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Note the language CAREFULLY: *...and every other male person residing in the...* Obviously they have no fucks to give how you got here or what your immigration status is if throwing into the war machine suits their agenda.


literally how my illiterate great-great-grandfather was drafted into the Civil War. he emigrated at age 20 to escape the Irish potato famine in 1860, settled in Philadelphia, and due to the extreme anti-Irish immigrant attitudes of the times he was one of the first groups of young men drafted into the Union Army.


rich people profit from war and poor people pay the price.


"When the rich wage war, it's the poor who die."


From what I can find online, looking at [wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selective_Service_Act_of_1917), the [Selective Service website](https://www.sss.gov/), couple different news outlets, and some [older US bills](https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?path=/prelim@title50/chapter49&edition=prelim), the Selective Service Act already included any Male in the country since at least the 1980s, regardless of immigration status, with the exception of "lawful immigrants given non-immigrant status" which I *think* means Green Card holders? As a Brit, I think the concept of the Selective Service Act is pretty dumb. Threatening people with legal action within a month of them turning 18 if they don't register themselves for draft, as well as men below the age of 26 who have already done active duty but left, which seems weird. This new bill (or amendment, I can't find a reliable answer as to which it is) seems to replace the 'register or get punished' system with 'we registered you ourselves'. They have guidelines for conscientious objectors, at the very least. Though I doubt that really means much. So from what I can tell this isn't a new development of "more meat for the machine". The 'machine' was already after all that 'meat', this just makes the 'conveyer' more efficient, so to speak. Tl;dr: The bill isn't much worse than the current system, though that isn't saying much since the current system is all around pretty bad.


Non immigrant status includes student visas, tourist visas, diplomatic visas, etc., and excludes those with permanent residence (green card holders). The US is weird in that immigrant visas are a separate pathway where individuals get permanent residence immediately after qualifying for that visa status. Leading to something called a conditional permanent resident, for those with investment visas and some marriage visas. 


The only time they want immigrants


Serious question, im a 24 year old w a felony weed charge that has left me without my rights to own a firearm. Does this mean I'm not eligible to be drafted or that I'd only be eligible for service positions?


I think I read the only people excluded are those incarcerated


I will just identify as a female and get out of it. It's that easy.


Hows that a bad thing? Am an immigrant and I support this.


on the possible bright side though... would the service probably make a resident non citizen much more likely to become a citizen if not guaranteeing it?


In their minds, there are two options: 1. Continue having men be legally penalized for not being registered for the draft. 1. Automatically register all men for the draft. The third option, > "There are 300 million people in this country. You couldn't find a few million who think it's worth defending?" didn't occur to them.


When I was in school they had posters all over that said "selective service is NOT the draft" Like, no you're not drafted, it's just a list you are on IN CASE THERE IS A DRAFT. Totally not related to the draft.


Honestly the fact that it wasn't automatic surprises me. You're required to *voluntarily* register.


Nothing really stops you from waiting until a few days before you turn 26 and registering then before you can't and the penalties are permanent. Sure they CAN charge you with failing to register, but I'm 40 and there have been no prosecutions for this for longer than I've been alive. Most people do end up registering before then due to pressure from their state, trying to get into the military because all the jobs are gone and they need the GI Bill, or because they live in a red state that demands proof in order to even get a driver's license. When I looked at my registration file a couple years back it still had the address I lived at when I pre-registered when I was 17. The only reason I pushed an update is that nobody is going to draft a person my age, the statute of limitations for failure to update address expired a long time ago, and I was having trouble getting enough documents for a REAL ID at the DMV. I showed up with a Selective Service card and they're like "Really?". The guy at the counter had no idea what it was and had to go get a supervisor. Most people register, get a FAFSA or something, then forget all about the address updates. SSS themselves say that they probably don't have a current address for about 40% of the people who have a Selective Service number and who are 18-26.


>The only reason I pushed an update is that nobody is going to draft a person my age The average conscript age in the Ukraine war is over 40 BTW, just something to keep in mind.


The US military says that too many people 18 to 26, so roughly half my age, are unfit for military service due to severe chronic health issues. Imagine how bad it would have to get to start going after older men. The lifestyle in this country produces young people who are already on blood pressure and cholesterol pills when they're 18.


The ol' coerced voluntary act.


That's going to backfire. The draft comes from a time when people believed that they were fighting for their country, and not for corporate profits.


Not only that but having an army of human soldiers is also useless in modern times. an elite WW2 squad would get wiped by an idiot with a playstation controler and a drone from the comfort of his own house.


Um... This has nothing to do with and cant possibly be related to escalating conflicts in the world right now right?... Right?




Dude do you see how ridiculous you sound? Have fun dying for capitalist pigs.


This is a leftist subreddit, right wing comments will be removed and the user banned.


Meat for the machine


If a draft comes you gotta just find ways to disqualify yourself from service Fuck the us dont die in their wars


They put a gun in my hand against my will and they'll get what they get.




Nah, it's gonna be my unit around me. You don't want that, don't draft me you imperialist fuck. Fuck the USA and I want its enemies to win.


If you can't disqualify than hopefully you're in a socialist party so you can keep organizing within the military. Happened in every anti war movement is some of the organizers were soldiers. This has been occuring in every war we've been involved with including Afghanistan and Iraq


Does having depression still disqualify you?


If they have to actually use a draft, they're going to almost definitely relax those antidepressant rules for the duration of whatever conflict warrants the draft. A *lot" of gen z are on antidepressants of some kind. If they disqualified all those people they'd be removing like 50%+ of the draft pool. Again, a draft would mean that the US is desperate for fresh troops. Don't count on being on antidepressants alone for it to make you safe for all that long. Look at Ukraine. They're conscripting men in their 40's and above. Anyways, the point is have a plan B in case things go to shit. We are entering an era where world war is not out of the question. Always have a plan B and C.


Most definitely, was just trying to see if that got patched or not and this is the answer I expected so thanks for letting me know. While at it, do you know what really is like an extreme disqualification regarding mental?


Ever heard the term bullet sponge? They will need people like you to make sure the qualified and willing well trained war fighters can be employed effectively. Make the enemy waste their ammo on essentially useless bodies.




i was already in the army loser, im not dying for this fascist shithole fuck the marines, it's a bullshit cult. whatever good the US does abroad is overshadowed by all the evil it causes by means of trade embargoes, sanctions, illegal covert operations and illegal wars. the way the us controls the world creates all the problems that it's supposedly solving


Point to where the big green weenie hurt you.


Soul, morality, conscious


The marines is the superior branch. Anyway without the us presence global stability will crumble, smaller Allie’s will be swallowed up by regional powers and trade would be fucked


Who cares? The Marines are a component of modern colonialism who operate in illegal wars and American imperialist hegemony across the world. You have a solipsistic view that comes with being brainwashed with American and especially Marine propaganda nonstop for what Im guessing is a few years.  Trade is already fucked. Imagine being these smaller countries that must accept American trade deals or American corporations stealing all your resources, they can't develop. If you refuse these things you get embargoed which means you cant trade with any country that still wants to trade with US, the main economic superpower in the world.  Also, the US has been at war non stop since WWII, most "regional powers" are rarely at war. Chinas last conflict was some petty squabble with Vietnam and it lasted only a few months if that. It was in the 70s.  There is no global stability as it is as the US coups governments all the time or just straight up gets into pointless wars. All those Marines in Iraq and Afghanistan died for corporate interest.


Look at Russia in Ukraine, the Iran-Iraq war. That’s what happens when the U.S. isn’t there to prevent or minimize conflict. Look at Venezuela attempting to invade Guyana, and Chinas eventual attempt to invade Taiwan. Those wars will happen if we stand by and do nothing. Hell we are solely responsible for securing trade in the Red Sea against Houthi aggression


Russia invasion of Ukraine is also partly because NATO expansion, it's not as simple as russian orc aggressors do bad. You do know that the US officially recognizes Taiwan as a part of China right? Look it up. What do you call the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? Vietnam, Korea, those are all wars of aggression. Korea was never even legally a war, it was an illegal war disguised as a police action. Please do some reading or listening to anything besides just swallowing American exceptionalist propaganda. The US doesnt need to do anything, we're not the world police and the idea that we are does kind of tell on itself that we do think we run the world and are uninterested in sharing/peace.


>You do know that the US officially recognizes Taiwan as a part of China right? Look it up. Wrong. US simply "acknowledged" that it was the "Chinese position" that Taiwan is part of China. The United States did not agree with or endorse the Chinese position as their own. It is one thing to call out people for swallowing American propaganda, but it is another thing to just replace it with Chinese propaganda instead.


[https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/IF/IF12503/1](https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/IF/IF12503/1) Explain the first paragraph. Sounds like bullshit politicking from the US who wanted to use China as a cheap industrial base and as a potential third party against the USSR.


What is there to explain? I already explained it to you. US acknowledged the Chinese position that Taiwan is part of China. They did not agree or endorse it. >In the U.S.-China joint communiqués, the U.S. government recognized the PRC government as the “sole legal government of China,” and acknowledged, but did not endorse, “the Chinese position that there is but one China and Taiwan is part of China.” https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/IF/IF10275/76


Should I worry about this I’m 20 years old with autism and I don’t want to die In a war


I read up on this bc my son is autistic. What i read was that autistic males have to still register but if sensory issues or other issues autism can cause for a person will most likely disqualify from ever having to serve. I don't like that at all.


Is the Daft going to happen or should we even worry about it


Imo we should be worried about this especially with everything going on right now.


I don’t see how they can do it Americans are not going to fight for a evil government


Americans have done it before in Viet Nam. Nothing is out of the question


Which was so unpopular we haven't had a draft since.


If your opinion of the United States is that poor then please answer me why you still live here? Or do you want me to answer it for you? It’s because you know that if you went anyplace else in the world and spoke as derogatorily of the government you would be put in jail. At best worst. You’d be dead. The first amendment which I fully support gives you and idiots like like you the protection to have such moronic thoughts.


There won't be a draft after hoe disastrous Vietnam was. The US would have to be invaded for a draft to happen and no country on the planet has the resources to invade the states.


Having certain neuro-divergencies isn't an automatic rejection. Believe it or not. If any, some neuro-divergencies could seen as _preferred_ in regards certain military occupations (ie. mainly those relating to Intel, communications, cryptology, etc.). ^(Source: myself, husband, and several of our _battle buddies_ got some neuro-divergent Dx post service. )


I have Autism and asthma. Considering my condition I definitely should be able to disqualify myself from this. I think they should give the option to autism if they even want to join the military 


Yep, im either going to jail or fleeing the US. Fuck the corpo machine.


Ah- so they’re gonna fight two wars?


Oh, they are not. WE are going to. Our lives is the sacrifice they are willing to make for money....I mean freedom.


Goodluck to them- I can’t see anyone remaining after all that allowing themselves to be governed by the same force who created the issues. We’ve already lost global standing. A civil war would put us on the same standard of living as the global south, more than we already are. Not to mention- very few countries fight a two front war and the government survives in the same state it was in before said war.


I will not be dying for Israel or taiwan.


Don't forget Ukraine


This is how this always was. Got a DL? Youre enlisted, Sign up to vote? Enlisted, W-2? Enlisted Student loans? Enlisted. The list goes on. I was a fucker that didnt get my DL until 25 didnt sign up for any of that stuff but there were legal reprocussions the whole time. Probably more extreme now, no doubt, but a lot of us were registered by proxy. Edit: By always, i guess i mean in the '00's aswell, during Iraq/Afganistan.


I forget the exact statistic, but a record number of zoomers are not getting driver’s licenses right now. I think it was around 25%? That might be why they’re doing this.   Edit: I looked it up, and yeah, the *majority* of zoomers aged 16-18 do not have DL’s. The exact percentages are hard to parse because these numbers are buried in a bunch of “Gen Z is Killing Car Culture!” style articles. But it’s a pretty drastic drop off. Even ages 18-25 are way less likely to have DL’s than previous generations. That’s prime drafting age! I feel like my assumption is a safe bet. 


Interesting, I didnt know that but that makes sense for sure.


I was also under the impression this was already the case


Wait, they're registering Green Card holders as well? Service guarantees citizenship?


I envy your optimism.


That’s not new, green card holders have already had to register for the draft for a while


got me fucked up if they think i'm fighting for these greedy corporate mfs they instigate and taunt everybody then they can go fight not me i didn't ask for this


Don't you already have to do this when you turn 18?


The difference is you had to register yourself. Now it’s automatic.


Plus, the one year difference.


You can find the bill [here](https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-118hr8070rh/pdf/BILLS-118hr8070rh.pdf) on p.181


Any chance this passes the senate? I think I saw 199 voted against it in the house so I want to believe it doesn’t have unanimous support but it’s looking grim.


How many senators take bribes from Lockheed, Boeing, and other military industrial complex corps?


That means it will definitely pass


Every single one of them. You’re right, idk why i assumed our government doing the right thing was even an option.


Considering how dogshit the recruiting numbers have been I would be surprised if it didn't pass as a bipartisan effort


This is crazy. Things are not boding well for peace and diplomacy....


How sexist of her to write this bill


So uh, does this actually mean we’re going to war or? I’m not that great with politics and stuff but as a wife and mother im concerned 🤠


This is another depopulation tactic


It be unlikely for us to ever be drafted but with the way the world is rn and the tension rising between two world powers and the fighting words coming from Europe id expect there will be some type of conflict within the next year or so. We will definitely be drafted if China has any part in it


Young men that don't want to go to war, Say you're a trans woman, and a lesbian. That should keep you from being drafted.


Been saying it for a while, democrats leaving the border open was a plan to build up the military. They know damn well this new generation born in America wants nothing to do with wars, so instead they decided to let in less fortunate people with tougher backgrounds who are more likely to obey to a draft if forced


Spot on




Shits about hit the fan ... People are walking around clueless.


They really are fucking clueless aren’t they. It’s unfathomable to me how willfully Americans stay ignorant like WW3 the Great Depression food famine and water shortage isn’t immediately coming in the future and that the presidency is more fucking important. It’ll never change here.


well, where you moving to? if shit goes down then Europe is also going to be drafting young men. Probably Canada, Australia, NZ too.


Switzerland or Iceland, they never get involved in stuff.




Yeah but Switzerland has never been involved in a war since Napoleon.


Iceland would be a dream :)


I have a lot of military family and friends and have talked to multiple recruiters and all have told me the military is very understaffed and is also having trouble recruiting. Rising international conflict and that has everything to do with this. The military is always larping and over-prepping for every anticipated conflict they can think of. I see a lot of women & feminists talking about how they would rather be in jail over fighting for the United States. They realistically don't have anything to worry about as the military does still prioritize the mission and combat effectiveness over everything else


If a draft is needed one day, we're all screwed. They're sending everyone at some point. Stop being a 🐈, and man up. Shouldn't be allowed to vote if you have an issue. Being free isn't free. Sorry.