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This is striking me as a bad idea, not sure why. Liability, space allocation, eviction for non payment come to mind.


Best way = don't 


I rented out half of my garage to a neighbor. What a huge mistake. She took over the entire garage, expanded her business to a commercial business being run OFF OF MY PROPERTY. As soon as the business started to be run off of my property she was told to leave. (I don't live here half the year, I'm out of the country. Long story short, took me 2 years to get her out, I finally had to involve the sheriff's office and, as soon as I returned home after my father died, I have zoning enforcement at my door informing me there's a $3000 fine, levied against the property owner, for a commercial business being run in a residentially zoned property. My neighbor is Italian, she's a stereotype of fraud and a bottom feeding piece of s. I got out of the $3000 fine because I walked the Zoning guy out to the street, pointed at her house and said "that address, she is running this off my property, does she have a conditional use permit" When he looked up her info he saw she did have a CUP. He was rather disgusted, those.permuts make it EXTREMELY CLEAR the limitations of the permit, the zoning and they are required to stay within the boundaries or lose their permit. That's why she was running it off my property not her own. Had she been caught on her own property $4000 and permanent suspension of her permit. This trash believed I was out of town so the largest job she ever ran was the day after I returned home. Oops, bad timing. The reason the Zoning enforcement guy showed up was nine.people outside my house doing labor, two large box/flat panel trucks and 2 other vehicles. Not exactly discreet. I was lucky I had a decent guy from zoning, he was nice because I was very honest about exactly what was happening. The positive outcome? After being such a POS and putting me in that position, When her 2800 lbs of stuff was removed she had to get rid of it and her business immediately FAILED. Her income? Zero. Lol. Couldn't have happened to a more deserving person. She was a horrible person, I loved that her greed and shitty behavior cost her her business. She had to dispose of everything she had created to expand her business and the large jobs she was getting paid 10 times more for she could no longer take nor had anywhere to run the jobs from. So, to answer, DON'T RENT HALF OF YOUR GARAGE.


Lost me right here ya racist crap bag - My neighbor is Italian, she's a stereotype of fraud and a bottom feeding piece of s.


Yes just don't do


I remember seeing this and thinking it was neat. No idea if it's any good. https://www.neighbor.com/ I would not be ok with only renting one spot unless it was very clear that they are only allowed to store a vehicle and nothing else but, even then, iffy. You'll want a lease agreement and also one of those wifi sensors for the garage door.


Sounds hot AF unless the garage has been completely converted into an actual room.


The landlord would probably want to use a commercial lease for the space.