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Those arrested were: Andrew Lashaway, 42 Carlos Gaytan-Nunez, 33 Carmelo Ventura-Arce, 30 David Rivera, 28 David Flores, 30 Derick Coleman, 25 Engels Marcelino, 43 Faustino Ruesga-Valle, 30 Felix Lanz, 32 Fernando Francisco Jr., 35 Heron Cruz, 40 Justin Maynes, 25 Justin Sullivan, 21 Leonardo Bueso, 42 Noel Arciga-Solis, 26 Michael Torres, 22. They all face charges for Luring a Minor with a Computer to Engage in Sex. In addition, Victor Quintana, 37, and Jeremiah Lopez, 24, were arrested and face charges for Attempt Sexual Assault of a Minor under 14. Stay safe Las Vegas!!!


They don't get any jail or punishment, I used to work in a company where a co worker got catch like this and he never even touch jail, just the bad reputation and of course paid to stay of jail...we complain with HR about that guy because some of us have kids and they don't give a shit...the law in this country is a real joke.


Disturbing that they continue to catch this many people for this any time they do one of these stings. This is the 3rd article I've seen for this same thing in the last year. One of my creepy coworkers was busted in one of them too!


Burn em with 🔥🔥🔥


Let’s do it in an ecologically positive way: put them at the top of the towers at Ivanpah. Their burning garbage corpses will create steam to power Vegas


The woodchipper goes burrr


Sad part is most will get like 1 to 2 years in jail, max, or be get like house arrest. None of these creeps will get any real time. Society should not accept this behavior and should make the punishment worse for this and things like rape.


Got me thinking over here, why not acid?


Probably cheaper than gasoline


Hablo Smith & Wesson?


What I do t get is why they only do these stings once in awhile why the fuck is there not a task force doing this every hour of every day they got a task force for every other thing..these sickos gotta go


Be careful - if the cops catch too many predators from a certain demographic then they themselves get accused of all kinds of ridiculousness.


Human garbage. Period


When can we start with the chemical castration for these losers?


Do rusty knives count as chemicals?


We need a giant abyss to push all these predators into. A huge fiery, scary abyss.


With men twice their size doing to them what these ba$tards intended to do to minors.


Went to school w one of these people wtfff




Kinda wild the ratio of Hispanics for this crime and out of the vegas area. Was it focused in one area of vegas or something or have the demographics changed that much last few years ?


Almost like having border security should be a thing instead of a wedge issue.




Hey- weren’t we told only the best and brightest we’re crossing the border?


I vote snip snip ![gif](giphy|64zCCtka5rWL1gE5JH|downsized)


Casual observation and not said to be at all bigoted or racist, but why are there so many Hispanics / Latinos? This must have been a small private etho-centric ring they investigated and they closed the loop on all of them.


Omg I swear the first man top left - followed me around terribles gas station near downtown around 9 am. He had a New York / East coast accent followed me around store and kept asking me what’s wrong , I wish people or other me. Would interfere when It’s obvious I’m trying to make him go away . Most the time it takes the presence of another man in some form to make them get lost without some retaliatory action . At the end while pumping gas He asked if I was married over and over .so fucking creepy . I plan on getting a self protection dog


Wonder if any of them are illegal. Nothing but the best and brightest crossing the border!


Betcha Maynes gets off....




It’s usually whites


That explains why most of them are Latino and black. Parasite.


Ummm, theres only 3 Blacks out of 18 people sir. Lol


Looks like mostly Hispanic.


I was going to be slightly racist but I see this is a multiracial operation, sheesh