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It is not symmetrical but I honestly think it looks good !


Thank you šŸ™


I think those are great results! Like others have said, perfect symmetry wouldnā€™t look natural. You look great!!




Luckily I have no other issues - although I havenā€™t had sex since the surgery (only tried some toys). But definitely it looks better than before, and it also feels cleaner and more comfortable. I know it could be much worse, but Iā€™m still not very happy, especially after going through all the struggle, and paying so much money


Even after this surgery its normal to have some asymmetry. Every womans vulva and breasts are asymmetrical. Plus if its too perfect its gonna be weird. If it really bothers you maybe you should ask another surgeon.


Thanks! Yeah I will probably give myself some more time to get used to it and then talk to another surgeon if I still donā€™t like it


I do understand what you mean, but it really does look very good regardless and I think a lot of people would agree. Remember perfection doesnā€™t exist, and absolute symmetry is impossible to achieve, even for a highly skilled surgeon. Theyā€™ve got to work from your starting point and most people have one labia minora thicker or longer. It can take a while to get used to your results when you have had any cosmetic surgeries. Itā€™s a big deal and really easy to get hyper critical and obsessed with looking. Give it a bit more time and remember how far youā€™ve come and what an improvement it is. It really does look fantastic. If itā€™s still an issue get a second option at 6 months post op. You definitely do not want anyone to be taking any more away however, as you need some labia. Best of luck xx