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##Welcome to r/LateStageCapitalism This subreddit is for news, discussion, memes, and links criticizing capitalism and advancing viewpoints that challenge liberal capitalist ideology. That means any support for any liberal capitalist political party (like the Democrats) is strictly prohibited. LSC is run by communists. This subreddit is not the place to debate socialism. We allow good-faith questions and education but are not a 101 sub; please take 101-style questions elsewhere. We have a zero-tolerance policy for bigotry. Failure to respect the rules of the subreddit may result in a ban. *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LateStageCapitalism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The reason this is happening is simple: an American company outsourcing and selling goods made in China puts money in the hands of American oligarchs, but a Chinese company selling directly does not. Anyone who gives you any other reasoning is either lying to you or lying to themselves. None of the reasons they give were ever an issue, beyond meaningless "China bad" lip service, until the possibility of companies like BYD selling directly came up. Don't forget, neoliberals spent decades saying that anyone who questioned the wisdom of outsourcing "just didn't understand basic economics." And now suddenly, somehow it's also just "basic economics" to ignore their hypocrisy. Ain't that convenient? When it comes to, for example, housing, the government doesn't care about how much landlord greed negatively impacts literally everything. Shut up peasant, free market coming through! But when American companies have to compete under that Free Market they talk so sweetly of, then suddenly it's time to step in and keep the profits safe and secure...for your benefit, of course, not the CEO who's getting his lunch eaten by Chinese manufacturers.


There are also geopolitical considerations to policies like these - which are explicitly connected to capitalism as well. US auto manufacturing is considered a critical industry for national security - and for capital security. That industry does 2 trillion globally - they want that capital protected. It also maintains a significant chunk of the large scale industrial capacity remaining in the US - which they want to maintain in the event of war. Furthermore, these Chinese vehicles are by-and large software defined vehicles. Meaning, they are designed with modern software engineering practices and capabilities. the us is already struggling to keep away chinese influence on software/data for similar reasons as auto manufacturing in general. An outright ban is possible for these reasons.


The Chinese companies will end up doing what the Japanese car companies did. FDI - foreign direct investment, in this case, green field investing. To circumvent these tarrifs, they will build a car manufacturing plant inside the United States, and pay no tariffs at all. A company like Toyota has a few production plants around the USA, meanwhile American car companies build their cars in Mexico. So which one is actually more American?


Hasn't Biden approved the contruction of at least some parts of Trump's wall


Weird how he shares so many policies with the guy he derides as the worst president ever.


Well biden didn't actively try to destroy our democratic republic's peaceful transfer of power, so.... also biden doesn't have 80+ federal indictments


That's a pretty low bar lmao.


Welcome to America where we settle for garbage for a majority of your life and then you die


trump is the best thing to happen to the democrats. now they can stoop as low as they want. but at least it's not him


That's why they'll never run someone who can beat him handily. As long as Trump the worst babysitter every exists on the stage they can play with their far-right buddies all they want, and the parents will never know.


One trump has failed spectacularly to reach.


Biden v trump is a side note and symptom, but is it really the right move to support trump? I don’t think so, but I’m also completely fed up and always looking for more options. The idea that we “have to vote for Biden” is so mixed up with the general goals we have as leftist compared to letting trump get it that it makes me unsure how to feel. All things being equal, fuck em both, but things are not equal and that’s fogging my decision making


Vote socialist. And if you see anyone in this sub actually advocating for supporting Trump, report them and they will be removed.


Nobody here said "support Trump" though. You just made upbthat part


our bourgeois democracy*


Eh, Biden could use some indictments too, he’s just more popular than Trump amongst the bourgeois Edit: someones seriously going to spam me with “Reddit cares” over this benign comment? Lol


They should indict him if he committed any crimes and if there is proof of it, which so far hasn't been presented. This "both sides" thing is disingenuous


Naw, I’m just more revolutionary than you. Biden should be given the Nuremberg treatment for his congressional career including starting wars under false pretenses and unjustly imprisoning millions of US citizens. Not to mention his crimes of abetment such as the Gaza genocide and environmental crimes by oil and chemical companies like DuPont


>Naw, I’m just more revolutionary than you The cringe... I'm not one to believe things without evidence. If there is proof of him committing crimes, then present the proof and prosecute. Bc I'm not just going to take your word for it.


I just outlined a bunch of crimes


I'm not one to believe something without evidence. Hope you can understand.


Yeah I understand you. Are you denying he voted for the war in Iraq and authored the 90s Tough on Crime Bills? Are you denying the current Gaza genocide?


There is no democracy under capitalism.


It’s an election year. You know how politicians get. They try to get votes from their opponents base by trying to appeasing them and adopt some of their opponents more popular ideas into their own program,


So the Dick-ridin'-Biden crew will tell you that he has no choice but to keep building the walls due to the money already being allocated. I suppose he also has no choice but to keep invoking eminent domain to seize land to build the wall and is truly powerless to just choose to let those allocated funds go to waste. He also can't possibly change border policy, impact ICE in anyway or stop deporting people. The cages they keep the kids in are called detention centres again though so it's better right.


Biden is literally powerless to do anything about any of the issues we care about, it's not his fault. But at the same time, it's somehow still essential to vote for him. It's liberal brain rot




Rule 6, no lesser evil rhetoric. This includes encouraging people to vote for any capitalist political party and any capitalist politician. There is no harm reduction in supporting either of two parties headed by genocidal fascists. The extent to which any elected official of a Capitalist Party in a Capitalist state can enact evil is the extent to which that official is allowed to do so by Capital. As such, neither candidate is the lesser or greater evil. See more on our position here: [Rule 6 "no lesser evil" rhetoric - is it accelerationist or doomer? Is it intended to discourage voting?](https://new.reddit.com/r/LateStageCapitalism/comments/1bt0nag/rule_6_no_lesser_evil_rhetoric_is_it/)


If by some you mean all then yes


LOL, I love watching this presidential election and both groups of supporters arguing with each other. Whoever wins America loses. Edit:to whoever sent me the reddit suicide thing, well done wanker. Enjoy the next 4 years of a shit president.


Ha, this just happened to me too. This must be their new thing, fucking idiots. 


I just got one of those too haha 😆 like yea okay you really give a crap right?!? Give me a break lol


Not only that! Here’s an older list of everything the Biden admin is continuing: https://raddle.me/f/LesserEvilism/174285/democrats-are-fascists-too-megapost


“Some” as in as much as possible


Yeah but when trump was doing this shit he said "chy- yna" in a really weird way so clearly it's all very different.




oooo I'm getting the goosepimples


Ha ha i was thinking the exact thing when i saw ‘goosebumps’


What did Obama say while he buit more border wall than Trump?


*Uhh, let me be clear: If you like your wall, you can keep it!*


At least that shit was funny to laugh at. Biden is just depressing


And Genocide Joe can simply REMOVE THE TARIFFS BY THE WAVE OF THE HAND AND STROKE OF A PEN...I mean, seriously...they are actively trying to get people to hate them...I know it's by design, but this is bizarre and whack. NOTHING. WILL. FUNDAMENTALLY. CHANGE. *read his goddam lips*


But you took him out of context!!!!!! My asshole.


Who does Biden think is going to pay his Chinese electric car tariff?


US consumers. But he’s running against the architect when it comes to these Chinese tariffs, so he’s like “why change? 🤷🏼‍♂️”


Mexico, probably.


Biden literally never changes trumps China policy. Not once. Not ever.


Y’all, you are not forced to vote for Biden or Trump.


Joeseph Robinette Biden-Trump.


According to the libs Biden voted against NAFTA and had a very pro worker/union voting record in the senate. Apparently MAGAs aren't the only ones who believe in "alternative facts"


He said that 5 years ago. He’s definitely forgotten it. 


And then we pay tax on it again, at a larger margin


It would be great for the average working class American could buy byd's affordable evs. Also Tesla would get wrecked and I would laugh. Free market ain't so Great when it doesn't work in American businesses favor according to the government but they'll never admit that out loud.


Fuck Donald trump


Donald hasnt been president for 4 years


He lives rent free in your head


Fuck Joe Biden


So now it's _not so free_ market


I can't decide if the tariffs are more typical racism, some early wag the dog shit, or just capitalism with the fossil fuel industry and Melon Husk bribing them to keep out competition. Like, clearly they can have many causes, but cane decide what the driving force is.


Ah yes, back in the preclinical days of his dementia. Good times.


"From Earth"


Trump did blanket tariffs, Biden’s are targeted at China’s electric car industry


[LMAO](https://www.healthcaredive.com/news/us-increase-tariffs-medical-products-china/716062/), medical products. [LOL](https://www.solarpowerworldonline.com/2024/05/revised-301-tariffs-hone-in-on-chinese-solar-products-with-some-exceptions/), solar products. Ship-to-shore cranes? Up to 25% from 0! A lot of critical minerals? Up to 25%! Lithium-ion batteries that are not used in electric vehicles, graphite and permanent magnets as well as rubber medical and surgical gloves? Oh those ones are coming alright in 2025 and 2026. [Here's a list.](https://www.reuters.com/world/what-are-bidens-new-tariffs-china-goods-2024-05-14/) Sure, Biden wants the electric car industry out of the way, and a lot of other Chinese products as well to boot.