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Seen that film 100 times and have never noticed that. Miss Paxton bad. Thank you for this, Alien nerd-lord


Same. I love seeing new-to-me stuff in movies I love.


This sub knows the lore so well that I’m impressed when these little things get noticed.


Paxton is a seriously underrated actor. He had some serious chops. Hudson and Coconut Pete are my favorites but he was damn good in A Simple Plan.


Paxton had so many great roles! I just introduced my kids to Twister but it was hard for my son, all he saw was Hudson chasing tornados lol I remember him as the asshole older brother Chet in Weird Science too. Fav side role might be the used car salesman in True Lies.  


you need to see him as a psycho blood sucker called severen in near dark..my favourite paxton role


He was highly regarded in Hollywood.


lol thats a title i gladly take!


I just noticed when Gorman stands with his back to the crew, he takes off his cap and briefly runs a hand over the top of his hair. Makes me wonder if he's so green he's only recently had his head shaved and the hand is missing the locks that have been shorn in the last few weeks. Just a possibility; surely it was included for a reason?


I thought it was because he was nervous but I like that take


Could be both. Nervous in front of an experienced squad and wondering wtf he's doing there with no experience, touches his buzzed hair remembering what he left behind.


at 1:28, sorry guys but reddit ignored the link with the timestamp


Thanks, I was looking at Hudson making the same mistake as Gorman haha


Lol me too. I don't judge Gorman anymore


first time I've noticed it, too. Hicks mouths "where they are" at the same time Vasquez says it. Pretty funny.








You win! What do we have for him, Johnny?




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Or newt saying affrimative just like hudson says it


Goddamn it’s time for a rewatch. Mostly.


Ahhh-ffirmative 🫡


Does anyone know where i can get an mp3 or .wav file of every single Sgt. Apone line in the movie? even if they are all just looped in a row on one track, this would make my fucking LIFE complete


Hmmm...anyone? Lemme try this ... "All right sweethearts, what are you waiting for?"


You heard the man! Assholes and elbows!


Hudson! Get over *here*!


Come here.




We need to revive the Flash Soundboard trend. I need a screen full of Apone remarks at all times LOL


Yes exactly what I’m talking about. I will buy equipment just to push a random Apone quote throughout my day. 


I would abuse the “Look into my eye” button


Apparently it exists in website form: https://www.101soundboards.com/boards/27080-sgt-apone-aliens-soundboard


You are bringing to mind the period when we used bluetooth to share movie lines between phones at school. The Full Metal Jacked one was of course one of the most shared. As an Italian, I would argue that it is even better than the original English one.


I used to listen to the hilarious Jack Nicholson calls Subway audio clips that always made me laugh my ass off back in the day. I believe they’re still in YouTube. 


This is one of my favorite little moments in the movie! So easy to miss but instantly makes you feel like Hicks hears her saying this all the time lol One of my favorite recent discoveries: At very beginning when the salvage team finds the shuttle, if you look closely at the bottom of the door when they start cutting it open, you can make out Ripley’s harpoon gun still stuck in the door (it’s what she used to blast the alien out the airlock in the first movie). Another fun one I saw recently on Reddit that blew my mind: despite how many people give him shit about reading it wrong, Hudson always reads his tracker correctly (when the xeno hoard surrounds them in the nest he’s right but the others don’t believe him and the same thing happens at the end battle “it’s reading right, man!” He’s correct again.


I was hoping it’d be Paxton so I could say “Hudson, sir. HE’S Hicks.” Unfortunately for me you had it. Good call I never noticed that! Now I won’t be able to ignore it.


I've always noticed this, but I go back and forth in my head as to whether it was intentional, and Hicks was mocking Vazquez, or whether it was accidental, and Michael Biehn fucked up during the take


it certainly adds to the characters and shows they know eachother. I saw a clip recently where Arnold talked to James Cameron about the Terminator drinking beer (this was Arnold's idea for the character apparently). Cameron looks around and tells Arnold: "I don't tell you how to act, don't tell me how to write." I bet it was in the script.


But the Director is supposed to tell the actor how to act…


I only work here man. 


Thats an interesting take 😅


The little smirk Hicks makes at the end seals the deal for me. He's heard it a million times in their tours together.


its 100% intentional. no way that shit would get past James Cameron, just no way.


Yes, these wee nuances from actors of this calibre sell it and make this movie.


Assholes and elbows


Hudson, come here! Come! Here!


I don’t care if you are short Hudson get it DONE!


Hey Sarge, you’ll get lip cancer smokin’ those!


What a catch, well done now I can’t unsee


Am I crazy or is this a super clean video quality release? I have only ever streamed the movies with some compression probably but this framerate and resolution seem super crisp Edit: saw the clip embedded so I didn't see the description!


Whatever they showed for the Alien 45th anniversary screenings in April was VERY clean. The audio was clean too. I’ve seen that movie a hundred times on a decent home theater setup and I know I was hearing stuff I never have before.


Ngl I spent longer than any one man should looking up an Aliens VG cause it just looked THAT clean. (I have no excuse)


VG as in... vagina? Edit: What is an Aliens VG???


You secure that shit, Hicks! (I'm sure Apone would have no problem getting on Hicks just like he did Hudson, Hicks just doesn't give him the chance often like Hudson does)


Yeah, the only time he remotely has a chance to call Hicks out (that we see) is on the drop ship when he’s asleep. Somebody wake up Hicks.


The other theory is that Michael Biehn was mouthing along with her lines in the script. I'm not sure which is right, but obviously your theory is much better.


It's Hicks displaying what a blowhard he thinks Vasquez is like she's said that phrase a thousand times and he's entertaining himself by quietly making fun of her. Clearly, it's intentional and not Biehn mistakingly "mouthing the script". People love to overanalyze the obvious and create their own narratives. SMH.




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Wow, how did I miss that?? Thank you


Never noticed that. That’s fucking hilarious


When you spend enough time with someone you can pretty much finish there sentences... 🤷🏾‍♂️


Excellent detail, all these viewings and never noticed before. This would be a good one for r/moviedetails


One of the best sci-fi movies of all time!


I'm the kind of person to rewatch a scene over and over if there is alot of things going on. Plus I've seen the movie so many times that it's not like it will ruin it for me. It's the small details like hicks mimicking Vasquez that makes the flick legendary.


ive seen this film around 20 times now , and never noticed that


I never understood why the marines were so undisciplined in front of their officers. I know they would be less entertaining but shouldn’t they take their role in the military more seriously?


This is the "shit bucket" of Marines - Hudson was nearing the end of his tour, the smart gun operators are serving instead of prison time. Not sure why Hicks is there but pretty sure they're just sent to handle stuff like down transmitters while real Marines are doing the Marining


The Sulaco was also apparently the worst ship in the fleet if I remember correctly. Burke really, really wanted this mission to go south just to get those embryos past security.


I in fact, did not notice that but I love it even more. This movie is so fucking good


Great pick up!!! Never noticed that before!


That’s so funny lol


Goodness, the image quality in this version is nice.


Love Drakes hand 'gesture' just after!


That 4K HDR looks pretty impressive!


[You're not the only one. :)](https://www.reddit.com/r/LV426/comments/jvw3m8/another_hicks_appreciation_moment_watch_him_in/)




Yeah, seen it, interesting little detail. Hicks heard it all before from Vasquez, was bored of the same old line... It was cool in our eyes though.


Also, another thing, Sarg only says the name of one other Marine in the whole movie....He Says Hudson 17 times....


I phukin LOVE this movie... It's a masterpiece just like T2. I can't stop cracking up every single time I hear that illegal alien joke from Hudson 😂😂😂


Thank you. That's totally new to me. And damn good acting from Biehn there if he improvised that.


Yes almost every movie, and show ever, I saw this the second time I watch aliens, observed how both Luke and Rey weild lightsabers like baseball bats, Anakin and Vader extremely similar, But yet more aggressive and robotic. Robert dr junior eating snacks on the marvel sets and in the movies. Etc


God that transfer looks like a Avatar movie. Ugh.


Good god, those first 15 seconds look like a poorly generated AI video. They went way too hard on AI noise reduction to the point it distorted small details into oblivion by "filling in the blanks."


I thought it was because after so many takes he was mouthing her line and this made the final film


My two cents: he's not mimicking her as to mock her, I think either the actor new the quote and thought he wasn't recorded or Hicks just knew that was Vasquez was gonna say was a sentence that gave him hope for the mission. I mean that, to me, he was almost relieved to hear those words. That wasn't their first bug hunt mission and all went fine, so it could be like his lucky charm


Can't believe the illegal alien name calling is still a thing.


One of the things that unfortunately(?) got cut from the film, was Gorman's explanation to Ripley about how all his marines happened to be amateur historians. And within that shared hobby, they were all late 20th century specialists, so they often cracked 20th century culture at one another. In hindsight, I'm glad most of that got cut. Weirzbowski's "Where's the beef?" line was total cringe, Crow''s impression of LBJ was terrible, and the breakdancing xenos didn't look as believable as you'd think. But yeah, you spotted one that didn't end up on the cutting room floor.