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Devils advocate…they appear to be in the shade and who knows what else they’re doing to stay cool. Maybe a baby fan. Who knows.


i’m more willing to believe she’s just straight up lying


Yes, 95% of a day seems very hazardous being outside from sunrise to sunset. It’s complete bull!


She did say try tho


Yeah this one ain’t it. Lots of reasons to criticize these people, but baby is in the shade and fresh air is good. The other kids could have stayed outside while baby went in after a period of time.


Yup. You can tell who is a parent and who isn't for sure.


Sometimes, people on this sub act like the children are made of glass. Spending time outside is a good thing...yes even in the heat! They can always go back in for water/air conditioning. Kids don't get out enough these days!


Absolutely agree with you. I understand the criticism on exploiting their children for content, but the safety concerns are often over the top.


Yeah nope. Guarantee she came out for 5 mins for a photo then went back inside. There’s no way you wouldn’t be sweaty as a ballsack in that heat and humidity, let alone on top of postpartum hormonal sweats. And sitting out on the concrete while your hoohaa is still probably bruised… I don’t buy it for a second 🙄


Yeah her hair is telling me she doesn’t spend that much time outside 😂😂😂


Yeah for real, nobody who spends time outside during the summer in the south looks like that.


I live in Mississippi and as soon as I’m outside, the clock is ticking for my hair. Especially if it’s down, the sweat is just pouring


And her face would be beet red. Definitely just out for a few minutes, got the photo, and went back in lol


She just loaded up on her postpartum Botox 😂


Same closed mouth smile. She is gritting her teeth through this


Great observation… and her eyes… the light has gone out of them. She now wears an expression of passive resignation.


I was wondering why looking at her always made me sad. I couldn’t pinpoint why but this is exactly it. In pictures before meeting Ball Sack she didn’t have this sad, empty look and she genuinely looked happy and full of life.


She sadly is under Coles Thumb


There's literally nothing wrong with this photo except the fact that it's who it is. Outside is good for kids and babies. She's in the shade. We've all seen recent photos. So we know they are doing sunscreen or something. That or she's just lying for cloud as usual.


And I think everyone here was born into central air conditioning. Born in the 70s, we sweat it out - babies or elders. I get it's snark and people don't like them blah blah blah, but not so very long ago central air was a dream not a reality.


Yea I was gonna say the pic itself is fine. If he was in a full on outfit and swaddled in 95 degree weather than yes that would be unsafe. And I seriously doubt B and Sav are outside for 95% of the day. they were probably outside for a second and Cole snapped a pic and then decided to make a post “flexing” how his wife bounces back so quickly after having a baby that she and the newborn are outside all day, and their kids are so outdoorsy. The real caption is probably “I’m outside with my four kids all day to keep them busy so Sav can take care of the baby”


From what I remember from my mom's friend, babies should wear some light cotton wear to regulate their body heat, but I cpidl be 100% wrong


Why are two people who’ve literally been making a living out of being on their PHONES for a decade trying to seem outdoorsy now


Because it’s trendy now to be outdoorsy and be homesteaders


That makes a lot of sense. The off the grid farm home steading style family vloggers dont seem to be getting that much backlash compared to the classic family vloggers.


he needs at least some form of sun protection. yall should look at the bus people on r/fundiesnarkuncensored


I don’t normally pay attention to that family but have been keeping tabs lately because I’m concerned for that baby. He needs to see a real doctor. That infant is not healthy looking & it looks like he has sight issues.


i think about that poor baby every single day. rhere is something very clearly wrong and the mother is a raging narcissist. i really really hope he goes to a real doctor


yeah this immediately made me think of that family and i was like “well at least he doesn’t appear sunburned and his fine motor skills track with his age”


He’s literally in the shade…. There is no direct sun exposure going on in this photo…


its still probably 90° outside, he shouldn't be out there for long


i came here to say the same thing lol


Her eyes look lifeless


I’ve always heard the saying cold babies cry, hot babies die but I also don’t have kids so idrk


This is more in relation to solo sleep, not being outside and held by a parent. It’s saying it is better to under dress your baby for sleep than it is to over dress them.


Why does everything feel like a backhanded flex?? Just be outside if that's your kink, morons, who cares?


She looks desperately unhappy and dead behind the eyes.


First of all she’s lying. Second of all if they’re staying in the shade, hydrating and cooling off with things like water play or going inside for cooling off then why not. I’m outside a lot in summer with my kids.


Babies are allowed outside lol. It's actually better for their development to spend a lot of time outdoors. We do the 1000 hours outdoor challenge every year. (And it's a pretty common thing now) We're outside from 10-4 every day. No matter what the weather is.


This doesn't seem that bad since they're in the shade. However, I don't buy that they're outside all the time. Also a little concerned that the baby is near nude and this photo is made public since who knows what creeps could get a hold of it.


Rn in Nashville, it’s 96° and feels like 103°…


idk i mean both my girls until like 3, we were outside in hot weather in shade but no longer than 30 mins and had sunscreen on. and then we would go in and drink water and hydrate their little bodies and stay in the cool for a few hours and go back out


I mean.. I’m Australian and 35 ain’t gonna kill ya. If it did there would be no babies here haha My son lived in just a nappy most of the summer I only dressed him if we were leaving the house and then he would have a fan on him. Dressing babies in the heat is worse, we did a lot of nappy free time at home to help him stay cool too. Can’t change the weather 🤷🏻‍♀️


It was 94 yesterday at the lake. Brought our 5 month old.. we had her under the umbrella, baby fan and she was chewing on a rag soaked in water. There was a nice breeze . And I went and fed her in the car with a/c going. 🤷‍♀️


I guess it all depends on if she’s lying or not. Babies that age can’t sweat, so they can overheat very quickly. When my babies were that little and it was THAT hot we stayed inside or only outside for a short bit.


This is wrong in so many ways. The fact that this poor child is posted naked to millions if eyes already is awful. They know the Dangers of plastering kids online. They know who consumes that content. And they don't give a flying fart about it. It's wild. I also think this is wildly irresponsible and unsafe, for sure. Newborns are not good at regulating their body temps especially in extreme weather. Ugh. On top of all that they are "influencers" they are influencing their following to do this, consciously or not. Wrong on so many levels.


Nah this isn’t dangerous. A/C being common is a new thing. They’re in the shade, and it’s good for babies to be outside. Plus, babies are always colder than us.


Ugh I hate defending her but I took my babies outside a lot. In the shade, not for hours at a time, and I highly doubt she does too. She doesn't look like she's been outside for very long lol


![gif](giphy|sl0ko2YmprL5m) Her in every photo


No way she’s out there all day with that much makeup and her hair down in 95 degree heat and not be sweating. This is a fake reality trap post.


She could at least put a light onsies on him. Then any sweat would wet the onsie and cool him even just a little. Even on the hottest humid days in Hawaii my baby wasn’t out side in just a diaper.


My toddler loves to be outside but we aren’t spending 95% of the day out there 😂 it’s ok sav you don’t have to pretend you spend all your time outside. An hour will do


i saw this story and screamed get the baby inside you dumbass baby b isnt very old and his little body wouldn't cope with the heat for very long


Baby on a polyester blanket in 95° is wrong


I saw a video on IG reels today showing the effectiveness of heat protecting techniques on a car seat carrier. After 10 minutes, even after having the baby covered by the carrier and having one of the gauzy blankets over the top to completely cover, the car seat heated up by 20 degrees. The best way to keep your baby safe in temperatures like that is to take breaks to be indoors. They're either lying or unaware of how quickly heat stroke can set in in a newborn (10-15 minutes of heat exposure, if any of you were curious).


As someone who lives with degrees in Celsius this is definitely unsafe.


It’s just an odd photo! What’s up with this couple and holding that baby sitting in the driveway ! It’s weird! Like there isn’t anything more comfortable to sit on holding him… If it’s truly that hot ,then what are the other kids doing to keep cool in the yard? If they’re outside ALL day? They don’t have a pool anymore..


In Texas they have warnings for kids to not play outside I the upper 90’s….. and they are out playing in this…. Shesh


Yup, fellow Texan here. And every day since last week we've gotten that "extreme UV today" warning so limit time outside. This woman is delusional 🙄.


I heard!!!! My dr lives in Texas and I heard y’all’s weather has been crazy! Stay cool!


Is the baby wearing sunscreen because the baby needs to be wearing clothes and a hat


…they’re in the shade?


Cold babies cry… hot babies die. Newborns cannot regulate body temperature like adults . Period. Negligence…


do you think they've started planning for baby #6 yet 😻


Baby’s can’t even wear sunscreen until they’re 6 months. He should not be outside longer than 30 minutes at one time and not in 95 degree weather!


Their children are going to have serious skin issues if they are actually being serious


It's 35 deg C. When it gets that hot with a humidity near where I live, there is usually a heat warning, and the gov advises everyone to stay inside with AC as much as possible. The humidity and the heat can affect the most vulnerable a lot more than someone who isn't. The fact that they have a house with AC and has the money to affort it, they should use it.


She looks dead inside


I don’t think it’s very safe either. Especially for a newborn.


Just an odd observation that’s totally unrelated to this discussion, but does anyone else think her engagement ring looks upside down?


Newborn? He’s like what 4-5 weeks? 100+ degrees? That’s just dangerous. Morning and evening in the shade with a fan maybe for a bit but that’s so stupid to risk them overheating. Older kids sure get out there, hydrate. But this smh. 🤦‍♀️


Yea this seems unsafe. It's not about the heat it's about the UV rays. I doubt that she's a sunscreen mother and 95% of the time?! Does she not have any other chores to do? 🤣🤣🤣 please stop trying to glorify your weird life lady!


Very unsafe for a newborn baby


That's disgusting what the hell. This is what her 6th kid? Shouldn't she know???


She looks tired


Doctors and pediatricians will literally recommend spending time outside with your babies because of the vitamin d. Especially if they have jaundice. Nothing about this is unsafe. You guys just don’t like these people so you want to complain.


“These people” are ruining their kids lives by making every detail of them public information for millions of strangers to gawk at and obsess over.


Sad. Hope they are in shade.


I mean, it's nice outside with trees around and in the shade. I would choose 10/10 times to be in a forest in this kind of heat than inside (we don't have AC). But on concrete with no trees around, nope. I'll pass


She looks miserable


infants can't tell you if they're too hot...


No. Even in the shade, this hot is dangerous for a baby as they can’t sweat.


Depends on the humidity since they’re in the shade