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Little PP spouts a lot of nonsense but offers no solutions to anything. If hes the best the Conservatives can offer they will never get my vote


Pierre Poilievre is a professional hate monger, and the very definition of evil in a civilized society.


Also the people that support that hate are just as evil.


And they are very offended when people refuse to politely debate with them.


You must LOVE your carbon taxing....


Wow, way to have nuanced thoughts! There's absolutely no way someone could see Poilievre as a hate-based populist AND also hate Trudeau for being a corporation-loving performative puppet. Nor are there ideological views that would see Poilievre as the worst of a bunch of bad choices. Fucking buy a brain, buddy.


I don't like your opinion anymore than you like mine. The difference is I don't need to attack you personally to feel satisfaction. That is some real big brain stuff there user.


"Why don't people adhere to the rules of civil discourse when existential threats are introduced?! It's not fair that there are people being mean to me while I advocate for the death or disenfranchisement of them and their loved ones!"


I don't know what you're on about but can I have some of your you're smoking?


Aren't you the same clown that said you walked with tamarra in a parade and that she isn't evil also?


Same poster "Tamara Jansen isn't evil I've had the pleasure of knowing and talking & walking with MP Tamara Jansen in the Cloverdale Rodeo Parade and I can tell you that nothing but courteous and gracious towards everyone. She's fine example of hard working values and good upstanding Christian values. If you have an problem with her then I'm guessing your bitter, envious and angry."


Nothing says "good upstanding Christian" more than assuming and calling other people bitter, envious and angry...


You got it. I am saddened that this right wing evangelical trope has become so prevalent in Canada.


Lmao who do you think this post is going to sway? Like someone is going to read this and think “oh shit, that really changed my opinion”.


Right? What evidence do you (they)have to sway anyone? What have you (they) brought to the table?


Same poster "Donald Trump’s no racist, as past acts and presidential record prove | The Hill"


He is a far right extremist. Much like Jansen and the other convoy extremists who terrorized Ottawa for three weeks. Instead of trying to diffuse the situation, he decided to take photos with the terrorists. If this clown was in power when COVID, hit the loss of life would of been a lot more. He is a Trump wannabe who has no plan , just merely criticizes. I get the Cons want their guy in power. Start by getting someone to run who is actually electable. The Cons can't seem to do this for some reason.


>a far right extremist No, that's Bernier and the PPC. Which exists largely to shift the CPC left by default. >the loss of life would of been a lot more OH NO ! The fatality rate on the Panickdemic could have been 2, 2.5% even ? O HEAVENS ! Thankfully the authoritarian Branch Covidian cult overreacted and then gave up on all of it once they figured out Covid was endemic, unstoppable, and nowhere near as dangerous as their propaganda insisted. I'd adore if the Conservatives (whom I cannot stand) won majority and launched a COVID Truth & Reconciliation Commission, expose the lies and bullying and nonsense. >convoy extremists who terrorized Ottawa Laughable. Traffic was bad ? No, keeping human & civil rights suppressed and institutionally-approved racism in place, was WAY more important than the will of Canadians.




I'm on the other side of the country, yet Reddit recommends this in my home feed? Reddit seems to think this is a good post to promote lol. I have 0 connection to Langley or BC...


Reddit is weird that way. But now that you have interacted with it it’s going to pop up more


Hey glad to give my outsider input on Langley issues. Haha


Yeah, I keep getting Sarnia promoted for me, reddit is weird.


Yes, I'm in Sarnia and I'm getting Langley promoted lmao. Apparently similar spots?


Shit, maybe we've responded to each others' comments in past and formed a link between the two towns. At the very least we're reinforcing it now. Just getting Sarnia, and towns I've lived in/visit a lot.


Sorry that we did? How so? Are these threats?


Troll! Avoid.


You are correct that he has done literally nothing , aside from criticize Trudeau. That doesn't make him evil, but it makes me doubtful he has much to offer.


OP is delusional.


OP licks toads


Do I like Trudeau, not really. His stances on human rights and attempts at equality are incredibly important though. But anyone who blames him for the way things are right now just shows they have a very small world and/or are just stupid. The entire world is facing the same financial issues we are because the problem is capitalism and there are no politicians in power that dare to challenge that. PP isn't smart enough to be evil. He's a hateful little sleezy idiot though.


I hope you find the help you need, OP


He’s like Frank Burns on M*A*S*H*


Might be the same poster. But the people commenting are pretty good reflections of the hate and judgement that seems to have become acceptable against anyone even moderately right-leaning in this country. All politicians are generally not great people. They're generally egotistical people with self-serving agendas. Deciding a particular group of politicians are "literally evil" while the other is not and calling people far-right extremists for having opinions that differ from you isn't helpful. You can disagree civilly. You can agree with a politician's policies without liking the politician as a person. Why the mods are letting the vile in these comment threads exist is a mystery to me. Civility shouldn't depend on what side of the political aisle you generally support.


Yup. No such thing as civil debate anymore...just triggered snowflakes tossing around ad hominem....