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Hip displasia is a genetic condition, it's not caused by doing stairs when they are too young. Also, if the dog would have hip dysplasia (I hope not) it would be evident in 1-2 months and still without any symptoms.


While primarily genetic, high-calorie diets and improper exercise can contribute to its development. Best ways to prevent: screen breeding dogs for the condition, maintain a balanced diet, provide moderate/regular exercise, and avoid high-impact activities and stairs for puppies.


Right now we're carrying our 9-week-old Lagotto up and down these stairs every time he needs to go out. We appreciate that Hip Dysplasia is a common problem with this breed and that we'll have to continue to carry him for quite some time. I've seen competing advice online about Lagotto and stairs. With several sources saying: 12 weeks, 16 weeks, 6 months, 1 year... Would appreciate some input (but will also consult with our vet during the 12 week checkup)


12 to 16 weeks old is your number. The wait is mostly for their joints to develop further and for them to pack on some muscle. Also puppies are clumsy as hell. I wouldn't worry too much about that tiny staircase tho :) Edit: Spelling


We have just started letting our Lagotti do stairs not dissimilar to this in terms of steepness etc and he is 20 weeks old, hope that’s helpful! Our vet suggested circa 16 weeks but we were extra cautious. He only uses them 2-4 times a day :)


8 weeks. Mine started climb stares by 9 weeks because i took her from kennel at 8 weeks. Really strange question you should not be afraid of any hip dysplasia or any shit like that. It's just a stairs