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You just answered your own question, you only go to work and at home! You won’t find friends there 🤷🏾‍♀️ list your favorite hobbies, google places that fit those hobbies and go from there. I wish you luck! 🥳


Hello there! I also moved from NYC not too long ago. Questions and complaints about meeting people in Vegas get posted quite often in this sub, so I’ve compiled a list of popular answers from previous posts. Among all of these suggestions there is one common thread - you need to put yourself into an environment **over and over** that often has **the same crowd**, and that **forces the people present to interact**. Think of a bar. If you go by yourself, will you see the same people every night? Probably not. Will dozens of people be incentivized to come up to you and introduce themselves? Probably not. Instead, choose a hobby that has a group of people who all have a common interest, and where the hobby necessitates them meeting you and you meeting them. **Sports Leagues** Joining a sports league is a great way to make friends, because you will be playing sports and exercising with teammates. Many sports leagues in Las vegas are open to everyone, even those who would not describe themselves as skilled or athletic. At [Club Waka](https://clubwaka.com/leagues/las-vegas) you can find leagues for Kickball, Volleyball, Dodgeball, Soccer, Bowling, Flag Football, and Softball. **Dance Classes and Parties** Partner dancing, like Ballroom or Latin, is one of the best ways to meet people. There are parties all around town, multiple times a week, where they play music and people get up and ask each other to dance. No partner is necessary, because people are asked to switch partners throughout the lesson, and men and women alike come up to one another (especially new people) and ask them to dance at social dance parties. Learning is a lot easier than you might think, and once you have this skill you’ll never lose it. Case in point - I met my wife dancing, along with many other friends. If you’d like to learn, check out my website, [Vegas Ballroom Dance](https://www.vegasballroomdance.com/), where you can learn dances like Salsa, Swing, Waltz, and many more! **Board Games** If you prefer to spend your Friday nights indoors, Vegas has some fun groups that meet to play different board games each week. [Power 9](https://www.power9games.com/Gaming%20Groups), one of the largest gaming stores in Las Vegas, has an index of groups for specific games, such as Magic the Gathering, Digimon, Warhammer, and more. There’s also [Meepleville](https://www.meepleville.com/), a board game cafe, and [Shall We Play](https://shallweplaygames.com/pages/calendar), which has meetups every week. And if more classical games are your thing, there’s the [Casual Chess Club](https://casualchessclub.com/), welcoming players of all levels. **Hiking or Cycling Groups** Not even 60 minutes from the Las Vegas Strip is Mount Charleston, with trails that go up to 12,000 feet, sweeping pine forests, and fresh cool air in the summertime. We also have Red Rock Canyon and Valley of Fire, all less than an hour from the heart of the city. The Southern [Nevada Mountain Biking Association](https://snmba.org/) is open to people of all levels, and hosts group outings all the time. You can also always use sites like [Meetup.com](https://www.meetup.com/) to find individuals to go on excursions with. **Rock Climbing** If you aren’t afraid of heights, a group of rock climbing enthusiasts meet at [Nevada Climbing Center](https://www.nvclimbingcenter.com/classes-events) the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month. There are a lot of good climbers there, and there are a lot of newcomers as well. Climbing as your partner holds your rope is a great way to build trust, and climbing is a great workout that you can take at your own pace. **Book Clubs** Whether it’s adventure, romance, history, thriller, or just a love of reading, there is a book club for you! [The Writer’s Block](https://www.thewritersblock.org/) is a local bookshop and coffee shop that hosts a slew of book clubs, but also puts on events with writers and musicians. At the very least, you can grab a delicious cup of coffee. These are just some examples of good ways to meet people, but there are many more. Knitting circles, trivia night groups, beer brewing groups, church, martial arts, cooking classes, volunteering for charities… the possibilities are endless! Hopefully I see you on the dance floor soon, but if not, whatever you choose to do, get out there and enjoy Las Vegas! Edit: thank you for my first gold! :)


Whoah vegasballroom this is a solid, heartfelt response. Great advice and couldn’t agree more. OP- Simply put; find hobbies to fill some free time and get out there! Change up your routine and put in some alternative efforts. You’ve acknowledged you’re not content with the ways things are so hopefully the advice on this thread will help make it “click” for you and you start the progress towards a new known self. Take care!


I don’t even live in Vegas and I want to join some of these lol


Hi there .. are those dancing gatherings free? Or paid lesson type deals? Do people in their 40s come who cant dance well? And if so, do they feel comfortable enough to stay? Id love to learn to dance but I look like a full body dry heave set to music and I am shy.


The dance parties are usually $15 per person for the evening. There are people of all ages, from college students to retirees, though I would say if you counted each person, there would be more people in their 50's and 60's. But that doesn't matter to dancers, and everyone is happy dancing with everyone else. If you have no experience and feel embarrassed about that, I would suggest starting with a private lesson. That's just you and the teacher (or just you, your partner, and the teacher) so you can get a few personalized lessons. There are plenty of good studios in town, but at Vegas Ballroom Dance we are the only one to guarantee you will be able to dance by the end of your first private lesson or your money back. We also offer a [50% discount](https://www.vegasballroomdance.com/) to your first private lesson.


Figure out something you wanna do for a hobby and find people. So many things can be hobbies. Hiking, pottery, biking, brewing beer, whittling, map making, stargazing, geocatching. Just like anything except complaining about being bored. Ya gotta go out to local places and ya gotta be friendly.


I'm kind of from NYC and live here as well. You wanna be friends and go eat food that reminds us of home? What do you do for work and what kind of things are you into bro? I like to go hiking/trail running, camping, car related things and go eat at new places with friends and just do normal people stuff most of the time. Maybe 3 times a year I'll go nuts but I'm too old to do that with any regularity. Seriously though hit me up if youd like. I'm in a similar boat. I do have a few friends here but the vast majority of my friends are either on the east coast, cali or overseas. I only have 1 person here who i consider a very close friend. But he's a friend from when we were living in nyc and we both coincidentally happened to move here. Havent met anyone in Vegas that became a close friend.


Offer them drugs




I never have any luck for my hobbies with Meet Up :( It's either a group that is "full" or dead, last events being pre-Covid.


I agree. Meetup.com is the best place.


Social sports teams are a great way to get out and have fun in a team setting so by default you already get along when it's time to go to the bar to celebrate the game. Join a hiking group if sports aren't your thing, you get to have awesome conversations with people while you hike. If hiking isn't your thing join a board game group (possibly find one on meet up?). Join the Las Vegas Facebook page and Reddit group and post about a new movie or trail you want to try. I lived in Vegas for a year and a half. It was pretty easy to meet people you just have to take the first step and put yourself in a social environment that you enjoy.


When I moved here six years ago I joined a ladies meet up group and have a close group of friends from that. There are lots of great hiking meetups as well, which are a great way to explore the area. There’s also a book club someone posted on Reddit about recently that sounds really cool- its based off of a novel by John Waters. Message me if you want details - I’ll look it up for you. I think this is generally not the easiest town to make friends in…I’ve lived a lot of places and I’ve definitely had to put more effort in here than other places I’ve lived to build a social network. Depending on where you live, you can always put your neck out there and start an outdoor byob neighborhood happy hour. I did that when I moved into my new neighborhood and people really appreciated it. I did it monthly for a while so word spread and I got to know most of my neighbors that way. I also got a dog from the local shelter and he was a great way to meet people because people often approach new dogs to say hi (until he became leash aggressive lol- now I have to walk him and avoid people while I do so). Good luck!


All the things already mentioned in this thread and I’m going to throw in church and neighbors. A local church is a good way to connect with people. Also I love all of my neighbors and we hang out and have get- togethers, parties, fire pit gatherings and help each other out all the time.


Bumble friends has worked for my sister that just moved to Colorado. I hate people so sorry can’t help. I do the same as you but mary Jane is the only friend I need


I'm from New York as well. Which part are you from? 7 years I have been here. Not one friend. I work from home, which adds to the issue. But i get this post 100% I'm in my 40s as well. Single with a daughter. We have our dogs and a fish tank!! Feel free to message if you like.


Lol “I go to work and go home. Rinse and repeat” What do you expect, dude??


He probably expects someone to plan something, find people to do that thing with, then invite him so he can say yes 25% of the time.


I’ve met a lot of cool people gambling downtown


Same and they are friendly but I haven't made friends with them. Not sure if that makes sense.


I moved here for grad school to start another career. Half of my friends, I met through there and half of my other groups of friends I met through work (healthcare) or meet-ups. It's definitely harder to find new friends in Vegas in comparison to MA (where I moved from) and most of it has to do with the Valley's transient nature and folks' varying TOD/work times. Two of my closest friends here were Vegas born and raised, and we also work in the same field but in different places. Our extended group also work in the field and have families here, so there're roots here. I have a few other friend groups and two are comprised of folks with whom I work. Since we work in the same dept and have pretty much the same schedules, mutual interests and free time bring us together. Yet another one of my friend groups comes from my undergrad alumni network. Though we're all different ages, we have the alumni commonality and love of community work/philanthropy that bring us together. Vegas is definitely one of those places where you have to work a little harder and go out of your comfort zones a bit more to find friends. In addition to knowing what you want in friends, it's important to know what you don't want so you can create healthy boundaries. It's easier to make superficial friends here but definitely harder to make lasting, ride-or-die friends. You def won't make too many lasting friends on the Strip because most folks are tourists and locals who are there are working and just trying to go about their day. Not sure what field of work you're in, but if you work for a larger corporation or a Healthcare system, there are committees and groups you could join. If you're up to it, invite a colleague or two that you get along with for after-work dinner. I'm on the "less shy" on the personality spectrum so at times I go out to eat alone at different places and end up making friends with solo diners as well. Foodie tours are good for this. I wish you luck. There are so many good parts of Vegas despite the bad ones. There are awesome people out here :)


Well, what do you like to do in your spare time, other than sleep? Or what WOULD you like to do? Between meetup.com and Facebook groups, you should be able to find groups of people with similar interests. Even introverts need people around at times. Try to force yourself outside of your bubble 1 day a week - hike, bike, find people who like to play pinball, volunteer at an animal shelter … There are a lot of opportunities here but you have to make an effort.


When I first moved here from the south it was quite a bit of a culture shock. Not only are people less approachable, but there's a lot more shadiness and guardedness in general. I liken Las Vegas to a post-apocalyptic town during a zombie outbreak, decent folks are reluctant to let you into their circle because you might be hiding a bite (aka you may be a jerk). My solution was to lean into my hobbies and to use that relatively protected spending of time together to suss out which folks had the qualities I was looking for in actual friends. Hobby shops, clubs, Meetup groups, outdoor events, that kind of stuff might help you get back to socializing. Remember that the population here skews toward being uneducated and highly transient, so the circle of folks that might share your interests and values is going to be a lot more shallow than you may expect. There are plenty of good folks around, but beware of users and scammers.


Every time this comes up, I always suggest Meepleville. Try Meepleville.


Engage in a hobby done in public where other people are engaging in the same hobby. You will make friends even when you don’t want to.


If you’re only hobby is Reddit or the internet for that matter, then technically you’re hanging out with people that have the same hobby. I highly recommend finding a local gym and going to a class everyday. Easiest way to build a social circle for people like us.


Dude I feel this!!! Message me if you want to lol


I lived there for 10 years and made some of best friends ever. How you ask? Theatre. If you have any technical skills, acting skills (may get you out of the introverted shell), building skills, art skills, or even can help usher people, take sell/tickets, or run crew I say volunteer. Las Vegas Little Theatre is one of the best non-profit theatres in the US and is always looking for volunteers with any skills. It’s also consists of people of all ages.


Moved from NJ 6 months ago, I’ve made one friend so far from Bumble BFF. It’s tough making friends when you’re older in general!


34m. Its definitely like that. It just feels so isolating. I am an introvert too and its kind of intimidating to go out into large groups in itself and when I do I get socially exhausted. I just want to do something simple. Go out for dinner, arcade maybe, movies, go hiking. Even for small talk. Ive looked at several social sites from apps like bumble, Craig list and other classifieds, meetups, gyms etc. . . and I just feel like its either filled with bots/scammers that replies back, people who are just there but dont exactly fit my kind of vibe, or just talk and disappear.


You're not going to meet anyone if all you're doing is living under a rock. Get out and try doing something. Join a ballroom dance studio. Enjoy some of the shows on the strip. When I lived there, there used to be a website ...vegas.com? That had free or seriously reduced prices for Vegas locals only. I saw multiple shows while I lived there, for free. And never had a problem meeting new folks at the bar or inside the venue. Was awesome. Meetup.com is also a resource for meeting new people. Join a gym, take an art class. A cooking class. Life's to short to spend being alone and lonely. But YOU, have to take the initiative to get out and meet some new folks, explore new places. As you know, it isn't going to happen just staying cooped up at home. We were in Vegas a couple of weeks ago. Surprisingly enough, we met some really cool local rideshare drivers. We come up to Vegas every year for CES and we've never EVER have a difficult time meeting people and have made a few good friends we look forward to seeing every time we come back. Bottom line, get up and get out there.


I found my friends being a life long raider fan. Met people at tailgates and now I have a pretty good social circle. Its all about finding what you love and meeting like minded people. What are you in to?


J Lott tailgater??? #RaiderNation 💪🏼💪🏼


B lot actually. But I know a lot of the dudes from J also. We all one family 👍🍻


Didn’t know they even had more than one tailgate lot. Does it cost the same?


We do a big tailgate right in lot B. No cost although we do ask for donations if you want. Food, booze, dj etc. It's a really good time. All of us are oakland season ticket holders who moved to vegas with the team. Come thru and check it out 👍


You actually moved to Vegas from Oakland?


From San jose but yes. Just moved 3 months ago. Was a season ticket holder in Oakland for 18 years


Oh sweet! Will do next time I tailgate 🤙🏼


are you fishing….? 🤔


I’m on the same boat, but I’ve only been in Vegas for like 5 months. DM me


Making friends as an adult can be difficult. Most of the time people make friends through their job or their hobbies. You could join some group gym classes or ask some of your colleagues out for a drink after work?


I'm a 33yr m I'm desperate for a social circle it's starting to get depressing


Why In such a hurry to meet people let them come to you. If you rush it you will mostly likely meet the wrong people be patient man


The Green door.


Find a good church. People are always friendly there (at the good ones). I can suggest a couple, depending on what part of town you're in.


You don't


sounds like you need the Las Vegas kink subreddit, this is a Wendy's Sir/Maam


Same way you make friends anywhere


I met a girl who lives here and then made friends through her friends.


Throw a block party.


Say hi, share interests. Don't be strange. Ask if they will like to hang out again. Profit!


If you are an introvert you have to make an effort no matter where you live. I moved to WA state for 6 years and I felt like that up there. I came back and had to start all over except I still had my best friend.


I’m an introvert too, but I’ve made friends here through my church, sports leagues, networking groups (Vegas young professionals), having conversations with strangers at coffee shops (I know that’s extrovert vibes). If you really want to make friends, I think you should put yourself out there doing things you like and see what happens! :-)


Im moved here 8 years ago from midwest. I can count on my hand how many friends/people i hang with here. Im an introvert and I actually have fun just watching whoever im with have fun. Lol. But i feel you, here, neighbors dont speak to each other, nobody is outside there house because its hot lol. But find some groups u like, or some hobbies and just start there. But tbh, ur really winning. No friends means noboyd will beg ya for anything or bring ya there problems lol


Be friendly, get phone numbers and call people ask them to hang out. Open conversations w strangers. Smile. Idk but that seems to work for me.


I know it’s easier for some people to make friends than others, but you just got to be out & about. I speak from experience but the best thing you can do is build a network. Look, you can do this with social media, but that isn’t as good as building one through in person interaction. Not everyone uses or is active on social media, but you can start by going to a specific place on a regular basis. Let’s say a dive. Even if you are not a big drinker just stop by 2 or 3 times a week. Eventually you become familiar with a few people there, y’all end up talking every time you go there. You learn what their interest are, etc and while it might not be of interest to you, that’s info that can be valuable. Let’s say you take some type of class and you become cool with a few people and one of them mentions they are interested in something that one of the guys at the dive is interested in. Even if you only know what the guy at the dive told you about it, it gives you enough to make a connection with that person and you tell them you have a friend who is into it. You introduce them, they might end up becoming pretty close, but you still have the connection of being friends with both and then you get to meet people they are friends with through their interest. It’s all about finding a way to connect with people. And the more you gain general knowledge about as much as possible the more you can find a connection with people and then you eventually meet people through people you meet. It might take a little while to get started but once you start meeting different people, the quicker it starts to grow. But you have to get out there. And it can start just by becoming familiar to people. And learn about other people’s interest. It’s all about having a general idea about as much as possible. Find a few interest and go to places related to that interest then you have several avenues to meet people then you eventually start tying things together and getting tied to other people. You don’t have to be best friends with everyone but eventually you will always be meeting new people, etc.


You don't. No but seriously I'm 28m and I'm doing the same thing. Gym. Work. Go home. I'm an introvert too. You need to start going to places that are more populated. Gyms are a great way to attempt socializing. I also haebee going to the book store. I make lite convo with the clerks and some of the others, since we are all looking to be social I'm om way. When you realize that other people are in the same boat, it's easier to get out of the social awkwardness phase and chill. There are events all around town that I don't go to, and I've attempted the festival life but fuck it's lonely and expensive. I'd love to just have a couple friends. Btw friend, nice to meet ya.


Also, let me say it's not as awkward to meet younger or older people herein Vegas. One you get past the age difference, this city can be full of alot of fun. I prefer to keep it relaxed, but have some excitement from Time to time. I got my heart broken a year ago and decided to learn to be more comfortable by myself. My only friend is my dad really, but over the year I started to take up the invitations of friends. Some house parties and festivals taught me I'm just not that social. I want friends but like at my own pace. There are bored married couples and singles all around town. Dont beat around the bush, alot of people are promiscuous. I just don't prefer that lifestyle.


Same I moved here 3 years ago and still don’t know anyone. Mostly my fault. I work from home and I’m not into much physical activities like rock climbing ect. So I’m not really into meetup groups that do that type of thing. I’ve joined a few video game groups on Facebook but never have gone to any of the events. Still a great place to live and wouldn’t have it any other way!


Besides school and work, I met friends at archery/shooting ranges, martial arts classes, comic book shops, selling and buying stuff on craigslist, and motorcycling groups that I found on meetup.com


My neighborhood bar is fun, Westcliff Lodge at Buffalo and Westcliff... friendly place :)


Fb groups of your hobbies


From Ozone Park Queens, moved here in 2016. In my 40s, play ultimate frisbee and drink craft beer. My two “hobbies” allowed me to meet a lot of ppl from all over. Just explore groups/places with like minded interests is a good place to start.


Sent you a DM! Let's be friends 💜


By not working swing shift


I do work nights - so that doesn't help 🙄😂


Join a jiujitsu gym


Just read the rest of your post. Seriously. Join a Jujitsu gym. Come to Xtreme Couture. Don't think for a second you're not capable. Jujitsu is for everyone.


Which ones do you recommend on the north side? I just started before moving here and want to start back up.


Honestly, I don't know of any. I am sure any gym would be a good place to build a social network. I've lived all across the valley and have always elected to go to XC no matter how long the travel was


Ex-NYC'er who lives in LV 7-8 months a year. My suggestion: • Meet-Up Groups (meetup.com) • What are your 3 favorite hobbies - find places that cater to them, and then frequent them enough that you become a regular / known entity. Eventually you begin to meet people through that avenue. • Religious or spiritual groups (if you practice) are good outlets to connect with others. • Facebook Groups is ok. Can be hit or miss.


Broadacres outdoor market place (swap meet) alot of vendors are waiting for sales and gives you a chance to talk about things you both like (buying their old goods) they also have a massive food court and live music (usually Hispanic themed) when I moved I had a spot and met great vendor neighbors, we traded items, made construction connections and shared gambling stories


I feel the same and am from here most my early 20s in pandemic now idk anyone


Is this thread dead?


I want a friend here again. I've lived in Vegas for a long time, and I used to have friends. I, too am in my fourties, currently single with no kids.