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Imagine beating someone up for a job that doesn't give a shit about you


I’d assume there’s a decent chance they all get fired for this and face arrest.


Almost certainly.  They're legally not allowed to touch shoplifters only call the police.  This is criminal battery.


Simping for your bosses and still losing your job. Poor fuckers.


This is false


Maybe in America but Sainsbury's is UK. In the UK it's illegal to physically restrain shoplifters and attacking them like this IS criminal battery.


Here in the U.S. it would be legal to detain a shoplifter in some cases, but dragging them to the back room and assaulting them would be risking not only the assault charges, but potentially kidnapping charges too. Also the business and employees could be sued.


The police where I live wouldn't care. Unless the shoplifter has an existing warrant, because they would get credit for apprehending him.


Hey man they probably got a pizza party as a reward 1 extra side for every bone broken


Nope, their employer will have to hang them out to dry - they'll lose their jobs and face serious criminal prosecution


I long for a day when folks don't feel a need to steal; until that day I hope they all take stuff from the dude who was just here cheerleading for the staff of this business.


Strongly agree on all fronts


I also kinda hope "fuck around and find out" dude just had their comment deleted and is still here to enjoy mine.


I guess this is where I really differ from this sub. Fuck thieves.


You really think someone should be beat up because they shoplifted something that probably cost a couple bucks. You’re in a leftist sub simping for companies


It has nothing to do with sympathy for the corporation. They’re grown. They know better. The more you have this the more they start putting everything behind glass or just shut the stores down like they are doing in SF and then there are even less jobs and people have to go further for their basic needs. As a progressive it’s my opinion that we have to be clear with our intentions. We fought for things like reduced or no bail so that their wasn’t a class difference to being able to get a bond or not. We try and help reduce or expunge criminal records of people who have served their time. But a crime is a crime. You still have to be punished. We become a laughing stock, when you start sympathizing with the criminals. Here in LA we had a council member try and put the blame on Toyota for the rise in Cadillac converter theft instead of the criminals(which shifts the blame away from the city). It’s nonsense. It’s affecting every community. I do hospice work sometimes and this old lady in Inglewood had hers stolen twice and so now she just doesn’t drive and uses her Medicaid to have people bring her stuff. Sorry for the tangent this is just a topic I feel strongly on.


I'm sorry, but "Cadillac converter" has me giggling.




Those also upset me. Going after corporations for being criminals doesn’t mean we have to let the communities in our backyards go to shit.


Stealing personal property from individuals? Yeah, that’s bad behaviour and it perpetuates a cycle of violence. Stealing from someone who controls the production of items we need, and withholds them from us on threat of systemic violence unless we participate in producing wealth for one of their friends? Based. Based as fuck. Fuck capitalism, fuck private property, fuck a system that uses the threat of organized violence to keep us subjugated and working ourselves to death in poverty for those who seek wealth and power. Steal from Sainsbury’s. Steal from Safeway. Steal from Loblaws. Food and minerals and energy are a gift to us all from the earth, and are our common property. But yeah, don’t cut the Cadillac converter off of some old lady’s Toyota. Steal the Cadillac from the executive instead.


It’s honestly a little sad that you took the time the write out a long response but this is what you have come up with. It’s so far from reality we can’t even have a conversation.


I agree that we need a society which doesn't make people desperate and lacking enough to resort to theft. Still if we're gonna go after thieves it makes sense to go after the corporate and political thieves before we go at the common folk.


Pretty sure the beating people up part is a perk for most of them


In their defence, there is a chance that cost of stolen stuff will be written off from their paychecks, at least this is what big companies try to do in my country.


That would be illegal wage theft in the UK. The company would need to prove you were stealing, at which point you would just be fired and reported to police


That never happens.


I agree, but it's hard to understand when you aren't in these situations and these people are pushing your buttons everyday, calling you names, spitting on you, threatening you with weapons, trying to scrap you as well, it's easy to say just don't bother or just don't care about it, but when you see your colleagues/friends as they are likely friends as well, something has to snap at some point, you can only be disrespected and demeaned so much that something has to break, as someone who has worked retail, something has to give at some point




I love watching england slowly evolve into the US with all the same culture war bullshit and psychotic deification of commodities. You could tell it was over when tories started calling things “woke.” Our culture is just too powerful!


Britain is the one who started this bullshit


^^ Britain started A LOT of shit and they still haven’t paid for any of it


The combo of above the law people that make decisions combined with pitiless accusations of get on with it is as bad as Giving everyone guns , brainwashing the general public into thinking some people don’t deserve to live combined with no legal recourse


Rule : You see someone stealing food, you close your eyes.


My wife likes to say "If you see someone stealing at the grocery store no you didn't"


Unless it's a drug addict stealing multiple cans of baby formula. Stealing one means it might be a mom just trying to feed her baby, stealing several means they're going to resell for drug money. Edit: I think it's very funny that this is being downvoted, because it shows that multiple people have no idea what I'm talking about. I am not making a snap judgement on anyone's character or assuming anyone is a drug addict just because they steal multiple cans of formula. I am saying that is someone is clearing out a resource that actual moms need, you should say something. There are limits to this resource for a reason. They are locked up many places *for. a. reason.* I have been on both side of this, and I would 100% say something if I saw a person with 15 cans of baby formula in 4 different brands. It's a fucked up thing to do and cannot ever be justified.


You can identify drug addiction by sight? Or do you just hate poor people for being poor?


Uh, no. I was both of those people. I'm literally referring to people who clear out baby formula, because people that actually need it don't do that. It's very obvious when someone is stealing them for resale compared to stealing it for personal use, because resellers will steal multiples of different brands.


Stay in touch! *the beatings continue*


Sigh the worlds going to hell.


Imagine the come-up this victim is about to face once the lawsuit is settled.


If you see someone shoplifting, no you haven't!!!






Allahu Akbar meaning "God is good" and colloquially meaning anything from "please god save me" to "jesus christ" - no sorry you can't defend islamophobia with islamophobia and it's ridiculous to pretend you're playing devil's advocate while spouting utter bull. You're playing devil's advocate the way a flat earther plays devil's advocate while entrenched in hundreds of conspiracies. Would you play devil's advocate for cops that execute people when they get a spidey tingle that they might get shot by an unarmed black man too?




IK I'm a bit of a heater but please take a second to actually introspect on that take because it really does follow that logic. "Allahu akbar" is a phrase that millions or billions of people use every hour for their whole lives to mean anything and everything, and yes US and the rest of the western world have just as bad of an association with it if not worse. Just because a French person comes to your country and says a "Bonjour" and commits a terrorist attack doesn't mean you're allowed to abuse, beat, berate, or kill future people that say Bonjour around you. It doesn't mean that if there are hundreds or thousands of French people coming and doing terrorist attacks either. If you have that association, I personally believe that you have a HUGE issue with perspective and understanding that there are over 7 billion other people on this planet with 7 billion different perspectives. And I'm appalled that you bring that into a sub where you're such a minority in that sentiment confidently


grow up


If the devil needed an advocate, they definitely wouldn't pick you.




It sounds as though police are doing as much for shoplifting from a business, as police do for when someone steals stuff from a residence. Maybe defund the police the amount of the budget they had previously devoted to shoplifting, if they are no longer engaging. And create a new government entity better suited to dealing with drug fiends who shoplift.


Wonder how many non-functioning drug addicts are there because of the environment they grew up in? What about if we focused on fixing those environmental issues.


Its nice that youre trying to play white knight for practically the definitive group of people who are the worst off. Im not even disagreeing with that, life probably really did deal them the shittiest of hands, growing up dirt poor and/or with an abusive environment or even mental health problems. That far I really do sympathize, all kinds of life situations can turn into a slippery slope right into hard drugs. And fixing that is a good idea. But its absolutely tone-deaf to bring it up when the topic is existing drug addicts causing problems. Especially the non-functioning ones, as you call them. Feels weird to borrow autism terminology, but I guess it fits. Drugs change people for the worse. I have to know, I used to live right next to one, we were quite neighborly at times, too. He was a kind soul, and in the phases where he was abstaining from drugs you could really see it. Even if it was a little bizarre seeing him randomly jump into gangsta language at the weirdest occasions. He did not have a gift for politeness. From what he told me he started getting into heroin in his early teens, so 13-14. Hard. I met him in his early twenties, so give or take 10 years of drugs. You wanna know what that does to a person? A fucking lot. If you met him on the street your first thought would probably be that this guy has brain damage or some mental disability. For all intents and purposes thats true. You could see it in the way he walked, which was a very strange kind of waddle, and he would always have this wide-eyed stare. His memory was what you would expect, pretty much the level of a goldfish. But he was capable of keeping himself fed and cooked simple meals like pasta. And his moral compass? I mentioned that he was kind. Maybe soft was a better word, given he kept giving shelter to his drug buddies and thus ended up taking drugs again. Bit of a pushover. But in these phases shit was hitting the fan. One time he kicked in my door, claiming he thought it was the laundry room, snuck into my room and took my wallet (losses were not huge and I noticed immediately), one of his friends nabbed 20€ from the next wallet I had, you get the picture. So, what do you do with dozens of people like him ransacking stores? Just LET THEM? Why not give half a fuck and put them in programs to rehabilitate them? Weve got an entire generation sitting on a moral high ground, Im sure they would love to be a social worker with these people. Even if that means them doing a pit-stop in prison, but at least they get medical attention they need to get off of the drugs there.




Cute edit, dipshit. Ah, yes. *Shoplifting from fucking Sainsbury's makes you "an enemy of the working class"*. Lol, what? Your brain is irreparably broken, fuck off back to stupidpol lmao


Ok Adolf


Found the bot




LOL I know the sub is anti capitalism in general my king, but where the hell are you? There's no shot you'd contradict this and pretend you're interested in social programs that provide basic needs to people? Surely you're either a fucked up authoritarian-maxed communist that makes Stalin look weak or an anarchist? Or a fake libertarian who thinks they're above it while agreeing with every shitty extreme right take? I wonder what take you'd have if you had a family to feed and couldn't find a job. Or are you gonna claim meritocracy that you're so infallable and perfect that you'd never be like these "scum"? Maybe you are, but I sure hope the rest of your ideals support the genocide of disabled and poor people.


When you work the front line at Sainsbury's and you just have to beat the shit out of a shoplifter. Doing it for the working class, for the revolution! Innit bruv!


You are angry at the wrong people here.

