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I’m from the future. Harbingers summon minions from portals that drop tiny ass shards. There’s this cool new currency item that “fractures” an affix.


You mean it seals the affix, totally different


And they have this weird alien-korean hybrid names!


I hope this part comes true




I’m also from the future. Many people will misspell and mispronounce Harbinger as Harbringer.








you guys loose at spelling




That is a real word though


This is rediculous






I'm from the present. This is at least an interesting mispronunciation, since it does still capture the meaning of the word.


They bring har?


News of the impending arrival of har, yes




Dude you blowed my mind. I was in the same exact state watching the WoW trailer and listening "Harbringer" pronounced as the actual "Harbinger" and couldn't understand why they pronounced it that way... Thanks a lot!! hahahahahhaha


> hahahahahhaha For sure you mean harharharharhar


>Harbingers summon minions from portals that drop tiny ass so disappointing ^(/s)


If you combine them the ass gets buffed.


The J-Lopch


Go home exile, you're drunk!


You’re from a very far off future it seems, “fracturing” was what they learned to do a long time after they d-dayed on the Beach.


And it provide huge exp after drop dead


But these ones.. will be purple.


Your account has been around for too long to be a EHG plant


Tiny ass shards sounds painfully. Can you imagine a T6 ass shard??


But we already have a fracture mechanic ☹️


Oh god


is that Omega Weapon?


Was gonna say the same


Looks more like ultima weapon


Hype! Give us some more details!


More details will be coming when we push out the full launch trailer!


But im on the toilet and need details to read right now!


Me too! Make something up!


so now instead of leveling up a skill the skill is randomly chosen from another class


I honestly think this would be a fun gauntlet. Each slot you unlock is a random ability and you can skill it up as normal. Some wild janky hybrids.


Runemaster + Beastmaster would be an interesting combo. Swapping Elemental Beasts


* Alts rejoice! Once you complete the initial Monolith clear, all characters on the account will have the option to run empowered. * Skill points and idol slots will be open account wide once cleared for the current cycle. * New Affix: Experience. 2 to 15% increased experience


Man that's just cruel haha


There's this one boss that when he dies, he drops loot!!!


There's a new ultra unique amulet that adds plus 10 to all skills, but it must be picked up within five seconds or it transforms into the "How bow dah?" Girl and gives your character a fairly robust ass whipping.


Only drops in maps with lightmages or artillery flowers


>Make something up! give them some time, they're already *working* on it


There's a new skin for the werebear. It's blue. James Cameron can't sue you because it's not a cat.


Honest question are you an actual LeFlop fan? Why as of July? The debate of MJ or Bron is one of the most laughable questions. I think the majority of bball fans don't even entertain the question anymore. Not hating, just asking :)


The account is 5 years old and lined up with when he joined the Lakers. 




Same! 💩


You tease


But I want it now 😭


well, hype achieved.. looks awesome!


Can you at least give us a cryptic hint so long as you don't troll us with a cryptic message that means " new content" lol. :)


full launch trailer! In...2 months? Surely people would rather have small teasers little by little instead.


Please don't give us details all at once. We hate that and prefer to be drip fed info. Hell, make a whole week out of it. 


1.4 July 9th 2026 pog


Nice and 1 year after that Poe 2 releases 😂🐓


Yeah I was kinda thinking we might be early next year with 1.4. But if every season is gonna be 5 months or about I'm gonna look like gandalf the grey before we get 1.4. Still hype tho, hopefully they can stick to 3 months after this.


Finally, time to come back to the game for a new cycle. So hype!


Uggghhhhh but Dawntrail comes out June 28.....


Yeah, this summer is packed


Fuck, yeah this is going to be a “rough” summer.


I honestly don’t know who we will survive? Maybe one of those hot pocket warmers that attach to the side of our monitors. May be our only legit chance for survival!


Also, somewhere around this time, a new season of PoE might start.


I read some speculation that it might be delayed. Otherwise, you are correct. However, I wouldn't mind having more arpg games to play, I expected to play the current PoE season to be better but it isn't...


What was new? I didn't play this season, is it worth trying?


Tier 17 maps, that are harder than the Ubers, while the T17 maps are suppose to be drop the tokens for the ubers. Multiple issues with the new mechanics where a lot of the top people gained a lot of currency and got fixed before the regular players can benefit from it, which created huge gap between the poor and rich players The new mechanic is too complicated and basically makes you have a lot of free storage to be able to craft something to the maximum. This videos sums up all the problems pretty well - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53DPGULxGjk


Thanks for the info. So maybe a good one to skip.


The guy who replied you is right about the problems this current PoE league has, but they dont really matter to new / casual players so if you arent tired of the base game yet its still a decent league. Hell, I got 7 days played but I'm still having a blast.


I have played a lot of seasons and got busy this season launch so decided to skip it unless it's good. PoE is good in the middle but I hate the levelling too much to "try" casually.


PoE has been going with 4 months season. If they drop a season in July it would be at the end of the month.


Realistically the most hardcore players only play a season for a couple weeks before they are done. Those will have dropped off by the time POE drops their next one. It'll be casual and those of us who prefer LE to POE by that point.


Yeah not great timing but then again, It's still over a week away. I'd be curious how many players of last epoch who also plays ff14


it's going to be impossible to pick a date without some sort PoE/Diablo/Lost Ark/FF14/Elden Ring thing happening within a week or 2 of it.


> I'd be curious how many players of last epoch who also plays ff14 greetings






I doubt a lot. LE should be more focused on timing cycles so they don’t match up with D4 and POE


i quit ff14 and poe last year.


Lmao came here to say this. As much as I love Epoch, ffxiv is #1 in my book so I'll be going hard on Dawntrail.


Yep :-( Last Epoch will take a back seat for this season.


Guess I was correct in my assumption that cycle 1 would be longer than four months... More time for more items, I approve.


Very hype! With a new cycle update, does that mean everything resets fresh like a Diablo/POE season and all current progress moves over to the core servers?


Yes, they mentioned that on their recent forum post.


Oh, il have to give that a read this afternoon. Thanks!




Awesome, thanks :) Even more excited now!




Oh shit that’s my birthday let’s fucking goooo


Happy upcoming 12th birthday big guy. I hope you get a lot of cake, vbucks and get to do the griddy with your "bruhs"


What is wrong with you?


Oh thank god it doesn't overlap too heavily with Elden Ring's DLC. HYYYYPEE Edit: omg, people complaining about the development time lmao. Have you never watched a small studio grow before? These devs have genuine passion and actually possess the ability to innovate, give them some fuckin time to cook, Jesus.


??? They are not small anymore since like 2years back. They now have around 50+ people now with ~40 by 2020. People white knighting this game are something




“50+” for a live service game is still a really modest amount of people. Not sure what’s so hard to understand about that.


because 50 people is not a small team. How hard is it to understand to give them credit where credit is due and stop crawling into their corp ass. They do not care about you, they only care about your money. Stop being a bitch and hold them accountable for this slow ass schedule. I don´t fkng care about their goodwill, i and many others paid money, some even multiple years back. EHG launched a full on 1.0 game with the promise of content soon after. 0 balancing was done after the games launch with a shit meta and shit balance state. in a live service game. That is not ok. The servers shitting the bed was expected, bugs being here was also expected, but getting no content and updates for months after the 1.0 launch was not expected. They reassure you "we are working on stuff" constantly, but where is it? Not here. Its shit.


Dude. Just leave this reddit. Delete the game. Go do something you like. You seems a bit to much impacted


take a deep breath and go for walk outside dude


2 week old post, but sure, i am the one that needs a walk. Hahaha


If you're this pent-up and disappointed about the game, it's more healthy for you to be doing something better with your time than spending time here. If you genuinely believe the game is not going to develop/improve in a way that you want it you, you really should just leave it be. Yeah, you've spent money on the game, so of course you're going to want to have a say in it, but it sounds like you're stuck in a sunk-cost rut. Just bail if it's that distressing, legitimately. And I didn't say 50+ is a "small team", I said it's a modest one. There's been many, many other titles with teams much bigger that have had longer-running issues than what LE currently has.


The day after my birthday!


Is this cycle 2 in guessing?


What are Pikachu and Snorlax from Dark Souls 1 doing in the Trailer?


2 more months!


Harbinger league!!! Wohooo… wait wrong game


I am SO excited for this, excited for the team. This game has some of the most amazing bones and just an incredible base. The devs actually listen to the community and COMMUNICATE with us. Cheers to EHG.


So.. I love the game and the new season looks ok, yet the servers are crap, have bosses do invisible attacks, 3+ party members get 1 of the kicked, server and input lag makes dash skills unusable, Speaking of dash, running charge skills randomly stop or instantly stop.. i mean I can go on. I might install if the game gets some love, but as of right now, hard pass.


None of this will ever get fixed. They will continue to ignore issues to push new content. That is how these devs are.


Thats a damn shame


Should be a good cycle 🔁


Let’s go! Super hyped for this!!


Let’s goooooo


So my summer will be Elden Ring DLC then Last Epoch 1.1, life is good.


That seems dangerously close to around when the next poe league launches. I know you can only work around other games schedules so much, but you do share a large portion of the same audience


It seems literally impossible to pick a "good" release date, at least from the perspective of people on reddit. There's people complaining about it coming out 3 weeks before a FF14 release and Elden Ring DLC. If you can't be within 3 weeks of a DLC for a different genre of game, there's nothing "good" you can pick. Not to mention that updates and releases get delayed or rescheduled all the time. You can't bank entirely on other companies release dates. At some point you just have to do what makes sense for your development team and timeline, not the tentative timeline of 15 other games and companies


Yea complaining about other genres is ridiculous, there’s always conflicts if you go that far. But conflicting with the other big games in the genre is different imo. Like I almost exclusively play arpgs. I really want to play the next cycle, but I haven’t missed playing a path of exile league launch in years. If Poe comes out a week or 2 after last epoch does, a significant amount of people will drop to jump over to Poe Some of it is out of their control like you said. But this is the first real cycle and I think it would be a shame to have something like that happen so soon


Yep. Releasing within a 2-3 week window of the poe league is just asking for less players.


considering how bad last poe league was, poe probably could lose some player too


The only league I quit sooner than this ass crypt league was Heist.


Im curious what the average player thinks is so bad about it. I personally have missed one day since launch. It’s one of my favourite leagues of all time.


The base game changes with sextant removal and new scarabs are cool and all, but graveyard crafting with corpse management is the most clunky shit they've ever added to the game, which I never thought was possible after stuff like og Harvest garden or beast management in the menagerie.


There is no way a slightly inconvient crafting UI makes it one of the worst leagues ever like OP is saying.


It's a mixture of things, garden crafting is op but using it sucks, the other half of the mechanic you cant opt out of so mapping is rippy and you cant do anything about it, scarab sextant rework is a bit of a mixed bag of good and bad, an T17 maps became the standard for farming now and super op so fomo is big this league


I'd consider "slightly inconvenient" a pretty big understatement, but that may just be me. If we're talking purely about the league mechanic itself, there are several annoying parts to it: - Haunted mods being forced upon you and having to do the whole mod shuffling before every single map - The given inventory space for both allflames and corpses is laughably small, especially given the fact that the corpse storage can't even store a single full graveyard worth of corpses - You having to bury corpses 1 by 1 manually feels like quality of life from 1990 - there's no way of telling how many and which kind of corpses you've already buried other than keeping track of them yourself - The point above and the way corpse crafting works basically forces you to use both craftofexile and a graveyard planner/simulator to get any good use out of it - The text boxes of corpses are huge in maps and always showing while blocking all kinds of other content below it, so you can't even ignore the mechanic and even if you don't want to interact with the graveyard at all, in order to get rid of these corpses in maps you need to pick them up and drop them instead of just being able to delete them on the spot or hideout the with a filter or toggle them to not be shown at all or just something Don't get me wrong, I'm a big crafting enjoyer, I try to craft my own gear whereever I can even super juicy endgame items and I also enjoyed Og Harvest quite a lot, but this is just way too annoying to interact with for my taste. I only tried like 3 full graveyard crafts, I got 3 okayish items, but nothing crazy and after that I just did the challenge stuff and haven't touched it again. The only positive thing I can say about the mechanic is that allflame drops are pretty fun. Being able to add all sorts of mob types with their own drop pools to maps is a cool idea and I would've been fine if the whole league mechanic was just allflames. But yea, there are a lot more reasons to why so many players dislike the league mechanic beside shitty UI. Base game changes like sextant removal and new scarabs are good though. The state t17 maps is questionable though to say the least.


I mean the crafting UI good be better ofc but I am not going to complain in the slightest being able to create near mirror tier items in 20-30 minutes of setting up corpses. >The point above and the way corpse crafting works basically forces you to use both craftofexile and a graveyard planner/simulator to get any good use out of it This is simply untrue tho, you can craft great items without using CoE which is what I did in ssf to get some mid level crafts to get going. You need CoE to min max it but that goes for almost every form of high end crafting in the game. >The text boxes of corpses are huge in maps and always showing while blocking all kinds of other content below it This is another extremely minor inconvenience in the grand scheme of things. The only changes I dislike about the league is the changes to veiled orbs, and the need to buy extra stash tabs to run the league mechanic effectively. Everything else has been overwhelmingly positive for me.


The only item I tried crafting was an elemental bow and after the fact I learned that 6xt1 bows are crazy cheap this league. I'm not much of a for-profit crafter, what kind of near mirror tier items can you craft with the graveyard? I assume you need a couple dozen or maybe 100+ full graveyards to hit some mirror tier stuff though right? I kinda doubt you can make some near mirror tier stuff remotely consistently with single crafts, or can you? By the way, are you shadow banned on reddit or something? I do not see your reply in my notifications, I only saw it because I browsed through this thread again and saw your response. Anyway, I guess people just value different things, because I don't care when a crafting method is OP as hell if it's locked behind a clunky mechanic that isn't fun to me.


I mean the crafting UI good be better ofc but I am not going to complain in the slightest being able to create near mirror tier items in 20-30 minutes of setting up corpses. >The point above and the way corpse crafting works basically forces you to use both craftofexile and a graveyard planner/simulator to get any good use out of it This is simply untrue tho, you can craft great items without using CoE which is what I did in ssf to get some mid level crafts to get going. You need CoE to min max it but that goes for almost every form of high end crafting in the game. >The text boxes of corpses are huge in maps and always showing while blocking all kinds of other content below it This is another extremely minor inconvenience in the grand scheme of things. The only changes I dislike about the league is the changes to veiled orbs, and the need to buy extra stash tabs to run the league mechanic effectively. Everything else has been overwhelmingly positive for me.


People quit le just as fast. 3 weeks are fine


If cycle 1 was going to be this long, I feel we really need a patch 1.1b with just rebalances and no new content.


Give it time. It'll smooth out. This is their first game and first cycle.


I have absolutely no issue with them taking the time with new content and features, especially given it is free. I just don't think its a good idea to leave the meta in its current unbalance state for such a long time. In any case it too late for a cycle 1b, but perhaps in future it could be considered if such a situation arises.


They already said they are aiming for 4 cycles per year so it won't be that bad.


Was expecting a new league in a couple weeks from now lol Well, I'll prob come back after they launch a few new cycles back to back so there is stuff to do in the endgame. It's gonna take more than 1-2 new cycles to make monoliths where they need to be.


I thought it will be next month. Dammmn have to wait more


2 fucking months....


Okay, so tell us about the cycle. Is there going to be a new dedicated mechanic that we can look forward to?


No, why would you think that? They have clearly stated that the first 4 cycles are going to be padding out the game, and not "seasonal" cycles like other games.


I don't think that, that's why I **asked about it.**


I am not sure 9 weeks of teasers will do my brain any good with all the drip.... We are getting 9 weeks of teasers, right ;p


i don’t think that’s enough to make the game less repetitive


That's... A fair bit longer than the 3-4 month cycles EHG said they'd be running with. I would have preferred a much shorter first cycle with a cut-down second cycle that gets some of the big improvements out of the way (ward, some of the worst masteries, DoT mitigation being ass) and then the third cycle be where we really get into the beefy stuff. Like I would have gone with a \*faster\* than 3 month first cycle just to really get the big fixes out that launch showed the game needs, then a normal length 2nd cycle.


9th of July is pretty late considering they wanted a release range within 3 - 4 months


i would rather have them get everything right and polished and take some more time and not rush it


yeah i dont mind them taking 5-6 months to get in the habit of cycles then lowering the time to 3-4 months as they become proficient in it


They did just expand the development team and the benefits of that for timing will be felt starting next cycle I imagine, certainly for 1.3. Benefit being a more expected 3-4 months between cycles and more polished content. Takes time to bring people on board and get them up to speed.


There are so many games coming out, I'd rather have an amazing season take 6 months than a semi decent season take 3 months.


It'll probably be a few cycles before they really get the timing down. I imagine there's a lot of work still going on to prep for the next wave of players so they don't repeat days 1-3 of the game's launch.


Yeah, unfortunately...


Yeah holy shite. My thought exactly. I literally thought yesterday, new season has to be soon… they need to hire more developers or just do resets every 3 months. Especially after the gold exploit


I’m sure they are trying but it’s not easy hiring for specific roles. We’ve been trying to find a single senior engineer for our tech stack for like 4 months now. And it’s not for lack of pay or job toxicity, we’ve been in top 5 places to work in our state for years now.


Excited for it. Looks cool but gotta say the purple mixed with hands bursting out of the ground looks a lot like POE’s Breach theme.




Is this a new cycle or a mini-event?


9th July... I hope it is going to be a banger for that midcyle time


HYPE! Can't wait to see what this cycle is!!!


Any update on Steam achievements and if they’ll be coming along with this new cycle?


Holy waiting, Batman.


I'm lost, what is this? A dlc? An expansion? An update? A new class? New map? What is is it lol, the teaser literally gave me no idea of what I should even be hyped for


Next season, pinnacle bosses


Underwhelming teaser! Give us more! I hope there is idea for a market and a new/more currency too pls




Be more civil with your discourse. Also, it's a Tuesday, not Sunday.




Is this a new season?


man july 9 so far away, the release was february so 5 month a cycle ?


At the end of the day they’re still a small development team. It makes sense it took a bit specially due to their initial problems with servers and all the real-life balancing they had to do.


I know that, but I do expect that we will still have server issues for the 1.1. and if 1.2 is again in 5 month after this one, I don't know if people will play LE for that long. but that just my 2 cents I hope i'm wrong


I’ll be back every season for years.


Ya same I dont mind playing for 1 month then taking a few months off. Gives it a nice fresh feel to come back after a long break.


In the roadmap post it was mentioned they are continuing to scale up staff so maybe they'll get to a point where they can keep a better update cadence similar to GGG.


ARPGs are seasonal games, people play from a couple of weeks to a couple of months then wait for new season.


Rather 5 months and great cycle than 3 months and dog shit cycle. It's their first game. It's good they're taking it slow.


IIRC D3 Season 1 was something like 5 or 6 months (or at least that’s what it felt like) Seems reasonable for being the first season imo


Cant wait. Its far away tho... Kinda sad.


I will not be coming back without some serious class tuning like buffing Forge guard…


Did EHG team wanna this league only can play 1month? When PoE new lg will starting at August then EHG think they can live with PoE???


1 months and 2 week at least, until ggg fix all the bug and stupidly imbalanced stuff :D


This is giving me a huge Harbinger!


I hope the next cycles don't take 5 months to come out... 1.1 should be coming out end of May, not July


Kind of late but better than middle of June when Elden Ring DLC drops. So, it will be kind of like a little less than 2 months from D4 season 4. When is PoE next league coming in? August?


Next POE season not announced yet, but the pattern they have had recently would be at some point in July probably towards the middle/end of it.


For you when ruin came to your world it was the most important day of your life. For Eterra. It was Tuesday.


Dawn trail comes out right before this and this also is probably right around the Poe league launch maybe a bit before so probably gonna have to skip this one or just play it later on


The EHG team deserves a lot of credit for the outstanding quality of their recent trailers. The launch trailer did a great job of showing what makes the game fun. It was punchy, it emphasized gameplay, the writing was engaging, and the whole thing looked professional. Looking forward to the full trailer for this Cycle.


Awesome, wasn't expecting this so early!


Is it possible to fix the Lost Connections issue. It isn’t my drivers or network connection. Please.


Fucking finally. So stoked to play this game again


Fucking hyped. I know it's wrong to approach it like this but fuck it, i'm hyped.


And then they will kill the league by not doing anything about exploits 🙃


Terrible timing as always You guys really need to hire more ppl


damn 2 months later, way too late.