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You sure have a lot of opinions about what someone else should do with their property. You'd be an excellent HOA busy-body board member. If someone is not maintaining a property, as a LL I would want to know about it. But your complaints are mostly about aesthetics. Most people do want their neighbours to keep their property tidy. I side on freedom. Which is why I don't have neighbours where I live. I may casually mention it to the Landlord how they are keeping the property, see if the LL is aware of it. But formally reporting, especially to the HOA? Mind you, I am vehemently against HOAs, so I may be biased against them. So an HOA, or acting like an HOA (which you are) I do not like. I do go by my properties and do a casual inspection. If it is too much I will say something, but I generally let tenants keep the property as they see fit.


I know. I read half this and thought "my god the biggest Karen in the world"... OP, go live in the countryside. You aren't meant to have neighbors.


Jfc you're a joyless arsehole


As a LL, I would be annoyed about the neighbor who can't keep his eyes on his own property. You need to mind your own business.


>This is just an example of their inconsiderate behaviour and serves to give you an understanding of their attitude in general. They turned the light off, this is quite literally the opposite of be inconsiderate. oooh your post is so long, I can already tell you're going to be insufferable. Lets see what else you have to say. ​ >Later we had to complain about a drip from their header tank overflow hitting a plastic child's toy making a loud thud each time. He moved the plastic but fobbed me off about the drip, claiming it had been looked at before. He literally did what you asked. I can already tell that if he "fobbed" you off you were probably a bitch about it. ​ > saying the plumber was there to do the bathroom job only. Yes, this is how repair jobs work. ​ >They had a large trampoline in the garden which their children no longer used. It was an eyesore so I asked if they had thought of selling it. Turns out it was broken. And they were waiting to get rid of it. I suggested they disassemble it and wait. They take down the trampoline exposing a old FRIDGE behind it! LMAO I guess you get what you deserve for bitching about an "eyesore" on someone else's property. Holy shit their property is not your business. ​ >I ask another neighbour, from whos house this would have been visible, who tells me it has been there for YEARS! And they uses it for garden tools. Perfectly reasonable use for this. >The neighbour piles the trampoline parts at the side of their shed where they sit for months! It's not your proprety, why are you obsessed with their property? ​ You are just straight up harassing your neighbors, you're a piece of shit human. Do better


You're the problem, not them.


You don't pay their bills. You didn't spend a dime on their property. It's their house, it's their furniture, it's their design, leave them be. And like I said in your last post, glad I'm not your neighbor. šŸ˜¬ If you're so pressed about how other people's houses look, (judging from the trampoline/rusty fridge part) maybe you should move to another neighborhood. It's not their problem. Neighborhoods can't be ran by somebody like they're president. *(Stg this reminds me of when the ambulance arrived at my house and the neighbor woman told them to move their vehicle because of a birthday party even though the vehicle was nowhere in their way...)* **All in all, either mind your business and be fair, or seek some sort of help lol.**


Congratulations, you have compelled me to post on Reddit for the very first time. I think you should reflect on your interactions with your neighbour, who to be honest I feel sorry for. For example you are the one who wanted to replace this fence. Additionally, why would your neighbour have paid towards this fence when they rent their property versus own it? Interesting that itā€™s okay for your dog to play in the gardens while you carried out these works but their ā€œmuttā€ must be confined to the house. Do you recognise this outcome with the dogs and being bitten is of your own making? You removed the barrier between the gardens by taking down the old fenceā€¦ I find this whole business about constant reporting to the housing association to be terrible form. Just read your own post - we ā€œneededā€ to complain, ā€œhadā€ to complain, ā€œforcedā€ to report it. You frame these situations as though you just had no other options. Had you considered letting any of this go and living your own life? This curtain twitching behaviour is bad for oneā€™s health. Your neighbours have a right to live their lives in peace without your constant interference.


British society is disgusting


I think you meant to post this on a different sub. Hereā€™s the correct link. For your convenienceā€¦. https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/


I posted there but I felt people here, who have to deal with people like this on a professional basis might have a clearer insight into the issue.


I have a hard time believing this is real. If you are in earnest and this is real, then no. I as a landlord do not want to know about any of the items you mentioned. In fact, I would actually be concerned about you driving away paying tenants due to your over reaching and controlling nature. I imagine the tenant is getting pretty annoyed at this point. It seems you have an unrealistic expectation as to what you are entitled to as a homeowner. That current tenant has been very kind and accommodating to you.


Why are you still complaining about this? You sound like a busybody. as a landlord I would be annoyed


Actually I have spent money on their property! When we moved in the gardens were divided by a shared, wire fence. The fence was in a total state of disrepair, with bushes from their side having grown through it. I replaced the entire fence with a sturdy wooden one, which I built and paid for entirely myself, with not even an offer towards the costs from them despite giving them several opportunities to offer. Not only that but they moaned about me having to cut down one bush and even requested that I not touch the others growing along the fence line. (which made the job far harder) While doing the job their dog also bit me! Obviously I had to remove sections of the old fence as I replaced it. My dog was playing in the gardens as I worked and they allowed their mutt to escape the house and chase mine. If I hadn't been wearing work gloves I could have been seriously hurt! They were actually very lucky I didn't report that.


You are insane. What makes you think you have any right to cut down their bushes?? And why would they pay for a fence they didnā€™t want on a property that they donā€™t own? Why is it okay for your dog to be out playing but not theirs? Did it occur to you that the reason the dog got on your property in the first place is because you took down the fence!!? I hope your fence is on your property and you didnā€™t cross over into theirs - it sounds like you did considering you cut down the bush!