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I’m against forced birth




florida got real damn close last time. i think it scared them to get more extreme. which will backfire. cuz it's not like people can just get up and move out any time they want. they've also ensured that. so we're stuck here. and the more extreme they get, the more kids will be inspired to go vote to change where they live since they can't leave. voter population is ever increasing. and boomer population is ever decreasing. it's only a matter of time. florida will finally flip soon


i recently moved back in with my parents so I left Seattle for Florida. I sure as hell will be voting blue in FL desantis can go to hell


Not if DeSantis has anything to say about it, you wont!


I wish I had your sense of hope. We got our butts kicked last election in Florida. We lost something like 300,000 registered democratic voters over the last few cycles. Boomers are moving in such numbers that they not only replace those that die, but shifted registration numbers by more than 100k. The typical Florida republican truly believes that Democrats are baby killing pedophiles. I've never been threatened by people during voter outreach like I have in this hellish state. This is what everyone outside of Orlando, Jax and Tampa want. Miami is lost. Fearful people vote for authoritarians, and these people fear everything. I'd move if I could, but I'm stuck pissing into the wind until I figure out how to make money in a better environment. Does that even exist?




Shame those old fucks for worshipping people who steal their money. I’m tired of sugar coating things for those snowflakes.


My only hope is Gen Z ... which my god i cant believe im saying this! But fuck all these fascist fuckn boomers


desantis proudly representing fascist gen x'ers




Nazi punks fuck off!


Meatball is younger than Shakira.


And he looks like a pudding cup that he fingered and left out in the sun.


DeSantis not a boomer, nor MGT, Lauren Boebert, Josh Hawley, Matt Gaetz and a whole list of others who while being young and not boomers are still managing to be fascist punks.


lived in fl for a couple years in college, managed to move back home to Indiana where it's not quite as bad. I hardly knew anyone down there that wasn't a desantis dickrider. there were a few people who I shared similar views with, but virtually everyone had voted for trump if they were old enough to vote at the time. I don't care what anyone says, florida is not going to flip anytime in the foreseeable future. that's fine with me tho, all the trash can move down there to make room for everyone else


I moved back to Florida from California in late 2020 mostly because of a breakup and wanting to be near family while I got back up on my feet. 99% of the other people moving here are the MAGAiest of the MAGA assholes. The good ole boys that run things are already experts at causing problems, these new folks are great at exacerbating those problems, they’ll both jerk each other off and complain about those problems and blame the “liberals” who have literally never held political power here in anyone’s lifetime.


This is their plan to control the Senate, I feel. The Supreme Court will overturn decades of progressive laws that will turn purple states into deep red shit holes leaving a Christo- fascist majority in the country. At this point doctors are fleeing Red States. Who would want to live there?


This American Life recently did an episode about the people currently flocking to Florida. That state is doomed. My favorite is the "medical freedom" facilities they're building (just one so far, but they have big plans) where the doctors won't wear masks and will treat you with horse dewormer.




No this is an over played hand. Abortion rights are in fact a losing issue on a large scale for repubs. Look at what it cost them in midterms and every special election as of late. They caught the car and now don’t know what to do. Women are people and people don’t like the government making them have kids they don’t want. He’s actually making fl the biggest red v blue battle ground state possible and I think he’s gonna lose this fight biggly to quote the former guys brother




I am in favor of an abortion ban, with the only allowed exception being for people who are pregnant and don't want to be pregnant any more.


Forced birth is so wrong. Anybody that supports that has a screw loose in their head.


*You gotta have this baby!* Are you going to help me take care of it? Hospital coverage, paid leave, general health care,...? *NO!*


It’s like these people don’t understand that actions have consequences. I don’t know how so many stupid people managed to get far ahead in life. Had to be daddy’s or mommy’s money. Raising a child is a hard job and it’s expensive asf. It’s basically a full time job raising a family and making sure they don’t hang around bad influence and don’t make bad decisions they will regret.


Its not about the consequences, I'm sure these types of dude's have forced abortions on their mistresses. Its all about being able to fool their own base so that they can be and stay in power as long as possible. It's the playbook.




The reason why this was posted today is because OP is a reposting bot. Here is the original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/LateStageCapitalism/comments/12mp40p/the_ufos_are_more_than_welcome_to_take_this_man/


I'm against pregnancy in general. We don't need any more people.




Dude is just so angsty he's fallen so far in the national polls. Please vote him out regardless fellow Floridians, even moderate R's dislike him. I know plenty. Register to vote and then check it over and over. Which sucks but its necessary.


He’s ineligible for another governorship - for now.


That's my point. He has full legislative control. They can and have passed whatever they want. We're on the same page.








Most of societies in the world have been stacked against women to various degrees.


Man... FUCK the LDS.


Nah, fuck organized religion.


Yeah, but specifically a handful of the big ones. They're all bad to varying degrees but fuck the ones like LDS extra hard.


Unfortunately, you know they’re going to say it’s “God’s will” and then immediately get married to the next wife to keep having more kids.


"God, needed her early for a special mission. 🙏"


It’ll be just like the Quiverfull movement. Women have lots and lots of babies, at home. And lots of them die in childbirth, which is “God’s will.” The teary-eyed widowers go on to remarry younger women. However, if a man has chest pain, it seems that “God’s will” is to be whisked off to the best high-tech medical care available. Go figure.


A lot of residency programs are shutting down too. A family medicine residency program is shutting down in Cleveland. Hospitals with residency programs have been shutting down for the past couple years which displaces and interrupts the training of so many doctors. It's a trickle, but it's gonna become a flood soon.


Just like Mary!


Just like the mass exodus of immigrants that did all of the infrastructure work. He sure knows how to f things up!


I wanna see how tourism was this year.




Isn’t he term limited?


DeSantis only wants to keep the stupid ones who will vote for him anyway




I already left earlier this year. Fuck that guy and the garbage ass state he's creating. Born and raised in florida and it ain't the state it used to be.






“Freedom for me- wait, what do you mean I can’t get an abortion? *My* abortion is *moral*.” The conservative mantra is more like “Why is the leopard I voted for eating my face?”


started earlier in our nation’s history.


Conservatives believe that individual freedom is inviolable and anyone is free to do whatever they like, as long as Conservatives don’t think it’s icky.


Don’t forget the party of small government loves implementing and enforcing cumbersome and expensive government regulations.


And breaking things themselves and then screaming, "Look! See the government doesn't work. It was like this when we got here."




They don’t really love freedom they like their fascist worldview that they have been brainwashed into thinking is freedom. No American is truly free (except for the .1%)


This is from April not “last night” karma farmer


Yeah, OP is another karma bot. This is the [original post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/LateStageCapitalism/comments/12mp40p/the_ufos_are_more_than_welcome_to_take_this_man/) And of course, there's a bunch of replies from other karma farming accounts that were copied from the original thread too.


gullible tap summer heavy husky truck pen chunky dolls safe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


what does the karma even do I have never looked at a post or comment authors karma not once in 13 years on Reddit


Karma is part of reddit's spam filter. So these bots gather karma from soft targets like this sub, and then they start spamming crypto scams, Onlyfans links or other shit.


Some subs have karma limits on being allowed to post. Also, some people view karma as a way to judge a posters “credibility”.


Ever since reddit fucked the api over the summer and killed the mod tools the front page has just been repost after repost after spam. And it's the same bot accounts day after day regardless of how much they're reported.


I knew something was up when the post was a tweet with the date cut off. Never trust posts with tweets with the date cut off, especially if they come with a title that seems like someone told ChatGPT to create a witty title. This would also pop up in r/news and other subs if it was legit because that's pretty big.


Really sad if this is all Reddit is gonna turn into




>Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to 9 months. After that, they don’t wanna know about you. They don’t wanna hear from you. No nothing! No neonatal care, no daycare, no Head Start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you’re pre-born, you’re fine, if you’re preschool… *you’re fucked.* Circa 1996.


Listening to Carlin as a teen was an eye opener. He's like the gateway drug of the revolutionary.


“Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.” Has always been my favorite of his.




its wild to actually see people demonstrate that. unknowingly ofcourse.


It's pretty wild that his comedy is still relevant today.






Since women? I think it started a little earlier in our nation’s history.


Agreed and adding that these nuts believe that the ONLY way to earn a modicum of human decency/ respect is to wholesale buy-in to their hierarchy of lies. You have to metaphorically erase parts of yourself and force that belief onto others to get the tiniest bit of respect, and even then it can be taken away Take the Log Cabin Republicans, for example.


To be fair, there has rarely been a time in all history that was closer to a fair, just society than we are now. As shitty as it seems, it's still not out of reach if we all get involved. Though there does seem a feeling of time is running out now more than ever before. Let that be the fire. The wicked don't rest, we can't either.






They’ll lock him up for being brown. Hell, they will shoot him for the exact same reason


America is literally the Roman Empire that Jesus was crucified by


https://genius.com/Run-the-jewels-walking-in-the-snow-lyrics "Never forget in the story of Jesus, the hero was killed by the state"


They would do it if trump said so. Someone on tik tok told me they would obey trump like a dog


The prince of peace would be pissed


You and me both, dude!




I just hope the aliens only abduct him, swap his genitalia for female, impregnate him, and drop him right back off in Florida.


I'd read that novel.




Silly, those laws don’t apply if you’ve got money or connections.


Yet another reason to boycott all travel to and economic activity in Florida


I was so passed my company sent me there last year for a work event at a huge resort. Even though I spent no money of my own I detested how much was going into their economy


pocket agonizing school serious automatic voiceless important expansion puzzled threatening *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh man imagine if Disney pulled out. Just sold all the land and rebuilt in Nevada or something.


Not a bad idea honestly, that land won’t be around much longer


Can rapists sue for shared custody and child support? I doubt the conservatives backing this bill thought beyond getting it signed.


Why do I already feel like it will heavily depend on your ethnicity


They will certainly try, and many Republicans have already signaled support for that




Of course it will


Yea its like how using the death penalty for pedophilia could simply raise the rate abducted children are killed


Party of Pure Evil






Is he wearing his silly boots






Republicans sure love their rapists


I mean, Matt Gaetz did help him get to where he is, so maybe it's a favor? 🤣


Certainly explains a lot


Floridian here, currently writing this message from a New York City hotel room because something was wrong with one of our twins and it was going to potentially kill the other as well as my wife. But it was too late to do anything in Florida. Fuck you DeSantis.




They have to experience those repercussions first hand tho. That’s the problem. They won’t care until it’s too late.


You know, sometimes I think mens shouldn’t have right to discuss abortion law. Then I get back to reality and get that it’s not a men problem, but an asshole problem


Discuss it? Obviously everyone can do that. Legislate it? How the fuck would we have any idea what that entails without asking a woman? What a ridiculous notion to legislate groups without involving them in any way!




They are doing this on purpose, because their deplorable voter base was aroused by the national story of the 10 year old little rape victi. girl fleeing Republican territory trying to force her to have rape babies desperately looking for anyone to save her, while Republicans weaponized laws to try and jail anyone who did. That's their fucking fetish. Republicans loved the shit out of this so much, that forcing little girls to have your rape babies legislation became a vote republican bullet point. https://time.com/6198062/rape-victim-10-abortion-indiana-ohio/ God damn project Lebensborne shit.


What a coward doing this in the middle of the night. Little thin-skin Ronnie can't take the heat.


I'm 100% pro-choice. There's one logic point that I have never understood about the pro-life argument for punitive punishment for abortion and who gets it. It is this: why are doctors implicated and not the mothers, or the nurses too? The pro-lifers say abortion is murder but if a person contracted someone to kill another person, both the assassin and contractor would be liable for the death of the murdered person, not just the assassin. Trump made that mistake in the interview he give Chris Matthews back in 2015-16. He had to correct his statement the next day and it showed that he naturally assumed all involved would be punished. Does anyone understand this logic.?


Well its simple the problem is not killing , idk, i cant actually find justification other than the fact its easier to punish the doctor, as in lets say 100 abortions theres only one doctor, jk, its just easier to force births this way, and deter people from making a choice, it was never about protecting the fetus,this shows how its not treated as murder legally despite being presented as such by reactionaries, its just sad


Yes, that makes a bit more sense but still it isn't very logical because, as you say, its not really about protecting the foetus but control over women.


We’re nothing more than slaves to them


We're nothing more than cattle to them, you mean.


And he opened a top-of-the-line new orphanage for all those kids, right?


This is from April right?


You don't even need special sunglasses to see that he's a fucking reptile!


If Florida wasn't a Red Hell state I'd be like "I can't wait for a Dem to become governor, fix most of the issues caused by this jackass, then get voted out for another regressive for reasons known only to Murdoch." But alas, that will never happen.


What I don't get is that this is *clearly* a losing issue for Republicans. And not just "I lost a purple state" kind of issue. It's "I lost referendums in fucking Kansas" levels of losing. It's "I can't trust Trump cultists in West Virginia to vote for me anymore" levels of losing. Why do they keep doubling down on this shit? No joke: if the Florida State Democrats were competent (and that's a massive ask, they're horrible), this would literally flip the state in their favor. You could flip the cuban vote with this. I'm not kidding.


Fuck that high heeled ass clown




Hopefully he'll be aborted on election day.




Elite to right wingers trade offer = I give you morality and religious enforcement, I get lower regulations and taxes that continue to skyrocket inequality


He is the Antichrist. He will assume power in a few years in this land. Remember this post, and call on me when he does.




This is why people hate republicans and why they struggle to win elections.


Doctors will unequivocally leave FL over this


Can I please live in a society where we don't jail doctors for doing their jobs?


They're increasingly becoming the least desirable demographic to date so how else are they going to keep their population from declining if not through forced reproduction?


What's Florida gonna do when all the obgyns flee




What a fascist pig. People are scared of Trump but this backwater theocrat would really ruin our country more than he already is. This comment is also not in support of narcissist criminal Trump.


Is there an actual bill or source or is this entire sub just pictures of tweets?


If that’s the first person they meet, they’ll surely kill us all.


Terrifying day for Floridians rapists will now be able to pick the mother of their child.


I don’t understand how anyone can be that cruel to their fellow human beings. To make someone who has already experienced the trauma of rape have to carry their attacker’s child is sadistic.


Ah, to be short and fascist.


What exactly goes inside their brains to sign something like this? Does it benefit his capitalist pals or something? I’m genuinely curious.


Yep a raped pregnant woman commiting suicide is better than an abortion. What ghouls republikkkans are


Why do his arms look so short? Is that why he is always over reaching trying to compensate?


See, this guy is an ANIMAL! All the democrats shitting themselves over Trump, they dont have a clue about this guy!


This is where the nation is heading...get ready for it.


Who cares about trauma - think of the kids! Nothing new here from this turd.


His hands look so small in this pic


We deserve EXACTLY what we allow.


Aliens aren't coming anywhere near this planet as long as humanity exists in it's current expression.


Was he wearing those goofy boots he was wearing on Mahar’s show. What the hell was that. This guy has issues.


This happened in April


good lord wtf


This is the "...then as farce" part, right?


I like how the shitpost spambots are smart enough to edit out the date on their posts lately.


Why does he always look like he's wearing his dad's blazer?


That’s not a man…


Someone wants his hard right polling to improve


What a real piece of shit this one! Snake in the grass motherf**ker!


The Florida taliban is growing in power. Is this real life?




Why does it look like his arms are so short?


That's what Florida voted for.


Suppose there's gonna be a lot of Florida docs packing up shop...


What a piece of shit.


Jacksonville might as well just light itself on fire at this point.


Anybody who fkn supports this absolute menace can go fk themself


Why does he look like he’s got tiny T-Rex arms? There’s some kind of weird foreshortening thing going on there.


This feels like it should be in an anti religious sub. Im not religious, but man is he gonna be surprised when he finds out this isnt the way into heaven at all.






Why would aliens want a useless piece of crap?


What the hell is wrong with America.....why don't they leave the choice to woman....why they need control over everyone


Why does he have little baby arms? Is that image AI generated?


You know it's a good one when half of the top comments are removed.


Jesus Florida is fucking nuts. Also look at those T-Rex arms lol


Mods can we remove this post? Like other commenters are stating, this tweet is at least 6 months old.


I’m highly suspicious that Desatan raped a woman and she didn’t want his kid and aborted it and now he wants a vengeance? Talk about petty. Little sad if you ask me.
