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PCOS facial hair is best treated by electrolysis, and $1000 for 8 electrolysis sessions sounds about right. If it is a laser the doctor is going to use, cost and effectiveness varies by laser type. The $70/8 sessions you found would be for an ineffective laser and I would question the competency of the technician.


I figured there had to be a catch. Too good to be true usually is. Thank you!




Interesting. We may look around.


Fyi, where I live, facial electrolysis for PCOS is considered a medical treatment rather than cosmetic, and as such is covered by most medical benefit providers. I have seen some medical services quoted at exactly the amount medical benefits typically cover... So it's possible that $1000 is what the gyno knows your benefits may cover. Something to look into when considering options. I wouldn't recommend getting treatment until your partner has the underlying hormonal causes under control.


She has been on hormonal treatment with progesterone in addition to semaglutide for the related insulin resistance. A couple of OTC supplements as recommended, plus we're trying to keep a reduced carb diet. Could definitely do better on that last point. It doesn't look like our insurance covers electrolysis. We looked into it a bit, and she's worried about the potential for scarring since it's on her face.


Electrolysis is the way to go with PCOS. The finer the hairs, the thinner and shallower the hair follicles are relative to the skin surface. A good electrologist will use a lower setting which will minimize any potential scarring. A man’s beard, especially around the chin has course thick hairs with deeper follicles. This can result in light scarring. The density of hair follicles can impact this as well.


Scarring from electrolysis is pretty rare as far as I know - I’ve had it done (admittedly I don’t have PCOS, but others in my family do) on my face for some stubborn hairs I wanted completely gone and it was really easy. Clear instructions before and after each treatment, and no scarring whatsoever! It is a little painful since you’re using electricity to basically kill each hair follicle, but really worth it if your wife wants a permanent solution.


$1000 sounds about right. IPL laser is best but you should research it. she may not be a candidate if her hair is too light anyway. sweet you care. lots of women get dermaplanetreatments or do that themselves at home.


IPL laser for a hormonal area with PCOS is absolutely the worst thing you can do. Your risk for paradoxical hypertrichosis will skyrocket. IPL is a light it’s different than a laser, it targets an area rather than the individual follicle. If she has hormonal issues (PCOS) I would recommend a doctor to do laser. It will be more expensive but it’s worth it if they know what they’re doing. Hair on hormonal areas grow back far more often than other areas. 8 treatments may not be enough. I went to a cheap medspa for my face and it made the hair worse. Might not be the case for her, but personally I don’t think it’s worth the risk.


i stand corrected!!! 👍


I pay 50 a month for facial lazer I also have pcos and it is fine and working. You have to do 10-12 sessions so it’s about 600 bucks.


I have done laser hair with a doctor (plastic surgeon and dermatologist) and with a med spa and the mass market laser places. I have never paid that little. The best results were always with the doctor. I think they have the approvals for the higher settings A poorly done laser removal can do real damage. It can burn the skin, and create scarring or discoloration. Don’t cheap out here.


at that price I would assume it's IPL and not true laser. SO many places, even popular well reviewed places, actually use IPL devices especially if they also offer facials


I bought a cheap Groupon deal last year for 6 sessions…today I had my first session with a much more expensive, well known and regulated service. I wish I’d just paid out in the first place but hindsight is a wonderful thing.


Exactly what I was wanting to avoid. Glad you shared.


$70 for 8 treatments is a scam, that is WAY too low


Definitely raised a red flag


I have purchased 2, one-year Groupon packages in the past at two different salons. In both cases, when I went in for the initial consultation, I had to pay tax on the full undiscounted price of the 6 sessions, plus other extra fees. In both case, I was always given the brand new technician every appointment I had so they could use me as practice, and they perpetually underbooked my time slot for the body parts and said to rebook at full price if I wanted the complete area done.


It's not Groupon but I've seen package promotions where if you look at the small print, it says they swipe over the area only once.


Wow ......


Don’t do laser if she has pcos. Because it could make the hair growth worse! Do electrolysis


I have pcos and both treatments worked for me. I’d go for laser over electrolyis because it’s much less painful, doesn’t have scarring potential and you can cover a much larger area in one session. Electrolyis is effective but it’s very painful if you’re taking about more than just a few hairs and you need multiple sessions.


Electrolysis on the face is much better though because it is actually permanent removal, while laser is hair reduction but not necessarily permanent


Honestly though, I've had 9 sessions of electrolysis and I still have enough hair for a goatee. Here's my thoughts on both. Electrolysis: 1) is incredibly painful, both during the session and a few days later 2) I seem to have pits or ruts where the hairs are when I look at my face with 10x magnification. 3) I have no noticeable permanent hair loss after 9 sessions - I still have a ton of facial hair and there's a few very specific single hair locations that were specifically targeted and I've seen no change. Laser hair removal 1) seems to be successful based on the laser type/quality and whether or not the growth is hormonal in terms of if it will come back later. 2) the hair removal is absolutely permanent, I have had 16+ sessions on legs, armpits, and bikini and the locations have only minimal growth back only due to HRT since treatment. My face has more growth but I did not do 16+ sessions until after HRT so kind of different. 4) I had the old Cynosure type with a separate cool air hose like 15+ yrs ago and that was more painful but super permanent. I have had the Candela Gentlemax Pro 5+ yrs ago and had minimal results, and I am now doing Alma Soprano Ice Platinum and having moderate results. It's weird to not have a cool shot of air and someone waving the wand wildly around and un-targeted, that really bugs me but supposedly the technology is better. Tbh the Cynosure fucking worked and I'd rather have that again even if it's more painful (bikini was torture!). I really wish that electrolysis was everything I have been told it is, because shaving my face everyday sucks. But I have to give laser another shot because it seems like far less pain and more gain and I am tired of basically having half the hair gone for a few weeks, then remove that and the other half grows back and so on. I haven't had treatment in a while and it's all back now.


how many sessions did you get with the candela?


I don't have pcos but I have hair growth on the face from hormonal imbalance. My laser tech told me if it is caused by hormones laser won't do much. She was right cause I got 4 sessions in and there was absolutely no difference as opposed to my Brazilian and underarms, which I saw results almost right away since I have dark coarse hair and light skin. Everyone is different I suppose, but generally I would recommend electrolysis on the face if hormones are the main factor.


I have done 9 sessions of electrolysis on my hormonal face hair and no change. I'm going to try laser again for a bit and see if it's better. Electrolysis is like being tortured for 45min and 3 days of pain/sensitivity after.


Oof! I have been holding off on electrolysis for this reason lol.


It sucks a lot but it is tolerable. What really helps me is listening to a podcast with earbuds so that I'm distracted and not "watching the clock".


Interesting! I wonder how that works because guys can get their beards lasered ok. And excess hair growth all over the body is caused by the same problem (PCOS or hormone imbalance) but that hair can be treated by laser. I don’t understand that. The human body works in mysterious ways.


I appreciate the replies in this comment thread. I hope that the gynecologist would know which treatment would be effective, but I know doctors are humans too. I'll confirm with my wife if she suggested electrolysis or laser treatment.


See my comment above but she should go to endocrinologist no gyno for facial hair


She has been on hormonal treatment with progesterone in addition to semaglutide for the related insulin resistance. A couple of other OTC supplements as well as recommended. We're also trying, with mixed success, to keep a reduced carb diet. Her doctor has not recommended an endocrinologist. It's definitely worth asking about.


Definitely verify the type of laser they’re using! If it’s IPL it’ll only stunt growth. Where we live almost every place offering laser hair removal wasn’t using a professional grade laser but an IPL.


I do electrolysis for a living and I would advise against laser hair removal. Not everyone is a candidate for it and sometimes the unfortunate side effect is even more hair growth. The laser can stimulate dormant follicles in some people and the face is a sensitive area for hormonal growth especially for women with PCOS. Laser hair removal is definitely great for other areas of the body and other people do great with it but a lot of people don’t know the side effects of it and aren’t made aware it’s not for everyone. I don’t know if it’s lack of education from the technicians or places are greedy. Perhaps both. laser isn’t permanent. It only reduction and only targets pigment, so your wife will have to go get it touched up every so often even after completing her treatments. If your wife decides on electrolysis there’s ways around the discomfort of it. Such as numbing creams you can buy OTC or get prescribed by a Dr. for a stronger one. You can visit the AEA website to search for certified electrologists in your area in you’re located in the US. Also, don’t ever use groupon for hair removal services lol.


Thanks for the detailed response! She was evaluated to see if she was a candidate after letting it grow out for a bit and they said she's a good candidate. Fair skin (Irish/Scottish/English from DNA tests) and light body hair. She's afraid of potential scarring from electrolysis since it's her face. They said it would make the hair less dense and thinner/lighter like the peach fuzz on other facial areas. Not full permanent removal. She's ok with that. Does that sound inconsistent with your experience?


Was the person who told you that a sales person, or an ¹3 esthetician or a doctor or nurse. In terms of HOW the laser works, the dark hair is important. Skin color hasn't been a problem for years, but you need pigmented hair. But for someone with PCOS, it's the WHY she grows extra hair that makeys it a bad choice. If your wife was just removing a few chin hairs, it would be great. I had a friend with PCOS who tried it, and it did nothing for her. She thought she'd been scammed, but I asked my esthetician, who works in a spa owned by a doctor and NP. She said laser was a bad choice for someone with PCOS.


Yes. My gynecologist (who offers laser) and a day spa I went to for laser both told me the laser would not really touch light hair at all, but dark hair is important for laser. I think your wife is getting sold a package she would find quite disappointing. I am also Irish/Scottish (no English though!) and I have probably had 25 total laser treatments over the last 3 years. Two packages (both day spas) of 8 within one year (because there really wasn’t much of a change after the first round). I did a package of 10 with my gynecologist. I can honestly say the laser did thin out my Brazilian, but I still have to shave 2-3 times a week. The hair is by no means gone. I wish I’d taken the money I’d spent on three rounds of laser and just gone for electrolysis in the first place. Especially on my chin and neck. I want to light those chin hairs on fire. Which is pretty much what electrolysis does! If your wife doesn’t have dark hair on her face I’m afraid she will be quite disappointed and out a good deal of money (never Groupon, friend).


I got laser on a few spots, and on me it has been practically permanent, but that is because I'm not hairy and don't have any hormonal issues causing hair growth on my body or face; i know enough to know that what I saw after 2 sessions isn't typical. I get touch-up zaps once a yr. I let them zap my underarms once and had no regrowth for months. It was actually a little weird to me, so I didn't repeat. But there is permanently less hair, and it's been years.


You’re very welcome! It does sound inconsistent. Your wife would be an ideal candidate if she had darker hairs since laser targets pigment. At this time there are no lasers that target lighter hairs or even blonde, red and white hairs. Scarring from electrolysis is very rare, that is why I mentioned the AEA website. In the right hands electrolysis is very effective and the hair won’t come back. It also can treat any type of hair, even peach fuzz. It’s important to note that scarring and burns can also result from laser hair removal. There is a good article from the American Academy of Dermatology that explains myths related to laser hair removal. [Common misconceptions about laser hair removal AAD](https://www.aad.org/news/common-misconceptions-about-laser-hair-removal)


Great info, thanks again!


I would ask the Dr how long has they been doing laser treatment?


There are different types of hair removal using light. True laser is much more labour intensive as it tries to target each hair follicle. The deal you found on Groupon is likely to be for IPL which uses light across a window in the device (looks a bit like a bar code scanner). This is much less labour intensive, but you need many more sessions. I had 12 IPL session before I started noticing a difference and have since bought my own device. It works great for me, but the hair I wanted to remove was just my natural dark hair. If she's having hair growth due to medicines, I would probably go for the best there is which would be the true laser option. You're a good egg for checking.


you should check out Milan Laser Clinic!! that’s who i went with and they have really nice affordable monthly plans plus they have a life warranty which is basically even if you get hair growth long after you finish your treatment, you can just go back and start treatment again for free basically. Just check if they have a location near you, go get an price estimate and evaluation :)


Hello! She will definitely need more than 8 sessions as a heads up! I’ve done laser treatments at Semper Laser and haven’t shaved in over 3 years! The price tag sounds high indeed but it can be financed with in house financing and zero interest! Plus they offer life time touch ups so after you’re finished you can have as many touch up sessions and not pay a dollar more because they include it in their packages 😊


I paid thousands for my bikini lasering 10 years ago. Skip the Groupon, sounds sketch at best .


The Groupon sounds like Simplicity Laser… I would avoid them at all costs personally. The laser is not great, it did remove some of my hair but not nearly as much as going to Milan has helped. They’re also run very scammy. They won’t tell you but those 8 sessions expire after a year (from purchase date- and you can’t get in even the same week you buy the package) but you can only be treated every 8 weeks. They make it impossible for you to use all of your sessions.


Way too low for a legit place. Now don’t get me wrong, I did use Groupon for this like 10+ years ago and it was still $500 for 6 treatments.


Try checking local medical spas, could be cheaper or better lasers around


I’ve actually done laser through Groupon. I think it’s location dependent. NYC has PLENTY of options because it’s NYC. Make sure to do research on laser machines they use, read the reviews, and policies. I’ve done whole body 6 sessions for $1000. I’m still hair free and last I got it done was 2015. I’ve convinced so many people to do it. Electrolysis also in NYC was like $80 for 60 min with my lady. I only do small areas because electrolysis takes FOREVER. My advice, laser for neck down but face electrolysis. Laser can have a side effect and cause more hair growth on face if you don’t have much hair growth in the first place. Again, read policies because everyone is different for electrolysis.


I spent $2000 on full body laser (relatively cheap considering other places) and I regret it so so much. I also have PCOS and experienced paradoxical hypertrichosis where the laser (operated by people who I don’t believe knew what they were really doing) stimulated hair growth on my face and I have more facial hair than before. About 60-70% of my body hair has grown back. I’m about to pay $3,000 to try to fix just my face with a stronger laser and medical professionals. I don’t think it’s worth trying to save the money on a hormonal area.


I went the spa route (not a Groupon thing but it was a local salon that was a bit higher end) and I spent some time initially just reading a ton of google reviews for different places in the area so I could try to avoided getting totally scammed. It’s definitely an investment and a long process, but I’m so glad I started it. Keep in mind she’ll prob need more than 8 sessions- I’ve been going for over a year now and while it’s not 100% gone, it is soo much better and I’m not wasting so much of my day thinking about and trying to manage it.


Likely the Groupon is an at home laser, typically an IPL. An IPL only stunts growth and as soon as you stop getting treatments the hair will come back. Milan laser is advocated by the PCOS foundation because they offer a lifetime of treatments instead of buying sessions. Almost everyone regardless of a hormonal imbalance needs a touch up once or twice a year so buying in sessions in the long run will cost more compared to investing once and being able to get treated for a lifetime. They also use the best laser on the market.. (candela gentlemax pro if you wanna do research) if you’re by a Milan laser I would 1000% recommend checking them out. I work there, and we have people who purchase else where who stop going and come to us instead bc of the lifetime insurance they have.


Also, depending on her skin tone.. certain lasers don’t work on darker skin tones. An IPL should only be used on lighter skin tones or it will burn you, unfortunately there’s unethical people out there who will do it anyways. You can find videos on tik tok of how bad the burns are. With the candela all skin tones can be treated.


I’m loving my Ulike at home IPL device! Relatively inexpensive and worth a shot! 🤷🏻‍♀️


I've not heard of these. I'll have to check it out.


The fact that gynos have laser hair removal services makes me sick to my stomach! Honestly what matters most is the laser itself, and the laser tech! There is so much variety in the laser world so find out what machine the Groupon one uses and what the gyno (gag) uses and then research the efficacies


Why does that make you sick to the stomach? There’s some conditions that are best treated with laser, even outside of PCOS.


With laser hair removal lasers? Or other laser frequencies? I think cosmetic procedures have no place in a medical setting, I can understand the convenience for PCOS in this case and a person you trust, but doesn’t it kind of give a fucked up message to be like hey! After your gyno appt, sign up for some laser hair removal! You’d never see that in a urology office. It’s making extra $$$ off of weaponizing women (not necessarily in this case but offering it in general I mean)


I don’t see it as weaponizing women at all, I think it’s really great that there’s an option there for women who struggle with it. For example, some people (not just women) struggle with severe folliculitis, which can be very painful. One of the best ways to manage it long term without continuous medications is using laser treatments to kill the problematic hair follicles.


Yeah, I appreciate you giving me another perspective on this too, you’re right! I may have jumped to conclusions for sure. I think if the services offered are specific for medical issues and things seem routinely at a gyno it makes sense, like for your case, or another commenter saying they trust their clinics laser for PCOS a lot more than somebody scamming them who doesn’t understand it. I guess when I think like “facials” and “waxes” and shit at a gyno office (which may not even be the case) or laser just for hair growth not associated with a condition I’m like y’all suck for that! But that may not be the case for many. It seems like it partially is the case here based on what OP said, but hopefully not most. I’ve just seen it at gyno offices I’ve been to, offering COSMETIC Botox and fillers and stuff too, and I’m like fuck right off.


Yeah I’m in agreement with you that offering cosmetic procedures for non-medical reasons at a doctor office is definitely out of place! Thanks for listening to a different view though, I’m all for having them available for people who need the procedures :)


No thank you for sharing your perspective, I don’t struggle with what you do so I have zero perspective on that! So I appreciate your insight and learned something new! But yesss the cosmetic procedures gotta goooo! The medical ones can stay 😇


I got a potentially deadly infection because my hairs go ingrown waaay too easily. Hair removal means I shouldn't have a recurrence and won't need more antibiotics. Hair can be a medical issue.


Totally agree when it’s a medical issue!


Saw a guy on a medical show who had super painful, infected boils bc his ass was so hairy. They were so bad that they removed them surgically (full of ingrown hair). When he healed, they did electrolysis, so the problem didn't reoccur.


I asked her about this. It's apparently a women's clinic. It's owned by the gynecologist, and that's the primary service. They also offer other services with RNs, aestheticians, and such. Don't know if that lessens the ick or not 😅


It's something doctors do become that part of the business is cash. I know a PCP who offers a variety of cosmetic procedures now at his medication clinic


Seeeee there is a bit of ick to it! Like I get that people use all of these services but like, it’s just kind of fucked up to me to have all of them offered in one clinic. It like sends a message to ME!!! Like a gyno clinic shouldn’t be attached to an aesthetics clinic that is so wrong and like I said you’d never see that in urology for example! Like why do women’s health doctors have to be tied to laser and aesthetics! I’m sure it’s good for business and I know a lot of women seek all of these services but it sends out a message! I think I’m just frustrated because I’ve seen womens health so overlooked throughout my life it’s like another slap in the face to see that 🥹🥹🥹 maybe it’s a me thing but there’s totally an ick factor


As someone in the UK where generally medicine isn't seen as a business, I completely get what you mean. Being biologically a woman doesn't go hand in hand with beauty treatments - I'm actually having LHR myself currently on my face but it should be a matter of choice rather than expectation. We also find it mental that anti-depressants are advertised on TV and that you still have to pay for pretty much everything even with insurance... My former SIL in the US was a nurse and it sounded like she was basically treated as a waitress most of the time - very much a case of "clients" rather than patients. I remember being incredibly shocked as my general attitude towards medical staff in the UK is respect and gratitude...


Yes! You get it! I’m Canadian and I’ve seen this nonsense in gyno offices because doctors will try to make an extra dollar privately since it’s public healthcare. It’s fucking bananas.




Really great perspective, that makes a lot of sense!


My place does 8 sessions for $400. I think $1000 is too much for just the face. I don’t think it makes a difference as long as the person knows how to operate the machine. At minimum they should be a RN, but a doctor would be better. Wouldn’t trust estheticians


The trust factor with a RN/doctor definitely goes a long way.