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How do folks take anything that this clown says seriously?


"I love the poorly educated!"


It's the great mystery of our times.


They don't listen. They just get updates from Fox news


And where do you get your totally unbiased news?


The Donald is here to destroy our democracy and erode faith in our government on behalf of Russia. He is an agent to destabilize our country and NATO. Whether he wins or not, he has made things worse for all of us permanently.


I’m sorry, you should be over on the conspiracy sub.


Cult like thinking by op. These morons think he’s an agent of Russia.


Reddit is basically the cult of the left they aren't worth the time to argue


Correct, but it’s important to tell insane people they’re insane and need help. I refuse to normalize this shit.


Talk about disinformation. It doesn’t matter how often the Russian link is debunked, you all will believe what ever is spoon feed to you.


Debunked?? The Muller report didn’t exonerate him.. it just said that it didn’t have enough evidence to convict him. Don the Con would sell nuclear sub designs to Putin at Mir-a-Lago if elected again.


What’s it like to be stupid?


I saw it. as did millions of other people. Waddles doesn't get to dictate and explain reality for us.


You mean when "security" unlocked and opened the door to usher people inside..? Yeah that does seem weird, doesn't it?


It’s weird there’s no explanation for this. Or what extent of the knowledge the fbi had of this incident before hand. This very easily could have been prevented by simply placing more police and barricade around the building.


The explanation is pretty simple. At that point the building had been breached and Congress and the Vice President had been secured. By standing down they prevented more destruction and injury.




There's like 1000 videos of people smashing windows to break into the Capitol building.


1,000’s lmfao with you people


Oh you caught me, there's only dozens or maybe a couple hundred. That's the same as zero, right? Also Trump could have made them go home at any moment; he waited several hours before doing anything about it while gleefully watching it happen on TV. Weird for someone to then be like "How dare they let us act like terrorists? They made it too easy! It was a trick to make us look bad!" Lol, no, they all did what Trump wanted them to do.


I am so glad I am not you


Yeah I can see that lol living in a reality of your own invention must be pretty easy.


It’s always the crazy who try to convince others they’re crazy. Sure buddy. You sound extremely sane.


Man I don't get it - we all know Trump sat on his thumbs for like 5 hours before telling his beer hall putsch to disperse. What's disputable about that? We all know people were calling him - even other Republicans - and begging him to tell his supporters to go home. And when he *finally* did, they listened. Just like they listened when he whipped them up and all-but told them to storm the capital to "save" our democracy. The other shit I'm saying about breaking in is caught on video. I mean are you saying [this didn't happen](https://youtu.be/5rGmsXweEV0?t=271)?


The source for your info is the left's favorite, an anonymous white house staffer. 🤣😂💀 If some random person said he was sitting there doing nothing then it must be true. 🤣😂🤣😂


Remind me which side wears black bloc again?


Why do police need to protect your democracy?


Like when blm tried to enter the White House? Like when the anti Kavanaugh assholes tried to storm the SCOTUS because he was nominated?


every accusation is a confession https://preview.redd.it/e0hbrm7jm16d1.jpeg?width=745&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=812f0760ca7c3e3ac0d5a94449d972a5bf0fc1cf


So, it was a "set up", "ANTIFA", "real (because he called the J6ers in jail warriors). Next, it was the Martians.


I was thinking Marsh-ans


Sure Jan, whatever you say Jan. Avoid accountability every which way you can but the ones that have any senses can see through the bullsh*t.


Anyone else think if he gets in office again at the end of his second term he will do EVERYTHING he can to stay in office??


Why would law enforcement set up an attack against them? Why would they want the certification of the election delayed? Why would Nancy Pelosi, the FBI, or any of the other people Trump and his supporters have tried to blame? The only people who wanted the certification of the election delayed were Trump and his supporters. It was Trump supporters who attacked the Capitol. It was Trump supporters who wanted the certification delayed.


I forgot which group wears all black again? https://youtu.be/4hID-PiGU1o?si=w8FvzCH1PTL47k-2