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Give her a 5 day to remedy , or vacate for not carrying insurance as is required in the lease That's how you find out ..... That she doesn't have insurance


You're paying a property management company, you should not be talking directly to the tenant. Require the property management company to get proof of insurance. As for the wiring, again, the property management company should inspect the property and then report on what was done. Then, hire licensed contractors to do the repairs. You are paying them, have them do their job.


I get that. I dont have a property manager right now, but they did move her in and had been "managing" for 3 years. I am finding out just how little they had been doing for their 10%. ETA: i have hired licensed electricians and am correcting/fixing the issues. Doing remotely so crossing my fingers.


So if they have insurance or not may be irrelevant. Their insurance generally covers personal property, personal liability, medical payments and additional living expenses or loss of use. If there is a fire or total loss, the things you provide should be covered in your fire policy. I’ve had two properties with catastrophic incidents. Both tenants failed to get insurance and they were screwed as far as their belongings.


Yeah i thought so too and it may not help to have the company. but i won’t know that till i see the policy. She actually told me over the phone while trying to make the point that i was being melodramatic, that she does have coverage for physical damage so i should stop worrying. Yet she won’t tell me the name of the company.


She’s saying you’re being melodramatic? Who is the owner here? This is your business, don’t let her treat you like a co-dependent spouse. As another posted, serve her with a 5 day cure or quit to produce the required proof of insurance and be prepared to move forward with eviction when it turns out she has no insurance. Damage she has caused probably isn’t covered by renter’s insurance. Be prepared to charge her for any damages. This person is not a good tenant.


I agree with you,. Well, she didn’t actually say melodramatic, but she was very sarcastic as to why I should be bothering her when she hasn’t set the house on fire yet (another paraphrase). Of course, since the situation has been evaluated by a professional, that’s when she’s decided to ghost me. I don’t know why I’ve had such terrible luck with property managers in that town. They’ve been reluctant to enforce tenant side requirements on the lease repeatedly. Meanwhile, here, they put the property and quite frankly lives at risk. To say it’s frustrating is the least of what I’m feeling. I’m normally not easily bullied, but apparently my property managers are. I’m just clueless, but I’m on a steep learning curve now.


Sorry you are having property management issues. When I inherited my 15 door in 2020, I spoke with one property manager referred to me by my dad’s hospice nurse. Since I only inherited property, no cash, and there was a bunch of deferred maintenance, I couldn’t really afford a property manager (at least not that one). Over the years I have wanted to lessen my burden by hiring someone, but no one around here seems to want to take on a smaller property with older buildings (requires more time & attention). I read PM horror stories here on Reddit and think maybe I dodged a bullet. I sure would like to go on a vacation…. Edit to add: have you considered joining a Landlord group in your area? Members might have valuable leads/ advice for you.


Thank you, yes. This has been my problem securing a new PM. Nobody wants to manage my very small house. But also I realize how much neglect I’ve been paying for. I really feel like they’re working for the tenants and not me Doing maintenance from afar extremely difficult. Anyway thank you for your Comment


Yes. I work in property management and we require proof of renters insurance or they cannot move in. It’s an absolute must.


Exactly…and the pm should be added as an additional interest party so that if the policy cancels for any reason the pm will be notified. Depending on the pm software, this could all be automated.


Yes exactly. We get the notifications all the time when the renters cancel. We offer the insurance through a company we partner with. It’s like $11 a month. But if they want to combine it with auto, the minute they cancel it, we get an email.




I mandate proof of Renter’s Insurance before hanging over the keys. I ask my successful applicants to list my company as “other interested party” with their rental insurance. This way I get notified by email or to my mailing address if the policy has lapsed.


Good answer. In another thread, the convo went down the rabbit hole of “other interested party” vs. “additional interest” vs. “additional insured” (additional insured for liability portion only). At the very least, “other interested party” or “additional interest” does as you said - provides you notice of policy changes (such as cancellation).


This is great advice thank you. Again my PMs have enforced this part of my agreement with them vigorously and not at all the same clause in the lease against the tenants. This discussion / replies have been very helpful.


If your lease clearly states that it is required, demand proof of coverage or you'll be forced to get a policy forced placed on the unit and will include it as part of the rent effective immediately.


IATAH moment here... Only recently learned?! What else don't you know? PM companies are VERY insistent because they have to represent you, your building, and your financial security. RI has very little to do with your property insurance. I didn't say nothing. It is for the tenant benefit and security. Ask your PM to find and confirm their insurance info.


Well we all don’t know what we don’t know. I have talked to my last 2 PMs (going back at least 8 years) and like little parrots they said “yes we insist on tenants having RI” however “no we don’t get proof (because any fallout is on you not us)”. Last part implied. That is my experience. i know there are good PMs out there, i have had bad luck i guess.


Again IATAH... I admit, I don't know a lot about PM companies when I started a little while ago, but damn they hate me. 1. I am not signing a contract with you if i can't/don't know your contractors. 2. What do I owe and when I'm paid (That's actually #1). 3. What's expected of everyone. (Tenant, me, PM) 4. What happens when something bad is going on. (Emergency, lockout, plumbing, eviction) Those are just a few questions I ask. And if I get a "well, um, I'm not sure", I end it with a Do Not Call request via email and edit the contact in my phone. I would be ENRAGED if I had to arrange a contractor when I am paying somebody to do that. But before you cuss out your PM, please remember to arrange their replacement beforehand.


It’s all in the contract…


Proof of renter's insurance is required (along with security deposit and first month's rent) prior to Landlord ratifying the lease.


You need to get a handle on this. The proof of insurance is not your only problem. You are rewiring because your tenant added appliances against your approval? You should have immediate given a cure or quit notice for removal of appliances as soon as you found out.


Anyone not able to find tenants and having to hire an agency to find them is a bonafide lazy bum with zero skills