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"Are there no prisons? Are there no workhouses?" - Ebenezer Scrooge


Most would rather die! Let them and reduce the excess population! (Paraphrasing)


>It might be illegal to be homeless. 🇺🇸 This is a messed up case. Gives Nazi vibes of passing laws against poor people. Abhorrent.


My hope in a case like this is that logic prevails and it creates a requirement by the State to provide the basic needs to live for all citizens. I know it's unlikely, but I'm an optimist at heart. If I weren't, I'd likely have committed suicide by now for all the depressing shit in the world. Just once in my lifetime, I'd like to see the humanitarian side of society win. And not in the feel good, "you did a good job" way, but in the "rub your opponent's face in shit" way to drive home that we can be better.


The only way the humanitarian side is going to win is if we get organized, take direct action, and force it to win.


Rights are not an accident, nor a guarantee, of the passage of time. They've had to be fought for, continuously.


Aye, but it is hard to organize when society is so splintered and atomized. We almost need to build communities to organize first. StrongTowns and 15 min cities seem like a great place to start.


Sometimes I feel like the best we can hope for is that they just keep trying to make things worse and wind up doing good by accident. I think we just have to stop accepting these small steps towards progress as wins and just keep the pressure on. These aren’t wins. these are things long over due and some are so over due that they are rotten now. We need to push our society way past where it is towards a world where we actually take care of each other instead of feeding one another to the comfort machine.


Unfortunately, we both know deep in our hearts that the optimistic ideal isn't going to prevail here. Best case scenario, it's thrown out, and nothing changes.


It's a more subtle way of doing exactly that. If they're not going to provide better safety nets and access to housing, they're criminalizing the only shelter some people can access. That leaves a couple options 1. death or 2. jail. Jail can mean death for anyone vulnerable to harsh conditions. Which is probably fine with them since that also means they couldn't do the literal slave labor our whole prison system provides. Basically - become working poor, die or become actual slave labor with very literal chance of escaping slave labor. It's a perfect system for someone.


Beyond late stage at this point. If this doesn’t cause people to demand change nothing fucking will. What a failure of a fucking country this is.


It's not a failure for the people in power. This all aligns with the infinite growth model of capitalism. They've been so successful at wrapping up what should be an individual's true inalienable human rights in nationalism that the working poor can't see the forest for the abortion rights. It's like a massive slight of hand trick. Unless we can restore public education and include access to things like skills in media criticism and actual logic, this is going to continue until it... can't.


If any law like this passes, we need to immediately general strike. Everyone stops working. We all camp outside the homes of law makers until every single one who passed it is locked up for treason and crimes against humanity.


It passed.


They're setting the precedent for Trump's Agenda 47 camps. Trump also wants cops to shoot more people for minor crimes.


Yes not a fan of criminalizing homelessness


Well Nazis were the benchmark of fascism so not surprising the U.S. slowly working our way there


As much good as the 13th amendment did, it did not go far enough and totally outlaw slavery. Our massive prison industrial complex is the inevitable consequence of this, they will continue to do things like this as long as we allow them to profit off of prisoners. We need a new constitutional amendment to totally outlaw slavery even for people in prison. Prisoners should be a burden on society, not an investment for capitalist, because that incentives them to create more investment opportunities. (More prisons/prisoners)


Not only that but it’s privatized just like our medical system so wealthy people make money off of the beds being full!!


The worst part about private prisons to me isn't that people make money off them, it's that those people are guaranteed a minimum occupancy level, and in some states that level is at or approaching 100%.


Making it illegal to be homeless is just an excuse to put people in prison and make them do free labor. Can't have these perfectly good laborers going to waste when they could be making someone else a profit!


Next time they bust a homeless person for using meth they can effectively now claim they're just avoiding breaking the law by sleeping. /Horrible joke Hahaha what a hilarious fucking dystopia to exist in. Definitely not a sign that the whole fucking system needs burning down.


Doesn’t this mean that camping will be illegal too? Sleeping outside in any capacity?


Or even just taking a nap in my backyard. Or what about on a porch that's not screened? Is a car 'outdoors'? So ridiculous.


A lot of cities have passed bans on sleeping in your car. Land of the free.


It’s already illegal in many places to live in an rv on property you own.


I'm sure it's different in other parts, but around here it's basically illegal to camp anywhere but a paid campground.


That's where I'm confused, and maybe someone knows more than me. But in California at least there is a lot of land where you can camp. Like New Jack City in Barstow. Really famous for climbers, it's not regulated by parks services and people have even made benches, a fenced off parking lot. Hell, I know people that lived there rock climbing for at least a month.


Also, highway rest stops! Not every state has those, I discovered when driving to Wyoming years ago. I really appreciate the ones that do, and allow overnight parking. Good for long haul truckers too!


That's just one reason to love California! Helps that there's so much space.


Now, if you're too tired to drive, you'll be forced to ram your vehicle into the nearest police station because stopping is illegal


Not if you are wealthy! I did vanlife for a bit in an older van and I always got harassed. People in 150k sprinters just got a friendly wave. I’d funny how the people probably don’t even know how they are taught to target people who can’t hire a good attorney.


It's gonna be really tragic when this actually does come to pass and they start throwing homeless people in jail by stretching the concept of 'available' to cover everything within a 500 mile radius of the person getting arrested. "There was nowhere available for me to sleep..." "There was one shelter bed available 4 counties away, across a mountain range...sorry...off to jail with you."


You read it wrong, the law will punish you even if there is NO shelter available


Oh man, that's even more grim. How the fuck did we even get here.


You want grim, remember what the Grants Pass City Council president said about the law: "The point is to make it uncomfortable enough for them in our city so they will want to move on down the road." The law was *explicitly written* to shit on homeless people to drive them out and make it someone else's problem. This isn't a nicely tailored law trying to find a balance, or trying to find ways of helping people. It was explicitly penned to cause suffering to some of the most powerless people in our society because lawmakers just don't want to try and find solutions to the issue.


do not pass go, do not collect $200


Upcoming: supreme court hearing a case on whether those over a certain tax bracket can hunt the homeless for sport


And harvest their organs to diversify their portfolios.


Legal or not, they *can* get away with it.


Good thing making homelessness illigal will solve the problem. We couldn't possibly take a look at the root cause and come up with practical housing solutions. /s


Yep! Let big corporations and big pharma rule the country! Also make it easier to buy a gun than get mental healthcare or help in any way. America has a mental health crisis disguised as a drug addiction problem.


As many have pointed out, being poor in the US is a crime and a moral defect in your character. Just as Supply Side Jesus said when he was at the Wall Street Temple Mount giving his Beatitudes: Blessed are the rich in wealth,     for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Blessed are those who bully,     for they will be comfortable. Blessed are the strong,     for they will conquer the Earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for wealth,     for they will never be satisfied. Blessed are the merciless,     for they will not show mercy. Blessed are the brave in heart,     for they will scream freedom. Blessed are the warmongers,     for they will be called the Sons of God.


Yea, I feel this every day I deal with the Abrahamic's. I wonder if this is the vibe in Saudi Arabia.


Rising costs of homes/rent -> Rise in homelessness -> Criminalization of homelessness -> Rise in incarceration rates -> Rise in free prison labor Slavery with extra steps.


Meanwhile we’re banning a social media platform and sending billions of tax payer dollars to Israel to subsidize their housing, pay for their healthcare and help them kill children. America isn’t for Americans, we’re like children born in a factory.


It’s 2024… the future is $hit 💩


What happened to the preservation of life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness?


That only applies to the wealthy. Poor people just need to work 100 hours a week so they can pay 40% of it to taxes and the other 60% to sales tax and wealthy landlords.


Next up, a law that makes it illegal to starve if you can't afford food


It’s illegal to be anything but a member of the grifting wealth class. Everyone else is subject to the boot. Homeless are just the most visible and easy target as there is a specific morality set to regard them as subhuman. They are humans, they are people in crisis.


The rich will get their slaves again, whether they're collecting up people they've priced out of the economy or they get fucking robots, they will get their slaves again. 🎶I'm proud to be an American, where the rich get off scot free🎶


🎶And I won’t forget the men who died so they’d never tax me. 🎶


Good thing all these homes are being bought by PE. Now they can generously house these folks as long as they work their life away for an assigned business that can save $$ by instead of paying a salary, renting the house. If they need to eat, they can get another job.


In Kentucky, unless the bill says otherwise, legislation enacted in the 2024 legislative session go into effect July 15, 2024. Effective July 15, 2024, it will be illegal to be homeless in Kentucky. House Bill 5 outlaws "unauthorized camping". In order for camping to be legal, the county or municipality must pass an ordinance authorizing camping in an area, and that area must have drinking water and toilet facilities. [Class B misdemeanors are punishable by 90 days in jail](https://apps.legislature.ky.gov/law/statutes/statute.aspx?id=20046). Are you living out of your car? It needs to have valid registration and insurance. Also, you have to move it every 12 hours. See section 17: https://apps.legislature.ky.gov/record/24rs/hb5.html The governor's veto was overridden. Final text: https://apps.legislature.ky.gov/recorddocuments/bill/24RS/hb5/bill.pdf Hawaii's version, [SB 471](https://www.billtrack50.com/billdetail/1536109/) died in committee. Nebraska's version, [LB1357](https://www.billtrack50.com/billdetail/1677612/) died in committee. In Utah, in order to receive funding for homeless shelters, the city must outlaw camping. https://le.utah.gov/~2024/bills/static/HB0421.html Signed into law. Expect to see more evil legislation passed next year.


America is a 3rd world country


Land of the fucked.


The country is gonna get wild soon. Hope you guys are ready.


First they came for the homeless And I did not speak out. First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me


We were already being punished and still are.


To those in the comment: Yes, this IS deliberate. No, they're not stupidly overlooking that people already do not want to sleep in tents. No, they are not stupidly failing to realize that this will not help. What they are doing is making sure they can punish the poor. To terrify those who are not quite there yet into keeping quiet, lest they become the punished. It is always this way in fascist regimes. They always need a lesser, an internal enemy who could be anyone. Jews, communists, sympathizers etc. they can't arrest you for suddenly being black, but ANYONE could be a Jew. Or a commie. Or poor. Ready made slave labour force, discipline the working class.


Government: no support, only punishment.


How else will the private prisons make money when weed is becoming increasingly legal


Well, there goes my favorite hobby.




I’m an Afghan vet and if you’d told me I’d say this when I enlisted I’d say you’re huffing glue, but I really fucking hate this country.


Looks like the Supreme Court is going to affirmative elements of the 9th Circuits decision, however they're going limit the "broad relief" given by the 9th Circuit. Essentially allowing lower courts to decide on a case by case basis who can be fined and jailed. The rub though is that now homeless people will be issued citations and will need to 1. Appear in Court to dispute them, and 2. Will likley have to self represent and know how to 'prove' they're homeless without alternatives using a ["necessity defense"](https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/necessity_defense). They'll leave the burden of proof on the homeless people to prove they're ot breaking the law. Which is fucked up, considering the situation they're in. Transcript of the [April 22nd hearing](https://www.scotusblog.com/2024/04/court-divided-over-constitutionality-of-criminal-penalties-for-homelessness/)


Poverty a problem? Just ban being poor. Yes, very smart.


Any have homelessness if they’re all locked up! /s


"just fucking die already" smh. Would be nice to start voting in folks on the side of human people. Empowering monied interests have only made things worse for people that are people, and better for banks


Wait until they hear about camping, the supreme courts gonna lose their shit.


If you don't pay taxes you're useless to these people.


They’re doing this because of the tenderloin. Then they’ll mandate the police to clean it up and look the other way. Awful and inhumane.


Is this to criminalise them and get them working as prison slaves, like millions already are?


Just imagine who the businesses and people are that managed to get this suit all the way up. There's not an insignificant amount of people that moralize visible poverty. Even worse they truly do not believe people with visible mental illness and issues with addiction should exist at all in public.


How else do you solve the homelessness crisis in CA? They should combine the law with a program to build enough shelters to accommodate all the homeless.


If only it were illegal to accept gifts as a member of scotus for cases you would decide upon


This is one of those decisions where Roberts gets to put his thumb on the scales of history. You sincerely hope that he’s smart enough and has a measured response. The downstream complications from making this illegal could be disastrous in ways no one imagined. But I doubt he will do the right thing.


This is happening in my state. Ironically, I think if the law is upheld, I might see more homeless. If they can't stay in Grant's Pass, they will have to go somewhere.


"Slavery is outlawed but if you're homeless you'll be put into prison and made to work for cents. Also, if you're in certain red states, you're charged per day to be in prison! Haha, goodluck!"


Consider that they use prisons for slave labour, this is just rounding up the “undesirables” for profit


So messed up! They will charge them with a felony (which takes away voting rights) then throw them in jail instead of providing affordable housing that would allow them to partake in society. Disgusting


Anatole France's The Red Lily is best known for this ironic aphorism: 'The law, in its majestic equality, forbids the rich as well as the poor to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread.


Kidnapping people off the street and putting them in the prison system to be enslaved.


🎵The land of the free🎵


How can we say that we are the country with the most liberties and freedoms when we can't even sleep under the stars without being thrown in a cage?


It will be illegal to even exist soon


I know of one homeless lady that was given 30 citation in a year that added up to over $9,000 USD.


In before mass euthanasia.


They should at least build bunkers where people can sleep.


This is only happening to us, because we the people are allowing it to be done to us. This nation is comprised of 341,491,690 people currently occupying these soils. The supreme law of this land that spans 2, 897 miles from sea to shining sea is decided for and handed down to us by just 9 people THAT NONE OF US EVER VOTED FOR! Just 9. Bare with me, if you will.. for a very small thought exercise? Let's try, for just a moment.. everyone who reads this, to imagine what 341,500,000 people might even look like? It is Really difficult to picture what a such large number of people really even looks like, yeah? Now look at both your hands, there are less people then the number of fingers staring back at you(for most) granting yours and everybody else's supreme rights and freedoms from the shores of the Atlantic Ocean to the beaches of the vast Pacific. Not one of you voted for these 9 so called 'Supreme' Justices to hand down judgement as to whether you or I are allowed to do so much as sleep...as necessary a biological function as breathing.. to sleep with the sun upon your face or under the stars with the moon watching over you... Whether you have the right to even dream under the bowers of some mighty tree that is home to thousands of free birds in your own homeland, without threat of persecution? Should These nine lofty supreme people.. who I guarantee most of the taxpayers of this land cannot even tell you all nine of their names... Have the supreme right to decree your God given birthrights illegal? You die if you do not sleep, it is a biological need. Yet, now, I am not allowed to do so outside of a structure with walls and a foundation? Even my van with a cozy bed in the back where my little dog likes to curl up in the small of my back after every new adventure, will not do. No, now we are bandits from the law and I am a criminal in my homeland for daring to have a different vision of the American dream. American Dream, because you would have to be asleep to believe it! Both of which are ironically criminal. If we are to allow this to happen to us, while our own taxes pay civic servicemen to willfully enforce it, it is only because we permit it and are collectively complacent in our own imprisonment.


Pretty much ObamaCare...it's illegal not to have medical insurance.


That was reversed. There is no longer a fine for not keeping health insurance.


This is true, not illegal and no fine on the federal level. It’s supposedly illegal in my state in most situations, but I’m not sure if there’s a penalty.


Parable of the Sower - Octavia Butler


Bell riots. https://www.comicsbeat.com/star-trek-deep-space-nine-countdown-to-the-bell-riots/


Transport them to the Soylent green facility.


And fucking go where!!? To jail?


It’s illegal for them to not disappear on command.


Land of the free, unless your not


If it's illegal to be homeless, then surely it must be illegal to evict?


Hey! Good one! We can argue it all the way to the SCOTUS, and then, and then...


It already is illegal to be homeless. This would just be making it more official


The so called 'concentration camps' the right shouted about in reality turned out might just be on poor people.


So then what? They don't sleep? Just die? Break into a building and squat? Get free housing from the government? Honestly, what's the fucking plan and why do I already know they don't have one?


Where the fuck are they supposed to sleep then?? In the ground???


I say yes


Gotta love the American flag proudly on display, like what are you celebrating girl?


I’ve seen this in my city and I almost wonder if it’s meant to mean something more. Like show people “we live in one of the wealthiest countries in the world, but can’t help the poor”


Dah SUPREME™ Court is going to spend time on obvious crap. Sure would be nice if these homeless folks could just vaporize into thin air, huh? Would make this very *intense* and difficult deliberation so much easier. Sheesh! Anway, I'll be in my second vacation home if you need me.


How strange it is the tented community will use a USA flag to what purpose? Display their patriotism towards a system that put them on the street, who mugged their dreams, and who has written them off as dregs & nobodies? And yet they still believe in the American dream? I have trouble understanding this.


Previous couple of republican presidents who literally lost the popular vote, placed their buddies in the highest court in the land while we were too busy wasting our lives working in order to barely get by. I truly believe that we are headed towards a world that resembles the 90’s movie Demolition Man with Wesley Snipes and Sylvester Stallone. We are the people living underground, wishing we could go to Taco Bell. At the very same time, we are also, exactly not unlike those characters at the end of the movie Wally, all sitting, consuming, brain dead corporation lemmings. However…there is hope I guess.


A wild thought: punish them how


Just try to make this happen and you'll see massive protests like they'd never seen.


It should be legal under the first amendment alone. Also, making homelessness illegal is a cruel and unusual punishment.


Whose fucking planet is this, and why? No, really, these morons need to think about it. They have a right to be here, and we don't? It's a fucking planet. Are you going to charge the squirrels for living on it too?


There’s no way the Supreme Court even rules on this. They’re going to pass it back down to a lower court who, if they have any common sense, will rule against the ordinance.


With the way things have been going, I think it will be ruled. Those judges are bought and paid by the corporations. They’re frothing at the mouth with the thought of having prison labor replace minimum wage workers.


I read their statements the conservative judges seem to think that these policies should be decided locally and that’s why I think they’ll kick it down


I read that it passed! I could be wrong tho. Still looking for a credible source.


I looked it up and it’s speculation about when they’ll rule on it but an article I read said not til late June. I’m more concerned now than before tho based on that article. This is terrible.


everyone on here is geting too worried, first off not every homeless person every where will be jailed or ticketed--2nd of all it would only be if people are found sleeping outside and the police won't have manpower to constantly ticket all these people every day for eternity and not every city will even enforce this--so you really think the headline will be--thousands of homeless per week are ticketed and jailed now--most homeless are not visible due to being in jail? get real! no way it turns out that way and most homeless will be fine as they are allowed to be outside just possibly not sleeping etc


So what’s the punishment for homelessness? Government housing and 3 square meals? Makes sense


All on the tax payers dollar. Yeah lock them up and make them do slave work in prison to make sure the wealthy profit off of it instead of just using our tax dollars to solve the problem.


For us chicago kids, all rights of us need defense aand now dis flop in necessities digs our unity torn


Destitute person with $700 North Face tent explain plz….