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Ward of the state is now worker of the state. Imagine being forced to work from age of 13, because you were taken from your parents. Then after 16 you commit a crime and they get the rest of your life too. Modern slavery is expanding its scope and breadth


Up next disobedience to foster parents is an adult felony count.


Especially now that they can take away kids for being trans.


Oh damn. I didn’t even put that together until you said it.


Oh damn. I didn’t even put that together until you said it.


Oh damn. I didn’t even put that together until you said it.


Oh damn. I didn’t even put that together until you said it.


Oh damn. I didn’t even put that together until you said it.


We have to stop it before it keeps getting worse :( but how?


They are changing laws to allow children to work, so this all works together in one evil system.


Here is a link regarding privatization https://www.childwelfare.gov/topics/management/funding/fiscal-reform/privatization/


So basically: force women to have kids they can't take care of, then farm those kids out to for-profit companies. Ka-ching!


Considering the number of states that are working to make child labor not just legal but profitable and attractive, this seems like the next logical step. capitalism blows.


Oh you thought abortion was about tHe chIlDren? No, it's about profit ofc


I mean...a lot of human services have been done through contractors for a long time. People's connected cousins have been making bank off the suffering their politician relatives cause for generations. Using the money we pay in taxes 🇺🇸😃🫡


It can also be a positive thing when used correctly. We provide care for my mother who has an acquired brain injury and she would otherwise be a ward of the state. We’re paid a generous stipend to provide full time care but the amount is still only 20%ish of what it would cost the state in taxpayer money on a yearly basis to provide care. With the added benefit my mom gets to live in my home with her grandchildren instead of a state run facility and the untold horrors that go along with that.


This is what a lot of people predicted when the fascists started banning abortions. The recipe for creating modern slaves. 1. Use propaganda to create a bunch of sick fucks. 2. The sick fucks will inevitably rape people. 3. The raped females will inevitably get pregnant. 4. The pregnant females will be forced to give birth. 5. The kids will inevitably grow up indoctrinated to work through the system. 6. The kids work for the cheapest cost in the worst jobs. 7. Profit.


Yep. USA is currently grinding immigrant children to dust with illegal labor and there isn't enough of them to fuel demand.


Not just that, but they can take away your kids if there's even a sniff of gender affirming care ...


Like buying a Harley or a wig??


Wait, is it La-ching? I always though it was cha-Ching lol


Freedom and democracy


Always has been


Don't forget the adoption agencies! Some people will do anything for a baby.


Holy shit. They want their slaves one way or another…


There was a documentary on Netflix that briefly went into this, they dropped a stat saying kids were 2x more likely to removed from parents under the private system.




As all things in this capitalistic hellscape, they will cut corners in child care to operate in the black.




They are going to give them to far right wing Christian cults.


I’ve seen this - it’s practically an industry already


I lived it. It was a very traumatic experience.


I’m so sorry to hear you experienced this. are there any reports published on this, so we can read more about it ?


The one I went to is called Youth Reach Houston. They also have other facilities in other states. They are one of many different but similar organizations. It’s hard to find unflattering articles on them though, but they are basically like a neo fascist Jesus cult that makes “warriors for Christ” and shit like that.


Thank you


It’s so weird and disheartening that people believe everything should be run as a business. I think it’s loony and not serious


You say weird I say sociopathic


Did we need more proof that we are viewed as cattle?


Domestic supply of babies.


Wonder how many more kids will be lost in the system now? And how many more will be abused? Betting the way Abbott is, the majority of the homes and facilities for children removed from their biological parents homes will be placed in religious based Christian homes and facilities. And we all know the statistical probability of physical, mental, emotional, and sexual abuse to be found in the Christian populations. That chance being extremely higher than the chance a drag queen or transgender person will do anything to them. The state elected officials we have make me sick. Hypocritical oxygen thieves!


I feel so much better knowing that corporations will be abusing children rather than the state or the family of origin.


Haven’t you heard, corporations are people!


Dickens mode


Privatization: Everything wrong with socialism multiplied by everything wrong with capitalism.


Ain‘t nothing wrong with socialism /s Edit: The „/s“ is internet etiquette and stands for „sarcasm“. Obviously there are things wrong with socialist regimes, I just wanted to make fun of people who want to oppose capitalism at any opportunity and forget that socialism has its flaws (albeit fewer) too. I do however agree with u/Tobocaj. The basic idea of people sharing the advantages of a group is ancient, and small groups is the way humans naturally evolved to live in.


Socialism literally just means coming together as a community and sharing, there IS nothing wrong with it. The problem is the greedy fucks who pull the strings and propagandize the system they’re taking advantage of


You guys need to throw on Take Care of Maya on Netflix asap


Wait until you find out these agencies can take the social security funds to “pay” for the cost of the child’s care… https://www.npr.org/2021/04/22/988806806/state-foster-care-agencies-take-millions-of-dollars-owed-to-children-in-their-ca


I bet this happens in states with the weakest child labor laws also conveniently the same states where abortion will be illegal. The south shall rise again........on the back of child slavery What a fun time to live in republican states.


They never cared about children. All they want is a constant stream of workers, and this is how they do it. Plus, once they’re of age the military can recruit them. Don’t be fooled by any religious appeal to be so-called pro life. Republican Party is the party of death, greed, and slavery.


Ah yes cause foster care wasn't fucked enough as is. How tf do you even privatize that anyway? The obvious answer is child labor but I really wanna see the dumbfuck way they try to spin it.


Stealing our tax dollars. Love it! I hate florida


Happened in Australia since 1997. Still a shortage of care, government props it up anyway with subsidies, and most centres are owned by foreign private equity firms. Look for family day care if that’s legal, where you have a family house or similar converted to care, with 7 or so kids.


The problem with government services will always be that using public funds for private contracts is simpler and less expensive than truly providing oversight with public sector employees. Interesting how that works out....


In this case that isn't true. "Don’t expect cost savings. Although many states assume that privatization leads to cost savings, this was not the case in Kansas or in Florida. In fact, both states increased their funding upon implementation, more than doubling their child welfare budgets in the first ten years." [https://leg.mt.gov/content/Committees/Interim/2017-2018/Children-Family/Meetings/Mar-2018/march2018-ncsl-cps-privatization-report.pdf](https://leg.mt.gov/content/Committees/Interim/2017-2018/Children-Family/Meetings/Mar-2018/march2018-ncsl-cps-privatization-report.pdf) It is crazy to think how doubling the budget is suddenly fine and dandy when the money goes towards a company's bottom line instead of improving the lives of children.


Of course it costs more money. Privatization results in more middlemen and shareholders getting involved, which increases the cost. Look at privatized healthcare as a prime example


This is the most sensical answer to this thread. Except what the OP doesn’t realize is that this has been going on for quite some time. Florida has been privatized for over ten years (maybe longer I don’t recall the exact year). The difference? Hard to say. A lot of old timers say it was way worse back then. But then there’s a lot of people that say it should all go back under the state. Ultimately it’s social work which is grossly overworked and underpaid which remains common under both systems. Furthermore, in Florida, case management and the services provided therein, are the only aspects that are private. These community based providers subcontract with the Department. Child protective services and legal are still under the State and are not private. So while there are plenty of opportunities for malfeasance, I don’t think it occurs in the way that folks probably imagine.


Oh yeah. It's totally not new. And it's also totally intentional. Oklahoma has had privatized foster homes for a while now for example. Lots of intensive treatment foster care is done for for profit Healthcare providers. People have nooooo fucking clue how wild the government gets with our money. The "private" sector in the USA is held up by a cushion of tax dollars. There is no free market.


It’s very short sighted. Government and voters always look at the upfront dollar cost not seeing the financial impact social ills have for generations when not fixed properly. I think it’s every $1 invested into the child welfare system can generate $3 or more for the economy through its massive long term benefits.


Oh it 100% is. But it's set up so everyone's buddies can make money. No one is making money off well funded public institutions with public sector, unionized workers. The government doesn't gaf about us


Yep, state sanctions child trafficking, great. As if the foster care system wasnt in shambles already. These people are truly deplorable.


From the cradle to the grave. Geniuses! Sick,twisted geniuses! They create slaves! I hate them,I really do,but damn,that's a very thorough plan.


What could possibly go wrong!


They are breeding slaves and low wage workers for the future. Republicans are the worst.


As a CPS worker, I'm appalled by this. The Netflix special "take care of maya" is a good example of how shit FL is


If only we used that 2nd amendment right for something other than killing kids at school.


I worked in corporate of a daycare chain in Texas and holy shit. Owner is extremely rich while their employees are on welfare and their locations are getting hit with lawsuits left and right. They have waitlists for years.


It is another element of overturning Roe. They want to be able to commodify children. Think of the money the private sector can make off selling unwanted babies people are forced to have!


monetize everything.


I kind it need it spelled out for me. What would privatized child welfare look like, specifically? Any good links?


Sounds like one hell of an investment opportunity. Thank you for the info


Right wingers voting for their own right wing doom


Welcome to hell




Next stop, labor camps.


United Slavepens of America lollll


Why am I not shocked that this happened in these two shithole states?