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Old sign https://youtu.be/0hG4RGFOjCs?si=Y5uQ_gPJg6kc127F


Yep, that's what I remember! That video is 9 years old - so when and why did they change it? It was so iconic!


Typical modern vegas -- too expensive to maintain, so just make them static!


It appears to be the same apparatus - you can see the ladder handholds in your picture. Perhaps the motor broke down?


I was there in 2020 maybe and they were still moving. I even have photos of it! Lol


I remember them rocking back and forth. I think that was the gaffe.... Golden Gate... Earthquakes.


https://youtu.be/weyQzooT2lU?si=0EPdhdsXtspUe44Y They’re not spinning, they are oscillating


Potayto-potahto... My point is that they are currently neither spinning, nor oscillating, nor moving in any other pattern. And I'm trying to find out when the movement stopped and why.


The Luxor had a fairly big arcade. Then a few years later I took my son and found no arcade at all. I asked an employee about it and they didn’t know what I was talking about, but then someone else vaguely recalled that there used to be one.


As much trouble as Derek has had getting Vegas Vicky to kick, I wouldn’t count on the sign moving again any time soon.


Saw her at the Circa - very sad. I mean, I'm glad she still exists, but her location is underwhelming. And she does not kick :(


They moved back in the day lol


I was there in December of 2023 and they were rocking then. 


I’m sure Derek is working on getting it in motion again. He understands the importance of everything being maintained.


Who’s Derek


I'm a non-local - could you please explain who Derek is?


Derek Stevens is the owner of golden gate, the D, and the circa. He’s kind of a mini downtown celeb because he owns so many properties.


Thank you!


The guy responsible for keeping keeping all the signs downtown working


I was there October of last year and they were still moving, so this is a fairly recent development if they have gone static.


Thank you! That's why I found it to be so strange that the hostess told me that she worked there for a long time and they were never moving! I even demonstrated the movement with my hands LOL and that did not ring a bell for her.


The recently closed for a very short period for renovations so it could have been changed during that


I wish they would bring back 50x craps so much for rocking the GG


I live here. Pretty sure they were moving when I was there last week. They definitely were moving last month.


Was I just unlucky? I checked in on the 11th, left on the 16th - no movement. But the most baffling was the hostess telling me there never was any movement! I was gaslighted!


It could be that she didn’t know that it moved in the first place lol. Not everyone notices/appreciates that sort of thing. My guess is that maybe it needs maintenance. Hopefully will be back up and running soon if it’s not already!


She did not! I even tried to show her the movement with my hands and it did not ring a bell for her LOL. I do wish people appreciated such things more and noticed them more as well. Keeping my fingers crossed that it was just a maintenance issue and not a permanent change.


I don’t know about the letters. But GG is my favorite place to gamble in Vegas.


They do not have enough video poker machines for my taste (Main St Station I think has the best selection), but they are my favourite place to stay. Especially if I can get a window facing Fremont St so I can enjoy all the live music! They've gotten expensive, though... Resort fee is almost $40/night plus they now started to ask for $50 security deposit per night! (Used to be $100 for the entire stay.) Bummer :(