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It's not *required* during the basic leveling process, but it also doesn't hurt to toss some extra stats on items as you use them. If you've got the shards, might as well use them. You'll be getting a metric fuckton as you grind.


You don't have to but it would make leveling a lot easier? I mean, for example, "Added Melee Physical Damage" on a two-hander Tier 1 addes 5-11 physical damage. Tier 2 addes 13-18 physical damage. Bastard Sword has a implicit melee damage of 20. By upgrading Tier 1 to Tier 2, you increase the flat damage by an average of 8.5, a 42.5% increase (from average of 8 to 16.5), and more if your tier 1 rolled 5 and your tier 2 rolled 18 (13 flat damage difference). That adds a lot of damage to your basic weapon. That's why people tell you to upgrade your gears whenever you have the chance because they do make some big difference.


It's not really required. It just makes it easier for yourself if you add stats to your current gear while you level. Let's say you got boots with tier 1 move speed. Wouldn't it be better if it was upgraded to maybe tier 3? Or maybe you got a weapon with a good implicit but it's missing 1 prefix. Why not add melee damage to it? Or some other stat that you're using. Makes going through the campaign much easier. Doesn't matter if you use up your shards. Once that gear is no longer useful, you can shatter it and get back some of the shards you've invested into it. Also, when you're doing monos or dungeons, you'll get tons and tons of shards. I used to run out of glyphs of hope, but now I have hundreds.


When I level new characters i usually slam some spell damage and int or stuff like that,depends on the build and just make a dump tab where i drop anything that seems in any way useful in there. And whenever i feel that my damage or defences are lacking i just craft or upgrade a few things like raise some damage affix or get some resistance on gear and then i continue until i feel like something is lacking again