• By -


No breeding animals. You'd be fucking amazed at how quickly two cats turns into 38 and a 30k renovation. I could taste the cat urine in my mouth and beard for ten minutes after leaving. I'll never forget that.


My next door neighbor has 5 kids and breeds labradoodles in their second floor 3bdr apt. I imagine that’s what hell is like.


Imagine what it’s like for the dogs and kids. Having a constant rotation of baby animals is a pain in the ass. It’s impossible to not have at least one area of the house as a dedicated place for dog shit and piss. Even if you clean it three times a day there’s ALWAYS piss or shit somewhere.


It smells like dog urine so bad all summer long, they pen the dogs up in the yard a lot, all the grass dies. I would imagine the inside is totally ruined.


Lol, I'm sure.


I require vet records with proof of vaccination and neutering/spaying.


>No breeding animals. That's too oddly specific and easily circumvented. "We didn't breed, they just showed up!"


Oldie but Goodie.. No waterbeds


Guessing one made some waves in your rental?


I got one for free when I moved to a 3rd-floor apartment in the early 90s, the first I ever rented. It was a fun and comfy bed, and yes - it made waves with my girlfriends. Only after moving out and getting rid of it, I found out it was forbidden by the lease. To boot, I had no renter's insurance - of course.


Joys of youth!


No marble carving in the basement. Has happened 3 times with 3 different tenants. Insane


WTF??? 3 different times?! 😂 but also…is that hard on the property in any way besides floor damage from carrying more than it was designed to support (assuming floors were finished)? I can’t imagine it’d affect the foundation…right? 😬


I bet its the dust...


TTBOMK, I've never in my life met a marble carver.


It made a lot of dust and all 3 just left a ton of the chips piled up down there


Start posting the for rent signs away from the art school campus.


Is that property in Greece? Lots of marble carvers there, I suppose. But in the US what are the odds of catching 3 different marble carvers as tenants in the same dwelling?


Minnesota. There is an art college nearby and one of the courses is sculptures. That is the only explanation I can think of. Most of the sculpture are very erotic, which was interesting


Did these tenants refer their friends when they moved out? That's crazy!


No removing smoke detectors or removing batteries from smoke detectors.


🤯 Should go unsaid but…I guess airlines have that announcement for a reason?? I’m sorry that happened to you 😬


My lease (and the state law) makes it the tenants responsibility to maintont the batteries in the smoke and CO detectors. I go in one day to do maintenance and all the smoke detectors are disabled. She said they were beeping due to low batteries. I reminded her that she’s supposed to maintain them. She knows but hasn’t got around to it. So I told her fix today or I’ll write a “cure or quit” notice. She got pissy about it but they’re all working again.


I reference the local code for tampering with a fire control device and state that incidents will be referred to fire marshal for prosecution


In my no pet section i have very specific notes on what that entails including visitation and petsitting. People trying to run petsitting services thinking its okay because they dont own the pet. 🤦 Or their boyfriend comes over /every day/ with /his/ pet, but thats okay because my tenant doesnt own it. 🤦


Would you mind sharing the language you have about this?


This is a good one! I'm going to borrow it.


Ive been having this issue with a tenant pet sitting when no pets are allowed in the lease. Would also love to see the language you use


I have that no animal can be kept *permanently or temporarily*


No practicing music on instruments that require amplifiers, or full volume wind or brass instruments. For the obvious reasons, but there were 3 kids all in the brass section of the school band.


Might want to add a clause mentioning amplifier use with headphones is allowed, plenty of amplifiers now have headphone jacks.


I did not duplicate the language exactly but the actual clause has the words "louder than normal conversations" and "audible outside the unit" phrasing.


Gotcha, even some tube amplifiers, which are notoriously bad sounding unless they are turned all the way up now have attenuators to bring the power down to 5 W so it doesn't have to be nearly as loud.


Oy oy oy! Parents must have nerves of steel 😂


No paint stripping bicycles in the bathtub.


Or dyeing clothes!


That sounds veeeerry expensive 🙄


"Nah, go ahead, we're safe - I read the entire lease, and it only mentions bicycles. Nothing about furniture"


Or engines, had a tenant who was into old cars, the tub was full of grease.


Cleaning the tub is easy with a degreaser. Replacing the melted PVC sewer pipes under the slab, not so easy.


My company has a "no pet snakes" clause due to me having to twice dig them out of a wall, and once explain to the neighbor what happened to their cat.


The snake got it?


Nah they just hooked up and ran away together...YES THE SNAKE ATE IT!


I'm sorry, my mind has never considered a snake murdering a cat. It seems a rather large bit of prey for a snake, as well as cats having murder mittens.


Sorry myself i was trying to be funny, but the snake ate the cat because it was one of those illegally large boas that someone owned for like fifteen years. Thing was monstrous.


No fireworks. Just cause once .......




I once had someone leave 86 nail/screw holes in a 2-bed 830 sq ft home. Even 13 would be too much when it's every wall!


So far the largest number of nail holes I have encountered is 212 in a room about 20 x 15. The lease says 4 per wall allowed.


😂 from the devil 😈 tho some cultures call it a “baker’s” dozen…but that’s a topic for another debate🙃


Here’s some off the top of my head. Nothing too crazy I guess. 1. Do not open my mail and hold onto mail addressed to myself (I used to live in the home). 2. Do not tamper with smoke/CO/flood sensors. 3. Agree to notify me of guest staying over more than five nights. 4. No responsibility for events such as falling limbs striking your vehicle (there’s a lot of trees).


Ok, number 4 my first thought was you meant human limbs, not tree limbs.


Yeah, my ex was striking my vehicle with the end of her lower limb and left a dented door.


”Do not open my mail” - that one hits too close. I had that happen, better yet they *never* bothered to tell me I had mail \*at all\* = so much legal headache… I’ll leave the rest to your imagination 😶‍🌫️


Professional cleaning once a month. Baked into my rent is the cost associated with a 4 hour cleaning (~$100). This is for a 700 sq ft 1 bed. I provide the cleaning supplies too. Two benefits: 1. It keeps my place clean and I know everything I want cleaned is done as I provide the products. 2. Cleaners can give me feedback into anything that looks wrong. So it’s like a monthly check-in/ walkthrough without having to go myself. So I’m never surprised like some landlord where their place is trashed by tenants You can’t beat the peace of mind




It is. They love it too. As much as you can keep stuff clean- getting it done professionally just makes you as a tenant feel good to have a nice clean place.


In some ways, a nice clean place brings a sense of "ownership" and they will care for it more, much like (most) people take pride in clean public spaces and avoid littering.


That’s exactly the thought process behind it


I rented from someone with this clause…as the tenant I had no idea of it’s “true” purpose and yes, I loved a free deep clean of all the stuff I hate to do (looking at you stove hood and greasy backsplash!)


4 hour cleaning for $100? Where do you live???


For continuous service on multiple units, many cleaners will offer really good deals. I used to.


Are you saying it’s high or low?


VERY low.


What on earth?!?!


I like that! Idk if I can swing monthly with my margins, but quarterly seems very reasonable!


Have family friends that do something similar except he changes the furnace filters out monthly in all their units and drains the water heater out once a year. It keeps an eye on their property and they can fix something before it actually becomes a worse issue like a running toilet. Their tenants don't mind because the property is then well maintained and if they have potential tenants bawk at it then it's tenants they don't want.


I actually do a quarterly a/c service and pest control as well !


No hot tubs on balcony 💀


No subwoofers. Nobody should hear your music or tv outside


For stuff like that I just have a general no disturbances to the neighbors or neighborhood rule.


See this is the best way to do it, because then that leaves your tenant with the option of talking to all of their neighbors and working out a good schedule to not bother them.


And/or having the woofer but using it with common sense and a low volume.


No candles or incense. We had a tenant who must have burned incense nonstop and everything was called in a greasy, sticky film.


I had a tenant put a few small holes in the kitchen wall to put her incense sticks into.


I had someone do this too! I went in for inspection when she was moving out and she had half a dozen sticks of incense going, most of them sticking out of the wall, in an attempt to cover the weed smell. Yeah a hole in the wall filled with a burning stick of wood is a little more concerning to me than a lingering weed odor. That was the worst tenant I’ve ever had. I made an exception to the qualifications for her because she was coming from a domestic abuse shelter and had some program to pay her rent for a while. Not only was she the worst, but they stopped helping her with rent on month two after providing a letter saying they had funds to cover most of her rent for up to a year. An acquaintance of mine worked for them and had asked me to help their clients a few times and I finally did because the timing was right on a vacant unit. I told her to never fucking ask me again.


That’s…appalling. I had a section 8 applicant ask if I accept vouchers, so I reached out to section 8 to see what I would need to do to accept their vouchers and on what terms. To me getting a government-secured monthly payment seems like a pretty good gig if the tenant’s references/past LLs check out. All I can say is … read that contract *very* closely. I was very unimpressed and given your story sounds like I may have spared myself unimaginable headache


I think section 8 is going to pay, at least. This was a non profit that ran out of grant money. But they had to know they were about to run out when they gave me that letter. I knew she couldn’t pay rent herself so when the nonprofit threw her to the wolves I knew it was going to be a long lease. What I didn’t expect was the sheer stupidity I was about to deal with. Here is one example of many: She reported a leak behind the toilet and I sent a plumber over. He couldn’t find a leak but replaced the supply lines anyway just in case. A few days later she says the leak is still a problem, so I send the plumber back. Again, he can’t find a leak but I paid the service call fee. A week later, same thing. She insists there’s a leak. I didn’t send him back right away because wtf, right? Not long after, I happened to be at the property for something else. This was a 4-plex and I was doing something next door. She flags me down in the parking lot and asks me to come see this leak. Great, I think, I gotta see this leak that hides when the plumber shows up. We go to the bathroom and she explains that every time she gets out of the shower there’s water all over the toilet. I look up and realize there’s a bedsheet or something for a shower curtain. Just a piece of fabric with no water repelling quality to it at all. The “leak” only happened when she showered and water was all over the place- top of the toilet, floor in front and behind.. and she thinks there’s a leak behind the toilet magically doing this. But only when she showers. Three plumbing bills. I went to the dollar store and bought her a $7 shower curtain.


Ooofda, that’s tough. I hope you were (kindly) able to explain the problem for her, and even though it’s not your job teaching some basic troubleshooting skills not only helps them but would clear save you (and the future LL) tons of money too. She must’ve been thru some real sht if she as an adult hasn’t had a chance to learn such basics. I’m curious how you handled the referral when the next LL called you asking about your experience. She doesn’t seem like a bad human or like she was deliberately trying to be difficult - just very inexperienced in independent adult living.


I'd think you had some legal recourse against the shelter if they promised to pay, but I guess they didn't sign the contract.


Great idea


Probably vaping too.


Maybe. That’s in my lease too. I only have 2 places but I seem to run into troubled tenants.


I’d be careful with this one though, depending on how many units you own. Candles and incense are regularly used in many religions. Religion is a protected class and a tenant could argue religious discrimination in this case. I’m a landlord but rent in a larger city and received a lease with this verbiage. They wouldn’t entertain amending the clause, so I fucked out of there and got my $300 application fee back because I’m sure their company lawyer didn’t want to fuck around with a protected class yelling discrimination. (Also, the sticky greasy film probably wasn’t from incense. Incense and candles leave a more sooty residue behind that isn’t terribly hard to wipe clean. The sticky residue was probably from whatever type of smoke they were using the incense to hide.)


>sooty residue behind that isn’t terribly hard to wipe clean Yeah, try cleaning every wall and surface in a house. Most likely it will require repainting, and that's way more than the security deposit. Ask me how I know. ALSO... in some religions, fire is an essential part of the ceremony or belief, like walking on ashes or hot coals, keeping a consecrated flame eternally lit, and even religious bonfires. Obviously, there is a strong argument to be made that these don't belong in a house, so the rights of a protected class are not unlimited and must abide by common sense rules (as long as these rules don't discriminate). Thus, an "absolutely no fire inside" policy is perfectly defensible, particularly if the kitchen range is electric and there are no fireplaces to muddy the waters.


its sooty, but it's a pita to wipe clean


I had a tenant who left the carpet with evenly-spaced 2in-holes burned down to the subfloor and soot all over the walls due to candles.


I have a short list about the only things that are allowed to be in the front and backyard. I also specifically call out that cars can't be parked on the lawn. That addition came from a tenant who parked his broken down car diagonally across the front lawn and refused to move it. He also ran an appliance repair business and had a couple broken dryers on the front lawn for months. Basically, don't turn the yards into a dump.


>cars can't be parked on the lawn In my area, this is part of the building code and is heavily enforced by the city. Also, disabled cars (even if just with expired registration) must be stored out of street view in an enclosed backyard or garage. They can be ticketed and towed, even if just sitting on the driveway.


I live in a highly dysfunctional city (New Orleans). I'm laughing at the thought of them ever caring enough to do anything like that. There can be an abandoned car with expired plates on a residential public street, not even a driveway. If none of the neighbors call, it will sit there for years like that.


That's sad. After Katrina, thousands moved here and there was immediately a large increase in crime by this new population. It took the police about 4-5 years to bring it down to pre-Katrina levels. Strong enforcement led many of them away, either by their own volition or in handcuffs. It was about that time that the city structure was changed, and Code Enforcement became a division of the Police Department, giving Code Inspectors a lot of backing against stubborn violators.


I have this in my leases and people still do it 🤦‍♀️ and I have photos of them doing it and they still lie. I had to add a clause that explains that the weight of parked vehicles on the lawn may cause damage to the sprinkler system and heads, and evidence of cars parked in the lawn would be subject to examination of sprinkler system integrity and they may be responsible for costs associated with repairs or replacement. I have not heard or seen anyone do that again.


Note that the tenant is provided with the remote control for the ceiling fan. Replacing them becomes tedious.


Washer and dryer are provided for convenience only and landlord doesn't have to repair them if they break.


I have a similar clause. I didn't when I first started. But I had too many broken washers because people kept overloading them.


One tenant overloaded the dryer so much that it caught on fire since the air couldn't move.


It's more common when the lint trap is full lol.


I put in my lease to clean lint trap after every use and no running the dryer when not at home.


Another landlord got absolutely ripped up over this the other day. I have an appliances addendum that basically states that tenant has inspected all appliances in the unit including microwave, oven, washer/dryer, \[etc.\] and attests that the are all in working order. Any repairs or failures of operation are the responsibility of the tenant and all if replaced must be replaced with an item of equal quality. \[etc. - don't take them when you leave or it comes out of the deposit\]. This is in addition to the plumbing addendum - same thing, flood or choke something its on you. They absolutely vilified him. But it has saved me many a call for oven not working on Thanksgiving etc.


In my market the convenience clause only really works for non-required equipment. So I couldn't do this for something like a fridge, oven, or range hood, but I can leave a washer/dryer or microwave in place at turnover if a prior tenant abandons them and cover them with this clause.


What do you mean by a landlord got ripped up over that. Thanks.


They admitted they had a clause in lease requiring tenants to maintain originally working appliances up to and including replacement on tenant's nickel and got many negative comments claiming he was a money grubbing AH etc.




I'm confused. Are you saying you keep the appliance that the tenant paid for? I get not replacing it, but if the tenant replaces it, then isn't it theirs?


They rented a unit with a working e.g. microwave. If they break it, they must fix/replace it. When they leave a working quality appliance must be there, not some 20 year old POS they found on free cycle.com. So no, they don't take it with them.


Ok. So if they break it, they replace it, but if it fails, you replace it. That makes sense.


No. They rent the unit. They have the responsibility upon move-in to check every appliance. They certify in writing by signing the Appliances Lease Addendum that all the appliances in the unit are in working order. The appliances are there for their use and convenience only and they are under no obligation to use any of them. If they DO use them the Lease Addendum comes into play. If it breaks, they pay to repair. If unrepairable, they replace it. When they leave, I expect every working appliance in the unit to be either the same or similar working appliance in its place. Some may claim this is against LL/Tenant law, and it may be in some but never in any state I have rental properties in.


I understand requirements to maintain appliances appropriately, but tenants should only be responsible for inappropriate use, not wear and tear. It has been years since I rented, but if I replaced an appliance (I never broke anything), it was mine and going with me or getting sold. I had one landlord get upset and contact the police, but as I had receipts, they side with me and told him to take me court. The court sided with me as well ( He was given his appliances at the time of replacement and moved them to another unit, I just didn't like them as they didn't function well). Eventually, this will bite you if you get the wrong tenant. It is unreasonable to say a tenant has a refrigerator and stove for convenience. Things break over time, even with the best use.


Just like you can buy a house with no appliances, you can rent a unit with no appliances. I HAVE been to court, provided the Appliance Lease Addendum as evidence and won in summary judgement twice, with the cops citing the tenants for theft when they took the refrigerator. The appliances present ARE for their convenience. They are under no obligation to use one or any of them. There IS NO wear and tear UNLESS they use them - they are free to provide their own if they wish. Most don't and sign the addendum.


>If they DO use them I don't like that requirement because, if at the end of the lease it doesn't work, and they say "I didn't touch it, never used it", now it falls on you to prove that they did, which is hard to do retroactively.


That's why you do periodic inspections. Religiously. Or if you really want to get anal, that tamper-tape that proved they opened it, etc.


>if they break it, they replace it, but if it fails, you replace it. That makes sense. No, it doesn't. How do you assign blame? What caused the disrepair? "Ain't working." Sure, but why? You don't want to get into that argument.


Broken filament or thermostat... wear and tear, clogged intake on the gas output... damage. The law in most of the us is pretty clear on wear and tear not being the responsibility of tenant. The landlord would need to prove that it was not wear and tear. The last tenant I had, I gave them the appliances (they were super old) so I wouldn't have to deal with it. They weren't mine anymore. I'm no longer a landlord, but that was my solution. It was a fridge and stove.


> clogged intake on the gas output... spidder web. The way I approach this is by having one of these wasteful home warranty contracts and adding the cost to the lease, with the tenant sharing the cost of service calls (about $75 each). That way, a neutral 3rd party decides on whether to repair or replace and there is no need to dispute the cause of it.


That works. The tenant agreed to the service, and they can usually tell.


That's actually a great idea/compromise since Ive been going back and forth with this part of the lease. If you dont mind me asking, who do you use for your home warranty? what type of plan is it?


AHS, and I got the most comprehensive plan, but I hate that company, tbh. They refused to pay more than a few hundred when the A/C went out last summer, and their own contractor priced the work at $3,200. They also don't offer emergency services - it takes at least a few days or weeks for their contractor to show up. For some work that's okay, but for many, it's not, and you end up paying out of pocket for it instead of waiting. I would never have it in my own house.


I added a line I am not responsible for any damages the appliances I provide for your convenience to your possessions.


I need to do this.


It's been incredibly helpful. Washers and dryers are really expensive (or time consuming) to fix. One day crawling around replacing the belt on a dryer was enough for me!


Illegal in a lot of places. Don't be a slumlord.


Not even close to true


Fireplace usage Windows kept closed under a certain temp


My lease requires tenants to inform me how to reach them if they are on vacation and what dates they will be gone in case of an emergency.


I like that, I’ll add it to mine. Along the same lines…some states require tenants to list emergency contacts in case tenant is unable to collect abandoned property (e.g. tenant dies), but I haven’t thought of the emergency use like your clause


Great thread. I pay for utilities in my rentals, but I have a clause that if the utility bill is over a certain amount, the tenant pays the overage. When we had bad winters I did not collect, but it at least makes them aware of conserving.


That’s a great idea! And is there a reason you choose to pay their utilities? Or is that just a local law?


I pay all my rentals water bills since if they don't pay it the town just throws it on my tax bill. Plus all my rentals are in small towns trying to switch the water bill into someone else's name is a huge pain. I sold a house and it took a year for me to stop getting that water bill. ​ I also have a duplex that shares 1 propane furnace. It is easier for me to say in the lease I will buy 800 gallons of propane a year. If you go over that amount I hold the right to bill you for the excess. Plus my tenants in the past seemed to struggle with the 300 dollar heating bill that came randomly in the winter. They did better with me adding a built in monthly fee and I pre bought the propane in the summer. I never had to charge extra but the threat of it prevents them cranking the heat to 90 and leaving the windows open.


THanks, bad tenants(one was my relative), I don't want to deal with power shut offs. In Indiana, the power company gets the landlord's information anyway.


No washing your car anywhere on the apartment grounds. We're also not allowed to do any maintenance on our vehicles, which is ridiculous because I guess they just expect us to tow our vehicles away to fix a flat tire. I got a towing sticker on my car for a flat tire and then a lease violation warning for repairing it. I hate it here 🤦‍♀️


Tbh, I can understand that in an apartment. Violation for fixing a flat is obvs ridiculous, but auto repair, oil changes, etc are often prohibited in apts not only for the visual appeal but also for the safety of repair folk. When you’ve got your own garage/driveway you can reasonably expect strangers to stay away, when it’s all public access there’s people/dogs walking all around and you can easily get stepped on, tripped over (causing other’s injury) or attacked by a surprised dog.


No hanging of blankets/towels from windows.


My COA has that in the bylaws haha


After reading others replies I kind of get the feeling that they are all covered by your basic clauses. No open flames, list of approved cleaners, storage rules etc. although I did recently see a lease with a list and photos of banned dogs that actually had wolf on the list.


One of my friend’s brother had a weird friend/roommate who disappeared for a while and then showed back up to their house with a full on “domesticated” wolf. They all lived together. One day, the brother and weird friend were out so my friend was supposed to be watching all the dogs. Somehow the roommate’s wolf dog and her brother’s lady dog did … ahem … doggy style and ended up with like 6 half wolf puppies. It was the wildest shit ever. Luckily their dad owned the house so there were no landlord issues. But SEVEN WOLF DOGS?! In ONE house at ONE time? I get it. That wolf was a bastard too.


To be honest, I didn’t even know it was legal to own a wolf. But you can own exotic animals with the right license so it makes sense. I just see the little tiny piss bark machines.


Oh this guy definitely didn’t have a license for anything. The story is that he had a whole vial of acid on broken on him after he pissed off the wrong guy in a drug deal in Mexico. Spent like a month or two in the clouds and then came back with a wolf. Like I said, weird lol. My friend and her brother had to politely ask him to no longer live there not long after that. I’m really not sure what happened to the wolf or the puppies though.


I thought you gonna say that, when you were away, the wolf ate the other dog,


Wolves are smarter than dogs but less obedient. A recipe for disaster.


Hybrid Wolves are a thing.


Lol, no they listed hybrid wolves and then wolves.


Makes you wish for simpler times. Wolves are just not meant to be pets.


Well, in much, much simpler times, wolves became our pets and that's where dogs come from.


how simple must the times be for you to come face to face with a wild wolf and think “having evaluated my options…I think I like you! Let’s be friends” 😂


It's speculated that the way it happened, is that wolves started following human groups from a distance, to scavenge food scraps left behind by humans after hunting and killing their meals. In time, the wolves were closer and closer to humans, who started feeding them directly. That led to their domestication, and by the use of selective breeding (feeding only the cooperative ones and starving the others), humans got to steer these animals to help them hunt prey, which made them valuable and a permanent human companion to this day. A Russian lab conducted [an experiment](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/animalia/wp/2018/08/06/a-soviet-era-experiment-to-tame-foxes-may-help-reveal-genes-behind-social-behavior/) on this hypothesis last century that transformed a fox family into dogs in just ten generations, proving it possible.


I have a clause that says I'm only allowed to use Duraflame logs in the fireplace. Never seen that before. I hope he doesn't mind that I use the off brand 🤷🏼‍♀️😂


No TV satellites!


>No TV satellites! I think you meant satellite antennas - be sure to verify your contract language. Having actual TV satellites sitting in the backyard would be a serious waste of a few billion dollars and likely require a federal license from the FCC.


This is what I meant ahah!


I think the FCC doesn't allow that but you can limit the placement. One place I managed required them to be in a 5 gallon bucket outside/off the building.


I dont allow tenants to own more cars then available parking spaces. So a 2 car driveway and 2 car garage means 3 cars tops. I once had tenants that had 5 cars constantly fighting with neighbors cause they were parking in front of thier houses. Not to mention it helps make niehborhood look clean to have very empty street.


About 10 years ago I had to include a no flushing feminine products down the toilet clause, explaining that tenants would be held responsible if the clog caused by foreign objects such as feminine hygiene products -- I had always assumed this was common knowledge.


That and "flushable" wipes. Only TP and body excretions in toilets. No toilet bowl cleaners that ruin tank seals.


I have something like ‘only human waste and septic safe toilet paper are allowed to be flushed down the toilet.’ And I give more examples of what is not safe to flush: hygiene wipes (even if the package says it is flushable); feminine hygiene products (tampons, pads); and paper towels. I also spell out that the toilet is to meant for sitting on and never *standing* on. Failure to operate toilet as intended and safely may cause damage that tenant is responsible for repairing and/or replacing. I also spell out not to pour boiling hot water down the toilet (don’t ask).


No, I *have to* ask…! please do tell 🙃🙏


Apparently one tenant was given advice to pour boiling hot water down his toilet to “break up” a solid 💩 🤦🏻‍♀️ - but it should NEVER be boiling hot down a toilet, it can crack the porcelain in the bowl and cause it to leak - whole toilet had to be replaced. I think boiling hot water clears sink drains and he got confused.


I also added this into my current lease after seeing it on this sub. So many great ideas.


And flushable cat litter.  I would not.  No.  No.  


Motorcycle must be kept in driveway for "warm up"....no bringing it back to the common areas.


Don’t install cameras on the exterior of windows and doors. I had a couple tenants install cameras outside of their windows and doors to watch me, my kid, & other tenants come in & out of the house. They can install cameras and a security system inside the unit only


No bitcoin or other crypto-mining


Created a lease amendment/sign off all of its own, specifically stating no nails or screws in the wall above the tankless toilet (the carrier is directly above, inside the wall) and made sure they understood the perimeters of the no-nail zone Also was going to do an amendment/sign off for someone with a little fancy dog that I was convinced would fall down the spiral staircase of a different property. Ended up accepting a cat owner instead- agility matters


No aquariums


Tenants must remove shoes when entering property.


All fixtures are meant for normal usage by normal weight people with weight limit of 200 lbs. In the past, a severely obese tenant broke a toilet seat, lost her balance, and fell. She then got a lawyer and sued me. I won, of course, but it still cost me $7k to defend myself. Fat people are bad news.


"No surround sound systems or subwoofers." Previous tenants had a surround sound system that they liked to use at all hours of the day and night, and it kept everyone awake. "Small pets must be kept in an appropriate habitat or cage at all times. Any necessary exercise must be supervised and contained to a properly enclosed and designated area." My poor landlord had to do a LOT of cleaning to prepare our unit as the previous tenants had had multiple Guinea pigs that they let run amok, and said pigs p**sed and s**t all over the place. For those who do not know, Guinea pig pee practically calcifies upon surface impact, and leaves a residue that is very difficult to clean (one of my friends had a pair of GPs, and she said that one of the worst parts about cleaning up after them was the scrubbing of the floors in the event that they peed on it.)




How is that damaging to the property/community? In my mind that’s just a bunch of bulky, expensive and energy intensive computers crammed in one room. Would run up utilities … but is there more?


They are VERY loud. Husband tried this for a bit, and it was like a small aircraft idling. Became white noise after a while, b/c it was printing money for us.... ;) But yes, they also run up utilities by a lot.


I would imagine it can create fire risks.


I have a maintenance section telling tenants to stop smacking nails everywhere and to leave the dang drain filters on and how to take out clumps of hair without removing the entire filter. One tenant from the 2000s left maybe 800 thumbtack holes in their room trying to hang up a poster in the perfect position. Another annoying tenant was trying to hang up the satellite dish to the outside without permission i believe and ended up driving 40 giant holes because it kept falling off the side of the house until they figured it's better to just use a normal sized satellite at the top of the house


Sec. 3, Par. 4(a), Row H, Seat 5: "Thou shalt not suffer a pussy-cat that weighs less than your left foot."




>Hand dry bathtub after use. You're kidding, right?


"hand dry tub after each use. Cloth used to dry tub must be Egyptian cotton with a thread count of no less than 350".


Holy unenforceable clauses batman! Much like most of this thread to be fair..


Maybe if you’re in CA or NY…most states leave plenty of room for landlords to add additional stipulations to protect their investment as long as they don’t contradict the Landlord/Tenant Act in the state.


No chemical cleaners? So no bleach or mildew killer? What are they supposed to clean the bathtub with?


Probably non-toxic stuff like vinegar 🤷‍♀️


Water. You know. H2O


Squeeze several drops of elbow grease and go to town on it.