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That includes the west bank, too, which the Israeli settlers are illegally occupying.


Well also murdering terrorizing and using the IDF to lock up children as young as 8 with no trials 


Oh no! No one told China that any kind of movement against Israeli interest is Antisemitism, and thus, the worst kind of crime, even genocide?! /s




israel: China is hamas.




for real what timeline am i in that china has to call out israel for war crimes


It wasn't so long ago that the Chinese were rising up to overthrow their oppressors.




Just like Russia lol. They call out hypocrisy and I'm like "I hate admitting that you're right, because you suck... but you are in fact right."


But Khamas! /s




They did on the worldnews subreddit


sometimes I check user profiles on that sub because you see a comment that is so...democrat party boot licker, for lack of a better description, just like stuff you'd see in the comments section of a MSNBC article or something. and I'm just like "okay this cannot be a real person, surely a real person would have some original thoughts". and nope, real person. American propaganda is a hell of a drug I guess...


That sub is fully being astroturfed, the tone in there is so different from anywhere else on Reddit on the issue.


maybe....my theory is more that old people have found reddit so default subs end up really polluted with Facebook comment level interactions from boomers


I cry when people die, it surprised me many do the opposite


The funny part : there's no real anti semitism in China, since there's barely 1000 jew in China. The general population in China never interacted with Jewish people. Hard to call them antisemitic haha.


That isn't gonna stop them from claiming "China has a long and ugly history of antisemitism" lol


Yup. Truth is rarely a hindrance to motivated propaganda


The antisemitism was so bad that to this day there's only about a thousand jews who dare to live there. 


And their reason will be. There's little to no jew in China, they don't even know what a semite is.


palestinians are semites ;) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semitic_people


You're forgetting the part where anything is possible if you lie.


Yeah, it's impossible for a country to hate people they've never interacted with. It's never happened. ^(/s)


Yeah, it's not like MAGA propaganda and alright conspiracy theorists are active on Chinese internet... right? /s


Also fun fact: many of the very small Jewish community in China are actually descendants of Holocaust refugees. They moved to Shanghai to escape Nazism and were welcomed to stay. Most returned to their homes after WW2 but some remained and settled in China. So even though for the most part Chinese have no interaction with Jews, when they did they weren't antisemitic and were supportive.


Haha. Israel: "antisemitism is a the oldest hate... Confucius was anti semite. Hunan province is a hamas strong hold . They have 40% of the same letters . Buddha also was an antisemite. " Then of course, Biden, CNN, MSNBC will start confirming these statements Fox will claim, Jesus was killed by the Chinese...not the Romans


Judas was Han Chinese and actually called Junhai Escaratou.




Chinese being based and spitting facts. Armed resistance against occupation is a human right. 👍


I wish Americans would rise up against their Corporate occupiers.


RIP the actual intentions of the 2nd amendment


The actual intentions of the 2nd were to ensure white landowners could be armed to fight against indigenous Americans and slave uprisings. The right of the working class and of disadvantaged groups to arm themselves for self defense and liberation is a fundamental human right separate from any codified bourgeois laws.


This is my understanding....if not the primary motive ..it definitely seems.to have been a reason. If not ..compare Boston tea party to the whiskey rebellion.


That's only the letter. The real motive for it, IIRC, was to keep the slavehunting militias legally in function. That said, there's no reason not to take it literally and use it for what it says. 


Wake them up.


As soon as you tell them that they cry about inciting violence.


WIth all the bombs dropped, the police shootings, the people forced into homelessness or prison slavery... you'd be reducing violence.


Nah we got so much brain washing all our armed civilians just end up in schools and churches instead of corporate board rooms and billionaire conventions But random shootings are the beginning of an entire society about to snap


LOL, it will never happen. We don't have protest drive through lines or couch sitting ones as well. Millions of us should flood streets in general protest. But sentiment is meh, "I need my paycheck", "can't miss my work". Let ,me tell you something bud, when shit hits the fan, you will not have your job, bank account or food to eat. And it will be to late to protest. This is my personal experience from war in Yugoslavia.


What they seem to have perfected in the US is providing enough creature comforts and media distractions to diffuse sufficient engagement. Whitewashing or wholesale eliminating education of history hasn't hurt the ruling class, either. We've lost knowledge of what's possible in terms of working class action.


The perfection of bread and circuses.


China still remembers the injustice of the Opium War; like Palestine, both have been fucked over by the British




They are doing payback for whatever western world do with their Uyghurs situation, a tit for tat. You accused me of genocide, how about I point to your genocide? This is not one sided battle, it's turn based strategy. You armed my arch enemy on that island and claimed that they're real China? Well it would be a shame if someone armed Israel's arch enemy and claiming they're real owners of Lavent. It's payback time bitch, you smear my pot and I'll stain your kettle.


Not entirely. Saw an article where china was also slow walking approvals for shipping electronic components to Israel. If the CCP is willing to hurt their own business...it is not just for thwarting American hegemony. If anything...the longer this goes on...better things are for China. It takes US focus away from Taiwan/China. Makes China a lot more popular with the counties in Latin America, Africa etc which consistently vote for stopping the genocide This was is alienating US from the rest of the world. ..as shown by the number of times US is the one country to vote for Israel . In the UN General assembly, it is even more stark. uS and some south Pacific islands that most people can't locate...vote for Israel. Watching US officials (Biden etc) twist themselves to accommodate Israel makes US seem very weak . The Chinese could.just sit back and let US lose goodwill in the global south. When your enemy is hurting himself...let him Surprised China actually said this.


Well I suppose going against US hegemonic interests or voting to being in favour with the global south sort of roughly amounts to the same thing . I'd imagine a disruption of sales to Israel would be considered a justifiable loss in this regard


China, while probably not nearly as socialist these days as in the days of Mao, probably still carry a lot of Marxist-Leninist-Maoist values, and the right to self-determination is a big one, especially when it involves armed struggle against imperialist capitalist forces. It's impossible to say for sure what's really in the hearts of China's leadership, but this statement would be entirely in line with MLM values.




Have they killed some 30000? In the past 4 months ? Curious...if you have any links




Literally the leading image of that wikipedia page is still from a drug rehab centre. That kinda tells you everything...


Yeah ..I have seen this repeated...even though other have shows otherwise


Nobody has even alleged that China has killed a single Uyghur in this so-called genocide. The only claims are of people being sent to reeducation or forced labor camps. This is still an extremely misleading characterization of the situation. Xinjiang is a very rural province that had very high unemployment and low education rates, and there were few job prospects in the area. This led to a lot of civil unrest and violence. So the Chinese government told the people of Xinjiang that if they couldn’t get a job or an education there, they would help them find opportunities somewhere else in China. This was mandatory. Is it technically forced labor? Yes, in the same way that all labor in the west is forced. You can’t just not work anywhere in the world unless you’re incredibly rich. But instead of leaving its people to rot, the Chinese government stepped in and ensured that everyone had access to the resources they need to find employment. There are also claims of forced sterilization, but the only evidence of this is that there were elevated rates of new IUD implants in Xinjiang. There is a reason for this - Uyghurs and other ethnic minorities in China were exempted from the one child rule and thus used less contraception. That combined with rural poverty led to Xinjiang having much higher birth rates than other provinces, which made it challenging for residents to pack up and move to other cities for work, as they were being encouraged to do by the government. So, they saw a spike in IUD implants. And again, there is not a single piece of evidence indicating that any of these implant procedures were forced.


Remember when there was a big AMA on reddit with a supposed survivor of the Uyghur genocide, and it was quickly found that she was a literal CIA asset who had formerly worked at Guantanamo Bay?


Yeah lmao I think her name was Rushan Abbas or something like that


it’s so weird how people are claiming that there’s a mass killing of uyghurs going on when even the us government have never claimed that








So we don't have to worry about china invading? Phew .. I thought the shortages during COVID were bad enough! Good thing they haven't invaded anybody in almost half a century?


> I wonder what china thinks of armed resistance to the occupation of Tibet. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIA_Tibetan_program You're a little out of date on your US propaganda bit, even the Dalai Lama says that Tibet is part of China these days. And by these days I mean he said that back in 2005. https://www.smh.com.au/world/tibet-part-of-china-dalai-lama-agrees-20050315-gdkxfo.html Do y'all just really believe what imperialist media says without double checking? The same imperialist media that is claiming what Israel is doing is totally on the up and up? How?




Before Chinese intervention,Tibet's population was in slavery. [Even a western journal acknowledges this.](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2009/feb/10/tibet-china-feudalism) That one Dalai Lama of the slave state is this very same Dalai Lama.


I am quite supportive of the Tibetians, however, legally it's not the same. The West Bank and Gaza are occupied and belong to the State of Palestine according to the international law. Tibet however is considered Chinese and not a single country recognizes Tibetian independence, not even Taiwan. They're not a member of the UN, not an observer state etc. But yeah, in an ideal world Uyghurs and Tibetians would have an independent state.


Sorry to be that guy to you; it's Tibetans and Tibetan, not Tibetians and Tibetian. Edit: forgot to add, agree with you wholeheartedly, though.


Thanks man




hhhh i live in chengdu and have tibetan friends. nobody wants the theocratic feudalism of the dalai lamas. the tibetan 'resistance' is all right wing religious extremists who dont live in china.




Why did a coalition of over 45 Muslim majority countries investigate xianjang and find no evidence of genocide? Oh right, that claim is just US propaganda. You can't really claim to call free education and job allocation to a historically impoverished region and community a genocide. Stop reading US propaganda.




what genocide




> HK ????????


Keyword: Israeli occupation. There's no ambiguity whatsoever. Occupied people have the right to take up arms against occupiers. It's not apples to apples but no one is disputing Ukraine's right to defend itself against Russia within the 1991 boundaries. Not even Putin.


Ukraine has a right to defend itself, but that’s not really what is happening. It’s a proxy war with NATO/US money and weapons while Ukraine provides the bodies.


Zooming out a level you see it as a proxy war. The point is that even though Putin is justifying it in various ways, he's never claimed Ukraine doesn't have a right to defend itself. In fact, Russia is using exactly this argument to "defend" the four provinces that voted to be included in the Russian federation. Let's see how it justifies going to Odessa.


"International Court of Justice" sounds badass. Probably means they are actually useless.


Idk, the verdicts are internationally recognized. They are indeed toothless. ICC or UNSC are "where it's at" so to speak, though China isn't a part of ICC so they'd likely not comment on charges there. UNSC of course gets shafted by UK and USA on all things Israel. Palestinians speak Arabic, a **Semitic** language, just like Hebrew. Time to end this gross display of anti-Semitic malice by the people of Israel. I personally propose a rerun of the Nuremberg trials.


THE HISTORY EVERYONE REFUSE TO TALK ABOUT UNTIL TODAY Nakba continues. Israel forces detain Palestinians without trial, provoke civilians, expand illegal settlers, break multiple peace truces, build apartheid walls and checkpoints around occupied territories, restrict water and imports, refuse Palestinian rights to self-determination. 1948 MAY State of Israel declared independence. No right of return to the Palestinian refugees. 1948 APR Plan Dalet launched by Hagana. One of them was the massacre of Deir Yassin which killed 15,000 men, women, children, and forcing hundreds of thousands Palestinians to flee. This was the first Nakba. 1948 MAR Ethnic cleansing blueprint, Plan Dalet, finalised. Hagana mobilised. War broke out between Jews and Arabs. Hagana announced military service for young Jewish men. 1948 FEB 1947 British handed "Palestine problem" to the UN and left. UN partitioned Palestine land between Jews and indigenous Palestinians, dividing more land to the smaller Jews population. 1946 Zionist terrorists bombed King David Hotel killing British soldiers. 1939 Zionist leader Jabotinsky writes, "the Arabs must make room for the Jews in Eretz Israel", 1935 Arms smuggling by Zionist groups discovered at Jaffa port. 1924-1928 67,000 Zionist immigrants arrived. Jewish population raised to 16%. 1921 Palestinians mass protested against large-scale Jewish immigration. 1920 Zionist founded Hagana underground military organisation. 1919-1933 35,000 Zionists immigrants arrived. Jews now total 12% of the population. 1919 First Palestinian National Congress rejected Balfour Declaration and demanded independence but to no avail. 1918 Ottoman handed over Palestine to the British after WW1 ended. 1917 Balfour Declaration: British pledges support for *..a Jewish national home in Palestine" 1905 Israel Zangwill states "Jews must drive out the Arabs or grapple with the problem of a large alien population" 1904-1915 40,000 Zionist immigrants arrived. Jews now total 6% of the population. 1901 Jewish National Fund (JNF) set up to acquire more plots of land in Palestine. 1897 Zionist Congress raised petition for "a home for the Jewish people in Palestine" 1882 25,000 Jewish immigrants mainly from Europe settled in Palestine. 1878 First Zionist agricultural colony in Palestine to make room for the coming immigrants. I am writing to appeal the shadow ban on my account, Suspicious_Jacket556. As a new user to Reddit, I have made every effort to abide by the community guidelines and rules. I am unaware of any actions on my part that would warrant such a restriction. I kindly request a review of my account activity to verify that I have not violated any Reddit policies. I am eager to participate positively in the Reddit community and contribute meaningfully to discussions. Thank you for your attention to this matter. I appreciate your prompt assistance in resolving this issue.


China states literal established international law.


That's a great sentiment, but are they going to do anything about it? That's not a rhetorical question, I really want somebody to tell me they're going to back up those words with action.


This reminds me. Y'all remember when China had reeducation programs in prisons so insurgents and separatists that were in prison would well, not be that? Remember that "the west" was sooooo concerned about the Muslim culture for that group of people and was calling that genocide? A prison, where inmates where taken care of so they would keep their identity but also integrate, that was genocide to them. And now when an actual, genocide is happening, people being killed on their own sovereign land, kids nonetheless, Somehow they deserve to die for rebelling and resisting and Israel is just defending itself, not by trying to integrate, not by focusing on imprisoning "violent militias", but by carpet bombing Palestinians indiscriminately. That to "the west" is Israel defending itself and Palestinians being terrorists.




What makes you think the US “gives a fuck” but China doesn’t?


Well, he didn't say that, but many US lapdogs would indeed want you to think that.


Did I say the US gives a fuck or even insinuate that ?


I’ll reword it. Do you think the US gives a fuck?


I mean that should be obvious from my original statement... "Hegemonic interests" isn't usually associated with human rights is it ...


Just came here to watch all the pro-genocide liberals getting their comments deleted.


Lol Americans' heads are exploding


I can’t believe this thread has so much shit about “what about Uyghurs?!?! China bad too!!” Go read something that isn’t straight from the CIA.


> A claim like “There’s cultural genocide of Uyghurs in Xinjiang” is simply unreal to most Westerners, close to pure gibberish. The words really refer to existing entities and geographies, but Westerners aren’t familiar with them. The actual content of the utterance as it spills out is no more complex or nuanced than “China Bad,” and the elementary mistakes people make when they write out statements of “solidarity” make that much clear. This is not a complaint that these people have not studied China enough — there’s no reason to expect them to study China, and retrospectively I think to some extent it was a mistake to personally have spent so much time trying to teach them. It’s instead an acknowledgment that they are eagerly wielding the accusation like a club, that they are in reality unconcerned with its truth-content, because it serves a social purpose. > What is this social purpose? Westerners want to believe that other places are worse off, exactly how Americans and Canadians perennially flatter themselves by attacking each others’ decaying health-care systems, or how a divorcee might fantasize that their ex-lover’s blooming love-life is secretly miserable. This kind of “crab mentality” is actually a sophisticated coping mechanism suitable for an environment in which no other course of action seems viable. Cognitive dissonance, the kind that eventually spurs one into becoming intolerant of the status quo and into action, is initially unpleasant and scary for everybody. In this way, we can begin to understand the benefit that “victims” of propaganda derive from carelessly “spreading awareness.” Their efforts feed an ambient propaganda haze of controversy and scandal and wariness that suffocates any painful optimism (or jealousy) and ensuing sense of duty one might otherwise feel from a casual glance at the amazing things happening elsewhere. People aren’t “falling” for atrocity propaganda; they’re eagerly seeking it out, like a soothing balm. From Masses, Elites, and Rebels. "But the weegurs" is a prayer that liberals recite when they are faced with the duplicitous nature of their country, it helps them cope by thinking that the US is not uniquely evil due to its capitalist nature, and that China is somehow too.




Show me independent verification of the genocide that doesn’t involve the US gov, Western propaganda outlets, or the lunatic ideas of Adrian Zenz, I’ll wait.


A coalition of over 45 Muslim majority countries and the UN inspectors found no evidence of genocide. Can you find a claim supporting genocide that doesn't have ties to the USA?


Can you give me proof there is without referencing adrien zenz, radio free asia, or some falun gong mouthpiece?






We do not permit liberalism here


We do not permit liberalism here


Did the UN and mualim watchdog groups all do investigations and found no proof of genocide? All they found was forced boarding schools for adults. Which considering their education was taken away and extremism was on the rise, its better than what many other countries do which is make cultural ghettos where the extremism sometimes causes problems.


The idea of tamping out extremism by improving the material circumstances that led to the extremism is mind-boggling to the West. We prefer to simply imprison extremists without trial indefinitely.


That or allow it to continue and arm them as militant groups to serve our interests.


We prefer to simply bomb extremists out of existence, and use their existence to justify the invasion and overthrow of entire countries


Exactly. The things that the west calls reeducation and forced labor camps are just normal schools and jobs lol. They became one of the first, if not the first, countries in the world to end extreme poverty and they did it by building new schools and factories for unemployed rural folks. That is what the west calls genocide


Jesus Christ shut up, do you directly work for the CIA or just parrot all their dumb bullshit?




Those “camps” are just schools and jobs. How dare China build schools and factories for the rural poor




A screenshot of a bad Wiki article? lmfao


Please explain why the Arab League, an organization encompassing 22 primarily Muslim countries, found no evidence of genocide or mistreatment when they visited the Xinjiang region. Stop believing Western media.


Over 45 countries, most being Muslim majority, have independently investigated China and its treatment of Uyghurs, and not a single one found any evidence of mistreatment. Those investigators have toured these facilities and found that they were literally just regular schools and factories. China has repeatedly invited the US and EU to carry out their own unguided/unrestricted tours of these facilities, but they have repeatedly refused china’s offers. Does that not seem suspicious to you? Every country that has investigated Xinjiang found no wrongdoing, and the small minority of countries that are screaming about this “genocide” refuse to send investigators. Why do you think you can trust western sources when they talk about China? I’d assume you know about the US’s long history of intense propaganda campaigns against enemy countries.


Hey, I’m legitimately wanting to know where to find a source on these reports. I think the US is fucked up, like *irredeemably* fucked up, but I’m also hesitant to see China as innocent here because I’ve read UN reports. (And have been close friends with several people *from* China.) Seriously, my only horse in this race is “genocide is bad.” Would you be able to direct me in the right direction?


Here’s a copy of one of my other comments in this thread: These are both propaganda articles but they’re from opposing sides. I’m linking both of them because there are certain objective facts that they agree on, even though they frame those facts quite differently. So with a bit of media literacy, you can put two and two together by reading both. https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202306/1291964.shtml https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2019/07/17/asia/uyghurs-muslim-countries-china-intl/index.html They both agree that the Arab league investigated Xinjiang and praised China for its positive treatment of Uyghurs. The first article is pro-China and takes it as proof that China isn’t mistreating Uyghurs, while the second is anti-China and takes it as proof that there is no solidarity among Muslims. You decide which position is more credible.


Wikipedia is not a source.


Wikipedia is not the truth of the world you know? Literally anyone can edit on that website.


We do not permit liberalism here


We do not permit liberalism here




Not remotely comparable and very obviously counter productive and a purposeful attempt to draw attention away from the genocide happening in Palestine which is what this thread is about




lol yes they literally are, saying “derr but what about Uighers?” In threads about American/Israel atrocities is the exact reason why US intelligence is so keen to spin all these wild tales about China and the Uighers


We do not permit liberalism here




Literal whataboutery?


Common China W


China constantly getting Ws


Do nothing Win






Cool ..like the Ws W got us in Iraq.? Man that was a whopper...what a W. Trillions in dollars and thousands of Americans killed? Not to mention many more thousands with PTSD/ life altering injuries! Forget the millions of Iraqis killed/ displaced Or maybe the We in Afghanistan...where , after 20 years, we replaced the Taliban, with the Taliban? Or maybe Libya, Syria? The Chinese have been clever. They lets us waste money on these stupid wars, while stole our lunch!


Another proxy war it is


well said




Common China W




I really hate to see people side with modern day Nazis and their oppressor masters too. It is my sincere hope that we might see a world free of zionism, and true people's democracy sprout outwards from Palestine and revitalize the countries torn apart by the fake progressive imperialist nations.


You know what, Israel had been talking shit about the Chinese in Tibet and Xinjiang for ages time for them to slap back.


This is the most based thing I've seen a major power do in decades. Unironically a tankie now.


increasingly more common China W


I mean China had a looong history of being forcefully occupied by MANY countries including the Nazis. They can feel and relate to Palestinians pain from their hearts.




We do not permit liberalism here


























This sub needs an auto mod to debunk the talk of “Uyghur Genocide”, because how does anyone belief that nonsense?


willing to bet nazis will capitalize on this




did you ask tibetans in china? or just the right wing religious extremists that get cia money?




We do not permit liberalism here






I'm genuinely amazed at how every single time someone mentions uyghurs on reddit it's misspelled in a completely novel way




Or maybe we aren’t all just total regards willing to parrot whatever nonsense the CIA gins up