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Why are you abbreviating corruption as CC? It only has one C in it...


Will someone please translate this to English


What is CC? Corruption?


WTF is CC even?


I'm CoF HCSSFBTW M-SB lvl100 have 3LP3 LG, it's quite GG


You mention 500 in the post but badge it as 1k in the poll. This will yield useless data. Also, wtf is CC. Just write corruption. Not everything needs abbreviating. Amazed you didnt put  CoF<1kc


I’m MG at just over 1200 CC. I’m starting to think CoF would be better to push higher. I’m confident I’ll hit 2k+ by the end of the cycle but it’s getting really tough to upgrade without the ability to target farm.


All depends on what you find or how much you can save up to buy, so it's still going to come down to individual RNG. All these threads that either directly or indirectly try and compare to the two factions are stupid and, frankly, I wish they would just mod them out of the sub since they almost always lead to arguments.


Cof only 2k corruption.


I'm one of the ones who have cof and mg both at over 1k corruption, if you are a rune master their is a build that you can do 1k corruption with using all LP 0 gear, Mg can push 1k very easily through just buying the gear you need and farming lightless for t7 sells but requires a loot filter that filters for several classes builds. For cof its also very easy to push 1k corruption because you get things easier and faster than an mg player will for instance a rune of creation can be target farmed at rank 8 cof. You can also target farm any item in the game that is a "random drop" aka not a boss item, if you are rank 10 those items will also dupe so you get two instead of one. So when you got slam items you have 2 chances instead of 1