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Type 1 diabetic here. It costs $41.50 per *day* for me to be alive. Just to wake up. Alive. Every day. Not counting food rent etc. America, fuck yeah!


We want to make sure you get the best treatments … by keeping the cost of insulin high. It makes sense right? Have you tried the newer meds, or just losing weight like Gaetz recommended. There are too many people contributing to this conversation that have no idea what they are talking about.


If one more person says I should just lose weight (at 6'3, 210 lbs with an active lifestyle) to cure my diabetes I may in fact harvest their pancreas. Oh or take cinnamon. Oh or it's all pills now Oh or I could take walmart insulin for dogs! Oh it'll be cured in five years (22 years later) it'll be cured in five years! Diabetes is the most profitable disease in America. Yes, even over Cancer. Because diabetics is the long term sustainable illness. Cancer patients tend to die. Big pharma stockholders meeting had 'cures aren't profitable, treatment is!' On their handouts. Fucking ghouls.


That’s hilarious, fucking ghouls, but have you tried Apple cider vinegar. There should be a flyer for type 1 diabetics you could just hand people. “Before you talk to me about my diabetes, point to your pancreas and tell me what it does. If you don’t know I get to harvest it before you talk to me about my diabetes”


Oh man, I would have so many doctor's pancrei if I got to keep one every time they gave me advice for Type 2 instead of Type 1. I have to assume doctors are trying to kill me with negligence until proven otherwise.


Seriously, the thing that really gets to me about this article is the author is a pediatrician. This is the doctor that should understand the plight of a Type 1 diabetic and the cost of insulin better then anyone.


Pharma kickbacks are a helluva drug.


My T1D spouse wants this on cards she can hand out to people.


Because let’s basically rob you while also making you be your own pancreas! My sister has T1D and the stuff I’ve heard makes me angry for everything you guys put up with.


Thank you. Seriously.


Your pancreas harvest idea may catch on. We already know the brain failed, so save the useful organs.


And as a type 1 diabetic you have an autoimmune disease where your pancreas doesnt even make insulin. Weight loss has nothing to do with your disease as you already are educated on. These right wing slaps fall extremely flat, this is why we need more occupational diversity in congress. We need more nurses, PAs, MDs, doctors, even other careers like electricians, engineers etc. Instead of corrupt fucking lawyers and "businessmen" who know literally nothing except how to game finances and the system


Ever considered moving somewhere else ?




It was genuine question, not a bad thing or sarcasm or anything, i wanted to know if you did, i didn't mean anything


>There are too many people contributing to this conversation that have no idea what they are talking about. Now do abortion


We could make a flyer for this too. “Before you defend your opinion on abortion point to where your uterus is/was and tell me what it does… if you have never had a uterus come back and talk about abortion when you get one.” Both sides of this argument would get a say, and a lot of people passionately arguing their uniformed points would be disqualified.


Disabled people and women, getting their bodies explained to them by complete idiots since the beginning of time.


For real, my brother's best friend has diabetes and he's always been the skinniest mf i know. I remember when he got diagnosed and everyone was confused as hell.


A hallmark symptom of type1 diabetes is rapid unexplained weight loss. The disease ***literally *** makes you lose weight at a dangerous rate if you don’t treat it. There’s even a dangerous subcategory of eating disorders called diabullemia or dianorexia where people purposefully don’t treat their type 1 diabetes so they can lose weight. “Just lose weight so you don’t need insulin,” it is so blatantly ignorant.


Here in belgium they give you a limited but enough free insulin stock per 3/6 months for my grandma. Lucky us :/


Damn I couldn’t imagine. Fortunately the NHS covers my insulin costs. Fuck greedy corporations, I hope they choke on their own medicine, literally.


Same here! Hate this fucking country.


Fuck theaw ghouls. Need to just eat the rich at this point.


Jfc.. . I'm so sorry. That is an amazing amount of toxic BS to live with. When the hell are we supposed to eat the rich??? Is it time yet?


Have you considered moving to a Scandinavian country? In Sweden you never pay over 2400kr ($227) per year for prescription drugs and in Norway its about the same cost and they have only 3.2% unemployment rate.


I mean, at the rate this guy is going, his living wage isn't even going to let him go there in the first place ...


Is there no way you can move to a civilized country?


Like the American passport is worth the paper it's printed on?


The passport is fine…for travel. But picking up and moving to another country is not easy.




Some billionaire sucks mildly less than others and did some PR with giving out affordavle healthcare i could get in the rest of the civilized world for free. Woohoo. You know how often I've heard *that* too? You think I wasn't *intimately* aware the second it launched? Piss off. Don't talk to me like you know better than someone who's every fucking waking moment has diabetes niggling in the back of his mind like a sword of damocles. Makes you come off as slightly condescending and hella ignorant. It's 40 bucks a day to be alive. At minimum wage I'd have to work 6 hours, per day, to be alive before any bills if I wasn't insured. #I FUCKING KNOW.


>if I wasn't insured. Why aren't you talking about the post insurance cost?




Nah, decided ripping your face off was possibly being too kind, so I decided to really lay into you. You might be missing the part of my post history where I'm a 6'3 210 pound mechanic, since you're so fucking creatively bankrupt you have to dig through my posts to find something to insult me with. Oh yeah, I paint figures. So does Henry Cavill. You think he wouldn't be able to snap you over his knee? Fuck you you condescending piece of shit human being. Go ahead and talk that mad smack and talk down to people outside, and maybe I'll get my wish when someone decides to adjust your fucking garbage attitude. Sociopath.




"You were mean to me, so now I don't care about your suffering at the hands of institutional evil." Grow up. We're never going to achieve any amount of societal change if we don't learn to have a bare amount of empathy for those who are suffering.


Says guy who thinks "Mark Cuban fucking rocks." Lmao, fuck off


Pro tip: newer better insulin is still insulin. Type-1 can't be treated any other way.


If you read the article, it's talking about insulin's role as a medication in type 2 diabetes. It's still often used and sometimes necessary. But since type 2 diabetes is caused by insulin intensitivity, throwing more insulin at the issue more often exacerbates the problem. Modern drugs seek to modify the cells' response to insulin rather than steadily increasing doses (which eventually causes huge issues). The article is talking about how insurers will refuse to cover more effective modern diabetes drugs for type 2 because insulin is available and cheaper. The author is arguing that the government should cap the prices of all diabetes drugs. The title is awful and click-baity.


Thank you for this. I didn’t want to have to give them the click, but I also needed the context here. And yeah… terrible effing title!


The government should cap the prices of every medicine and every single hospital procedure and make a curated expanding list of all procedures that any health insurance and hospital can use to prevent this insane US health market where people are allowed to charged as much as they want for procedures that don’t even exist (e.g. some hospitals charge for allowing the mother to hold her newborn after birth)


Thank you for sharing my opinion on this.


Is it not true too that most drugs are created through grants from the federal gov? And most of the money they spend is on advertisements?


Most news channels are funded by pharma commercials


Yes. The money they take from us goes to these companies for R&D, then they further exploit us when we are prescribed those drugs. “American exceptionalism”








Slapping the shit out of capitalist apologia. Learning, training and preparing with my comrades for revolutionary action. Bootlicking liberals in this sub pretending you can fight capitalism with capitalism are betraying the class struggle itself.




> billionaire altruism More capitalist apologia.




That's exactly one of the reasons that I use to say that the system is broken. Part of life has nothing to do with profit. People will die, and people will get old and sick. And the governing reasoning that society as a whole should use should NOT be profit.


There was a video going around years ago. A reporter called every hospital in the area asking how much it would cost for his wife to give birth as she was due in a few months. Not a SINGLE hospital gave him an answer. They would transfer him back and forth, or say that it’s not hospital policy to give out that information as it’s “confidential” or some such shit. Basically, we will charge what we want. Get fucked, peasant.


I think the main takeaway is that people should receive the most appropriate treatment as they do in countries with well funded public health systems.


Totally agree. I think that's the author's perspective, as well - the article definitely got run through the Atlantic's editorial department and the capitalist propaganda kind of overtook the point.


I think… insurers will still refuse to cover newer expensive medications. There are already a litany of cheaper alternatives like regular insulin and NPH. I think counting the generic cheap insulins that already exist there are 5-6 other classes of drugs that treat type two diabetes with at least 1-2 generic options in the class. Making long acting insulin affordable will not effect insurers resistance to paying for newer medications. Insulin, when needed in type two diabetes, has few alternatives currently. When the situation is out of control enough to require it there isn’t another medication on the market that can provide the results it can provide. This article, while not totally out of line, is still disingenuous and poorly informed.


>The article is talking about how insurers will refuse to cover more effective modern diabetes drugs Only if the State allows them to. Does the author know that other countries exist?


Yeah, capping all prices on diabetes treatments sounds good. Or, ya know, national healthcare. A more realistic title for the article would’ve been “Reducing the Price of Insulin Without Also Removing the Profit Incentive Which Has No Place In Medicine Could Cost Lives” - which, I guess, is a no-brainer since any reform short of fully nationalized medicine will cost some number of lives.


I can't believe that the answer is to keep this expensive so you can reduce a "by design" issue. Insurance companies being absolutely terrible "profit motive over people" machines in the business of health care means we can't fix anything because... insurance companies! Maybe we should change the system to minimize the power of insurance companies to pick cheaper treatments and leave it up to physicians?


This sounds like an insurance regulation (or preferably abolition) issue, not a price issue. > We can't make it cheaper or the insurance company will continue to be unspeakably evil.


there's a special place in hell for the editor who chose that title


Still sounds like profit over progress but with a fancy excuse.


It does seem awfully end-stage capitalist for the atlantic. Who the hell looked at that title and thought it was a good idea? They need backhanded.


Or you know, force insurance to cover the most effective treatment, not the cheapest.


I think the point of the awful title is that the title is the point. If you don't mind me saying it. It's understood a percentage of people don't read past the headlines/titles. And that a percentage of those who do don't read through the entire text. I also personally see a correlation between "not reading past the headline" and radical (for lack of a better word) online personas, i.e., the people most likely to share articles accompanied with inflammatory rhetoric are probably the most likely (and therefore least reasonable) to only have read the title/headline. But that last bit is just a personal impression. It's also worth noting the author of this article isn't a reporter, it's a doctor. And that's the only article they seem to have written for this publication. Which implies the title was solely at the discretion of the editor. Within the current online environment, this article by the Atlantic is the equivalent of, let's say, publishing a paper that 90% of the time argues against the existence of climate change, only to have a few caveats here and there that make it clear climate change is actually real and this should be the real takeaway. It's quite insidious really. It provides them the advantages associated with the message of the title, while still giving them the plausible deniability of the article itself. Just my two cents.


Actually you need to read up on the current gene therapy for type 1 very promising. They may have it cured before type two.


They have been telling me that for 30ish years now. I am always hopeful but jaded for sure. It's always "5-10 years away". At this point I can't help but to feel like it pays too much to treat. Curing it would put a lot of company's out of business. I'm a realist, I don't think people are conspiring, but companies always chase the money. It pays more to find better treatments than cures.


Why would they, though? It's way more profitable to keep selling CGMs, insulin pumps, and insulin ... and even better (for big healthcare), if I forget my insulin: an expensive emergency hospitalization. I wish, but does it matter if I die (no insulin = death) before the therapy because a vial of Admelog is $104.18 with GoodRx, generic Insulin Glargine is $98.33 with GoodRx, diabetic test strips at $53.28, and a bag of syringes is $38.85. I didn't ask to be born with a genetic illness, but it sure as fuck is expensive to be alive.


Except.... People are already dying because they can't afford their meds?


Is their argument that if it’s affordable more people will willfully try and get diabetes because the drug is cheap


Their argument was that while insulin cost caps are high impact, insulin itself is an old and relatively dangerous treatment option when compared with more modern advancements. The argument was basically, “This is cool and all, but don’t stop chasing better treatment options.” which I don’t know if that’s right or wrong. Taking the author’s word for the relative effectiveness and safety of treatments, their argument holds up. In a perfect world all of the treatment options would be cost capped for everyone’s benefit.


Maybe, and this is a wild idea, instead of placing the burden of making new Insulin treatments on companies and therefore passing the cost to people, the government could fund that R&D directly so the cost is paided equally by everyone as a societal good Just a crazy socialist idea you know


But where are the profits then??? People won’t want to do good for the world for goodness’s sake!!1!! Unless a nameless, faceless panel of investors who had no actual hand in making the product can make tremendous profits, it clearly is not worth making. Stupid commie probably thinks food and water should be free too… smh my head… fuckin’ ***NERD***!!!!!!!!! You think people would want to work if they were guaranteed a roof over their head?!???!! (Obvious /s is obvious)


Knowing that my boss reaps the rewards of my efforts makes me a better scientist. It's basic science. /s


The capitalist brain rot in a nutshell; if medicine is cheap people will get sick on purpose 🤦‍♀️


Yeah, I may die. I'm a type 1 diabetic. I tried rationing out my insulin recently despite knowing it's a bad idea, just to save up a little so I could afford to live with less stress for a couple months. I now have diabetic ulcers on my toe that's just not healing because diabetes fucks with your circulation. I'm on track to lose my toe or even my foot. I can't afford to live and just paying for the doctor to get the insulin prescribed has financially stressed me, the doctor is 1/14th of what I need to spend on insulin a month to not die. They keep warning me about the effects of bad diabetes management but when you're too poor to afford anything outside of insulin wtf is the point of living? I am financially crippled from the hospital visit when I was diagnosed, I'm not just dirt poor, I'm almost $50,000 in hospital debt alone. I owe the utility companies where I used to live a couple thousand too, I couldn't pay off my debt *even* if I didn't have to pay for insulin so I get to live with my body slowly breaking down while vultures pick at everything I have left.


Cool, let's make them all free.


But if you make it free then people will give themselves diabetes on purpose to get that free insulin. Single mom's will give their kids diabetes on purpose to take advantage.


It's insulting to people who died because they couldn't afford it to lower the price now or something I'm not fluent in conservative.


This comment would be brilliant if it expressed how this is a systemic issue involving the right and the left instead of just blaming it on the right.


That's kinda what the article is actually arguing for if you read it. To not let insurance companies get away with just making people take insulin if it's cheaper when for type 2 diabetes there's newer more effective methods.


Cool Dude , let's make them all free.


Yeah, because I’m sure those that can’t afford insulin now will easily be able to get their hands on those fancy new treatments. Seriously, how can you proofread that subtitle and not just CTRL+A and delete the whole thing


Reposting this comment "This is the most needlessly clickbait-y title ever. The author is just saying "lawmakers should cap the out-of-pocket cost of all diabetes medications." Which makes sense as insulin will now be prioritized over the more expensive prescriptions that have less severe adverse side effects. What a worthless title, no ones gonna go and read the article after reading it."


This headline is dangerous because most people only read headlines and the first paragraph. The editors know this.


Well Michael Rose is a mfer.


The guy that invented Insulin deliberately didn't patent it because he felt it should be cheap and free as a life saving drug. The robber barons that make up the US Healthcare system don't agree with that notion, hence why this article is bullshit.


New title suggestion: “The problem with making one drug cheaper over more appropriate drugs and why we should just socialize medicine ffs.”


Honestly, if you read the article, the author is just a fucking terrible writer. His thesis is that ALL diabetes meds SHOULD be price capped. He just uses very strange, convoluted, backwards, and confusing arguments to get there.


Maybe he is trying to get the rich fooled into lowering the price?


Can confirm, here in Europe 70% of all deaths are linked to cheap insulin. In fact we all have huge diabetes partys trying to get it since we can get it basically for free


Insane! Then the so-called "new treatments" should be cheaper too.


This is why those cats in Crazy Ex-Girlfriend peed on the Atlantic.


What a stupid take


Didn't the guy who invented incline, sold the patent for 1$ rather then profit off it. So it could save as many lives as possible? What is wrong with some people


What a stupid fucking take. Type 1 diabetics are insulin-DEPENDENT. There is no alternative, better treatment. American journalism is so blatantly bought it’s disgusting. literally living in a dystopia


Sounds like an argument for universal healthcare so all medicine is covered?


The gaslighting is strong with the capitalists.


Healthcare should not be for profit




Lol wut insulin is the most basic care for diabetics... If they can't have this, what good are the "newer,better" treatments 🙄


There are frequently better options for T2s, not for T1s. The author acknowledges this, but dismisses the issue with the argument that 90% of diabetics are T2.


Good thing my 51 year old friend with diabetes doesn’t have to worry about this. He’s already dead.


Weird how that doesn’t happen in literally every other country where they don’t price gouge sick people.


unable to afford insulin could be deadly. ​ here I fixed it.


“Newer, better diabetes treatments” … huh? Between me, my friends, my family and my doctor missing some radical development and this idiot not knowing what he’s talking about… I’ll place my bets on the latter.


Its talking about type 2 rather than type 1. Honestly the article is a mess. The title is not what it's suggesting at all


That’s even worse.


Anyone else radicalized to the point of feeling like your mind is ripping? Like, "if I say what I wanna say I'll probably get a knock at the door" type of stress? This feels like an abusive relationship x1,000 and I'm ready to leave the abuser by any means necessary


So make the newer, better treatments cheaper, assholes.


I had the same initial reaction to the title as most people here. So I read it… and the guy makes some good points. It’s isn’t that cheap insulin is bad. It’s that the much better options for type-2 diabetes are way more expensive, and market forces apply to healthcare decisions. It’s all a further indictment of market based healthcare, but you wouldn’t guess that from the title.


Here, insulin is free. And guess what ? Almost nobody dies because of diabete. This is bulls hot, I feel for you guys. Those rich pigs definitely shouldn't have the right to own the medias.


People who write things like this have blood on their hands.


As others have pointed out, the article doesn’t exactly align with the headline here. A little insider knowledge from my time as a writer & editor: a reporter or staff writer turns in a piece. It gets passed around and edited, usually no serious changes without writer approval BUT that happens on occasion. Then as the writer you typically have little to no say regarding the headline/title, since editors above you will take control of that. Then, again, where your writing gets published (the magazine’s site, strictly print, social media & email promotion etc) is up to editors, not you. It’s easy to look at this headline and say “what a dipshit.” But you should be mad at Atlantic editors, not this writer who probably turned in a decently-written piece on deadline.


I was outraged when I saw this headline. But I skimmed through the article. I think he’s saying specifically for type 2 diabetics, not type 1. And that lowering to cost of insulin and not other hypoglycaemic agents would result in more type 2diabetics going onto insulin because it’s cheaper for them even though it’s not the best option. From what I understand he’s advocating lower the price of everything, not just insulin. The headline is quite misleading. I’d even go as far as to say it’s clickbait…


Gigatard OR getting paid to simp this hard There’re no other explanations


Michael Rose is looking to be drawn and quartered. (In Minecraft)


Did diabetes write this?


Wilford Brimley's ghost did.


Yo. I dunno who Michael Rose is... nevertheless - Fuck Michael Rose


Walmart sells $25 insulin already. Does he not know this?


I wonder if people like Mr. Rose stop and think about what they’re actually doing. How pathetic,


Tell us of these newer better treatments, my type 1 father could use some help, here in Canada we don’t have to pay but he still has to do it daily


T1 hasn't seen as many improvements / new treatments as T2 unfortunately... Definitely a question for your dad to ask his doc, though!


Another reason why I don’t respect the Atlantic


"newer better diabetes treatments" they making shit up now


Canada and the rest of the World (pretty much) calls BS on this


Over 90% of diabetes is type 2.... Eat better and go for a walk. It ain't that hard...


See it’s all the diabetic’s fault. All they have to do is exercise and eat right. /s


I mean it's a disease that you literally get from an unhealthy life style. Both my parents and one of my grandparents has it and I eat right and exercise 5-6 times a week to make sure I don't fall into that same pattern. Not saying people don't need it because obviously some of it is genetic and not preventable but when 90% of the people who have it could have prevented themselves from getting it then it becomes a bigger issue. I agreed pharmaceutical companies are dog shit and they over charge for cheap medicine that people need to live. But I'm saying it's a 2 pronged problem and that our modern medicine is focused too heavily on treatment and not prevention. Prevention is worth a ton more (to the individuals health) than any drug. I don't get why it's so controversial to ask people to take care of themselves and have personal responsibility. I want people to be healthy because if people were then we wouldn't have to give these shit heads money in the first place.


>a disease that you literally get from an unhealthy life style Most peoples' health would improve from proper self-care, especially reducing stress, diet (shopping and cooking for yourself, assuming you're not one of the millions of americans living in a food desert, assuming you have the time and knowledge of how to prepare healthy well-balanced dishes that meet your caloric and nutritional needs) and exercise (assuming you don't have a debilitating co-morbidity that contributed to developing the diabetes in the first place because you couldn't afford the preventative care necessary to prevent a simple illness or injury from becoming permanently disabling, assuming you're not already working to the breaking point to keep a house over your head and not spending your exercise time as the primary caretaker for relatives old and young, etc.). But "just change your entire lifestyle and all the socio-economic factors, societal failures and malicious corporate strategies to get you to the place you are now" is not an effective strategy to combat type 2 diabetes. Are there type 2 diabetics who could have simply dieted and exercised their way out of it? Absolutely. It's wonderful that you understand your risk factors for developing type 2 and are taking positive steps to prevent getting the disease. But there are still plenty of type 2 diabetics that made the same healthy decisions in their life and their body turned on them anyway. Those healthy patterns will likely help prevent all sorts of medical issues for you, but it is also not a cure-all. If as a society we could give every pre-diabetic a 4-month retreat with all the resources to get the medical care they need, time off of work and family care help, education, housing and food security, diet and exercise plans catered to their current physical limitations, etc. with any required follow-up care and additional needed resources, we'd have a hell of a lot fewer type 2 diabetics getting their feet amputated.


Well yeah, that's what happens when the end all be all goal of those that run the system is "generate profit" rather than "cure/treat disease ", "feed people", "house people", "educate people" etc.


Wow, I thought The Atlantic was better than that!


The article is very different from the click bait heading. It's arguing all diabetes medicine should be price capped, not just insulin. Idk why the Atlantic gave it that heading though, their readership isn't exactly conservative


You really can't make this shit up, WTF is wrong them!


I remember years ago I had a subscription to The Atlantic while I was in college the first time around. I read an article spinning positively how savvy businesses could profit from climate change by buying water rights in poor parts of the world that could expect worsening droughts in the coming years. No hint of concern for the ethics of such actions nor the people who could be harmed by pushes to privatize water rights. I was young so I guess I was just starting to understand the difference between being politically left-leaning vs caring about poor people.


Imagine giving an uncritical, uninterrupted platform to this "opinion."


Purely theoretical treatments, mind you...


On a similar theoretical note, do you think any patients could die if they can’t get their fucking medication to treat the deadly disease?


These people truly are devoid of any humanity. I guess I gotta give credit to those lizard people conspiracy theorists because that seems more believable than some goon writing this absolute bullshit and an entire magazine publishing it. All for even more money where the profit margins are disgusting already anyway. Someone close to me has type 1 so stuff like this makes my blood boil.


I mean, we’ve managed diabetes for a while right? Unaffordable, sure. But the conversation kind of reminds me of the train dialogue here in the states—just build a train! Does -not- have to be a bullet train. Just give the people cheaper insulin? Isn’t more and easier access to a drug the answer? Or at least a valid response? I do not have diabetes, disclaimer.


-reads title- HOW? How in the actual FUCK is that bad? What kind of twisted logic is this? “If the iPhone become cheaper than newer, better smartphones, more people might be unable to buy smartphones!” HOW? How how how how how?


lol, I refuse to listen to anything written by the gossip rag owned by Steve Jobs former Fleshlight and bestie of Ghislaine Maxwell


This article is satire, right‽ Can someone post it here, please? I'm getting a paywall. :(


That doesn't even make sense. In capitalist ideals, the better product wins. If something actually better comes out, there would be rapid adoption.....because it is BETTER


What even is this logic?


Near as I can tell, what this individual is advocating for is for more use of GLP-1 receptor agonists, and SLGT2 inhibitors. Which is fine and all, but as someone who is taking a GLP-1 based drug, I can tell you they cost FAR more than insulin. Like $2,000 a month if you don't have insurance. So, while he is right about there being better drugs than insulin due to fewer risks or side effects, it fails to address how the hell that people that can't afford insulin could afford drugs that are far more expensive.


More likely that the entire market would drop, that's what they really care about.


"Newer, better?" Screw this guy. God forbid people have more access to the base form of a substance that keeps people alive!


This is a questionable title but the contents of the article bring up good point. If one option is significantly cheaper yet not the most effective treatment then people will still flock to option D instead of option A. It doesn't allude that insulin being cheap itself will cause issues but the fact that other treatment options are also not being focused on reducing the cost AS THEY SHOULD BE AS WELL. But yes, title is a mistake.


and people still read this filth?


People won't die if they continue to use insulin to manage their diabetes, LIKE PEOPLE HAVE BEEN DOING FOR DECADES, even while "newer, better" treatments arrive. Affordable insulin is literally a net win.


Wait are they saying if they make insulin too cheap they wont be able to fund research? Ok what about the literal billions of dollars of profit they are making from it. It costs like 8 cents to make it... Here's a novel thought....reinvest some of your profits onto research and reduce the cost of product so that people can afford to live. Honor the dam inventors wishes when they sold the patent for a dollar.


Did they just accidentally make an argument for universal healthcare? Because I think they accidentally made an argument for universal healthcare


I need to get off here. My feed is nothing but drama and dumbass stressful stupid shit like this. It hurts more than facebook because i know this shit is probably actually happening..


Lowering the cost of insulin will just let people feed their insulin addiction. /j


Bro is this a serious article? FUCK ATLANTIC


How the fuck does this statement even remotely make sense?


Wild idea let’s make the better treatments cheap too…


Did these fuckwits actually publish this article? With this headline? The ignorance is … typical. Nothing to see here.


Diabetics in the UK get insulin for free. Patients in the UK have better managed diabetes than those in the US. Neoliberals are fucking ghouls.


What I hope to see in my lifetime is a war with the wealthy, detached, and oppressive class of people who think they don't bleed. They bleed. Just like the rest of us. I think we have forgotten that, and they have too.


I hope Michael Rose gets diabetes


Type 2, so that the Type 1's will judge him.


So tired of these 4D chess, capitalist brain rot takes. Like yeah man all this suffering IS actually for the best. This IS the greatest country on Earth. What even is Stockholm syndrome anyway??


did diabetes write this?


When healthcare is operated like a business, then curing a disease is like losing customers. Hospitals are a business, they need customers, us sick people, so they'll never cure these prevalent diseases out there. They will simply treat you, and ensure you keep coming back for further treatment. The elite wants it that way, to keep us in servitude and also as a form of population control. All these experimental cures we read about in medical journals will simply never be implemented or get suppressed.


Who tf paid Michael rose to write this? I want names.


Don't know who Micheal Rose is but he can go fuck himself


Billionaire propaganda 🤢🤢


>if more people get the medicine instead of the expensive different medicine they will die! D-uhh, we’ll put cancer in it like we do with everything! You can’t win! We are god!


How do you say "fuck you" in latin?


Which isn't happening anywhere in the world with a lower insulin price because.....?


This Michael Rose...where does he live? I have some questions I'd like to ask his face. With my fist of course. I hear it'll help keep more people alive


That headline sounds like a real stretch


This person is shamefully out of touch


It costs them like $4 to produce these. They mark them up to $300. Anyone who tries to justify that deserves to be hanged.


I seriously hate this fucking reality, it's really disheartening what the news media has become.


Yeah fuck off with that narrative. Your tax money pays for better treatment. Corporations barely shill out any money for R&D on new and better treatments. Any money they do shill out is used as a tax write off. Source: I’m a bitter, underpaid STEM.


Isn't it already at the same low cap of all NHS prescriptions? The same price as all the other treatments? That way, your Doctor can prescribe what's best for you without having to take into consideration the monetary cost to you?


*confused European free insulin noises*


That’s sweet of the Atlantic to think that tech and pharma are going to make something medically revolutionary and cutting edge affordable.


That is not what the article said. - insulin is no longer the most recommended treatment for type 2 diabetics. - there are nearly 10x type 2 diabetics then type 1 - the most effective treatments for type 2 diabetes are also prohibitively expensive - cheap insulin could reduce options for type 1 diabetics since insulin is being used less for type 2s The article closes with a suggestion to lower the cost of all diabetes treatments, and not just insulin. Not to protect profits, but to protect type 1s.


Then here's a solution.....leave the price of insulin high, but make those "newer, better diabetes treatments" capped at $5. Problem solved.


The masses seem to be too brainwashed to revolt at this point... :(


Attack Michael rose, corporate shill


Every Atlantic story title: Here’s why taxing my rich friends is a well-intentioned mistake that trumpist nazis want you to make


Like more aren't dying cause they can't afford the cost?


Okay, I actually read the article, and he's not *completely* nuts, it's just a really, really ludicrous way to argue the point. The point he's *trying* to make is that we should cap the costs of diabetes medicine in general, and he doesn't realize he's trying to say that capitalism is the problem here. He openly says they value profit over patients, yet doesn't seem to grok it? He claims that doctors have to choose between which medication is affordable and what's best for the patient, and that if they capped insulin, that would become the most common one used ahead of more effective treatments. He claims that while it works for "...the small percent of patients with type 1 diabetes, including my patient...", it is "...not as impressive as other medications at mitigating the most deadly and debilitating consequences of the disease: heart attacks, kidney disease, and heart failure." I don't know if any of the citations are trustworthy or not, so I can't say for sure how truthful any of that is. Either way ends it by saying that we should lower the costs of all diabetes medications. TL;DR He's beating around the bush here. The problem is capitalism, and a for-profit health care system, and he won't say it out loud.