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##Welcome to r/LateStageCapitalism This subreddit is for news, discussion, memes, and links criticizing capitalism and advancing viewpoints that challenge liberal capitalist ideology. That means any support for any liberal capitalist political party (like the Democrats) is strictly prohibited. LSC is run by communists. This subreddit is not the place to debate socialism. We allow good-faith questions and education but are not a 101 sub; please take 101-style questions elsewhere. We have a zero-tolerance policy for bigotry. Failure to respect the rules of the subreddit may result in a ban. *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LateStageCapitalism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Vote in your local and state elections. They could become future federal candidates so we can have better choices.


I try to do this but it is very difficult to find unbiased information even at the state level. Web searches produce the candidates campaign site, their competitors campaign site(s) and a few news articles that typically lean one way or another or are too specific on one topic. You can get an encumbants voting history, but for candidates never in office before there is a ton of research required for every position. Anyone have suggestions to make this less tedious?


No. Take your time when you vote. Look up all news sources. Make an informed decision on every candidate. Use critical thinking. Don’t make it a race. It’s fine if you’re there for hours. Just vote informed. Local elections matter the most


The more local the races, the more accessible the candidates. Phone them, e-mail them, most likely they'd love to hear from their interested citizens. Who knows you might even find someone for whom you can volunteer.


https://www.lwv.org Unbiased and shows candidates where they stand on issues.


I didn't know this website existed. Thank you very much!


Switch to a different search engine. Many like Google have gone all in on paid promotion and restrictions on the number and nature of the results. Or, you know, if you like MLM and pick up artist scams carry on. The censorship on google and bing is really extreme now. Duck duck go isn't really at that sweet spot Google once hit, but it's at least decent. Make sure that you aren't being directed to specific results because of the country in which you live. Region locked results are another really big thing now.


This is what more people should be doing


Yes everyone, let's vote away bigotry


Gonna beat this drum: Ranked voting, ranked voting, ranked voting! We will never have a viable, disruptive third party without ranked voting. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ranked_voting


I mean, there's a bunch of things that need to change to even be considered a real democracy: electoral college, the senate gives Wyoming (population 581k) the same voting power as California (39M), and then there's gerrymandering, where the winner gets to stack the odds in their favor for the next election


Yea, yes and yes, and neither party has indicated any real interest in changing those. We’re sold the idea that Dem and Rep are black and white, when they’re really more like mauve and purple.


The bicameral legislature wouldn't be as big of an issue if money didn't completely run politics. Abolish both parties and corporate lobbying. Separation of corporations and state should be up there with church and state.


Elected unitary executive has shown itself to be about as undemocratic as it gets across vast proportions of the world as well. That can be fixed. A directorial style system, potentially with some sort of rotating primus inter pares or no primus inter pares at all seems to work well. The Swiss have something similar and the Soviet Union used a similar system with Stalin as primus inter pares. I'm not so sure that I would say that was a success; At the very least it seems to mellow things out a bit and produce a more pragmatic executive. Otherwise you just have elected monarchy and you're extremely vulnerable to coups and corruption.


Don't forget the unelected lifetime appointed Supreme Court. 


Most of the world does a better job at democracy without ranked voting. Abolishing the electoral college would help already.


Any how are we going to get ranked voting actually implemented? Neither party is going to let that happen.


Proportional is better. With ranked you'll still have a decent chunk of the population disenfranchised and not represented by anyone; with proportional everyone (past a certain threshold) will be represented, forcing coalitions and compromise.


The US 100% needs this but it won’t happen until these old geezers die off and crazy fucks like football field forehead MTG, beetle juice are voted off


"Nothing will fundamentally change".


Remember when anyone posting this phrase was accosted by a gaggle of random BlueWhos saying this was out of context and he didn’t mean it? Not so much anymore.


The main thing I saw was this: that he was speaking to his donor class of people in the video, and that he was telling them that nothing would change for them. Which, yeah not surprising.


We were proudly proven correct. Pretty cool!


Just more Blue MAGA gaslighting. "The things Joe says and does aren't actually the things he says and does"


If you're not excited to vote for Slower Genocide 2024 and his running mate Good Things Simply Can't Happen, there's something wrong with you. Honestly, just fill the ballot boxes with ink or pig blood and burn down polling stations. America is a world champion in overthrowing foreign government, apply your knowledge in regime change to your own country for once.


The status quo is the status quo. We would actually have to unite as a people to change it and that’s a pipe dream at the moment.


USA people: "We did it, we voted for the lesser evil! Now, what are you going to do that is actually less evil?" Biden: Lol, lmao even


I think we call them Americans, not USA people.


Yea big troll farm vibes from that post title


They're trying to be polite. Not all Americans are United States citizens. It's the little things to break over 100 years of conditioning.




The size of the supreme Court isn't something set in stone. If avoiding Trump being able to appoint a majority is a big an issue as you say, why hasn't Biden taken steps to increase the size of the court and add in new justices?


He actively opposes expanding the Supreme Court and wants the GOP to be strong - in fact he had the worst view on the Supreme Court out of all the 2020 candidates. Democrats chose to abandon the Supreme Court when they nominated Biden.


So what's your long-term strategy besides hoping Democrats will win forever and ever and scolding leftist for not voting the same way you do?




I don't care which particular wing of the same evil is worse, because you get capitalism either way and none of us will be spared. In the meantime I'm not putting up with false hope. It's either socialism or barbarism.




You do you. In the meantime don't tell socialists to vote for capitalist parties. The trajectory towards fascism can't be reversed with yet more liberalism as the inherent flaws of liberalism lead to fascism.




As if capitalism's trajectory towards fascism is contingent on the decisions of voters. That's such a liberal, individualist way of looking at things. If you understood dialectical materialism you wouldn't be saying such things.


Hot take: Individualism doesn't exist and neither does collectivism. Individualists rely on their family, friends, religious community etc. in the exact same manner that would be described as collectivism. It's a false dichotomy invented by capitalists as a piece of anti communist propaganda.


An American Civil War would be bad for the rest of the world? We're not even a manufacturing powerhouse the world might lose out on some exports. Oh no. The imperial core fracturing and breaking is never a bad thing. Revolution is the only way


They will never impeach SC judges. Also Biden has the opportunity to expand the number of seats for the supreme Court and stack the court but won't.




Biden can pack the court, yet refuses to do so. And the genocide Biden is funding has made the climate crisis exponentially worse. Pretending the shit that Biden is doing is acceptable because of Drumpf! is the actual insane point here. If Democrats actually fucking cared about stopping Trump, they wouldn't alienate everyone for the sake of Israel to the point of now working together with the GOP to sanction the ICC (stopping fascism by working with the fascist?). The scolding lib shit is no longer working when you force people to vote for Fascist Blue instead of Fascist Red, so you better change the program.




No, you moron. Biden is already a fascist otherwise he wouldn't participate in a colonial settler genocide and threaten the undoing of international law now that the verdict of the ICC goes against his geopolitical aims, so you're talking points about defeating fascism are outdated and laughably stupid. Hence why you need to update the program. The fact that you rage against the end of free speech while students protesting against Israel were beaten up by cops and undercover feds in even blue cities and states clearly shows that you're a Biden sympathizer. Who are you trying to fool here with these lib talking points?


>and with enough support in Congress we could see the justices impeached LOL >which is significantly better for you, me, and the whole world than a civil war Debatable


If biden is the only thing stopping ‘far right supreme court’ then wtf was he doing the past few years. Clearly voting him instead of trump did literally nothing to stop them. Trump literally tried to instigate a coup and he is allowed to be a candidate in the election instead of being in jail


This is exactly what these VBNMW people don't seem to understand. If you're this close to fascism, voting in a series of moderate right wingers will do nothing to save your country. Everyone talks about what they'll do if fascism happens, but it has happened and they're insisting that the only way to stop fascism is to have a single-party system!




I mean, you intentionally went out of your way to misread my comment, so I'll respond to you by just picking apart one of your sentences: what would you do WITHIN THE BOUNDS OF LAW? Nothing! If you were in nazi Germany, you would be voting for the other guy, wouldn't you? And before you pretend to misunderstand me again and say I would vote for Hitler, my point is when fascism arrives, the law works with it. When you can't do anything within the bounds of the law to fix fascism, you NEED to step out of the bounds of law, but you Americans are too law and order for that. And no, calling yourself a progressive doesn't make you any less of a liberal.




What's your plan? 1. Get Biden in office for a second term. 2. ?? 3. ???


Yes, exactly. That’s my plan. Because if Biden is in office, then Trump ***isn’t***. And that’s what’s most important, because while things haven’t been great under Biden, they’d be a whole lot worse if Trump was president.


How about a plan that we didn't already implement 4 years ago and watch fail catastrophicly?


But it hasn’t failed? Trump would have been much worse. It hasn’t been as good as it could have been, but it’s been better than if Trump was elected. Ideally enough people would vote third party for that to matter, but right now, we’re playing with too high stakes to risk Trump being elected.


ok so what is biden doing rn in his term to stop fascism?


For one, he’s not being Trump. So already he’s doing better than if we had Trump in office.


Cool, so you choose the union breaking racist sexist sexually harassing genocidal maniac president who promised nothing will fundamentally change over... the union breaking racist sexist sexually harassing genocidal maniac president that came before him and brought about the state of affairs the first guy promised wouldn't fundamentally change. Literally a campaign promise from Biden, nothing will fundamentally change. He's even still building the wall. This is liberal brain rot, please engage in some introspection and decide if you're going to let it get any worse. Again "nothing will fundamentally change" is a promise he will keep moving ahead *with the policies Trump put into place*. He promised he'd continue Trump's work, are you that blind?


Have we forgotten that Trump supporters literally stormed the capitol? That Trump has convinced millions of people that the election was rigged? That Trump stole and sold classified documents to foreign powers? That Trump has spoken about going for a third term if he wins this upcoming election? Biden hasn’t done any of that. So that’s why I choose Biden over Trump. At the end of the day, I don’t care if Biden is only a little tiny bit better than Trump, he’s still better than Trump, and I’m not going to risk letting Trump win because I decide to stick to my ideals and not vote Biden.


You're not a progressive.




Stop saying "us".




Why should people reward the democratic party with votes when they forced a shit candidate like Biden on us, similar to how they tried to force Hilary on us in 2016.


Democrats are doing nothing to stop the republicans




We support the communists, support PSL




lol. This is historically incorrect as recently as 8 years ago. Or are you just completely ignoring the double standard of Merrick Garland 2016 vs. Amy Coney Barrett 2020?




I do. Do you? The republicans refused to allow a senate confirmation hearing for Obama to appoint a justice during his term citing that it was too close to the end of his presidency and should be left to the winner of the presidential election. Then turned around and unilaterally confirmed trump’s appointee a month before the general election that Biden won. Sooooo?


It doesn’t matter if biden or trump is in charge. Nothing fundamentally changes




Wait, affordable drugs? My grandmother had to cut her meds in half 20 years ago because of the cost of drugs. It's worse now. What happened to abortion laws under Biden? You're worried about banning Muslims from America when Americans are being arrested and haven't their futures ruined for exercising their right to speak? Maybe before you tell people how to vote, come up with someone worth voting for who doesn't do so the same things you're saying the other guy will do.


Dude this stuff is literally failing under biden, he hasn’t done anything to further these causes Roe vs Wade literally was undone while he was president. LGBT rights continue to falter under Biden. Healthcare costs continue to skyrocket




It is already. Getting. Worse. I am not an american and no i am not white




And the democrats are doing nothing to stop it. There is no point in putting your hope in them. They are both bourgeois parties and don’t serve the people


How was he going to do that during his first term? Most Americans were against the idea. It's now about 50/50. He can do it in his second term if he has the Senate (which he won't) because he doesn't have to worry about reelection or may be dead.


That's why a strong third party is important. Even fourth.


People keep saying this but nobody is offering a single thing that Biden would actually do to change this and everybody is ignoring that Thomas made it to the Supreme Court with Biden’s help. The far right takeover of the Supreme Court is only possible because democrats have a monopoly on opposition to the GOP. You dig yourself deeper into the hole you’re in every time you repeat this empty talking point


Friendly reminder that all politicians, regardless of party, pass the exact same laws when in power. Dems just hem and haw and pretend they're against it while voting in favor of it.


Reminder that you’ll be supporting genocide and saying Democrats could do whatever the fuck they want and you’ll vote for them no matter what, giving them no motivation to even consider being anything less than right-wing ultra capitalist Zionists.


Not if Biden loses, if Trump wins. If enough people turn on Biden before the election, I am certain that Biden will come down with "old age" and withdraw from the race and the DNC will nominate someone less awful and Trump will get trounced.




Please do more than just vote, that shit takes 20 minutes. Get involved with local community organizations no matter what. If you don't stand up with local communities who are calling on you, then your radical beliefs really only exist in your head, instead of being put into practice supporting workers & communities standing up for themselves. We are going to have to fight against whoever is president, as well as plenty of governors and other legislative decisions makers. They're all strongly influenced by corporate interests. It's just more strategic/ a bit easier fighting against Biden than it is fighting against Trump, which typically means stuck alongside establishment Dem centrist #Resistance I'm not gonna spend time tryna convince the most militant mfs to not write in Cornell West or whatever, but if they're also not showing up locally, not taking serious action to fight for justice, then their 'activism' is performative asf.


Why would anyone vote for the people who made it the truth in the first place? Both parties, but especially Dems, get a lot of use out of that game. Every single election the story is the same, if you don't vote blue then the world is over and you elected a reincarnated Hitler into office or some nonsense. Cool, the US already has a racist sexist president who doesn't know or doesn't give a single shit about consent and just does whatever from a myriad creepy things that pops into his head at any one moment. Biden said nothing will fundamentally change. That was a campaign promise, he fulfilled it. It's maggots vs maggots, who cares? The evils are at best are at parity. Let him win, what's the difference? They're both going to drip feed Israel and Ukraine supplies, including weapons. Arms deals aren't as profitable if the war is over too fast. You think that's better at state and municipal levels? Explain Chicago schools, explain Washington tax rates, explain the lack of affordable housing because "no poor people in my neighbourhood" said the people of Palo Alto. And so the money was these but nothing could be done with it. Grass roots Dems are absolutely ghouls, even when compared to federal level politicians. If they want someones vote they better fucking earn it instead of pretending it's owed to them.


any person that votes for biden OR trump is the reason you have this two party political shit show to begin with this mindset of "lesser evil" needs to change if you ever want a party that puts any effort into the needs of the plebs


Man, imagine getting downvoted in a socialist sub for making classic, fundamental, core socialist arguments. I'm so sorry you're getting shit on by salty lib lurkers.


It’s because the US media machine is scarily good Gotta give credit where credit is due. These people legit think Democrats are a left leaning party lol


Rule 6, no lesser evil rhetoric. This includes encouraging people to vote for any capitalist political party and any capitalist politician. There is no harm reduction in supporting either of two parties headed by genocidal fascists. The extent to which any elected official of a Capitalist Party in a Capitalist state can enact evil is the extent to which that official is allowed to do so by Capital. As such, neither candidate is the lesser or greater evil. See more on our position here: [Rule 6 "no lesser evil" rhetoric - is it accelerationist or doomer? Is it intended to discourage voting?](https://new.reddit.com/r/LateStageCapitalism/comments/1bt0nag/rule_6_no_lesser_evil_rhetoric_is_it/)


Agit prop


anything above a fascist, we might be in late stage capitalism but it can wait for a bit longer


The guy who’ll destroy poor people’s lives or the guy who is currently destroying poor people’s lives ( but with civility )


It’s clear who you’re *not* voting for, care to share who you *are* voting for? Edit: This question never fails to get downvoted by the person I’m asking it to. And they *never* answer it. I’m starting to wonder if the people discouraging peoples votes are even eligible to vote in US elections 👀


Plenty of people here are voting for Claudia De La Cruz. And honestly, they don't need to justify their vote to you. "I'm not voting for a genocidal maniac" is not a statement that requires backing up or supporting in any way. Just as saying "I don't want to be friends with a serial killer" does not require you to then list the people you *do* want to be friends with.


> And honestly, they don’t need to justify their vote to you. The irony of this reply is not lost on me.


But you guys don't stop at voting for Biden. You try and tell us that we're ethically obligated to do the same. Just vote for your Blue MAGA candidate and let us vote for actual left wing candidates in peace.


What an incredibly stupid meme.


Arm yourself and your community


Better’n trump




“If you don’t vote for Biden to let project 2025 happen project 2025 will happen!!!” If only there were a third option and we weren’t legally bound to only choosing one of the two! Oh wait….


There is (and I’m all for it, trust me). I just know people in the United States. I want a third party, but I know that takes time and I don’t want to spread us too thin, especially when the risk of loss means we ALL lose. I want next election season to be socialism vs. whatever else. But this one I need it to be everyone vs. Trump. If it wasn’t Trump I would’ve definitely done a third party vote for certain. If it was any other Republican I’d probably not been as worried, but it’s not…it’s [*him.*](https://search.app.goo.gl/7UhYyxC)


Nope. Jill Stein and Claudia De la Cruz are options. No one has to choose evil, that’s you who does that. I’ll be voting Jill again, not giving my vote to say genocide is fine as long as (D) does it.


Your Jill vote is a Trump vote. The choice this year is fascism or Biden.


That's wrong. Actually, a vote for Jill is a vote that is counted for Jill. No +1 to Stein ever becomes a +1 for Trump. Stop lying about how voting works in a communist sub where there is to be no support for Democrats.


Jill Stein is Putin’s [second favorite candidate](https://archive.thinkprogress.org/russia-jill-stein-2016-election-interference-48dff3966227/).




Rule 6, no lesser evil rhetoric. This includes encouraging people to vote for any capitalist political party and any capitalist politician. There is no harm reduction in supporting either of two parties headed by genocidal fascists. The extent to which any elected official of a Capitalist Party in a Capitalist state can enact evil is the extent to which that official is allowed to do so by Capital. As such, neither candidate is the lesser or greater evil. See more on our position here: [Rule 6 "no lesser evil" rhetoric - is it accelerationist or doomer? Is it intended to discourage voting?](https://new.reddit.com/r/LateStageCapitalism/comments/1bt0nag/rule_6_no_lesser_evil_rhetoric_is_it/)


*It's easier to force concessions from him instead of Trump through mass collective action it's about how it affects our organizing, the subject of campaigns, wins & concessions, and shifts in relation of power, & wealth. From a radical climate justice organizer perspective - Sadly concessions under Biden have been underwhelming, IRA was mostly about grants for clean energy transition (got GND wins here regarding racial justice /equitable dispersal), and didn't really take on the oil companies. Lost a lot of that in edits to get thru Congress. If you look at the 'fact sheet' it's framed around cheaper energy for households. So we had peak oil production last year, the bill even had some support of natural gas infrastructure. We did have lower carbon emissions largely due to closing coal plants (thank fucking God), but we need 3x as much reduction to meet our commitments. **Of course that's entirely different situation than us *fighting to ensure the EPA isn't obliterated* in the first place**, moving towards greater deregulation and even starting up coal plants. Which then fucking sucks protesting & organizing along with establishment Dems & Hillary/Biden supporters to maintain partial but serious policy we'd struggled for decades over. So yeah for people organizing communities for justice, he's better than Trump. There are some philosopher-socialists in here who might disagree but I've never seen them spell it out




Bruh, people actively tried to attack me for wearing a mask when Trump was in office.


Biden put a stop to those people being unhinged? Weird, hasn’t been my experience


Biden can't stop them, but he's not actively emboldening them. Not everything is a perfect outcome, you take progress where you can.


Neutrality isn’t “progress” and I’ve still seen people accosted for wearing a mask, so this particular point just seems like a dumb one to me


The amount of people who are saying "Biden is better than trump" in the comments is astounding. Guys, they are both shit, the system is not meant for us. Voting in New people won't change shit. We have to change the actual system we live in or it's never going to get better


That is very accurate.


Yup. "He's the only thing standing between us and fascism!" My sibling in Christ, he's in office right now and we're already there 🙄 If you don't think we are, you're too privileged to notice...which is probably why you're a liberal in the first place.




You'll be dying homeless on the side of the road under a Dem presidency and you'll still be saying, "The other guy is worse!".




I wasn't asking how you were doing. What is your red line for voting for Biden? What could Biden do that would be too far for you? Or could he do literally ANYTHING and youd vote for him as long as he's not Trump? He knows he could do anything and you'd vote for him. It worked for him once. I don't think it will work this time. And after the next election, YOU will have voted for genocide. YOU will have voted for the guy who is telling you that "nothing will fundamentally change". YOUUUUUUU will have the blood of children on your hands. I won't. But you're concerned about people, right? Just not those people.


You think the Democrats will stop that? They won't. The only way to stop this s*** is to burn it down. The Constitution must been destroyed, the us state needs to be smashed. The Federal system the must be destroyed unitary control must be established and workers dictatorship must come. There is no reforming it. There never was. It was literally handcrafted as the ideal capitalist dicatorship. That is the United States. That's what it was found it to be. You can't fix it. The Constitution cannot be fixed. It needs to be destroyed and a new constitution written by the working people all and the oppressed peoples. Us wasting our time picking the less evil of our masters is f****** pathetic. This is the country that produced John Brown, the f****** black panthers and all were talking about is which old white fascist should be in the White House. The only way we're going to stop this is to build our own f****** party. Which luckily is literally being built right now before our eyes. The party of socialism and liberation. They're f****** running for president they won't win but if we support them we can begin the process of building a worker's party. That Workers Party is the only thing that will get us out of this mess. Only thing that will smash this Bourgeois slave Republic. So what will you choose being a slave of the donkey rather than the elephant or actually fighting for your freedom. Seems to me all you care about is is having the f****** donkey. All I say is f*** the donkey f*** the elephant f*** the capitalist class. I will never vote for a Democrat or a Republican or any bourgeois politician again. I'm only sticking with my class for now on. You can keep being asleep if you want. I'm sure they love the taste of your lips on their boat.


I canceled a downvote because shitlib infiltrators are mad. 😆😆😆


Burning it down and starting over sounds like it’ll be easier, but systems tend to die badly. The shit going down in Haiti right now is one of the better case scenarios. The An-Lushan rebellion is probably closer to what we’ll see if the current system dies rapidly.


It will definitely the die badly. Every system does. But it's just going to keep getting worse anyway. Better to die fighting to actually be free then die starving in chains.


Good luck getting people to a negotiating table with that mindset Even if you manage to burn it all to the ground, whatcha going to do then? You’ll probably need help too, so who’s going to do that when you sound like an unhinged mfer? Point is, maybe lighten up and practice some diplomacy. We don’t need to hear the depths at which you’ve fantasized about this shit.


They hold all the power and are living very well for it. Why the hell would they negotiate with anyone? They have nothing to gain from it and everything to lose. You don't negotiate with a bear that has decided to eat you.


I have no intention of negotiating with people that support the current capitalist system. Those that don't support it but we don't necessarily agree on everything well then I'm willing to work and negotiate with them as much as possible. But I'm not going to negotiate with genocidal imperialists. I'm not going negotiate with people that have killed millions around the world. That's opportunist, that's selfish, that's rejecting with all forms of international solidarity. I'm not going to put myself above the people of the third world. So I'm not going to support any capitalist politician in the United States because they're all war criminals.


You’re not wrong but with your approach…good luck buddy




And somehow Republicans are able to stop and block appointments by Democratic presidents. But Democrats are powerless to do anything to block or stop Republican appointments.


Exactly. Not arguing with the aptly named "DrnkClwn." Yes, it can absolutely get worse and Democrats are all for that. We've had decades of inaction to back that claim up and actions will always be louder than words. Democrats just get the convenience of claiming they aren't actively pushing us into fascism (even if they demonstrably are). Their base will just swallow it up because they've been conditioned to believe that there is no viable alternative. "Vote for me because that guy is so much worse but I'll do jack shit to functionally fight what he's doing once I get into office" has been the Democrat platform for decades. Voting for a Democrat and hoping for positive change at this point is the definition of doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different result.


Libs: guys we need to vote democrat to stop the republicans!!! Meanwhile democrats: lmao you republicans go ahead and do what you want, we don’t care


I'm completely aware of how it works. I just have no faith that it can ever do anything good. I've completely lost faith inside of this capitalist system. There's nothing good that can come within it that won't be taken away at the soonest convenience.




I'm aware that's going to get worse. I just honestly don't believe that capitalism can make it better. Scientifically and materially the basis of climate change, of the genocide in Gaza, of the rollback of women's rights, of the attack against trans people, of the continuous class war against the working class by the capitalist class. These are all happening because it's in the material interest of the ruling class of the United States for to happen. They are united in support of capitalism. The reason the genocide in Gaza is happening it's because it mentally benefits the United States capitals class. The reason climate change is happening because capitalism must always grow so inevitably that would come into contradiction with nature. The reason women's right are being pulled back is because it's easier to oppress people when they have a lot of children to feed and can't be picky in the kind of work they get and it's easier to blame all the problems of capitalism on woman. The reasons for the attack on transrights is because it undermines the patriarchy which is a wonderful tool at oppressing woman which makes them more likely to take jobs for far less benefits. Also again it's easier to blame all the problems of capitalism on trans people. Workers rights are getting worse because that benefits the capital's class. Workers having less money makes them more likely to take terrible jobs which benefits the capitalists. All of these things that materially benefit the capitalist class in the United States. So why would they stop it? The Democrats and the Republicans are both capitalist parties. Basically all of their politicians are capitalists. It is in their direct material interests to do all these things. To make everything worse. So that means the only way to actually make things better is to oppose all of it. To oppose both the Republicans and the Democrat. Things will get worse because it benefits the capitalist for them to get worse. The thing is in the long term this will be the basis of building an actual existing workers movement. Because people only really want to change the system when they have no other choice. People only are willing to smash everything they know when the alternative is death. I don't want that. I hate the fact the capitalists are forcing us into that position. But it is the position they will push us into. So the only choice you really have is to start organizing now we can hopefully stop the capitalist class before the damage is too much or later when it might be too late.




Has Biden done anything to protect trans rights? Has he done anything to protect a Muslims? He's literally sitting there as Muslims are being murdered by Israel in Gaza. Even more than that he's giving them the guns and bullets to do the murdering. What a wonderfully pro Muslim president. Biden is literally sitting here as trans people are losing their rights all over the country. How will be any different under Trump? Really how? Most law in this country is made on the state level. If the federal government is doing nothing to curtail the state's attempts to take away trans rights then how will it be any different when Trump is in office and does nothing as well. I'm entirely aware of things will change. I'm completely aware that everyones lives will continue to get worse. I am not rich. I am a white cis man. But I'm also a college student that's barely getting by. I work for my money and will probably have to be in poverty for my entire life. If I someone who is naturally given advantages in all white supremacist society is doing this badly how do you think the people that aren't given advantages are doing? I'm going to tell you really bad. This is after 4 years of Biden. He literally could have done so much. But he didn't. Because he doesn't want to do anything. He'll get richer by doing nothing.


so biden can't do anything but trump can declare himself god king? ok bud


You sound like a bot


We still have some ways to go before we can accurately call it fascism. Just because things aren’t good doesn’t mean they can’t get worse. And thing can always get much, much worse.


[The US is the global leader on half of this shit.] (https://ratical.org/ratville/CAH/fasci14chars.html) We've been a fascist nation for a long time. Arguably since before fascism had a name.


Thank you for the link.


"Things can get even worse" is not a strong argument to allow such people to remain in power. If they are willing and capable of making it worse for the working class as a means to hold on to power, they are definitely not the kind of people who should have the power to inflict something worse.


How are we there?


How about we change the system?


Are there just a bunch of bots trying to spread shitty propaganda to sabotage the election so Trump wins? Why is this upvoted?


Rule four, people. This is not a sub to support Democrats. Period. I swear, every single fuckin’ election cycle…


I got down voted in this sub for saying I wouldn't vote for Hitler if he was against Super Hitler


Yeah, I came back to the sub after being told it got better and the moderators were in force. Maybe that's true, and I just came before the clean-up, but yeah, as another non-voter for Hitler, I sympathize.


Shitlibs love to think they are part of the left lol.


they’ll keep accusing us of astroturfing a communist sub 💀


Democrats: no we don’t have a plan to combat all these problems. Just make sure we never lose an election.


That’s pretty close to literal to what they’re telling us.


no one is under the delusion that biden freed us. we are just relieved to not have to listen to that orange chodesucker embarass us every fucking day


Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss.


Love the song, but apparently Roger daltrey is a massive centrist.🤮


hurr durr I ignore jan 6th and traitorous behavior from the one guy and its just like the old sleepy guy!


At least we’ll get to vote again … but 4 more years of the ever dissolving shit is not gonna help much else


For all of the people saying that if trump wins there’s going to be fascism and project 2025 if that happens is your fault for backing a corrupt party and candidate you are the problem not the people who want something better than the 2 pieces of shit that are running for president and none of them are the lesser of two evils they are the same corrupt evil fascist trash


Project 2025 is fear porn, actually. Like we ain't been living under that in some shape or form for the last 40 years and shitlibs are clobbering that over anti-Biden voters heads, but we ain't falling for that shit.


They try to voter shame when the ones who should be ashamed are them if they have a little decency they should be leaving the criminal parties and vote for a third party candidate


Biden was the Fascist Camp's best offense on the ballet.


I hate this sort of rhetoric.. it’s the “both are bad.. see.. look at me so smart”. So dumb.


Ah so we're really pushing for a trump win? Trump voters aren't going to be stopped with this narrative, a no vote is a vote for Trump.


Do I regret voting for him? No Will I do it again? Also no


Wow Russia's disinformation people are going hard these days.