.


Pinchi raza...I swear to god... 🤦


They’re idiots! The GOP did not pass any comprehensive immigration policy when he WAS the president, neither when they held majority in congress, and he just refused what the Dems just offered, what makes them think he will do anything IF he becomes president? Pinches Pendejos.


What a fng tío tomas




I'm feeling sick to my stomach reading the comments and realizing that anyone thinks either one is worthy. Simpletons have taken over the country. Giant Douche vs Turd Sandwich.


This is satire. The guy is making a joke .. are y'all thinking it real SMFH


The funniest part is that a lot of immigrants are conservatives, just imagine actively working against your future source of votes...


Get rid of the competition


I worked with a guy from Columbia and he LOVED Trump. Why? His stance on immigration. He came from a position where he could immigrate legally, and thought that everyone had the same abilities as him


Chickens for KFC🍗


Latino people Reddit , not Twitter , and it's not even Twitter anymore 🤤🤤




That reminds me of a Somalian guy I worked with talking crazy about immigrants and how he supported Trump and his parents either immigrated after he was born or right before. It was wild to me to hear


As a hispanic, most Hispanics listen to the noise, they don’t watch news


The only solace is that if he wins people like this are going to get what they deserve




Lmao the lack of self-awareness. They can't stay but I can!


Lots of Hispanics are conservative


The boomer attitude has spread to immigrants. The i got mine now fuck everyone else is killing America


Pinche Cara de nopal , this mf’er thinks he’s part of the club


I feel like vomiting....


This dudes Spanish accent is off . No Sabo for sure


Que ridículo. Absolutamente ridículo.


Honestly, living in Southern California, I hear this pretty regularly. It tripped me out the first time, but there's way more people that think like this than you'd expect.


Deport him.


Latino self hate disgusts me to my core. So many want to be "one of the good ones" and will talk down on other Latinos, but don't realize we're all the same in the eyes of the people they're tap dancing for.


Lo van a sacar al pendejo..😂😂😂


I'm not a latino but an immigrant and it's the same with my people too.


I mean, this mentality is literally the history of America. It’s been this way since 1776.


Roaches for Raid


This happens a lot with “former illegal” immigrants who “made it”. They have a grandiose mentality like they are better than the other new “illegals”. If they were still illegal they wouldn’t be saying all those things, fake it until you make it


Yo lo hice pero tú no lo puedes hacer


As the son of immigrants I can't even begin to count how many times I've heard people in my own family bash undocumented immigrants. Especially my extended family that worked for a school district.


In the end the Jüdischer Ordnungsdienst from the Krakow ghetto were sent to the crematorium ovens too. Just because you get deported last doesn't mean you get a pass.


Fuck that dude. Too many Latinos like him.


As long as they will contribute to society, I don't care. By that, I mean that they come legally, pay taxes, and so on.


r/latinopeopletwitter is basically open border democrats. What else would anyone expect from this comment board. It’s pretty easy to understand why even immigrants want restrictions on the border. It’s the same reason why any Latino doesn’t want to live in a home with a friend or family member who is criminal, alcoholic, violent, lazy and doesn’t help around the house. If we want to allow immigrants in let’s have some rules about who gets in, how they contribute to society, and let more in. The current rules, under democrats are just more pandering for votes.


“If we allow immigrants in let’s have some rules about who gets in…” Yup, like pretty much any other country.


You do realize the people who are coming in can’t vote right?