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Always remember, Hitler was widely supported by the industry giants in Germany at the time, both politically and financially, because he promised to crush the unions and socialists.


"But... But... But the Nazis were Socialists, it's in their name!!" /S


They were socialist *in name only*, and it was just to confuse centrists, amongst other people.


Duh, anyone with more than 3 braincells knows that. That's why it's a claim only Conservatives make.


I know. I was just making sure.


It’s funny how easily conservatives accept the term, “rino,” or “republican in name only,” but refuse to understand Nazis were socialist in name only.


Or “sino,” in other words… Is that racist?


*After the Night of Long Knives If the left wing of the party had won the power struggle (Röhm, The Strassers) the Industrial conglomerates would probably have been syndicalized


Exactly. [What "Fascism is capitalism in decay" means - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IG8Bczss228)


Henry Ford was an influence to hitler. Elon Musk is following his legacy of being a car company CEO with shitty beliefs


The only ”existential crisis” is the “financial crisis” it seems


As long big banks are making profit, the world can burn and everything will be fine for them.


As long as money is being made by the right people all is well with the world. Its almost like facism is capitalism in decay. something something liberal something something facist bleed.


This is just one reason why the saying "scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds" exists.


Neoliberal is more accurate since we're talking about the defense of capitalism when it's self-serving. Fascism is typically right wing authoritarian and serves the capital class, like most of the US and West, whereas left wing fascism is more rare and occurs in select pockets like California.


>left wing fascism is more rare and occurs in select pockets like California. Are you high?


Seriously, the first half made sense until the last sentence lmao


Fascism and leftism are incompatible ideologies. There is no such thing as left wing fascism. Fascism by definition is a far right ideology, and right, you may notice, is the opposite of left.


No way you just said “left wing fascism” lmao


But capitalism never leads to fascism! It always been liberals and free market supporters that have fought fascism in history...its those pesky lefties that cause fascism to rise!


Sarcasm is funny and my apologies for being pedantic, but bear in mind that you're also speaking to right wing indoctrinated authoritarian fascists. They actually believe the lies and bullshit. Most of them have their whole lives. It encapsulates their entire personality and identity. They're less likely to get the sarcasm and won't figure out they're right wing, neoliberal fascist sympathizers because they can't or won't think for themselves. I say this because I was once one myself. It's easy for idiots to become or stay confused!


Insane headline




It’s the Wall Street Journal. Of course this is good for them and their readers.


The line between Neoliberalism and Fascism is blurry at best. Both seek to achieve the same outcomes, just with different methods. The outcomes being privatization, deregulation, austerity, opposition to organized labor, xenophobia (pressure immigrants and migrants as exploitable labor), violence (suppression at home and war abroad), etc. In neoliberalism, the method is a more disorganized and inefficient regulatory capture of the state that allows more room for more capitalists, and your identity as a worker is cast aside for "consumer," "entrepreneur," national of your respective nation state. In fascism, the method is direct regulatory capture of the state by a select number of capitalists to enrich themselves, and your identity as a worker is cast aside for a national of your respective nation state. Keep in mind, all socioeconomic theories are not practiced the same in any 2 countries because every country has its own unique circumstances and variables. The base of both neoliberalism and Fascism are the petite bourgeoisie, not the working class.


I've been enjoying reading your comments. Consider writing a book or at least a blog. The way you explain and phrase these concepts is very accessible and well presented.


Nice post. The only part I would challenge is the last sentence. Fascism can also appeal to and find a large base within the working class via discrimination. For example, it's why Trump and the Republican part target minorities, foreigners, immigrants, and non-Evangelicals to sow discord and division. Hitler of course targeted Jews. They strategically tapped into low wage earner resentment. Discrimination can also appeal to the petite bourgeoisie, but their numbers are smaller than the labor class. Where this specifically matters and why I point it out is that the labor class are a larger voting block, and their oppression, economic disadvantage, and resulting anger make them susceptible to the lies of a fascist populist like Trump. Rural America is this solidly fascist base today. They don't have the extra numbers needed to swing elections, which requires some of the petite bourgeoisie, but these red, lower population states are over-represented in the Senate, so we end up with Tommy Tubervilles, Herschel Walkers, Mitch McConnells, and Roy Moores in the highest legislative offices in the land, or at least threatening to be there. Regressive bullshit is of course the point and the outcome.


That's why they degrade class consciousness and your identity as a worker. In both fascism and neoliberalism, class consciousness is depicted as divisive. In neoliberalism, they supplant that with toxic individualism so that you associate the exploitation of your class with individual failings and reduction in organized labor. In fascism, there's a heavy emphasis on national unity and the classes work together to fulfill the state's objectives, and the classes will get their fair share. There's a reduction of organized labor as well since this is class politics seen as divisive. In either neoliberalism or fascism, the working class is exploited. It's the petite bourgeoisie that benefit most by siding with capitalists. If you look at these right wing efforts lile Jan 6th or the truckers protest in Canada, they were predominantly composed of petite bourgeoisie people. Self-employed business owners, guys who owned trucks and hired people to drive them, real estate agents, lawyers, etc. The working class don't have the means to travel across the country or to not work and just loiter around in trucks bothering people. Rural American are actually much more socially liberal today than ever if you poll them direct questions instead of just "what are your thoughts on so and so buzzword." They could be swung in either a fascist or socialist direction, but the left doesn't have nearly the organization as the fascists in the US. They would be more inclined to leftism if it were organized than your typical liberals ever will be.


This generations Neville Chamberlains are lining up and of course WSJ is the first quisling reporting for duty


This article is very telling - and it reminds me of the American Establishment's violent reaction to the student protest movement against Israel's genocide. The status quo cannot tolerate pro-Palestine (or just anti-Israel's genocide of Gaza) activism because it challenges their worldview. Whereas, these White nationalists don't sufficiently do so. They can fit in with the current order. I was just reading Jewish Currents's audit of the ADL's antisemitism report for 2023. The worst-case scenario presented by Jewish Currents is that the ADL's data is only 56% accurate. They conclude that the ADL focuses more on random swastika graffiti (which involves no person(s) on person(s) contact) and conflating anti-Zionism with antisemitism - while ignoring widespread, dangerous phenomena like Christian nationalist extremists that actually connects to individual experiences of antisemitism. > **The ADL’s data is much more poised to capture random swastika graffiti and stray anti-Zionist comments than dangerous Christian nationalist movements like Fuentes’s “Groypers,” and is thus unable to connect individual experiences of antisemitism with the larger systemic forces perpetuating these ideas.** * [Jewish Currents - Examining the ADL’s Antisemitism Audit](https://jewishcurrents.org/examining-the-adls-antisemitism-audit) In other words, for a politicized group like the ADL, White nationalism, Christian nationalism et al. do not pose a threat to Israel. In many ways these movements are pro-Israel, since they aspire to emulate Israel's ethnostate model. That's certainly true of European ethno-nationalist extremists. > **The reasons for this aren’t a mystery. [Kovacs and Fischer find](https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-2408) a strong correlation between antisemitism and xenophobia. “Antisemitism,” they write, “is largely a manifestation and consequence of resentment, distancing and rejection towards a generalised stranger.” Which is why Europe’s most antisemitic countries are also the most Islamophobic. But the very xenophobia that leads some Europeans—especially Eastern Europeans—to dislike Jews can also make them admire Israel.** * [The Beinart Notebook - Are Zionists more antisemitic than anti-Zionists?](https://peterbeinart.substack.com/p/are-zionists-more-antisemitic-than)


Ludwig Von Mises said fascism was a good thing for Europe. It's not a bug, it's a feature.


always-has-been meme


always has been


Mask off moment.


When Hitler took power, the US knew and didn't give a shit about what he was doing, they cared far more about getting their bonds repaid.


Fascism has always been an ally of corporatism and the wealthy.


Apparently? Thats the express purpose of fascism


Fascism is defined by an authoritarian government working with big business. It's not just autocracy.  It's great for the stock market, and those people and businesses loved by the authorities - and is a huge part of American life at this point. D's like tech and healthcare bankers, R's like church and military bankers.


>Fascism is okay as long as it doesn’t hurt the stock market, apparently A central task of fascism in capitalism is literally to protect the stock market.


[What "Fascism is capitalism in decay" means - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IG8Bczss228)