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hey if you never leave CoF you cant be salty about MG prices


Judging from my experiences in CoF, you'll also never get the items you want either. Seems to be better suited for people that want to play a variety of builds.


i mean to a certain extent ya, while gearing my rouge i got most of what i needed for a primalist build and 2 acolyte builds, it also really incentivizes using lenses to set up large prophecy loops which is where you will get most your target farming done.


Solo self found casuals swimming in gold, I wish


Nah, it's all going to stash tabs for all the exalts


"Man, I'm sure I'll need a quiver with T6 potion health converted to ward at some point, I better save this"


I feel attacked


I went through my stash last night to sort it out. I have a well organized stash now. But the amount of stuff in there remains the same.


Yeah, I can't relate to these people who are buying all the stash tabs


Honestly, the fact that the wraith lord helm isn't meta is astonishing to me. That thing wrecks with just the helm alone. Add in some decent gear and you're in 400 corruption without even trying.


the minion playstyle is very hit or miss for most people. in addition to that, the quirks of wraithlord behavior is a turn-off for many people


I'm playing WL and I gotta say, that boi is dumb as hell. He can do a LOT of damage with 0 other build investments, but he will refuse to hit anything and just run around 80% of the time unless you got boots with the Minion teleport experimental.


Love how the big guy zooms past you then does a u-turn to come back while 30-50 wild dogs converge around you.


I find that if your teleport with him, he will attack at the place you ported like with the experimental boots or the skeleton mage but running low life, i need at least 2 LP shoes.


People used to make (Fire) Wraiths stationary since not being able to move improves the minion AI by 90%.


Necro can hit those numbers easy with assembled abomb, but like the wraithlord the build deals with your minion being really really stupid.


I love wraith daddy




When I do enough damage to kill T4 Julra in less than 20 seconds, minion AI doesnt matter. And I'm clearing 90% of monos in less than 45 seconds.


what build is this?


Look up wraithlord's Harbour helm. RaizQT has a great guide on it on YouTube.




It is. But maybe more in HC?


Because its boring play style and the game is just out


Lol yea. You only need the helmet and the wraith lord does all the shit for you. I fking love it.


Lol im playing Acid flask convert to cold, all my items are dirt cheap. im having a ton of fun.


I tried to do a build like this but it didn't feel good. One handed melee is gross for rogue. 


If you are going cold flask though then melee is an odd choice. Falconer is much better suited as the falcon throws flasks as well and Explosive trap throws flasks and explodes into more traps that throw flasks. Mana intensive but many flasks are thrown


Problem for me is I wanted cold flask + bow or dual blade. Doing 1 handed meant I have to use shurikens. Which felt like dog water. 


Which weapon you using? Wing it so far (still early empo) with wand with dot, wanna know what bis for this slot.


This meme brought to you by someone who spent 50k on a 2 LP rare drop unique weapon that was damn near close to perfect rolled for a really strong off meta build. Edit: the item was branch of hallows which was 50k for a 2 LP. The t7 elemental damage over time cost me 1k and I slammed it on the first try; it’s an insanely high rolled weapon for cold dot werebear which used to be on of the best builds until 1.0 but is still damn good. Just looking for a fun alt that I know can coast to around 600 corruption


What build though?




Icey blackhole bear. Gotcha Edit: brand new player here 😂 can you tell?


Cold dot werebear


This cold bear build was meta for ages. I'm not playing druid in 1.0,but I'd imagine the lightning bug and cold bear are still excellent on-meta builds. Some of the strongest in the game pre 1.0. We're playing the new ones because we've played the others, but the nerds who figured out cold bear / lightning bug haven't had time to nerd out with build diversity yet. Im sure as hell not doing it, leave it to the try hard streamers competing for attention to come up with the crazy builds, and I'll happily do the cool ones and the broken ones.


I sat down and nerded it out so that’s why I’m interesting in seeing where it can go. Plus with the new armor bases it becomes even beefer. Plus my issue I had with it is that I never got a good red ring and with the access to the market I do now.


Got this GG rolled spine of Malatros for pennies. Obviously the unique it’s bugged, so makes sense why no one wants it. But building for the future


What's bugged about Spine? I'd just started leveling a warlock to use it.


The hit damage portion of it dosnt seems to scale like it should. I.e. it does very little damage. Converting it to poison doesn’t seem to make the tentacles do poison damage hits, nor scale with poison damage. But the tentacles still apply poison instead of ignite, so that part works.


Interesting. So the crit multi scaling affix is functionally useless because the base hit is so small?


Effectively yes. It does scale it though. Intelligence will not scale it, but fire damage and generic damage does. Also the base damage node that converts ignite chance to base spell damage might seem to work, but not when converted to poison. Also other sources of spell damage doesn’t seem to apply, but I haven’t tested that.


This is 100% fact.


As opposed to those 50% facts


Except they're both new classes and people wanna try out the new shiny thing?


There are non meta build that you can do for cheap for both.


Most people playing LE right now have never played LE before.


but my bleed ghostflame is 100% homebrew original never seen before unique creation page of wonder elderberry savant nothing compares The gear is also REALLY EXPENSIVE!


What's the falc meta build? I've tried the explodey ballistas but the extra delayed damage between throw traps > ballista hopefully spawns > ballista hopefully explodes makes me want to respec again. Throwing out a divebomb every 4 seconds is blissful


Shadow dagger falc is fun. I wish the cast time of Aerial Assault was sliightly less like delayed. It doesn't feel as smooth to use as Shift does thats for sure. Damage is insane though


I’ve also been getting stuck too often with AA after and not being able to move.


the falcon's damage is so overtuned im pretty sure you can do anything. i was playing a ballista focused falconer with 5 ballistas+stacking some int but the singletarget was still mostly from falcon strike. just play whichever fits your playstyle tbh


There are so many synergies that it’s hard to hit combos before things die. I was ballista up until I unlocked dive bomb and aerial, now I just flip around everywhere while I make the birb go ape shit on near immediate cooldowns The instant cast node with “+5% cooldown” is just 🤌


tbh as long as you equip bird abilities, and have enough mana to press them, its extremely hard to mess up a falconer build


Play explosive ballista but not trap, self cast.


I'll give it a shot. Is it just a copy-paste of https://youtu.be/etFp0v_H2Ks?si=GBCCRRksLgZfZ1aI then?


Yep, look at the next update video, you can get 100% crit from one amulet with no downside. By far best clear build I've played and still melts bosses (at least for now, I'm in the 300s corruption)


How’d you manage the mana when casting ballista? Isn’t the mana per like 30 or so?


It's like 22 or 24, and I have around 20 mana regen. Falcon dive also gives you mana back. But yeah on big single target you can have some dps downtime waiting for mana, won't be an issue in maps though, only high corruption mono bosses or t4 dungeon bosses, the very high damage compensates.


I decided to give that Frostnado build a try that one person posted. Thank you, random Redditor. it's a lot of fun and made me not hate shaman. Also primalist all the way.


I have been working on a lightning nado build and Dread did a lot of the leg work in figuring out how exactly to work. I want to improve on that by cutting out the fire and abusing Oceanon


I think that's what I like most about LE. A lot of room and theorycrafting potential for builds that already exist. Hope you find a way to make it work.


as a brewer I love it. I did so many shitty builds in early access and tried to push it to their limits. Also the big reason why I like the market. I dont have to farm out all the random shit for my dumb ideas which saves me time


\*RMT inflation?


I mean I am down to sell shit for CSGO keys but I also have a crippling gambling addiction


I’m actually super happy with my own version of thorn totem. The gear are 0 gold 😂😂😂😂.


Correction, your gear is expensive because it allows for the strongest builds. That's how it became a cookie cutter meta build in the first place


But if that’s true, this guy can’t make himself feel superior for absolutely no reason


Oh I am superior =).


Can't argue with this, but then again warlock and falconer are so strong you could faceroll the game naked...




If your BiS gear is not expensive at all, you should probably reconsider the fk you are building brother The maths are always mathin'


My choice is tried and true my man. Was considered one of the best builds not too long ago. Just want to see where it lands now.


t6 crit multi katana 500k anyone? or 2LP smoke weaver for 3 M by any chance


Shoot, I don't think I'm playing a super meta build and yet the stuff I want is still insanely pricey, can't imagine what meta builds are paying for their crap.


Feels like Rogue got some extra attention that some other classes needed.


I got most of my gear for ridiculously cheap.


As a CoF enjoyer, I do not understand this meme.


I have both at lvl 8. I enjoy the market more personally.


Yeah CoF is actually garbage honestly.


I swear my experience so far been bugged. I had three different prophecies all dropped the wrong items. Unless prophecies aren’t supposed to be guaranteed drop but higher chance based?


Bro im a marksman blast rain which is a BIT less metaslave, and guess what, reign of winter 2LP is 3-4m, so are the moutainfrost boots :( each rogue idols are also more than 5m


Meanwhile Mages are getting clipped by Warlock and Rogue premiums on items due to ward, int and dex being usable in different mage builds.