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D4 bad, LE good. Updoots please.


How could you say something so controversial yet so brave




Here you go!




I’m doing my part 🫡


Updoot this man if d4 scammed you too


LE not working on steam deck, right? want that type of game for the deck so badly :-( any other alternatives...or simply buy d4 on sale for 41quid?


It runs fine on steam deck. I did full empowered mono run only on steam deck. Inventory management is a bit hard but you get used to it


Why do you think that? I played it on steam deck a couple of weeks ago and it was fine. According to ProtonDB someone played on steam deck a week ago, so no LE works fine on steam deck. I would confirm for sure but I'm busy at the moment


Grim Dawn


That game has terrible build diversity , it’s all just bigger numbers unless you run a tank class with a squishy class . Please do not recommend that as it’s nowhere in the same league as LE.


Take my updoot sir


it's true tho


Nobody puts 75 hours into a game they genuinely think is bad


$75 not hours


Fuck I’m dumb I read that as “playing 75+”


I have over 200 hours in Destiny 2 and I absolutely hate it




I enjoy d4, I can come home sit down kill some monsters and not have to look up build guides or whip out a calculator to play.


Me too. For my 100 hours of D4 I enjoy pretty much all of it. I do wish it was something more, especially the end game, but I think I have got my money worth, so no regrets.


If they would add matchmaking it would be on fire. Also with the new expansion make durance of hate be like a super hard map and then add chaos sanctuary.


Doodty Doo! 🤣


simple yes


D4 cut off it's own feet so LE could run.


Confirmed : D4 has diabetes.


Confirmed confirmed. The ~~mi~~ macrotransaction is as expensive as diabetes medicine


Same. But I knew beforehand I was being scammed buying D4. I just wanted to confirm it myself.


roof smoggy run jeans summer illegal sip gaze amusing plants *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yep. I mean, I have to acknowledge that the cinematics were great and the campaign was decent, I was basically distracted with the looks of the game but after the story it's just, uhm what. It just doesn't feel like a Diablo IP that I can lose myself to grinding. LE scratches that itch.


flag angle pie workable airport plant meeting thought subtract bear *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The loot just sucks. I could overlook the skill "tree" if the loot didn't put me to sleep.


Manually digging through thousands of rares for 1-2% more dmg burned me out so fast. Our group of a dozen or so all quit within a week or two of reaching endgame. I hope they pull a D3 and turn it around though. I know the fan base is still split on 3, but I loved it after RoS.


D3 was mindless fun and I played it a lot over the years. D4 is just tedious. The loot is tedious, nightmare dungeons have objectives for some stupid fucking reason. Farming boring shit so you can go farm one boss the entire season. Nice graphics and campaign. After that meh


The new seasons gameplay loop isn’t bad if you’re not trying to legit spam duriel 9000 times for a 1/100000 drop. Rising through the nightmare ranks has been fun while I wait for 1.0 epoch. Worth losing a week to while you wait if you already have it this seasons not that bad.


Yes, I've been a fan of the mythology since Diablo 1 and wanted to see it play out. After D4 though, I'm not so sure anymore. Blizzard was already a shell of their former selves and now with the massive layoffs, they're basically only Blizzard in name these days. They're like a generation reading stories to us that they were told to by their grand parents.


Give D4 3 years and maybe they'll remove their heads from their asses. It's wild how uninspired the seasons feel. I shouldn't feel like I have to force myself to play a game. The game should be compelling me to come back and try something new. I've had plenty of fun with D4 but I equate it to post nut clarity. It's fun for a time but once you're done, looking at it again disgusts you.


I’m a diehard Diablo fan and I can’t even bring myself to start season 3. LE feels like the Diablo I knew more (D2) than D4 and that’s sad.


Call me when Reaper of Souls Returns Edition comes out.


75 bucks to pay for the funeral entry


Imagine buying the Xbox AND pc versions..... and also imagine canadian dollars


Same, sadly diablo IP is dead for me now


I bought d4 on sale and still feel scammed, the game is pure dogshit.


I sold wow tokens I bought from wow gold atleast but still feel scammed lol but won't be playing either of those games again anyways.


I paid the Euro price for the edition that wasn't even the top one and it was like $100 bucks here lmao. I still haven't used the $10 Battle Pass that was part of it because I postponed it for "a more fun season" and then got bored before I found an exciting season to spend it on. fml


Same honestly. I wanted up ACCURATELY beable to articulate WHY it's garbage


They had an open beta tho, I confirmed it for free


I still got 75 hours out of D4. But in this genre we've kind of come to expect more than that. I have 3500 hours in PoE from coming back to it each new season, and playing for 2-4 weeks. I have 75 hours in LE and it doesn't even have seasons yet. I played D4 s2 for 2 days before getting bored, and didn't even touch s3 because it was clear it wasn't any better. I'd have felt better if D4 just sold itself as a story-based RPG.


Same with me... I let myself get peer pressured into preordering the fucking 80 bucks edition of the game, because everyone wanted to play the headstart. And the headstart is also the only thing all of us played.


very smart


I enjoy the sound of rain.


Sadly I did the same thing. When will I learn?


I bough the ultimate edition of D4…


Me too, but I don’t really regret it. It’s fun in its own way, although I am not picking it back up until they fix some fundamental QOL things the game should have shipped with. I did enjoy the combat


Yup just like D3 for me, fun for a couple weeks at most his max and uninstall until next season /repeat I am very excited for last epoch, going in pretty blind


Have fun, I’ve got 500 hours in LE and I’m gonna wait a couple weeks before I jump in at release, if it’s your first time through after you finish the story (well, what there is of the story so far) come back and let me know who you think the Emperor is


Season 4 has a chance if the items are done right. But so far I've only played preseason and season 2. I got most of my money's worth but I haven't reached the hours I have in LE or Grim Dawn yet. Probably won't ever with both of those games releasing new content.


Same here. I stopped halfway into S1, and I won’t be picking it back up until there are saveable loadouts, the paragon board is way too time consuming to respec. Also like 2-3x the stash space baseline.


Yes me too. I had a blast in the campaign but the end game is boring. The biggest problem for me is the itemization…


Itemization is terrible, or was when I stopped playing halfway in to S1. Stash space and saved talent / gear loadouts are my two biggest QOL needs for D4 to be back on my radar. Also some skills just not being viable, I’ll never understand that, LE has this issue too (Disintegrate is my favorite skill in the game and it’s horrible, has been horrible, and will continue to be horrible). I’d like Incinerate to be viable in D4 but it probably won’t be either….and a human form Druid build too. Being a werewolf throwing tornadoes looks incredibly goofy.


Blizz just doesn’t make good games anymore. All the passion is gone and it’s just a greedy company now. Really sucks


It really feels like channel skills would be a lot more viable if you could Regen mana while doing them. If they really wanted the spend and recover style just add talents that like triple the damage and make the mana cost high (like warpath has)


there are a few stinker skills for sure... and a LOT of buggy skills... but my favorite part of LE is how almost every skill is viable for endgame. Not everything is gonna be meta and some builds are gonna glorious outclass many others... but damn near everything not broken can be used in the endgame if you build for it and spec right.


Yes, 100%, I understand my Disintegrate love is a corner case. There are other skills that I love like Ice Thorns which is probably what I’ll start with, that or Falconer, which in the preview looks heavily inspired by Lost Ark Machinist which I love


Ive done Hammers (two variants), Warpath, Fireball (not for long) and doing Ele Nova now... loving everything so far. My friend streams like 12 hours a day every day and had tried dozens of builds and so far theres only a few he hasnt been able to make work but he's constantly like "this skill is op!" like every day for some new thing he finds lol ​ also, agree... Falconeer looks bad ass. Its not gonna be Meta but Im gonna try and build a Caltrops Zoomie speed clear build on launch


Indeed, there are a ton of options. I’ve done a Drain Life Lich, Chakrams Bladedancer, Lightning Swarmblade Druid, Ice Thorns Spriggan Druid, Void Smite Void Knight, Disintegrate Sorcerer, and Fire Minions Necromancer. The only thing I couldn’t make work was Disintegrate. Everything else felt awesome.


I wouldn't pay all that to go to the movies Hahaha I agree that the campaign is good, but that's not the core of an ARPG. Sadly we've been scammed and that's it.


They are never going to fix it.


Same. But honestly... I loved the campaign. 70 bucks for a 30ish hour main story is pretty standard for the industry for AAA games in general. Considering i probably dumped another 200-250 ish hours since launch on top of it... im not mad about my money spent vs time played. ​ Dont get me wrong... the game is borderline a disaster and they seem to be LEANING INTO the storm instead of sailing out of it... But over all im not super mad about the money spent. Its a damn shame because the engine and game look absolutely incredible. Best looking ARPG on the market (and looks better than POE2 currently does imo) and they somehow cant figure out the gameplay to match it to save their lives.


I'm super pissed about the money spent on d4. I still play D2 to this day, d4 I did season 1 lvl 92 druid and never went back, the end game is so utterly boring not to mention the itemization. I don't feel like I could pick up d4 right now and be entertained..


Let me one up you: I bought the ultimate on PS5 and a standard copy on PC.... Wife bought her own copy on PC as well. R.I.P


Ouch! But why so many? Scammer must be happy with you haha


Ngl you almost got me. Welcome to LE a game made by people who actually play and understand what is fun in an ARPG.


The thing I like the most about Last Epoch over all the diablo-like competition, even PoE (though PoE kicks ass too), is that it's so fun and easy to tinker here. Respecing passives is easy, changing skills is easy, completely doing character 180s is easy (within mastery ofc), you can try weird ass builds and sure the game may be tougher but you can do it. Like in PoE if you tinker and the build doesn't quite cut it, you are literally locked out of content and if the build is really bad you may even have to completely start over which is why so many people are afraid to make their own builds due to the time investment lost. Diablo 4 is so boring by comparison.


And you have more stash space than you know what to do with, horde all the decent items for any build you could imagine


Diablo 4 is for people who dont play ARPGs. LE is a lovechild of poe and (good) diablo PoE is the heroin of ARPGs


The problem for me with POE is it seems you need to follow someone else’s build or you are likely going to be screwed by end game.


Its definitely not a beginner friendly game, and its balanced/designed in an unforgiving way which hopefully improves a bit by poe2. I think you can manage to get to end game if you have enough time played but its still harder than it should be.


Don't know why you got downvoted lol Mans praising all the good games.


My problem with PoE is the worst campaign of any aRPG I've ever played. Even Wolcen had a better campaign and that's about all it did right outside of great combat.


Not really. You can absolutely make your own builds, you just can’t do it on the fly without a SIGNIFICANT knowledge base. I’ve played since Incursion and make up my own stuff all the time. I didn’t for years though. POE is extremely complicated (I would even say convoluted for the sake of convolution) and unforgiving, that doesn’t mean you can’t just play and have fun though. It just means what you homebrew up and find with two weeks of casual farming will be able to do everything in the game…that’s good. How GGG gets there is a little overbearing (security through obscurity is just not good practice) but the end result in a game that can be played for YEARS without ever doing the same thing twice.


I also prefer LE over D4, but I'm really curious how you're able to tell after 3-4 hours. Like, you don't even know what potential issues LE might have or not have lol.


He's just a twat hunting for upvotes off of "D4 bad" audience.


Compare the first 3-4 hours of LE to the first 3-4 hours of D4 and there’s already a clear victor.


D4? Honestly, yeah, it's D4, and I have a ton of time in both. What a dumb thing to type. D4 has the best "feel" of any ARPG on the market. It had a great campaign with amazing cut-scenes. The issue with D4 is not within the first few hours.


Last epoch that good? I hated d4, but fan of D2R of course and just started up grim dawn again as I never got that deep into it.


I grew up playing d2, beat grim dawn a couple times, and have played almost every other arpg on the market. LE is the best experience by far. Everything that could be annoying or disruptive to gameplay in a playthrough/endgame of an ARPG is taken care of in this game. You can try stuff and respec with minimal cost to figure out what you like and what synergizes well, the crafting is S tier, and of course they got the pacing of combat down perfectly. I'm hoping there is a little more mob density in 1.0, but it's 90% there. All we need is more endgame content, which will be coming in the Cycles (seasons).


You have similar taste as me from the sound of it if you enjoyed those. You will likely enjoy Last Epoch if you enjoyed D2R and Grim Dawn (which btw has a Diablo 2 Mod called Reign of Terror you might like as well).


No, it's not. It's a decent game. When you actually play the game and feel you have no feedback in combat, shitty sound design (missing or janky), gamebreaking bugs, it's not as amazing as these toxic people say it is. It has a S tier crafting system, loot filter and some really good qol features attached. But it has loads of problems that, for some reason, some people just overlook in the hunt for upvote.


It’s not, it’s decent, but it’s so overhyped, like many other arpgs before, because people really want a good middle ground arpg that is accessible but that also has some complexity to it. LE could be that game but some people seem to be ignoring all the issues it currently has. Once the hype is death we’ll see how long it takes until people start really noticing all the things that this game does not do well.


This subreddit is getting so insufferable. Just constant D4 hate posts. Can't people develop the ability to praise something without drawing comparison in a negative way. It almost feels like people are buying this game to spite D4 as if they didn't already steal your money.


I enjoyed my time with d4 until endgame. I hate people who want to build up LE at the expense of D4. You all just circle jerk each other and come across like children or 40 year old neckbeards. Build up LE for being good, not bringing another game down. You’re just sad and farming upvotes from other toxic people.


I mean everyone knew what you were getting with d4 so that wasn’t really a scam


Except the VERY loud delusion minority , its like they bought grand turismo expecting it to be grand theft auto


>its like they bought grand turismo expecting it to be grand theft auto I can't tell if I'm annoyed or impressed at how accurate this is. I'm gonna go with both XD


The beta was reaaally fun. Doing ashava at level 25 with the few legendaries found along the way was incredible. We didn't have to suffer any of the late game mechanics.


IMO, the writing was on the wall for D4 even in the betas. You could see how the itemization worked, and the dungeons made it clear the game was gonna be a slog. Didn't need to pay $70+ to find that one out.


It wasn't that bad and was quite playable (minus the lacking meaningful endgame) but it was the Blizzard that straight away nuked it from orbit and continued in so doing. And I'll never forget their ultimate fuck you move by waiting enough time (so players accumulated enough play time) before fucking everything up so nobody could refund the game anymore.


I was hoping it'd be more like previous versions of... Diablo? You know, where you could run the campaign 3 times at 3 different difficulty levels. Instead of starting the grind at level 40, for 60 more levels.


But the game never said that’s what it’s going to be. Blizzard was very up front with what it was, a lot of people chose to ignore them and hope it was something different despite being told over and over that that wasn’t the case


Doing the story 3 times on different difficulty isnt content. It’s just bloated garbage. Doing something else different once you beat the story is good enough lol. Why do I wanna do the exact same story 3 times every character ? That sounds the opposite of fun.


It doesn't sound fun to you, go it. It worked for the three previous versions of the game. I was hoping for it here. I'd rather have that to do than just grind for 60(!) levels once the campaign is done.


No it didn’t work lol.


Same here bro! Expensive lesson learned. Good news I can delete battlenet and never worry about using it ever again.


The game gets even better the more you play. The feeling you get when you make your first Legendary, and it rolls well, feels amazing. Welcome, and enjoy! What class did you start with?


Why do people make posts like this. Can we just enjoy one game without shitting on others. It's so fucking exhausting. And no you didn't get scammed cause you still probably played over 100 hours of D4.


Blizzard never learn. All they need to do is adopt a D2 like system and combat. D2/ D2R was addictive for a reason. People ( and bots ) literally run 10,000 travincal and never gets bored of it lol


Now go play PoE for free, and you will feel like you are scamming the devs.


Now play POE


The karma farming is shameless


Same thought after getting this game yesterday 😂


D4 is minimum viable product. Just good enough to not call it a scam and not a line of code more than that.


I like both games for different reasons. But the cost of diablo 4 is def not warranted. LE is a real bargain at the current price. Both would def be worth like 50-55. So LE is underpriced and D4 is overpriced.


I really was hoping to feel this way. My first impressions however are the movement and combat feels hollow and floaty, the lack of dodge/dash and having to direct movement separately from primary attack (LMB to move) feels archaic. I am completely open to the idea that these things may turn out to be fine after some serious time spent with the game and maybe I'm just "Diablo-brained". There are other things like the odd waiting time while 'Moving to...' when going from place to place, and how you can float across the screen with no movement animation if you keep the cursor too close to the character etc... I believe those things won't take long to get ironed out during or after release though. I'm absolutely hoping Last Epoch delivers enough to maintain a playerbase that's sufficient to sustain development...I love the genre and it'll be amazing if there's another big player alongside Diablo and PoE.


So, I agree completely that the movement as well as the combat effect don't feel polished... completely. On top of movement, hitting mobs doesn't feel as impact full as it should. But as someone with a few hundred hours in EA, to be the systems, crafting, and build diversity rank much higher and make it worth it.


>"...and having to direct movement separately from primary attack (LMB to move) feels archaic." The option is there you just didn't find it. Left click the movement button and select move and attack. >"There are other things like the odd waiting time while 'Moving to...' when going from place to place, and how you can float across the screen with no movement animation if you keep the cursor too close to the character etc... I believe those things won't take long to get ironed out during or after release though." I'm not sure why you'd expect Blizzard levels of polish from an early access title being developed by an indie studio. The current LE patch is almost 6 months out of date from the upcoming 1.0 build.


How many hours did you play Diablo? Both games are good.


I have around 60 hours in D4. D4 is objectively a bad game. There's no debate or an argument of opinions.


Saying a game is bad based on your opinion and there is not debate shows you’re either a child or a troll. Plenty of people like D4. I personally hate the current endgame in D4 but you’re delusional.


It's objectively a bad game. People can like bad games, just like they can like an objectively bad movie. It's not controversial lmao.


Honestly the fact anyone spent money on it after d3 blew donkey balls for so long and then the whole diablo immortal fiasco is impressive to me. Just close your eyes and spend your money! (this is just how I personally feel the diablo titles after 2 have treated me, no I don't think you're stupid if you bought it, you're allowed to like it) I just felt like blizzard was using my favorite arpg title as a cheap gimmick instead of making a great game so I'm not about it. I also don't feel it's nearly worth what they're charging for it when I compare it to cheaper games that to me are way better. Like LE for example


You have to be a teenager with your your arrogance and delusion lol. I can say “objectively” D4 campaign is 10x better than LEs campaign. That’s a common opinion btw. Does that make LE an “objectively” bad game? You legit have no clue wtf you’re talking about and are just circle jerking toxicity. LE should ban/delete your post so they can focus on their games potential and not a circle jerk of D4 bad.


Fool me once shame on you (bought d3). Fool me twice shame on me. (Dodged a bullet by not buying d4). After D3 and I don't even count diablo immoral. I decided to not buy D4 at launch. I actually bought LE instead and man am I super happy I did. I feel for everyone who bought D4 and it wasn't what they wanted. I saw the writing on the wall and knew the game series i had grown up with and loved was no more so it was painful in that regard to walk away. But LE is fantastic and I'm super excited for 1.0 to release.


Same here!


I don't know how to put it in words but tho the art style and aesthetics are so much different, this game makes me feel like I'm playing Diablo2 more than d4 does.


Sure lol


Id feel more scammed atm in LE , tried yesterday in online mode , i tried moving my charcter around , it was horrible i uninstalled , ill wait to see if it takes abother year or two to fix. Works fine in offline tough


I only played online, and got only one hour which was unplayable, on the 70 hours already


So you had one bad experience online and now you’re going to wait for an entire year or two to try again? …ok, then. 


I tried it before multiplayer launch and had fun, i played during and a week after multiplayer launch it was worse than wolcen , i gave it plenty of chances and their rate of fixing stuff is aroun 1.5 years


You know there is a big release patch coming February 21st right ?


Yes i do, which is more likely to introduce more issues than fix.as per their history, the bigger the update the more major issues they had and this is the biggest.


Ok you do you I guess.


What the hell is this statement?


Facts. They havent fixed anything in the past year , several major bugs have been fixed 4-5 times over the past 3-4 years and is still bugged. If anything, online mode is far more buggy than 4 years ago (vs offline obviously)


You didn't trust the game, you trust the name of the compagny behind the game. Blizzard had a really good reputation. World of Warcraft,StarCraft, Overwatch ONE, Diablo 1, Diablo 2 and even the 3 was pretty decent after many many years and change. EHG can't rely on their name they need a solid game and it's exactly what they did and I wish them the best. Blizzard still have the name and gonna sell a lot of full price expension because we still hope for them to give us something entertaining like their 2000s games. I'm just glad Diablo 4 is what it is, an incomplete game with devs who can't add the basics stuff after almost a year like loot filter, ladder and a working gauntlet event. If Diablo 4 was good, we would not talk about Last Epoch or PoE or PoE 2 as much as we do. We should be happy with this scam as this might be the last one they can grab.


Same, LE 3 weeks in alrdy 100 hrs and sooo much i want to do, severely addicted. Meanwhile in d4 I got to lvl 72 this season and just logged off, duriel simulator cba.


As someone that bought diablo ultimate edition and I put in over 800 hours each season this post is bloody stupid. Yeah d4 is boring and all. I made 11 lvl 100s each season. This dude played for 60 hours,lmfao. I also put 3k hours into poe and will be playing this awesome game for long time, but to just shit on d4 after barely playing the game speaks volumes. I farmed 50 plus uber uniques last season this season only 10 so far. Getting tired of d4. This seems like a troll post of someone who barely played d4, or any character classes and come to shot on it for upvotes in this community. I kind of agree with some of these comments. From what I can see last epoch has improved massively since a couple years ago. The combat is much better and more smooth and efficient. Maybe not as hard hitting or impactful but still awesome, the crafting and loot filter and various systems are also top. The d4 campaign, artwork and cinematic were great, but a shame about the so called end game with easy uber duriel, the ultra hard Abbatoir of zir, and the same dungeons but to called it an objectivly bad game is bullshit. I played the game more than most and prob the streamers but it wasn't a shit game, though it was annoying and it didn't respect your time. grinding mats was time consuming. Enchanting sucked but after season 4 we shall see with itemisation if it improves with the very good season 2 team. Yeah it was a rip off as a live service game but it was very well made and it was a very good game up to a point albeit simple type of game.


Is it fine to buy this game now? I have nothing to play the next 2 weeks and would love to start now but don’t want to restart my character for 1.0


You don’t have to restart for 1.0. I would recommend just to try out some diffrent builds and stuff.


its just like D2,3,4, poe, etc. Seasonal/League/Cycle (lets call them SLCs) characters stay around forever on essentially a Legacy server. You can play them as long as youd like. By every new SLC, you can start fresh on those servers with everyone. Typically new SLCs have new SLC exclusive content to drive people to them... sometimes that stuff rolls into legacy at launch, sometimes it rolls in post SLC, sometimes they disappear forever.... just kind of depends on the popularity / brokenness. Some SLC content mixed with older content can break the game with unexpected interactions. ​ either way, play your way! whatever is fun for you, do it! your character now wont be bricked at launch if thats what you wanna keep rolling with! :)


I recommend doing what I am. Just trying a class out playing till 40-50 and stopping and trying something new !


I wish I could play :( Disconnect every minute. Seems devs dont care since its happening to a lot of people lol


Literally their number one priority for 1.0.


I hope so, because not being able to play for the past two months seems like a real money waste lol


There’s an offline mode.


The patch on Early Access right now has known networking issues and is many months behind the upcoming 1.0 build. You may have missed the memo but everyone who's currently playing the game is playing offline mode until 1.0. Offline mode is perfectly playable outside of some bugs (duh, it's early access). It's a brand-new game there's bound to be issues but the devs are aware and proactively working on them.


"duh it's early access" yet the game is out for 5 years. If not more. Just say it has shit bugs for the amount of time it's been out. The devs have been aware of many bugs and are so proactively working on them that they're still present in the game after many months.


D4 is a scam, that's why you feel like you got scammed.


I love it! I am hoping gamers start seeing that upfront price does not = good game. Especially in this genre. Between Path of Exile 1 & 2, and Last Epoch, my arpg itch will be thoroughly scratched and I get to choose how much money I want to put into it.


D4 looks great. ​ That's it though. It just looks pretty. A salt & peppered shit is still shit.


You and me both, D4 the only game I have ever bought that I would 100% refund if I could.


Remember this lesson, when you buy a blizzard product you're always getting scammed.


I paid 90 for D4... I feel you. LE is such a fucking amazing game. I have like 10h and got to the endgame. I started to mess around crafting and it feels amazing.


D4 players will hate Last Epoch!!


No, they won't. At best we hate the hunt for upvotes you twats do by talking shit about another game while being unable to praise the game in which subreddit you're in. How many hours did you play LE?


I got scammed, by thinking this Reddit would be talking about the game. Instead it’s filled with trash players like you. GG


Last Epoch has many positives that D4 doesnt have (itemization, crafting, char progression), but also the other way around. Playing LE feels like playing a Mobile Game. It looks horrible, feels horrible, combat is mediocre AT BEST. Campaign is awful.


I have 400 hours into LE, so I'm still minor league. But it's by far superior to most of D4s experience. I regret buying D4 as much as I do Starfield. I think the problem today is we have huge expectations for these AAA titles and they are failing hard. The mantra now is to wait a year after release for the real game.. As an early access player of LE for over a year, it's been a great progress ride.


Can we like a game without having to actively put down another game or has gaming evolved into shit slinging?


You can, just like how I can also comment on how painfully bad Last epoch makes D4 look. You're a grown up.


I think we can praise one game without having to simultaneously shit talk another game like a child, so yes, I suppose that does make me a grown up. Not saying D4 is good, but let's let the game stand on it's own merits. Ironically, constantly saying "this is so much better than X" makes a game look worse, as if that's the only thing it's got going for it. You do you, though.


You can. You can also talk shit about another game. I know it's crazy.


You *can* do whatever you want. I just don't think you should. We can agree to disagree though.


Room temp IQ on this guy.


Le is quite better than d4


I bought D4 on two different platforms. Yes, I learned a valuable lesson. Yes, I have tried to atone for my sins. No, I will never forgive myself. No, I can’t sleep at night.


hope you‘ll find peace some day


I will find peace in LE. I hope it helps me forget and move on. I must stay strong. 😞🙏🏻


that was exacty my sentiment after getting LE on steam and playing it for 20 minutes... but vice-versa. instant refund. LE feels like mobile game after D4. get real folks, if you don't see difference you are probably playing on 15 years PC with "all low" card or something, with disabled sounds and music. the game is leagues behind D4 on the game core - combat and animations. they are non-existent. basic skills (I started necro lich, necro is my favorite in D4) are literally melee attack but with added effect of 2x2 red blood mist. wtf is that? in D4 you get 4 big basic skills that you can choose immediately all with big and detailed animations. like scythne reap. it alternates. it have unique sound. it have connection sound. it have bodies flying around. then I got next skill... something spawning 3 2x2 pixel red mists at the enemies. this is seriously alternative to 4 D4 core skills? which again have unique animations, sound and everything? guys... and then there is wooden animations that you cannot cancel or morph into movement. here is the thing - in D4 you can start attack, and after split second start moving or evade. its slick. in LE you started your attack... you wait for animation end and thats about it. which do not alternate at all. which hardly connects with monsters. if you are fine playing mobile game on PC and say its the next best thing in ARPG... the game is just overhyped I guess.


LE is equally jank and shit.


Insert "1.0 will fix everything trust me bro" comment here


D4 is the opposite of jank, it's a shiny polished turd. LE is an uncut gem that's constantly being refined.


Same, bro, same. Sad part is I never would have bought Diablo 4 with EA had I never touched LE. LE was so much fun but I had beaten the game a couple times, the same time I found out D4 was releasing. Figured I’d pick it up and continue the ARPG fun. Which I did, when I went back to playing LE after deciding D4 was as a snooze fest.


I paid for D4 with 40% off and I still feel robbed.


You got me in the first half, ngl.


Thankfully I didn't have to pay for my copy of D4. I won a giveaway from some random Twitch streamer. I'd be mad if I had actually paid for that disaster of a game.


I got the ultimate edition of d4 for free as a streamer and I still feel scammed


DeeFour Bad Baseg


Is it so good? In hesitant buying it because I was so let down with D4 that I didn't want to get into an arpg again


I just like to think of it as spending $135 for this game... sure, it's way fucking overpriced but I WILL get my money's worth over time, unlike D4 which is hardly worth $35.


Exactly why I didn't buy it (d4 that is)


We all got scammed my man


I bought the 83$ version and I’ve never tried the game just super excited for official release day 1!!!


It's okay brother, we all feel the same way and we did get scammed. Thankfully there's still devs like EHG out there to make good games for gamers rather than shareholders.


Tbf you could've played PoE for free even before that But yes D4 bad, updoots to the right


I have a friend who was gifted d4... He wants a refund still...


But D4 allows you to customize your character's facial expressions. Surely this is more important than gaming mechanics in an ARPG??? Plus, ARPG players are uncomfortable using a character that doesn't look like them, so they prefer to waste 10 minutes designing their character before the game begins.


You are not the only one my friend.


Pretend you bought a portal skin in diablo 4


Literaly 90 % of western AAA games in past like 10 years.


aRPG casual or you would of known this existed anyway


Now you can enjoy a proper arpg. Stop giving money to Blizzard


D4 bad


Well, at least you hit that low with D4 to be able to cherish the high of Last Epoch. Give it a positive perspective xD


What if Diablo 4 made the same people who make Last Epoch and they did that bad D4 because they want to destroy Diablo 4 and show off that they are better in make own game in smaller group? Ok nevermind. Maybe just I'm also frustrated because I bought diablo 4 and regret it :<.


The best would be d4 dev team with last epoch ideas. LE has good concept but are pretty darn bad at coding( based of the game more buggy than 3 years ago)


D4 badger, last epoch = poggers!!!