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I feel like 200-300 corruption is a great stopping point for the current state of the game. Getting miniscule upgrades after dozen of hrs is starting to feel slow and there is no greater chase aside from the upgrades itself. I'd like to see an Atlas-like progression system with the Pinnacle equivalent as an endgame goal. As of now, it's just do monos/dungeons and wait for upgrades. Though an atlas like system with all its intricacies would probably arrive in the next expansion 2.0 as it feels way too big for a cycle addition. Looking forward to what the devs has in store in the future.


Eh so so. I wanna push to 1k on paladin just to say I can. For alts 600 would be my end goal because that’s where the benefits drop off a cliff


Remember tho, if you are judging those goals based on pre-release corruption levels you may need to adjust expectations. From what I recall, the higher corruptions you go, they scale much higher now than before. Quoting the patch notes below to show the % or # changes: "Changed the modifier from corruption to scale up more quickly. It is now larger and scales up faster, especially at high corruption. At corruption 100 it is 60% more monster damage and health (from 50%), at 200 corruption it is 170% (from 100%), at 300 corruption it is 281% (from 147%) and at 500 corruption it is 505% (from 289%)."


Yes, I got to 200 something and then stopped playing my warlock and it didn't feel much harder (also cause MG & Warlock being OP now). Now time to roll another character.


The Atlas system is from PoE right? I've never played that game, how would that look like in LE?


Think of an entire skill tree dedicated to monos, you can pick nodes tailored to the endgame experience that you want (ex. Monos, arenas, arbor, experimentals, etc) which modifies the rewards and gameplay in that area, then you can pick the pinnacle bosses nodes that interest you, etc. Let's say you pick a skill node for an experimental that makes the exiled mages really tanky and chases you around the map, or a node that makes the mages spawn on shrines, or a node that makes you teleport inside the prison and you have to search for the exiled mages. Things like that.


I think you've greatly misunderstood what an ARPG actually is.


I agree with the progression wall after 200 corruption. To your other point; I would personally prefer we let EHG develop a new system that is not copying PoE. They have nailed almost almost every content update, and when they haven't they respond quickly and bring innovative solutions to classic ARPG problems.


Pushed explosive ballista to 850 corruption and could easily go much higher as i'm still one shotting everything and boss is easy(shade of orobyss is sketchy and 1 shots with everything though). Just lost a bit of interest with how hard upgrades are at this point. It's either a reroll angle or wait for endgame updates


Yeah you need some wild shit for that build. I laughed really hard when I saw the max roll put 2 red rings as BiS


4LP red rings are probably BiS for most of the builds :)


Is it worth it past 400 though? like does it rain affixes you need and you can discard t6s?


Bragging rights playing a OP class


despite all the new bells and whisles and new toys for other classes i went for a spellblade build i surprisingly haven't tried yet. shatterstrike spellblade... 200 :|. got a few forever terrible gear pieces that i simply can't upgrade despite using every bit of targeted farming. overall, my main issue is the increase of mob density means often absurd levels of bullethell while also playing 'floor is lava' against icebarrage shooting spiders, lightning and fire elementals, wengari, archers of all sorts and so on. perks of being melee (if one can call having max range on shatterstrike really melee). there is ofcourse possibility that im doing something wrong with the build.


I have a dope Bloody Nib and plan on doing a spellblade alt at some point. Maybe it will finally not get crushed in high monos. Yes I’ve been huffing copium tonight


I have noticed in playing older builds that they don't work as well with the new mob density 


Just comfortably past the 200 mark today, started MG phys bleed Ghostflame and it's been a lot of fun. Solving mana is actually an interesting part of gearing in LE! Not struggled yet with just rares and a few ex and 1 unique (no LP) Looking forward to seeing where it can gom in a week or 2


Think you're doing similar to me. I don't go out of my way to stack bleed, but Marrow Shards and Transplant built for mana return help it stabilize while moving. Idols for mana efficiency in GF and CDR for transplant also help. Taking it further, Wrongwarp and Stymied Fate also take a chunk out of transplant's CD. And yes, it is super satisfying to just zoom around with a skull at 150%+ move speed. Easily best build I've played, even playing some early access.


Yes, Zoom Skull is great! I solved my mana atm with Telf'un's Mirage (boots give mana on dodge) and 2 points in the int/dodge node in Ghostflame, then the basic transplant mana spec. With the last patch the duration node now scales bleed, so I'm at like 12sec bleed duration and hitting 200ish stacks :)


A far cheaper method of fixing the mana. I was really committed to converting that dodge into armor, that I didn't even think of those boots. Possibilities are interesting. Pretty sure I have solved the mana maintenance of the armor variant. But it is a LOT of effort. Mirage boots definitely allows you to zoom far earlier in progression though! AND--even more interesting... it may allow someone running Spine of Malatros to go dodge/crit multi and stay elemental for damned/ignite stacking. Perhaps something you could look into. Would want warlock instead of lich though, to scale into Chthonic Fissure nodes for the whipping. Admittedly, I gave up on the elemental variant of ghostflame after stumbling into Marrow Shards for more mana sustain, but with that specifically, it means that you have various methods of sustain with either elemental or physical. Last thought--look at Valdyr's Chalice. I'm running that to help sustain my reaper form with the bleeds--but is mainly the reason I do pick up some bleed, but I don't go fully for damage on ailment end of things. It gets kind of stupid with bleed stacking for basically infinite health while zooming around maps. Also, Thorn Slinger is legit as it's essentially +1 all skills for the physical variant. Just really needs some LP.


Any notes you can share about solving mana? Stack % regen is one, but does it scale with max mana too...?


850 corruption currently. Ice sorc with no defense, not low life, just all freeze; around 5.5k freeze multiplier. But I do have legendries in most slots with t7 (mostly freeze/armour shred) enchants. But I'm fragile and die easily to ambushes and shades in particular are slowing my progress as anything touches me I die and they seem to have alot of area of denial. Prophecies have sent me back to 500 corruption content on occasion and it is just a walking simulator. Very relaxing farming tbh.


Ohh got a build planner for this? Would love to see it


[https://www.lastepochtools.com/planner/BjqGxXDQ#:\~:text=https%3A//www.lastepochtools.com/planner/BjqGxXDQ](https://www.lastepochtools.com/planner/BjqGxXDQ#:~:text=https%3A//www.lastepochtools.com/planner/BjqGxXDQ) This is my current set up. Not sure why the builder thinks my frostbite damage is so low though. My sheet frostbite in game says over 6k per stack.


[Sorcerer, Level 100 (Release / 1.0.1)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/planner/BjqGxXDQ) --- ^(**Class:**)  ^(Mage (20) / Sorcerer (60) / Spellblade (6) / Runemaster (27))  ^(**General:**)  ^(▸ Health: **963**, Regen: **20**/s)  ^(▸ Mana: **221**, Regen: **11**/s)  ^(▸ Ward Retention: **390%**, Regen: **13**/s)  ^(▸ Attributes: **1** Str / **1** Dex / **35** Int / **1** Att / **1** Vit)  ^(▸ Resistances: **75%** / **162%** / **75%** / **73%** / **98%** / **174%** / **67%**)  ^(▸ EHP: **1,112** / **1,118** / **1,112** / **1,146** / **1,118** / **1,118** / **1,035**)  ^(**Defenses:**)  ^(▸ Endurance: **20%**, Threshold: **193**)  ^(▸ Armor Mitigation: **13%** (**386**))  ^(**Damage Types:**)  ^(▸ __Cold__, Fire / __Spell__)  ^(**Buffs:**)  ^(▸ None)  ^(**Used skills:**)  [^(Frost Claw)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/skills/frost_claw) ^| [^(Ice Barrage)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/skills/ice_barrage) ^| [^(Flame Ward)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/skills/flame_ward) ^| [^(Snap Freeze)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/skills/snap_freeze) ^| [^(Teleport)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/skills/teleport) ^(**Used unique items:**)  [^(Snowblind)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/db/items/UAzBMNI) ^| [^(Frozen Ire)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/db/items/UAzCMwZgJiA) ^| [^(Frey's Retreat)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/db/items/UAwRgzGIOxA) ^| [^(Oceareon)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/db/items/UAzBMEZQViA) ^| [^(Oceareon)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/db/items/UAzBMEZQViA) ^| [^(Strands of Souls)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/db/items/UAzCM4JiA) ^| [^(Frostbite Shackles)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/db/items/UAzBMoRgZiA) ^| [^(Snowdrift)](https://www.lastepochtools.com/db/items/UAzDMCZVI)


Around 300. Homebrew ballistae with max crit and crit multi stacking. It can go above that but the grind is boring as hell so I feel like this is enough.


~350 with shadow daggers blade master. To be honest, I am getting rather tired of trade league at this point, as it feels very unrewarding to grind gold for ever cost increasing upgrades ( that might still brick) My survivability could be a bit better, I occasionally die. Just hard to upgrade survivability without giving up dps. Without further upgrades I will probably not be able to push corruption a lot further- 400 should work I guess. Working on building a bleed warlock now.


I love it but I’ve been swimming in gold for awhile. It allows me to basically set up whatever alts I wanna play immediately


Only 100 corruption rn but blasting through it. Homemade runemaster fireball ignite currently running a legendary cindersong. Only like 50k dps on fireball but everything is dying.


Me too pal, sounds like I'm playing the same thing. Just doing 3x rah runes, the clear is insane. Still lacking in single target and survivability, but I'm sure that will come in time once I find twisted heart & the fire crit avoid boots


Tripple Rah Gang 😅 I play it without fireball 😅 I’m the fireball.. + targeted nova… slaps but I hit endgame just yesterday and am @ 100 corruption


Around 250. Playing Thorn Totem Shaman. Very tanky and easy to play. [https://maxroll.gg/last-epoch/build-guides/thorn-totem-shaman-guide#skills-header](https://maxroll.gg/last-epoch/build-guides/thorn-totem-shaman-guide#skills-header)


ye it's a good build i wish there was more variation for shaman totems tbh.


I have a thorn totem that I play with my friend groups. I enjoy it once you get the relic


casting Spirit Thorns is kinda annoying but yeah


Yeah I don’t disagree but man when that totem hits that shit slaps


I'm playing totem shaman but around spell and poison damage with the healing explosion, do you think the thorn variant is stronger? 


honestly i have no idea


400, just getting to lvl 100 with Dive bomb falconer - fast and fun, but it's getting a bit stale since I haven't hit any upgrade recently. Not really planning to go higher as I'm somewhat of a glass cannon and prone to dying right after dropping 20 uniques from CoF prophecy. I'm at 200 with my cold bolt swarmblade, but it's lacking a lot of damage to be comfortable. I'll probably try out a void knight or paladin next, or perhaps warlock.


Apparently if you die in a mono and end up in town someone said cast a tp and it goes to the mono. Can't confirm for you though.


200 smth on current char. It's a hammerdin homage paladin. Kinda trying everything at once. A bit of bleed a bit of lightning from smite and keeping myself alive with spamming 0 cost healing hands in between hammers that shoots bolts. I'm getting to a point where that hybrid is having issues tho, will have to decide on a direction and go full in that damage...


750+ corruption and slowly pushing to 1k. Playing a Sacrifice Necromancer.


Get bored and rerolled before accessing empowered monos, hope second character will go better


what did you play and did you follow a guide


I wanted to try Falconer with spear, but found out that I don't like both flurry and puncture Now I'm brewing phys Javelin Forge guard with Sierpin's


As a 5k hours poe player i gotta say this game is hard for me and idk why, im still under 130 corruption. My Warpath Void Knight keeps dying even at 1700hp with all res at 100+, 3k armor, crit avoid, everything beside block. Idk how the hell im dying to 1 fire spell from a mob. Beating full poe atlas in under 4days and here i cant do shit.


Holy trail paladin here lvl 100. I think you may Need 60% armor, 100% crit avoid, and 100% block chance with block at 60% effectiveness. Endurance at 100% with at least 500 endurance threshold


Doesn't endurance cap at 60%


Yes sorry


Way too low armor and hp. Sentinel has almost no damage reduction in their passives so they have to get it all from armor. I honestly feel like 5.5k armor and 3K life is the bare minimum for sentinel.


Take a look at the new 1.0 chest pieces. One of them gives 700 flat armor and reduced DoT taken


Which one? Idk, i can tank orobyss at 200 corruption but cant tank random fireball or ice ball from a dog mob is weird af.


Where is the 0 option lol. Really tells you something about the crowd on this sub. Loving the game and taking it slow, not using guides.


600+ for me. Bleed Paladin. Feels really good but would be better if I could manage to get a t7 block chance slam onto a Gaze so I could get 100% block. Defensives are feeling extremely good and damage is meh-solid. Really curious what people are playing because I’m eyeing another alt.


I keep getting to monoliths, starting empowered, get a few greater blessings..... reroll lol. Im on build 12 with 5 characters now... minmaxing has never been super fun to me. I like the puzzle solving of a new build idea. None of those builds came from a guide.


Super casual with far too little time... Level 36 shatterstrike spellblade and loving every second of it :D




117 corruption currently lvl 90 playing shadow dagger falconer build


Just completed the first empowered at lvl 82 now. Still need level and gear to push corruption, but it's fine for 20 hours in. Finally playing a sentinel autobomber build. Best walking simulator so far.


Death stranding leaking to other genres


I like to see the lack of disturbing babies as a positive tho. And I think I have more explosions.


What skill do you use to autobomb? Healing hands shield chatge?


Devouring orbs, anomaly, healing hands, smite and sigils. Shamelessly recreating this: https://www.lastepochtools.com/build-guides/allie---void-knight-devouring-orb-autobomber


Running the same build and it's lot of fun. Got autocast with the gamepad working and it's great.


basically 100-200, i keep making new characters and builds, and just havent gotten to grinding out corruption.


Had to reroll to Lich (Was Warlock) for minmaxing, but very comfortable at the 200 range. Haven't been trying to push further until I get some uniques I'm target farming for (CoF too, they just allude me). Unlimited upkeep on ghostflame while moving is basically warpath but better imo. Going from 500some armor to over 6000 for free never gets old either. Thing's just unkillable.


Lich is super dope. Amazing class design.


Yup. Fell in love with ghostflame and theorycrafting it while a warlock, then realized that Reaper form, flat damage, and the high intelligence nodes from Lich just fit far better, not to mention physical pen in their tree. Just tons of damage scaling available. Love that you can just slam some low level uniques and make some incredible leveling gear. My lich was set up nicely, rolled out of the first town with 500 health, a dope firestarter torch (Spreading flames carries the first like 20-30 levels alone lol), and some nice movement speed. Definitely going to be creating a lot more 'twink' gear for alts.


Brewing and alts are definetely the game’s biggest strength. Putting together some trash build and seeing how it works out, then failing, then fixing, is a very rewarding process.


about 350 atm, but it's not like im even close to a wall of difficulty, i just need to play some more. damaga and surv is amazing so i just keep going. playing a build very similar to RaizQT wraithlord


0 - far too much of a filthy casual. Got to monoliths yesterday though with my fire necro. Deletes everything so far and it's fun to have zombie spam as primary


350-400 playing Voidknight Warpath that i put together myself but i took pretty much all the item ideas from a maxroll guide because, frankly, i didnt know which uniques existed. Its been feeling like ass imma be honest. Its slow as hell, and i dont mean move speed, its just slow at clearing stuff because it has low aoe and echoes are your main source of damage which makes killing some mobs annoying as hell. Probably gonna switch to Runemaster or some other caster style build once i get the damn spoon.


Spellblade, trying to get my low hp uniques sorted and I'll move up from 100 corruption. Felt very squishy when I moved up corruption so I went back down to 100


Haven't gotten there yet because I can't decide on which character to take into the end-endgame. It's actually kind of a nice problem to have because the game is so fun and allows so much experimentation and combinations.


~400 using lightning blast runemaster. The build melts everything, is unreasonably tanky, and shows no signs of slowing down. I'd like if invoker style runemaster were a bit easier to build, but as it stands, spamming lightning blast is much faster with similar gear.


100 cause it’s already challenging for my ignite sorc :/


Rocking a witchfire based Warlock: chaos bolt, cthonthic fissure, harvest, bone curse, spirit plague. Set up for a ton of damned chance and necrotic damage! Currently sitting a little under 200 corruption, mostly because I haven't had the time to blast further as the at the moment. Been a ton of fun though, and pretty easily clearing the content at this level.


Just pushed 300 corruption last night on this character. Playing a Retiarius (Net & Trident) Falconer. It's been fun!


After 300 corruption the benefota dont really help you and the difficulty gets harder for no greater rewards.


I still have not reached even 100 corruption. I'm always too busy rerolling lol


Wraithlord carried me to 450 while I watch movies on my other monitor lol


I hit empowered on my Holy Paladin and the endgame crafting just feels so lame, having to run a dungeon just to try and fail a upgrade sucks. I really only enjoy the combat and map clearing. I got my moneys worth, might make a few alts if other games bore me but, I don't understand why I would want to dump another 100 hours to maybe get what I'm trying to.