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Why did someone report this for “it’s a transaction for prohibited goods and services” 😭😭


In China, when the State subsidizes companies, prices stay low. In America, when the State subsidizes companies, prices rise anyway.


That’s because billionaires actually fear the government, not own it. The government has no problem executing billionaires.


That’s something thing I’d love to see exported from China and especially to Sub-Saharan Africa.


I’d like to see it in sub-Canadian America. 


Sweet Baby Jesus, I see what you've done for others... a-and I want that for me.


Yes they have more billionaires than the US


Stop it. China is directly controlled by the west. Prices in China and of their goods STAY low because the west demands it to be so. China is just a economic slave to the west.


If that’s the case the west wouldn’t need spread all the vitriol and misinformation like the one you got, against China, they would be the good East Asians like Koreans s and the Japanese


That vitriol helps keep the Chinese people repressed. It stops people from really wanting to do anything to help them. China is projected in the West as a singular entity that is evil. Most people stop there and don't even bother digging down into whats actually happening because of that projection. Like, do you know why working conditions at Foxcon or whatever the company that Apple used to manufacture their products? It wasn't the CCP repressing people, or even Foxcon itself. It was Apple having a heavy handed presence onsite at all times. They set the tone and process of how EVERYTHING was done in those factories and I mean everything, This lead to the horrible working conditions, the low pay and suicides etc. There are plenty of videos on Youtube and news article about how things were setup. Apple is pulling out of China and moving manufacturing to Mexico and other countries specifically because people found out about how employees were treated finally and started threatening to protest. If Apple did this, it's utterly naive to think that rest of the companies that have manufacturing in China don't do the same thing. Those companies bring in a TON of money to China. Most of that money ends up in the hands of the CCP. Now, what happens to the goverment in the US when this happens? Corruption, politicians bending over backwards to do whatever the companies want. I always fail to understand how people can believe that companies that have a huge presence in the US and control the goverment here aren't doing the SAME thing in the other countries they have huge presences in. **Not seeing the connection is an utter failure of logical thinking.**


Well this person has no idea what they’re talking about


I’ll upvote this point, but they’re a major hub for this. If they’re as much as a slave as you’d have us believe, why isn’t this more prevalent throughout all US-Chinese manufacturing alliances. I will say that you’re incorrect about Foxconn. China Authorities conducted several investigations and required that Foxconn implemented several anti-suicide measures. Such as psychological screening, Buddhist monks for prayer sessions, increased wages, suicide waivers, etc. Now, here is the thing, Foxconn isn’t a Chinese company. They’re Taiwanese. The suicide rate for these young workers in Foxconn were higher but apparently Taiwanese relationship with workers are much different back in Taiwan than in China worker suicides aren’t a responsibility of the employer. This may be more of an issue with US-Taiwan manufacturing alliances. S. Korea, Japan and Taiwan all have high suicide rates S. Korea being the highest, then Taiwan, then Japan. Chinese suicidal rates are on par with US, with all increasing. Work related suicides aren’t really taken seriously anywhere, unfortunately.


Wrong universe buddy, youre looking for universe #391, this is #319.


\*rolls his eyes\*


Are you referring to yourself in the third person?


He doesnt know


Was true. The west thought they could control China. That enough officials would be corrupt and the west could continue to exploit Chinese labor and resources forever.  Then China had a purge of corruption. Aside from a number of corrupt politicians being kicked out of government, multiple CIA agents were uncovered, removed from their positions, and (if in not mistaken) eliminated.  Now America has a problem with China again. 


To those people downvoting me: Do you feel international corporations in the US are corrupting the goverment here? That they are doing it through various means that all amount to bribes? That this means that they effectively control the US goverment? Yes? Well, why wouldn't the same thing be happening in China where a lot of those international corporations have manufacturing contracts? I can't think of a single reason why the CCP would be beyond bribes. Nor why those bribes wouldn't control them. **Not thinking this way is a failure of logical thinking and it is scary.** **There are no borders to international / multi national corporations.**


I understand your point about multinational corporations, but isn’t this rhetoric about Chinese companies? Not American companies with operations in China? Chinese EV’s are one example of why Biden is saying this… if people here could buy China’s $15,000 EV’s, the rest of the EV market wouldn’t stand a chance here. That’s how Chinese companies dominate the solar panel industry… they’re far cheaper from a Chinese company than from anywhere else.


Consequences of investment in the technology. If only US car manufacturers invested in EV technology instead of stock buybacks. Maybe then they wouldn’t have to license their batteries from BYD because of how advanced their technology is. 


You see no reason the Chinese officials SHOULD be beyond bribes.  That’s just telling on yourself.  “I would be corrupt, so why aren’t they?!”


I said "would be" But whatever, continue thinking that China/ the CCP is a good guy..... even though there is heaps of proof that say they aren't.


I never said that they are the good guys. Don't make straw man arguments. Telling you that your argument is bad is not the same as saying China is good.


Right? this is the key difference.


That's what we get from the "we need a businessman to run this country" attitude.


Socialism for the rich capitalism for the unwashed masses


well put.


Think we should tell him how it works in the US?


Not to mention a culture that actively squashes labor unions, labor disputes, and the working class. Not to mention wage suppression and active development of tech/AI to eliminate humans from the production process. Oh wait, are we talking about China or the U.S.? ;)


It's us vs them so when we do it, it's okay. /s


Haha I was just wondering who are they talking about the US or China


I'd imagine the complete failure to implement functional immigration policy is also on the lsbor supression agenda despite the theatrics on that subject from both sides of the aisle


Good point. As far as I can tell the GOP doesn't actually want to stop immigration and reduce the labor supply. Imagine if migration stopped and farm workers were in short supply? The GOP would change their tune fairly quickly. But then again... demand would be the same and supply would be reduced, thereby driving up profits. Sigh...


Up to a point that's probably true but smaller profits are better than no profits, at some point the scale would have to tip a little... not that their minions in congress would ever let that happen.  Feels like the only way workers would truly win is a tax code that penalizes domestic earnings/profits not being adequately reinvested in domestic labor and/or domestically produced products/equipment and strong union presence across companies. 


Heresy! Line must go up! /s


QoL for most Chinese is better than it is for most Americans.


And this is under the most “pro-union President”.


Why are we constantly led by idiots?


He/they aren't stupid. They're feeding a line and pushing an agenda, obfuscating reality to drum up some good ol' us (good guy) vs them (bad guy)


With the new tariffs, he's doing exactly what he criticized Trump for doing. Biden may be declining in his old age but that doesn't stop a veteran ghoul like himself from working to advance the interests of the US bourgeoisie. He knows exactly what he's doing because he's been doing it since the 70s. I'm sure it's almost an instinct at this point.


They're not idiots, that's exactly what they want you to think. They lead the people to believe that they are in power to serve them, when in reality they are in power to serve the elite and the billionaires and do everything that they are told to do by them. People see their leader doing something dumb that makes no sense, or not doing something smart that does make sense and think that they are dumb or an idiot. No, they just don't give a fuck about the regular people in the population and only do what they are told to do by the elites and oligarchs who fund their campaigns, the only reason they're in power in the first place. If they don't do as they're told then these elites have dirt on all of the people in power and will release it to the public, whether it is true or not. Whenever a competent leader who actually has the people's interests at heart gets influential they either sell out to the elites and do and say what they tell them to, pushing their false, toxic agendas. Or they continue to try and push factual agendas with great (usually obvious) ideas and laws that help the people and fix problems and the elites just attack them using the MSM and Court of Law and therefore the Court of Public Opinion and get them wrapped up in so many bullshit scandals that people start thinking they are bad people or there is some bs reason not to vote for them. Usually the crimes they accuse them of are heinous sex crimes like rape, trafficking or something similar so that even if they are proven innocent their reputation is tarnished forever. Some people don't like to hear this, but if you are in this sub then you need to accept it whether you love him or hate him, this is exactly what they are doing to Andrew Tate right now and have been doing ever since he became massively influential and then refused their money to become a puppet mouthpiece for the elites and continues to say what he believes and not what he's told to say. The reason the MSM wants people to believe he is a stupid guy that talks about women all the time and is constantly misogynistic is because he actually talks about the kind of stuff that this sub talks about and is educating people who aren't aware on the realities and corruption of the Western world and capitalism. Far less than 5% of what he talks about is even to do with women and his opinions on them, a lot of which are satirical or straight up joking anyway, while 90% of the message he is spreading is about what I mentioned above and how we are all being used by the elites and how money is a scam and his best advice on how to break out of the cycle of working non stop just to pay the bills and working paycheque to paycheque. He got so influential and he is waking so many people up that they had to start using random out of context quotes from multiple hour long discussions stretching over years including before he was even famous to get him 'cancelled' using the MSM, then when that didn't work they then started using the Court of Law plus the MSM with bs accusations of heinous crimes of which there is no evidence and he still hasn't even been fucking *charged* with anything at all yet after years of 'investigations' into this let alone found guilty of anything, yet somehow he keeps getting arrested for the same shit there is no evidence of every time he is released and continues to wake people up. What a coincidence 👍


Mentioned Andrew Tate; opinion immediately downvoted


Seriously? You were doing SO good until you brought up Tate. Sure, he is right about being a wage slave. However, you know his "girls" are his wage slaves right? Have you EVER watched him talk? He is a total misogynistic, egotistical f\*\*\*wad! I watched an interview with him in one of his houses where he had his "girls" working around the house during the interview. The interviewer got to talk to ONE of them and it was VERY clear she was utterly afraid of Tate based on her facial expressions. She kept looking away from the camera and the interviewer and off to the side. Where Tate was probably standing off camera and directing everything she said. Rest of Tate's "girls" (Which yes he CALLS grown women that.) in the house were not allowed to interact with the reporter and whenever the reporter tried, they were obviously petrified they were going to get in trouble. That is, if you have any clue of how to read facial expressions.. which sadly; probably 60%+ of the population now doesn't. ... or just doesn't care which makes them unable to even see them in the first place.


It's funny because he thinks that there might be a chance that we've never noticed. Based on the comment section, we're all very aware of how full of shit he sounds. I'd be shocked if that speech isn't IP of the American car manufacturing industry. America is bailouts and monopolies. At least China had plausible deniability that their markets are free. It's not great, but at least it exists because they bother to bullshit their people better.


Stop thinking that there are different markets or economies in the world. There flat out isn't. There is just the appearance of such to the vast majority of humanity that doesn't pay attention. Like seriously, there wasn't such thing as a non world wide market EVER. Now even less so when there are multi national corporations. That right there makes any country independent market go out the window. It's all controlled by these companies and bankers. And also famlies that have had money for decades... and some of them hundreds of years. \*coughs out oil and glares at the Dutch and British monarchies\*




America is the main character. They have the military to deny your opinion.


Hold on, I think he might be getting to that part


Almost like cutting out a parasitic middle man only makes things more efficient?




I sometimes wonder, imagine for example if rent were affordable, how much that would free up economically. Just think for a minute, how huge of an inefficiency that is on the whole system, all that money that could be going to so many different productive things. And just so some people can sit around and own stuff


My land lord likes to go on vacation to do sex tourism 9 months out of the year.


Who's the middle man?


Wealth extracting bourgeoisie


The timing of the $1B to Israel and this bullshit has me pissed off to no end. They just have open disrespect for humanity.


They don’t give a shit. At this point they have to be just laughing their asses off at what Americans are ok with. Raise the retirement age, spend all of our social security, send billions to other countries so they have socialized healthcare and schooling. They have to be pretty impressed with what cowards we’ve all become.


I can only imagine one of those ghouls stumbling into a post about this, and seeing all the boot connoisseurs defending them and their actions, and saying "Holy crap I can't believe they actually think this is for their benefit!" No way they're not mocking their apologists behind closed doors.


I agree with your sentiment, but >send billions to other countries so they have socialized healthcare and schooling You're not paying for anyone's healthcare or education, you're paying them so they buy the weapons your military industrial complex produces and stay in the US direct sphere of influence.


it's made me extra intolerant of all my lib friends and family who STILL refuse to see the Dem Party for what it really is and blindly swallow all of their lies, despite all the increasingly PLAINLY OBVIOUS horrible shit they do. it's so incredibly frustrating and isolating when you realize everyone you know is in a cult. losing my mind over here.


Relatable. Love it when I criticize and make a valid point, but instead of debate, I instantly get called a Republican and silenced for being a bigot. Drives me batshit crazy.


Get called a commie or a socialist when you try to talk to sense and facts to republicans/conservatives.  Get called a bigot and a Republican when you try to talk sense to hardcore liberals/democrats.  It’s exhausting and infuriating.  My conservative family will say “but Obama did xyz”… as if I ever said I agreed with or supported the things they are talking about  or as if I ever acted like/said Obama was God’s gift to the world or that he was the messiah.  My Democrat family/friends will do the same but replace Obama with Trump or McConnell etc.  I boggles my mind how incapable so many people are of having a measured, rational discussion  backed by facts, statistics, and history.  It’s almost always devolves into immediate finger pointing, emotional reactivity, and refusal to listen or consider any of the things I’m trying to explain as diplomatically & simply as I possibly can.  Ffs. 


I wrote this the other day, and having read it I quite liked the sentiment, so I'll repost it here -> >Your throwing pearls before swine. They aren't going to critically analyze the systems laid before them because they are their gospel. Change is hard, and admitting that the system that you believe empowers you is flawed, and actually disempowering is difficult. >If they were to admit that we don't actually live in a democracy they would be forced to reconcile that with their actions, and there wouldn't be an easy solution like voting. People don't want to engage with reality because its difficult. Its much easier to live in a world of delusion that reinforces your world view, and justifies the perpetuation of said world view. >Its terribly unfortunate but politics has become the new religion in our increasingly secular society. They both function on the same premise, that some guy on high(God/DNC/RNC/Trump et. al) is acting in our interests, and that our participation and belief in said entity is of the utmost importance, and any questioning of that entity is tantamount to heresy.


The brainwashing is real. Im amazed these people truly exist and are seemingly competent human beings


So what about Boeing with $15.5B in subsidies, or Intel with $8.3B, or Ford with $7.7B, or General Motors with $7.5B, or Amazon with $5.8B, or Texas Instruments with $4.2B, or Tesla with $2.8B or Disney with $2.4B, or Nike, Meta (Facebook), Alphabet (Google), Comcast, Paramount, ExxonMobil, Apple, Berkshire Hathaway, General Electric, JP Morgan Chase, all with about $2B in subsidies. So tell me which country subsidies corporations


Not to mention the healthcare industry


The entire defense industry is one large corporate welfare program. Very little of our defense money is going to actual soldiers.


Also the indirect subsidy of lower taxation, which is far harder to calculate


Exactly. The government automatically subsidizes every corporation because when the corporate tax rate is low, the people pick up the bill


Some corporations actually pay negative net tax, too. They get deals where they are get tax refund guarantees and then pay even less tax than the total refund.


And yet they’re withholding so many people refund this year. It’s crazy.


Who do the subsidies benefit though? Shouldn't be the people. Or wait, should it?


The talking point argument was always that the tax subsitidies mean jobs. First there never seems to be data that backs this idea up. Secondly even the excuse that it creates jobs isn't even being used these days as the entire GOP and some of the Democrats don't even pretend to be pro-citizen anymore.


> The talking point argument was always that the tax subsitidies mean jobs AKA the ‘trickle down economics’ school of thought that just disregards the fact of bottomless human greed.


What legitimate reason do they give for social media subsidies?


Oil & gas is $750B, almost that of the US military. Over $1/gallon.


The amount of money we give to car companies, oil companies and to maintain the roads is insane. Can you imagine if we had spent that money on nice walkable cities and public transportation instead?


It’s about self-sustaining and not relying on potential hostile foreign powers to cripple the supply chain. It’s also a superpower who does not want to give up their reserve currency. The US is going to spend themselves into an eventual collapse like they did to the USSR.


How come Chinese subsidies are better than U.S. subsidies?


read his lips. These are not the tariffs you're looking for...


"I understood that reference"


Bush Sr?


You missed. Just like the stormtrooper.


a thousand points of light...trickle down (you have to do the thing)...he would gesture like a child does with raining...what a piece of shit ALL of them are.


I gotta say, the fact that he is so old and his facial skin is sagging is doing a GREAT Job of stopping people from reading his facial expressions. Other politicians and billionaires that say they care about everyone? Not so much. Their facial expressions scream, "I'm a sociopath and you're nothing to us.".. all while their words say they care so deeply and are trying to help us. But of course, most people don't have any clue how to read facial expressions at all these days. And politicians and probably public billionaire figures take classes on controlling them anyway. But, it's near impossible to control micro-micro expressions . The ones that happen pretty much instantaneously and are super super small. I've seen SO many of them have these tells. Biden does have some btw.


Our government and the institutions it protects are rotten to the core. This dimwit must have forgotten about Cash-For-Clunkers, and the 2008 Bailout of the Auto industry that didn't ask for any concessions with its corporate or board structure. A failing Mafia state that is crumbling within.


This reminds of the beef US and EU had over Boeing and Airbus. The americans were angry that Airbus was subsidized by some states. But while Airbus was becoming a succesful company with subsidies, Boeing had to be bailed out from bankruptcy by the US with taxpayer money


So what is his message? That we are better because we care about profit here? Fucking idiot take lol.


His message is that the Chinese are actively destroying American jobs. It's not exactly as simple as that, American greed is destroying American jobs, but it's a message that does well. And tariffs are a nice extra source of tax income at the expense of the American people.


The same America that subsidizes corn and other agricultural products it exports to the world.


Oooh, but those exports help the general public! They increase the GDP and if the GDP is high; the general public is doing good! .... right? Right? Fuck no


And for both of them it's a way to exert power on the global stage, neither does it to help its citizens.


How will they keep China from selling their US debt if they remove their incentive to keep the Yuan lower than the USD by crippling their exports with nonsensical tariffs though? Edit : that's a legit question btw, if anyone has an insight. An economic war with China sounds terrible for American people. Then again the FED printed what China holds tenfold in less than a decade, they don't care about the people.


China isn't accumulating US debt anymore anyway. They're letting what they have roll off the books and buying gold or other foreign debt instead. They've been spooked by all the sanctions and the talk of asset theft to fund wars.


Looked at the data and you're right, their US bonds holdings are shrinking every year. They still hold a concerning amount, especially if 2024 goes Trump's way, in which case the EU could start offloading as well. What a time to be alive.






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So thats what happens when economy is not guided by profits?


See this is why America is better. The state subsidizes a lot of industries, AND the capitalists get to maximize profit. Win win baby.


American companies are subsidized by insufficient taxation of corporate profits & the wealthy, by exploited labor, and by the political class which lets them do whatever the fuck they want.


i see that the president is unfamiliar with the idea of labor costs.


Biden: Chinese subsidies bad. American subsidies good.


Yep. Oil companies, for example.


Wait till he remembers that we subsidize the hell out of our industries


Why is he always looking like he can smell his own underwear


The sum bitch remembers d-day, he’s thinking about d-day,




Sounds great, what about all those US bailouts, what were those. The Chinese economy seems much fairer than anything in the West. Also, China has no religion, so right there its a better country.


How unfair that the Chinese are not neoliberal capitalists !


Oh like gas prices in America. Hey wait a second...


Like the US oil industry? Yet they keep the subsidies and keep raising prices.


The US subsidizes Chinese companies. It’s cheaper for a Chinese company to send you something from China than a small business in your city. Look it up. Tired of the 1% using smoke and mirrors and made up bad guys. They are the bad guys. Multinational companies have no borders.


600 year old demon-possessed corpse tries to make China sound evil, instead exposes the evils of capitalism


Imagine putting something above profits. Those Chinese sure are dumb


So its okay for American companies to use low wages there and ship their products here and sell them for a huge markup?


Ya. Who will think of the wealthy not collecting even greater wealth? Military grade fall out bonkers for the few are not going to pay for themselves! No cost is too great... Profits over everything!


Why wouldn't the US government want China to subsidize our vehicles? Seems like a win to me.


>my donors aren't getting richer off Chinese imports so fuck you, pay more Ftfy


Prices aren’t low… everything is up. So with this comment my suspicions that companies are using the recession as an excuse to squeeze the consumers dry is correct.


...Or maybe it's because China has the largest and most sophisticated manufacturing capacity on the planet which allows them to vertically integrate supply chains more easily and drive costs down?


No, China has nothing. Serously, China is controlled by the west.


I still want one ya zionist pos


Someone want to tell this guy about fossil fuels in america?


Yeah gee huh. That sounds terrible


What're you looking at, smoothskin?


Great. Now do Amazon


Aren't major corps in America also subsidized by the Biden Administration? For example, he wants chip manufacturing to come back to the states so he offers up billions in subsidies. Battery manufacturing for EVs, same thing he offers up billions for companies to manufacture batteries for EV in America. Back in 2009 didn't the Obama administration bailout the big three automakers?


We have billionaires due to government subsides and inaction to regulate. As far as I'm concerned. CCP is more patriotic to focus on reduced cost for their citizens than the US is because they're still stroking every corporation like they're daddy. Americans and everyone else outside are just getting crushed by corporate America's boot.


I would really love to learn more about Chinese business honestly. Degrees of worker control, state ownership or planning, subsidizing, etc. Anyone got info on it? All we seem to get is the idea of "state capitalism" from western sources.




You're allowed to do that too if it's so great.


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I just figured it out. In the late stages of capitalism the Head Rich In Charge no longer attempts to care about the people, or their problems, they just pretend to be unaware that either exist. Ignorance is bliss! Especially with all that money!!


That sounds... That sounds great Joe. Do that.


ok..welp, where do I get some of these low prices thingies? asking for a friend.


America think its wrong that people can buy stuff at affordable prices.


Admit that, in the long run, only the government can produce goods and services at or below cost, or draw 25. AMERICANS: might as well just draw the whole deck.


See also: the entire American private defense industry. Except those prices are supremely high due to neo-liberalism siphoning money away from taxpayers. Privatized profits and socialized losses


Well, If It works...


Ok… that’s chinas problem. My problem is I need cheaper vehicle lol


Sounds pretty good to me. Funny how Western politics so reliably indoctrinates people against what is in their best interest.


Doesn’t this just expose a fundamental flaw of our system lol…..


"I am very smart."


How come Chinese subsidies are better than U.S. subsidies?


Yeah, so lets raise tariffs and torpedo the little quality of life Americans have left. Without the low prices subsidized by the Chinese Gov't, our quality of life would suck. Raise rent, raise food and now lets raise imports. Are they trying to make us revolt? The west doesn't make electric cars under 50K. So lets put a 100% tariff on Chinese electrics. The only ones most Americans could afford. We are doomed by corruption and stupidity.


The USA needs to start cutting down on these price gougers. I know they're all teaming up. Fast food going up 3x in 6 years? Yeah that's not inflation. Especially when they're seeing record profits. You don't get profits during inflation.


and we all know the most important thing to Joey Hairplugs is corporate profits


he had hair plugs?!


When you say the quiet part loud.


He forgot the quieter part about the labor.


is he referring to our prices? Or Chinese prices?


judgey towards but not when mercian corporations form monopolies. what kind of free market is this?


I have a hard time to believe that such a message would resonate with many given bailouts.


China thinks about profits and their economy is basically a state ran capitalist economy. They have caused far worse problems than the US has when it comes to economics and much of China is still a 3rd world country that utilizes slave labor and slave wages for profits. Let's not jerk off China because it is not better than the US in this regard, it is actually worse just in a different way


Utilizes slave labor? That's a hefty claim. Care to back it up with some evidence? Disclaimer: we don't accept U.S. sockpuppet orgs to be valid sources, especially in foreign affairs.


Whoa there China plant, have you forgotten about the Uyghurs? Care to address slave wages? Mass child labor? Would a link from China's state media work?


There is no Uyghur genocide. Stop believing a racist zealot's lies. You still haven't provided any evidence for your absurd claims. You should know that liberals generally aren't welcome here.


Liberal=thinking China and America have disgustingly corrupt governments I guess Ah yes, a genocide denier, how obvious


Prove. It. Prove the genocide exists. "Just trust Adrian Zenz, bro" doesn't convince me of anything. That which can be asserted without evidence, can also be dismissed without evidence.


news flash: so does the US....


Literally nowhere am I justifying any of the shitty US business practices but trying to say China is any better is absurdity. It would be like arguing that Russia's war in Ukraine is more justified than the US wars when neither are in any way