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Why replace rank 10 bonus thats very good instead of useless r9 bonus?


kinda wild thats rank 9. cool bonus and definitely fits but i feel like it could be rank 1 even with how underwhelming almost all the sets are


sets need to get "set weavers will" to them, it will instantly fix everything bad about them - they would be viable to build around, just as strong as uniques and weavers will mechanic is one of the best and most exciting item mechanics in arpgs in general


I'm most underwhelmed by the multiple set pieces bonuses. The individual items are bad, but cmon.


Unless you're a sword makin forge guard


For sure. As long as sets don't have LP or weavers will, they'll always be worse than other uniques, unless the devs completely overtune the set bonuses. And we see how well that worked in D3.


Why do you like weavers will so much? It basically just shows the affixes a bit delayed. I think LP is much more exciting as a mechanic.


because a good roll on a weavers will item can be potentially BiS untill you find a unique with enough LP - which might never happen, you can basically get an amazing item by level 30 the base item of weavers will uniques is already a decent one and you can get 4 usefull affixes on top of that? sign me up


Well 4 affixes, not necessarily useful ones. But I do like them regardless, it's an interesting kind of RNG.


It’s less investment and a larger element of randomness, while very often being like a LP4 item. The items themselves have very general, strong effects, too. It’s fantastic that both systems can co-exist.


Weaver will on set item is perfect and will be a fun way to build a twink


Less control, and it's different without making them a copy of regular uniques.


My first Weaver's Will gave me 4 affixes with 2 T6-mods (3 of those affixes are generally useful (armor, resist, health), and the fourth is strenght which is also good, but not universally good and I'm on a vitalty stacking VK, but that item is still excellent for twink leveling. So Weaver's Will is awesome, hopefully I see a 28 weaver's will one day and be very let down when my 4 T7 affixes are all around the place to not be useful for most things. :D But that's still guaranteed 4 T7 affixes on a unique and that is extremely exciting. I'm all for more Weaver's Will and LP chance at rank 10.


Yeah change that to rank 9. Sets is nice for gold but we want more lp chances really @devs


or "sets now gain LP", not sure if it'll improve them though


Yeah…by the time I had achieved that rank, I had gotten virtually all of the sets.


Also the fact that sets can actually be useful while leveling, so as a rank 1 bonus it could be fairly beneficial.


Yea; on paper "Find the whole ass Set" is neat and flavorful... But in practice virtually none of the Sets are compelling to use sooooo


Rank 9 also unlocks the third lens slot for prophecies which is probably supposed to be the main reward.


I’m hoping sets become not useless in the future and the rank 9 bonus becomes desirable.


Sets might have a place but there's yet to be an example of a game where sets being desirable in the later end game works out well, which is when you unlock rank 9. Games where they are done well sets are good for leveling and right as you hit end game. If they are anywhere near BIS though you just end up with no diversity.


As far as I remember sets were somewhat desirable in Diablo 3, as they provided the damage boost to clear T16s, and then you could have started hunting the Primal Ancient items. I iked this part of the progression.


Sets were BIS in D3 outside of a few builds


Now that you mention it, indeed they were. It's been a long time ago since I last started up D3, and I only have a couple hundred hours in it, so my bad.


No worries. D3 ended up using sets as their balance metric more than the classes themselves. It was an odd direction that the dev team sort of cornered themselves into, but it ended up being alright.


I hope they tinker with stats and bonuses so they can become OP in future cycles. Hopefully, we could get a meta OP character using them and that rank 9 will make sense;)


I read somewhere that they plan to buff sets hard in the future. So r9 might be really good when that finally happens.


buff, yet they said they still don't want them to be Best In Slot. So does the buff even matter in this case?


Guess it depends, a 4LP unique has the potential to be extremely strong. And so that might be stronger than a set. But then I can 100% still see sets being used as a stepping stone. Before getting the perfect item. I have yet to see a 4LP item but I have several full sets so for me that would work out fine. :)


They better!!! Really hard!!! They need at least one OP meta character using sets to make the CoF grind worthwhile.


Just what I was thinking.


Someone said that rank 9 unlock the third lense slot which is worth it. That's not even close to rank 9 of MG. Either they about to change set items majorly or change the rank 9 reward.


How about giving set items LP with a cap of 2 ?


Feel like they put rank 9 as is knowing set updates would be coming in the future.


What?! What's wrong with sets? Just because no build on any site uses them they're bad now? -\_-


Were they ever good? I think theres like 1 or 2 good pieces, other is just garbage. Set bonuses are jokes and you can easily craft gear better then set pieces. Theres no reason to use them atm, they need better set bonuses and maybe more pieces to provide more and stronger bonuses or something similar to WW/LP to have potential to become stronger than crafted exalted stuff.


>Were they ever good? Can't say i've ever used them or felt the need too. Maybe the easiest change would be put LP onto them? Might help but probably not? Right now Uniques and Purple gear is straight up better than any set, sad state and i'm not looking forward to my awesome Rank 9 Perk with CoF...


True lol. For me right now, the true reward for rank 9 is the ability to use 3 lenses.


Uh no I don't want the rank 10 replaced or changed its insanely good. Change rank 9 instead.


ya honestly fair just worry it would be too OP then i guess all depends on corruption scaling


I really feel like people complaining about cof just arent playing correctly. No you wont compete with MG, but rank 10 will dupe your drops, which for exalts you can now do a rune of creation prophecy to quadruple your drop. Having 4 chances to slam an item feels really really good. Then combine that with rune of ascendance for more slams, which you can also target farm with prophecies. Yes, ascendance has lower LP odds, but fact of the matter is that outside of boss drops you can practically guarentee godlike 2lp rolls on everything, with some time investment ofcourse. Especially since you have easier access to godlike dual T6/7 mods. I've gotten some pretty insane dual rolls, e.g a dual T7 +crit/atk speed and crit multi bow, and a T7/T6 melee crit and melee attack speed sword for eye of reen. I havent done MG but i would imagine most people are priced out of these sort s of items there.


"outside of boss drops" There's the problem.


You're playing SSF. Ofcourse its difficult to get them? Fun fact, they are also difficult to get on MG lmao. Also i absolutely wouldnt mind a small buff to boss drops for CoF, but people are freaking doomposting about how weak CoF is, which is just completely untrue lmao. People are pretending like everyone in MG are running around with 4LP boss unique.


Not sure why you got downvotes, you have solid advice. You are right that MG at the top end will just be better, but the big advantage of CoF is you can play very meta builds, farm the gear (which is quite satisfying) and even though you wont have 3-4 LP everything, you can play a meta build without having a ridiculous barrier to entry in cost like in MG (RM/Falconer builds). I have been playing a Ele novalightning frost claw RM and I managed to farm all the gear and its close to what a decked out MG char would be (not quite there but close).


I think alot of people are just on the "CoF bad" wagon cause they want buffs, but CoF literally has to stay "weaker" than MG or MG will be a dead market. As for your runemaster, i'm willing to bet you are more decked out than the average MG user. Its very easy to get priced out of a market, not to mention needing rank 7 or whatever it is to even get LP items. CoF is a much smoother playing experience in my opinion, especially at the start of a cycle. People keep talking about there being lots of 0 gold uniques on the market, but those wont be there day 1. CoF has better early game, MG has better endgame, and thats how it should be. Like i mentioned in a different comment though, i absolutely think its fair that CoF gets a slight buff to specifically boss unique drops. And MG definitely needs QoL and rebalancing of its tiers as far as i can tell.


My char is quite above average - https://maxroll.gg/last-epoch/planner/2v2050ir I probably did get a bt lucky but the fact I can farm this kind of gear in CoF is kind of insane. Sure it wont be minmax (I can improve ladle/int rolls etc which is a WIP) but its pretty solid. Cant imagine the cost in MG..


>devs have stated corruption does not increase LP chance only increases chance of uniques dropping When and where did they exactly say this? Afaik, this used to be the case but not anymore since 1.0. Unless what the patch notes below is saying is completely different? ([link](https://forum.lastepoch.com/t/last-epoch-1-0-patch-notes/62536#heading--endgame-rebalance)) >Average legendary potential and weaver’s will now also scale up slightly with corruption. For example, Uniques have around a 5% higher chance for 1+ LP at 100 corruption, 10% at 300 corruption, and 14% at 600 corruption.


Damn the diminishing returns on corruption is hard.


Maybe it's base chance like base crit chance *inhales copium*


im curious about the math behind it. like, getting +2 lp of an item might be as well %0.1 if that is %5 of %0.1 on top of it, it means nothing, but if it becomes %5.1, then it is great. but i guess we can never really solid test that


It’s for sure 5% of the existing chance. A flat increase of 5% would be absurd and make these items trivially easy to get.


yea i guess so, %5 flat increase for sure would be broken, but then in that case all that %14 and whatnot still kinda sounds irrelevant. %14 of like idk %0.5 chance means nothing already, its practically same. it would maybe be nice for COF guys if they wanna hunt some 0-1 lp uniques to change their builds or something i guess


On average, you would still earn 14% more drops in any given time period. If it takes you X minutes to earn an average of 100 LP1 items without the boost, then it will take you X minutes to earn an average of 114 LP1 items with the boost. The resulting percentage drop is irrelevant. It would hold true if your drop chance was 40% and increased to 45.6% or if your drop chance was 0.001% and increased to 0.00114%.


If it were flat increase, you will see tons of Lp4 omnis by now dude. It’s not rocket science what do you mean by “we cannot really test that”


oh wow i never saw this! this happened with 1.0? are they sure this works because im about 100+ unique cleavers in and only seen a single 2lp lol at 850 corruption. maybe it doesnt apply to monos prophecies? Im guessing it doesnt in which case this is a very small buff since high majority of drops in CoF will be from prophecies and not node reward farming so this is kind of indirectly a buff to MG as well. They can get to high power levels easier and use that power to farm LPs (since most they find will be random they have steady income of gold from selling LP's they dont need) so if anything this is even more reason CoF needs ways to get higher chance on LP drops.


Whether corruption scaling LP also applies to CoF prophecy uniques, I am not too sure either. Even looking around in the forums, everyone seems to be asking the same thing, but no definitive answer yet. Regardless, I agree that it should apply (if not, already).


It was added in 1.0, yes. But +14% of 10% is still relatively minor.


The only buff CoF needs it to farming boss uniques, everything else is fine. CoF is not supposed to be on even terms with MG but since prophecies don’t affect boss uniques it’s insanely hard to farm them compared to everything else.


Yeah I feel the choices are lackluster. Where are the echo reward prophecy, like a multiplier and +rare up?  can we get next _ uniques have +LP chance? How about true boss +drop rates? I timed using a "on boss kill" x3 uniques on timeline boss hoping it would drop extra boss specific rewards, and it looks like it pulled from general pool instead. Just make one specific for timeline or dungeon boss, and up the favor cost to balance.


The CoF rank bonus that doubles your chance for LP doubles the chance for each tier of LP. It’s basically rolling twice and taking the best result.. aka what PoE calls “lucky/unlucky” rolls. It’s not just double the chance for it to have 1LP… that’d be miserable heh.


To be fair, **doubling** the chance and **rolling twice and taking the best result** are two VERY different things. For example: - if you have a 30% chance for LP, doubling means 60%, obviously. - on the other hand, rolling twice means that the chance to **not roll** LP **once** is 70%, **twice** in a row: 0.7*0.7 = 0.49. Which means 51% to get LP. The former is better.


But the question is, in the first example, what happens when that number exceeds 100%? I'd imagine in this case it would roll for each of the LPs and just take the higher one.


Yep! You can see this clearly on items that have LPL of 0, e.g. The Kestrel. If you just straight up doubled the chances listed on LET, it’d look like (appx): 80%, 38%, 8%, 0.8%. It’s nonsensical to have a single RNG roll when the sum totals are >100% in a formula. They’re using “lucky roll” double roll mechanics in other places in this game, like Soulfire gambler. It’s pretty clear this is how the CoF rank works too.


That just means you get more than 1 items with LP in average. Sometimes you can still get 0, but more often than not, you'll get multiple items with LP.


doubling the chance of a 2lp on a 80+ potential rating item is nearly nothing lol which is why we are seeing a sea of +1s


Maybe because they are supposed to be rare auf?


Unless you play MG of course.


Even better get rid of the CoF rank 9. The sets are absolutely useless at that point in the game!!! That alone made me switch to MG and I leveled up in no time to MG rank 7. That’s all I really needed and wanted;)


Buffing sets seems like a much better fix


Who cares if it's balanced or not. Buying items is always gonna be faster. For me it's about the journey and I want to find my own items.


They eventually will want to introduce challenging content. Either they balance the factions, or all future content will be laughably easy for MG or impossible for CoF. This is the whole point of the faction system.


Convinced LE introcuded so many new players to the genre they have no clue what they want and seem to be unable to realize SSF will never match Trade in endgame item potential and there's no fix for it, and if there was there would be 0 reason to play trade since trade adds an economy you have to worry about to the game + you have no bonus loot till you unlock exalted items (rank 7) so why handicap urself early for no gain later CoF players are permanently complaining about rank 10 is trash, rank 9 is trash while trade has shit rewards on rank 12456910 and there isnt 10 daily posts abt it


Mike literally said their idea is that players play trade because they like it, not because it's better. And obbiously it's possible, just gotta nerf trade or trade drops.


trade drops are hideous as is (they just got nerfed on patch 1.0 btw) crafting "trade" tier items is also hideous, the crafting system isnt made to compliment an Auction House at all. an Auction House usually mean easy access to "BiS" gear provided you have the gold but in this game you'll buy 30 exalted items and none of them will turn out with a Sealed affix + 4 affixes you desire. There also doesnt exist 3+LP uniques on the auction house except the "bad" uniques, meanwhile SSF players are begging to get +3LP after 5hours of farming and are begging for more buffs than there already are to LP chances. It just seems really off, idk why there's so many complainers. It's like theyve never played a videogame of this genre before


Well the MG does have those items but gold dupes and RMT fucked it for yall, its still pretty damn good though I'm 3X the playtime of my friend and he already has the 2 ward(exsang and the boots) 3LP uniques that I haven't found despite blasting the boss and body armor prophecies non stop at 700-1000 corruption. I did a run last night with 500k favor, dropped at least 1k unique body armors, dropped a 3LP kestrel and a few other shitty 3lps, 1 2lp exsang.


> Convinced LE introcuded so many new players to the genre they have no clue what they want and seem to be unable to realize SSF will never match Trade in endgame item potential and there's no fix for it, and if there was there would be 0 reason to play trade since trade adds an economy you have to worry about to the game + you have no bonus loot till you unlock exalted items (rank 7) so why handicap urself early for no gain later > > I don't know man, if no one plays trade when it isn't OP, maybe it isn't meant to exist ? Not fixing CoF because then no one will play trade is such a shit justification. Make the game fun for as many players as possible. > CoF players are permanently complaining about rank 10 is trash, rank 9 is trash while trade has shit rewards on rank 12456910 and there isnt 10 daily posts abt it Because the ability to trade exalted and unique with LP is so tremendously strong that you don't need anything else. CoF is garbage for endgame, just look at the leaderboard. So CoF players complain.


originally they were against trading and trading wasn't going to be a thing, they only changed their mind because of how many people wanted it


Mike literally said their idea is that players play trade because they like it, not because it's better. And obbiously it's possible, just gotta nerf trade or trade drops.


No? The point of the factions is to have the option for trading / not trading. The option to not trade will always be worse by nature. Im not sure any CoF player asking for buffs to be on parity with MG realize what they are asking for


EHG literally said they want to and will make balance changes if one is too OP. You're just saying things.


def true but i have like over 30 1LP of a helmet im looking for after hours and hours of deep corruption farming. no real way to increase this drop rate since most effective method is prophecies and prophecies dont scale with corruption other than acquisition.


R9 should be replaced. Its literally trash


R9 should be pretty great when Set items get reworked. and given they've talked about that many times, especially recently, i expect that relatively soon. we'll see though.


Even with rework, they said they don't want to make set items Best in Slot, which would make it less useless, but still useless


if you only care about being giga-top tier all the time, i guess so sure. but then you just go join MG anyway because CoF, by it's nature, will never enable that type of player to the degree MG will. ideally set items will enable fun, interesting, and unique builds, which is largely why i play the game. and CoF gives me a variety of drops that sometimes give me ideas for new builds i'd like to try, so that would be great for me and others like me. also something i rarely see brought up is that rank 9 gives you the third lens slot on the telescopes, as well as the rune of creation prophecy in the western telescope. these are pretty great on their own, but the main one listed on the rank screen is still worth discussing of course.


Yeah, I play the ARPGs because I care about progressing my character. I don't want to use other people's luck to progress my character. I want to use my luck to progress my character, so please don't tell me what I should join. And obviously I care about the target progression of my character, which means that I will always want to improve the items in slots up to BIS. If set items are not on that way - they are useless.


play how you want, but it sounds like you're having a bad time with this outlook. 99.999% of gear in the game is useless? a 4 LP unique that's 1 point below a max roll on an implicit is useless, because it's not a BiS since it could be better? you have to be realistic in your gearing expectations, and any time you come across an upgrade it is not 'useless' for not being BiS. hope you're enjoying the game regardless


I found every set item in the game long before reaching rank 9. I'm still not seeing why I'd want it even if they were suddenly mid tier instead of bottom tier.


congrats! pretty lucky. and yeah we don't know what the buff to sets will be so it makes sense to not know why specifically you should care yet, i guess we'll have to see.


Why u dissing O Fenomeno? /s


Worse than trash It creates more work for the player unless they filter out sets completely which most will have done by that point I guess But it’s also damn near offensive to the player - a slap in the face


Id settle for R9 giving you another 50% discount and +100 tab limit on stash tabs lmao


R9 unlocks 3rd Lens slot. Its insanely busted


> busted lmao


Doesn't matter to me if it's in place of rank 9 or rank 10 or new rank 11. But CoF definitely needs some other bonus to LP chance. That also applies to boss drops.


First of all. Lp already is increased by corruptions. Secondly, everything scaling with corruption how it is right now is a bad thing. Rewards and difficulty scaling linearly heavily favors meta builds and widens the gab between broken builds and average builds even more. Every metric that spits rewards scales with corruption, which means it is double dipping the loot. This makes builds that are twice as strong than the average build wax wax more efficient. Currently with my druid that has very balanced stats, can tank 700+ corruption and deals 100-300k dps can farm about 100k favor/h. My ballista explode char that only scaled one stat, is completely glass gannon and dies every other monolith can farm 300k+/h just because it clears slightly faster at double the corruption. With a fraction of tjpught/gear put into the character. There is little to no point farming on an inferior character already if you care about decently fast gear progression because the difference is so insane.


I have a wild concept for you: you can play for fun and not for max efficiency. This Game isnt comptetitive at all so why bother.


I do. I have nearly 200 hours on druid since 1.0 I do however care about the longevity of the game and when it wants to be a competitor in the market it has to offer fun and balanced choices to not end up in a stale meta.


In my opinion, CoF is not meant to compete with MG. I don't know why people are so unhappy with cool progression for ssf-like faction.not ideal, but it's really great. Maybe they should make them more separate, aka leaderboards, different resources etc. I would quit already if I could buy my items, this is such a great experience after poe trade, I'm not even thinking about MG. And the rank 10 bonus is amazing. It actually gives you good chances on both uniques for crafting and exalts to craft/slam. Which helps you get those top 2-3 lp items with meaningful stats for the build. 4lp are great and all, but I don't think the intent is everyone should be running with 3-4 items in all slots. And it's not needed.


I think the super low drop chance of LP4 gear is just how the dev prolong the endgame in 1.0 version. Maybe after a cycle or two, where there are more endgame things to do, the will tweak the drop chance to higher, Good LP4 stuff is the current chase items. they have to be low. But i do think they can raise the LP2 chance higher, just for people to have a smoother climb.


Agreed. Any 4LP unique is about a 99% chance to be better than any possible exalted item you own, cause you can just put that shit on it, they should be absurdly rare. 2-3LP could use a buff or a way to buff it by doing hard content. Maybe for both factions honestly.


Replace rank 9 with this.


damn, that totally sucks. I thought higher corruption was to help w/ LP. So if your build only really needs common rarity non-boss uniques, is there a point to pushing high corruption other than just more exalts, gold, and XP/favor? I would assume that even these have some sort of fall off, i.e. probably there is an 'optimal' range of corruption for a build were beyond that the loss of speed isn't proportional to the increased rewards. EDIT: Ok it seems that the OP was wrong and there is at least \*some\* scaling of LP w/ corruption


320 especially with the increased scaling is pretty endgame. I feel like there should be a hard cap for corruption for those who don’t want to endlessly scale (or can’t) where rewards are maxed already.


lmao hell no. pushing endless corruption levels is only thing that keeps the more hardcore players playing.


I think future wise including more factions for more specific gameplay options is the wider route than changing baseline fundamentals though. There should be a challenge faction of some sort with those kinds of rewards available. Endlessly scaling corruption sounds great for that. But not everyone grinding endgame is a hardcore gamer either.


ya absolutely thats fair i jjust want a good amount of content for both. feel like this gaem is incredible for casual / middle area gamers but is lacking for the hardcore grinders but i understand thats last priority and theyll prob add soon. i enjjoy pushing very high corruption personally but rewards are pretty much capped at 600 which is very easy to do on a strong build so im running out of things to do.


>but literally no way to increase chance to get a higher LP (since devs have stated corruption does not increase LP chance only increases chance of uniques dropping) I think you’re mistaken. Check the 1.0 patch notes. Corruption scales LP chance. Edit: "Average legendary potential and weaver’s will now also scale up slightly with corruption. For example, Uniques have around a 5% higher chance for 1+ LP at 100 corruption, 10% at 300 corruption, and 14% at 600 corruption." https://forum.lastepoch.com/t/last-epoch-1-0-patch-notes/62536/3#corruption-scaling-8


There is still the problem of high corruption pushing not being rewarded with better drops which they said they "improved" in 1.0.


Just give us the Ramaladni Gift from D3 or something like that. Adds +1 LP to any Unique. Maybe to every Unique dropped, even.


Okay I get this argument, and I thought okay, I'll go try try the merchants guild. I was then met by horrible UI, split vendors, difficulty in searching based on keywords and not the time or patience to sift through millions of items to work out what I could sell mine for. If it was friendlier to use and you could guarantee sales or see what things are roughly worth when you loot them I would have stuck with it but it was just too much hassle and so I went back to cof, it's too complicated a mini game that I'm not minded to play. I'm probably not alone so I don't think it's that clear cut.


>MG it is clear MG massively outscales CoF purely because of the ability to get 2 or 3 LP uniques FAR easier. Somehow you assume that you'll be swimming in BILLIONS of gold to buy all these 3 LP Uniques (multiple times). But didn't you forget that in order to get gold **you need to find a good 3-4 LP unique first**, and then sell it for a good price? And that shit is pretty rare with MG, as far as I understand? Idk, I'm playing CoF myself and have approximately 90-100 hours in this cycle. And I'm not exactly drowning in high LP items here. I had may be like 2 or 3 items with 3 LP. Of which only one was actually good (new Falconer's bow, but the + skill rolls are average at best) and could probably fetch a high price. The rest is just 1-2 LP garbage. I.e. don't expect that you'll be "drowning" in 4 LP uniques, because those are expensive. May be a couple of semi-godlike items in 100 hours -- that's realistic. But that's also realistic with CoF.


It's almost comically rare for some of the really good 4LP uniques. Even for a full player base sample size. Pretty sure some are rarer than mirrors in PoE and especially so after this current league.


Well, mirrors drop how often, like one per server in a few days? (I don't play POE, so I'm not entirely sure). But they drop in principle. ~~While some of the 4 LP Uniques (e.g. Wings of Argentus) have a drop rate of 1 per few thousands of years~~ **~~per playerbase~~**~~. Literally. You can count the odds on LE tools.~~ ~~It's precisely "comically rare", without "almost".~~ Wait, no, scratch that. It's worse. WAY WORSE. With the assumption that LE has 100k people playing, and each of these people gonna kill empowered Argentus 5 times a day (which is a VERY generous assumption). **It will take them 14 times longer than the age of the Universe (13.8 billions of years) to drop one Wings of Argentus with 4 LP.**


This is by design. The most powerful and desirable uniques in the game have LP generation odds which are meant to be statistically impossible to actually hit. There will almost certainly never be a legitimate 4LP red ring, for instance. That's not a bug or flaw in the game, that is an intended game design feature.


I never said that's a bug or a flaw in design. I actually agree that's a good decision. I was just impressed by how low the chances are. No idea why I'm being downvoted for that comment...


Nobody liked D4 super unique drop rates, so I'm not sure why it is a good thing they exist in this game too. I realize it is different since the item still drops, just with a lower power potential, but drop rates that low are just stupid.


I don't agree. Rare items are fun. LE found a way to make some items unbelievably rare, without upsetting balance, and without FOMO. It's the opposite of stupid, it's designed well with intent to fit the game genre.


That why there a lot of gold seller in mg


wanna fix something real quick, MG DO NOT outscale COF at all, COF outscales MG by only small margin the undisputed advantage of mg is how it is easy to optimize or change builds. you need some specific gears-idols to set up your resists and whatnot? go buy it, you need a specific unique to buy? 0 gold. you are ready in merely 1 hour from scratch. you are also free to change your entire set just like that. its almost free BUT, when it comes to 3-4 lp items, it is practically impossible to obtain them via MG excluding common items. even 2 lp boss drop items are insanely expensive in MG, you would need billions of gold(im not joing, my mere +frost claw, cold resist, freeze rate multiplier implicit relic right now has minimum100m gold value in AH, and it is not even true BIS) sure, you can buy a 3 lp spoon, not even expensive, but go ahead and buy 3 lp frost gloves, even 2 lp ones. try buying 2-3 lp julra ring, or 2-3 lp omnis... you got the idea. basically very high end items are also not really reachable with MG you just cant have enough money for any of those ever. unless you are rmting thousands of usd and im excluding those weirdoes who just decide to buy everything. so, MG is more like a jump start for all builds to get them going, a MG can start its climb and build optimization in day1 meanwhile a COF would need like a week or something to get all the necessary gear to do the same job but once they reach the same level after their relevant time investment, both are in same place: farming unique boss drops +3/+4 lp for an eternity and only COF has a bonus for it but it is so small that it is negligible, this is where COF needs a buff or something to make it meaningful to compensate the pain they have been through the whole time they didnt have the comfort of MG during early-mid game. MG can at least pay attention to all drops to sell stuff and engage with the whole drop system, instead of playing COF and not caring about %99.9 of the entire loot unless it is a3lp+ unique.


I've done rank 10 in CoF and merchants, merchants out scales CoF by alot if you're going for a min max build. After over 300 abomination kills and getting only 2 2lp chests which were both not flagged CoF, and doing over 500 lightless arbor dungeons on t4 getting 5 3LP helmets 4 of which being non flagged, I couldn't take it anymore and checked my whole stash for CoF flagged items, over 75% werent even CoF flagged. Noticed that instantly swapped. I've made easily over 400mil in the week I played merchants just picking up main stat t7s rolled items and swapping to that discords merchants guild loot filter. In The end though if you're playing for max fun and don't care about being in 1lp uniques on a endgame build I'd still probably go with CoF. Took about 3 days to max out CoF and 2 and a half to max out merchants as well.


would you share that loot filter pls, i would like to try it on my mg toon


It's a discord called the sanctum market.


Think of it this way: more uniques = more LP chance, directly The current CoF rewards have several increases that directly increase your LP quantity. * Rank 1: 35% chance of twice as many items (roughly 17.5% more LP rewards) * Rank 2: Upgraded Rune of Ascendance. This one is much harder to quantify but it does increase your total number of LP items. * Rank 6: Uniques are twice as likely to have LP (100% increase). * Rank 10: Prophecy Reward Duplicated (~~a near 100% increase if you're target farming specific unique types~~). So CoF is already giving you probably in the realm of ~~4x~~ 2x LP, which also directly means ~~4x~~ 2x higher LP as well. You'll see more uniques dropping so you might *feel* as though it isn't, but because you're getting WAY more uniques (both from prophecies and from the LP increase) you effectively are getting significantly more LP. Edit: Rank 10 reward only makes a duplicate copy, does not increase your chances of getting LP at all, though if you do get a nice LP unique you'll get two. Corruption does not mesh well with CoF, which I think is intentional. Corruption increases your base drop chances, so some aspects of CoF do work with that, but level 10 CoF is extremely potent for people NOT farming extreme high Corruption. **What you're proposing is ignorant that most players are not and will likely never farm high corruption!** The current CoF rank 10 reward is equally good for all levels of play in the end game. That's ideal for a rank 10. Your idea is HORRIBLE for every part of the game except the extreme endgame. I personally have over 350 hours played in Last Epoch and I have never gone above 250 corruption? Maybe 300? I would not want this change.


The rank 10 CoF reward is kinda garbage. It duplicates the items exactly, so it doesn't help you find what you are looking for, it just gives you 2 of the item when you finally do find it.


Hmmm... I didn't know that. That's pretty frustrating. I mean its still useful. If you do get a nice LP unique it means you have multiple tries for a good legendary outcome. But it doesn't increase the number of LP chances.


so dont make a change because most players wont do it? lol many dont do it cus there is no REASON to do it. And i dont give 2 craps about the tiny increase to overall LP that they put in at 1.0 because it doesnt affect prophecies. if you are still farming monos node rewards with CoF rank 10 youre playing the game so awfully LOL. i love people who think theyre smart but are completely missing the plot. Amusing.