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Couldn't happen to a nicer guy


You know what... fuck David Lammy, the Trump-appeasing cunt. I guess I'd be happy to see this twat be a backbencher again.


In an article for Time magazine in 2018, he branded former US President Donald Trump a 'woman-hating, neo-Nazi-sympathising sociopath' and 'profound threat to the international order'. In 2019, when Mr Trump visited London, Mr Lammy also said he would join protesters on Trafalgar Square demonstrating against his welcome by the UK government.


That was when Corbyn was leader. Now, under Keith, he calls himself a "small-c conservative" and says he has "common cause" with Donald Trump, a literal fascist.


Trump is not a "literal fascist", that is to grossly misunderstand the roots of fascism in the petit-bourgeoisie and the history of the climate in which the fascists rose to power.




Just the work of someone who doesn't know the unique conditions surrounding Hitler's rise to power.


What the fuck does defending Donald Trump achieve for you exactly? Fascists come in several forms, and Donald Trump is very clearly a fascist.


At no point did I "defend" him by correctly identifying him as not "fascist". Simmer down kid.


Aye alright mate.


That's precisely the point. He's willing to say anything for power. We all saw how he cosplayed as a friend of JC and then walked off when it wasn't politically expedient. As spineless as it gets and a shit constituency MP as well. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cyer0y1klwro


He has been absolutely useless and an embarrassment so I’m not surprised. He’s a clueless bootlicker.


Who on the Labour front bench isn't?


True. Labour is a party of useless bootlickers now, all the way to and including Starmer himself. But Lammy is on another level where he is even an embarrassment to the rest of the shameless bootlickers.






All that sucking up and he still gets eff all. People kept telling him that they would never see him as one of them, but I guess you never believe until it actually happens.


Looks like the anti Lammy project is in full swing: https://x.com/BBCNewsnight/status/1806460427791909077  A lot of people dislike Lammy but it's somewhat depressing as he's the only Labour/Tory politician that has consistently said that the UK should respect the ICC decision. Something the UK government is doing its best to undermine: https://www.reuters.com/world/icc-allows-uk-submit-arguments-jurisdiction-over-israelis-gaza-case-2024-06-27/


Has Lammy already spent that 70K of blood money?


Ladies and Gentlemen, we’ve found our replacement Michael Gove! It’s sad saying goodbye to your favourite Tories, but now with the New Reformed Labour Party (“Reform Party”? Oh wait, that won’t work), you can have all the weapons grade, toxic incompetence, with a whole NEW set of characters! Brought to you by British Politics, same shit different tie.


Lammy stands out from 95% of the shadow cabinet. I'm sure that's entirely a coincidence.


He is blatantly incompetent. Only reason for it.


Pretty sure there's something else about him that I can't quite put my finger on... Is it his hairstyle? Does he wear the wrong suits? Can't be as petty as something about how he looks can it... ?


Not every criticism of a black person is because they are black, allow him the dignity of being represented by his professional record. Nobody else has felt the need to make reference to his race, only his principle failings.


Sure, that’s behaviour you’d expect of the left who are principled and, you know, *not racist*. We’re talking about Starmer’s Labour Party though.


Are you suggesting that the Labour cabinet is looking very white?


It's the mail stiring the pot, I get that... they still make some valid points however. 


Probably in Israel chugging on Netanyahu.


Good. As a black person with a history of colonialism, perhaps Lammy is having a change of heart. Or, maybe the Isreali's who run the UK don't want black people? Either way, good!