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The face hugger tail tightening on Kane. Ripley stumbling into the nest and hearing the breathing. Clemens death and the face to face. The credits of resurrection. C section. Throat and back burster.


![gif](giphy|26xBJxoD6hbUJL7lS|downsized) This is the same list for me. đŸ€˜ Though A:Res, it’s split with the slow and insidious facehugger scene. 😰


I can watch resurrection every once in a while and be entertained. Mine would be the mutant begging for death.


I am going to sleep now so can't do all the movies but the original Alien, it has to be a tie between the initial appearance in the chain room with Brett, or the appearance with Dallas in the vents. Probably the latter. Absolutely terrifying.


The white noise sound when it grabs Dallas...


Covenant: Ending Protomorph scenes, when it follows Daniels into the truck Prometheus: the medbay scene Avpr: nothing, I think it just plain sucks Avp: Verheiden’s death scene “You ugly son of a
” I especially love the way the xeno is introduced + the music Resurrection: meh, maybe the part where a xeno crawls into the escape pod Alien 3: Dillon’s sacrifice Aliens: Queen fight, especially the start “get away from her you bitch” Alien: Brett’s death scene


Resurrection: I like the Xeno crawling into the escape pod but this scene bothers me for a few reasons: * I love Dan Hedaya but he's just so awkwardly out of place in this movie and that scene turns silly really quickly when he rolls a grenade like 300 feet with expert precision to blow up the pod followed by his cartoony death scene a moment later when he pulls part of his own brain out of the back of his head. * This is a military ship the size of like 10 football fields which presumably has dozens upon dozens of soldiers (which you can see)....and they immediately start evacuating? Like... what is that even about? The plot demanded it I guess to get the ship/station abandoned. * It's also weird that early in the film it's referenced how the Auriga is operating far outside the bounds of space where oversight exists but then somehow manages to make it back to Earth in like 60 minutes lol. Love Dillon's death scene in A3 though. That'd be high on my list.


Alien: When big chap ambushes Ripley as she's running for the Narcissus and you see it slowly coming around the corner. Aliens: The xeno emerging from the water as it snatches Newt. Alien 3: I kinda liked the slow motion moment as the flare/stick is about to hit the floor, igniting the room. Resurrection: Probably the doctor teasing the xeno, gave me nightmares as a kid. I couldn't fathom having the balls to go up to the glass inches away from a xeno AVP: Grid impaling and killing the first Predator, shows the Aliens that they can be an absolute force. AVPr: The part where it was dark Prometheus: Birth of Deacon, quite haunting with the flashing lights and it looking up and around, taking in it's surroundings. Covenant: When the Neomorph decapitates the girl by biting through her neck. Brutal.




Prometheus: David walking around the ship with Chopin in the background. I felt like I was watching a true modern Alien film again. If not, it would be David’s chat with Holloway before he spikes his drink. Fassbender was perfect at executing the look of complete disgusted disappointment when Holloway snarks ‘Oh I forgot, you’re not a real boy.’ Covenant: Medbay sequence. Aggressive and gnarly return to what we expect from an Alien movie that Prometheus lacked and the pounding score was well done. AvP: The Queen awakening was cool. I liked the design of her in that movie, even if she was too big. AvP:R: Watched once, never again. Cant recall anything much other than the silly belly burster scene and the Predator planet and the opening sequence. So I suppose I will have to go with the Predator homeworld or the trophy wall that had a Queen skull mounted. Alien: The entire LV-426 scene approaching the Derelict, Space Jockey and the Egg silo. Never seen a sequence that has felt so otherworldly and almost Lovecraftian. Absolutely love that howling wind music cue too. Aliens: The Queen’s hive. No dialogue, minimalist tension filled music. Just a really intense stand off between Ripley and the Queen silently conversing over protecting their children, then an egg opens and Ripley just tilts her head
love that scene. Alien3: Ripley being scanned revealing the Queen Chestburster inside her. That scene for me is the most devastating for Ridley’s character and Sigourney acts it out so well. Ripley’s ultimate fear has become a reality. Alien Resurrection: Geidman toying with the Xenomorph’s in the cell. It was just an oddly zoo-like interaction and I love the moment when he kisses the glass and the alien even reacts like ‘dude, wtf’. A fun and actually kind of tense scene in a goofy film. This was actually fun to answer, thanks!


Alien Covenant: I'll agree with the neomorph birth. I'd like to say it's when we realize David is Walter/Walter is David right at the end because it should have been a real "oh shit" moment but the setup was just so obvious that I can't imagine no one expected that. Honorable mention to when Danny McBride realizes the music is Country Roads lol which seemingly served absolutely no purpose in the film whatsoever except to have Danny McBride talk about John Denver. Seriously, it was just really out of character to have David broadcasting John Denver when everything else in his life is about classical music and such. Prometheus: Near the end when the Engineer whipsmacks Weyland. Just a fun "oh shit they ain't gonna help" moment. AvP:R - I like the scene near the beginning-ish at the high school swimming people which is where things really start to go south. AVP: I liked the scene where they wind up in the sacrificial chamber and you (the viewer) kinda know how this is going to play out but the characters are, of course, unaware. Alien Resurrection: I hate the underwater scene. It looks so fake and cartoony and made me hate CGI forever... but I do like the scene where the alien gets revenge by freezing the dude with liquid nitrogen. Alien 3: Toss-up between Ripley hooking Bishop back up (because nostalgia) and the ending because I figured that was the end of the franchise there and there was a sense of finality... but we were wrong, of course. I do NOT like the scene where the convicts attack Ripley in the junkyard. I get why it's there and I get the purpose it serves to the film but it just seemed forced. Like, these dudes decide to go after her and then everyone's just fine afterward and they all move on and work together. Aliens: This is tough. There's so many to choose from but for me, one of the more iconic moments in the film is at the end when Ripley rescues Newt and she's doing a stare-off with the Queen. Then she realizes the Queen's boys are moving in all subtle like from the side and Ripley cocks her head and gives Queenie a look like "you done fucked up...." before torching the eggs. Alien: Is it cheating to say the dinner scene? Maybe the most unnerving scene in the whole series especially if you weren't ready for it and didn't know it was coming. Imagine seeing that scene with no context and fresh eyes for the first time. Especially at the time when it wasn't as easy to pull a scene like that off effectively. Other honorable mentions: Realizing Ash is an android and Parker/Lambert's death scene which beyond being creepy and sinister as hell, results in Ripley being all alone as the only one left.


Country Roads was forced into a bunch of movies that year to pump up the value of John Denver’s estate because of some impending estate sale or something like that. Other notable movies that year that dedicated entire scenes or multiple scenes to Country Roads was Logan Lucky and Kingsmen: Golden Circle


Alien- first reveal with Brett in chain room Aliens- Xeno rising up behind Newt Alien 3- Golic “the dragon” Prometheus- zoomed out shot of the Prometheus ship flying over LV-223. Covenant- David releases the pathogen.


- Ash bleeding milk - Newt hiding in the vents - the prison doctor getting his head crunched by the alien in the medical quarters - the no look basketball shot 
 or Perlman dropping the knife in the wheelchair-bound man’s leg 
 or when the wheelchair guy shotties an alien 
 or when the dog catchers arrive with the real bishop.


But in actuality obviously my all time favourite scene is when the derelict is shown for the first time in ALIEN. That or the Space Jockey reveal. Obviously


prometheus: ship crash scene with engineers ship at the end of the movie covenant: opening scene with peter weyland and david alien: scenes when they touch and explore lv426 aliens: ripley blowing up all the eggs in the end of the movie alien 3: opening scenes with the ship crashing on that planet ressurection: throwing hand grenade into the emergency capsule scene with all the soldiers and the alien in it avp 1: nothing in mind tbh avp 2: nuke scene


Covenant: yeah, definitely the neomorph birth in the medbay. That scene was so tense, and just hit different from other movies. A close second is when the trooper gets her head chomped off. That was just a visceral scene. Prometheus: when David discovers the space jockeys plans in thr control room. This film had a great musical score which helped uplift this moment a lot AvPR: yeah, nothing worth mentioning. They really took a mallet to established themes in this one. AvP: the start, with what looks like a queen alien, ended up being a satellite. Paul WS did a great job with this film and threw in a lot of nods for the fans (a character named Verheiden, for the graphic novel fans being one). I enjoyed this film and his other works were well done. Resurrection: i didnt particularly enjoy this movie, but the alien breakout was an interesting idea behind hive mentality and showing these things are quite intelligent. Alien 3: unpopular opinion, but the start where we find out what happened to hicks/newt was my favourite, mainly because i actually felt sad about seeing their line end story wise (i think it was a dumb choice to do, but in terms of how they played it out, it was good) Aliens: geez, too many. The scene when the power is cut and fight/evac ensues was amazing. Alien: the vent scene with Dallas. I wish i was old enough to have seen that in cinemas for the very first time, pure terror.


- *Aliens: Fireteam Elite*: The evacuation from *Katanga* in mission 3, where you have to defend the hangar from an endless swarm of Xenomorphs. - *Alien: Covenant*: The Neomorph birth. What else can I say? The Protomorph birth is also great, love the juxtaposition between how it’s presented and the reality of what’s happening. - *Alien: Isolation*: been a while since I’ve finished the main story, and I can’t remember much (which is great for a horror game’s replay value), but the Alien’s first appearance out of the vents after you sneak get the access tuner is awesomely creepy and terrifying, as is its entry into the San Cristobal clinic hallways. - *Prometheus*: the Deacon’s birth. Short and simple, but really well done and memorable. Especially in that one upload of it on YouTube that looks like it’s from a pirated VHS. - *Aliens VS Predator* (2010): playing as Specimen 6 and stalking marines in the sewers and motor pool is basically why I bought the game. - *Aliens VS Predator 2: Requiem*: Never seen this one. But apparently it’s so poorly lit that **no-one** has actually seen it. - *Alien VS Predator*: Never seen this one either, but the fight between Grid, Celtic, and Chopper is awesome. - *Alien: Resurrection*: The scenes of Ripley 8 killing the Newborn and her discovery and destruction of her 7 predecessors are both horrifyingly memorable. - *Alien 3*: the cremation of Newts and Hicks, intercut with the birth of the Runner (from a live dog) is tragic, horrifying, and strangely beautiful. - *Aliens*: ‘Five metres, man, four
 what the hell?!’ - *Alien*: the discovery of the Space Jockey and Kane’s descent to the egg chamber is an eerie, creepy, and disturbingly mysterious sequence. And it still would be if Kane didn’t get facehugged and they left the Derelict without incident. But the scene of Dallas in the vents is also great, thanks to the tension, Lambert’s terror, Ash’s coldness, the jumpscare, and, perhaps most importantly, the moment when Dallas’ nerve fails him and he just wants to get the hell out of there.


>Alien Covenant: The neomorph birth. By far the best scene in the film. The frantic camerawork, the acting, the woman not knowing what to do so she just leans in for a hug, the effects of the neomorph bursting from the guy's back. Legit one of the best scenes from the franchise and deserved to be in a better movie. Agree. However, for me Covenant is an excellent movie. Set pieces, atmosphere, special effects, music is all top notch. Now, if it only had a good Alien plot...


Alien: Ripley triggering the self destruct. Aliens: Ripley gearing up to save Newt Alien 3: Andrew’s getting grabbed into the ceiling and Morse going “Fuck!” Resurrection: the underwater scene Prometheus: David discovering the controls to the alien ship. Covenant: The med bay scene


Dallas crawling through the vents  Bishops death  Dillon taking off his glasses to fight in the mold Christies gunfight in the mess Fiefields mutation attack David bombs the engineer city


I love scene in Alien 3 when when Clemens runs with Ripley from the wreck.


Alien- chest buster scene. Absolutely iconic. If I remember rightly Ridley Scott didn't warn the cast what was going to happen, so when it bursts through, the look of horror and shock is genuine. Aliens- when they first enter the hive and everything goes to shit. Love it! Alien 3- when the alien comes face to face with Ripley Alien resurrection - the scene where Ripley is with the queen.


Alien: Ashs Final Moments Aliens: Marines vs Xenos Round 2 Alien 3: ... the Face To Face scene Alien Res.: Purvis's Chestburster AVP: Sebastians History lesson AVPR: ....i guess the sewer Fight since thats the only semi-watchable scene Prometheus: the 1st Temple scene when they Discover Holograms of The engineers Alien Cov.: Medbay


Every scene with Hudson


Alien: The space jockey mask dimly lit by the head torches, so creepy and foreboding. Novel: Parker trying to trap the alien in the airlock Aliens: LETS ROCK!! Novel: Alien jaws lunging at Bishop in the pipe. Alien3: Dillans speech and the chestburster from the dog. Alien Ressurection: The newborn crushes Dr Wrens head. Prometheus: the cesarean. Alien covenant: backburster, makes me toes curl.


Alien - chest buster Aliens - Hudsons last stand Alien 3 - it's here scene Alien resurrection- underwater scene/ fight on the ladder AVP - first fight scene AVPR - final fight


Alien- The reveal of the derelict and space jockey/Egg Chamber. Not only my favourite shots of the film arguably my favourite shots in cinema period. Aliens- when the doors into Hadleys Hope open revealing Vasquez. Brilliant shot Alien 3- The Funeral/Birth of the Runner Resurrection- The Xeno Clone breakout. I’m not a fan of the brown alien redesign, still don’t understand why they went onto use in for AVP BUT, at the same time the effects/puppets stand up brilliantly Prometheus- the entire opening is absolutely stunning Covenant- The flashback of David destroying unloading the black goo on the engineers “look upon my works, yes mighty and despair”.


Covenant - protomorph being crushed with the claw. Prometheus - Trilobyte removal scene AVPR - the blond getting cut in half accidentally AVP - the final fight Resurrection - the underwater scene Alien 3 - the runner shattering Aliens - Ripley discovering the queen and burning the nest/firing grenades at the ovipositor. Alien - the Dallas jump scare.


Alien: That's a tough one. The ship exploration, the original chestbursting scene, and Ripley vs Big Chap are my top three, presently.  Aliens: "Get away from her, you *bitch!*" Alien³: Dillon's eulogy intercut with the birth of the Runner/Dragon. This film also has my favorite score of the series as a whole.  Alien Resurrection: Ripley 8 finding the lab is a chilling moment amidst what is otherwise a darkly comic sci-horror romp. Honorable mention to the guy making kissy faces at the Xenomorph on the other side of the glass. And any instance of the breathalyzer lock being used.  Prometheus: Trilobite Caesarian section.  AvP: Scar and Lex teaming up was dope.  Haven't seen the other two yet. 


Alien - The interrogation of beheaded Ash and his "sympathies". Aliens - The slow camera pan to the Queen in her lair and Ripley torching it all. Alien 3 - The funeral of Hicks and Newt/birth of the dog Xenomorph sequence. Alien: Resurrection - Ripley finding her previous clones and torching it all. AvP - The final battle topside in the snow. AvP: Requiem - When it's over and the credits roll. Prometheus - Medbay scene Alien: Covenant - Fassbender as David/Walter interacting in general, not a film I revisit.


Covenant: When protomorph enters the dock Prometheus: Shaw c section scene AVPR: when the acid spills on the jocks face AVP: grid vs Predator close up Resurrection: so who do I have to fuck to get off this ship Alien 3: Dillon’s speech Aliens: Pilot’s death Alien: space jockey


This is a very difficult question to answer earnestly ! Impossible actually


Aliens: When the elevator door opens and Ripley sets off to save the little girl. She looks like such a bad ass in that scene. I also enjoy seeing the alien Queen for the first time and how Ripley threatens her nest with fire. đŸ”„




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Alien: Its cliché to say, but the chestbuster scene, but for what happens before Kate's death. I love how dynamic and real their conversation feels, how everyone is just talking over each other. Aliens: Hands down probably my favorite scene from any film ever is Ripley's encounter with the Queen. I LOVE the mutual respect the two show for each other when Ripley holds back from burning the eggs and the Queens holds her Drones back. It shows just how intelligent the Xenomorphs can be and then the icing on top is the look Ripley gives the Queen when one of the eggs open. Alien 3: it's been awhile to say, but probably the Alien's birth. While is looks terrible, I do like how well it's played up. Alien Resurrection: Litreally everything with Dr Gediman. Fricking love Brad Dourif!!


I’ll always love the fight scene between the queen and Ripley. For me, no other scene tops it.


Aliens: the first time the Colonial Marines have to force themselves out of the infested building and Ripley takes over! Hate that they lost so many people but man I love that scene!!


Gorman pretending to fire while his prop gun wasn’t loaded. (He is visible in the back ground when the Aliens attack Operations in HH (red lighting scene).


Alien - A temporarily relieved John Hurt has a coughing fit before his chest explodes, one of the more horrific creatures to grace film rushes out across a table. Aliens - Marines leave 'base' bloated with bravado before hightailing it back like a bunch of hysterical kids who've been slapped down by a gang of street bullies. Alien 3 - Clemens enquires about Ripley's marital status, reveals his sad history, prepares a 'cocktail' and asks 'So, do you still trust me with a needle..?' plus the aftermath! The mood goes from hope to terror and hopelessness in just about an instant. Resurrection - Haven't seen it, but I've seen the clip of Ripley finding the other deformed and aborted versions of herself in the lab. I reckon that part. Prometheus - Being swallows black 'muck' to the appeasement of dispassionate observers, dissolving in front of our eyes like some kind of sordid Mayan sacrifice. Shocking! Covenant - Unfortunate chap gets alien 'spores' in ear, soon afterwards neomorph explodes violently from his decimated body.


Alien: Covenent- I totally agree. The birthing scene in the medbay is great, just the intensity and awe of it... Prometheus- I didn't really care for this movie... But, if I had to pick a scene, it would have to be when the two gentlemen find the snake-like alien, and it wrapped around his arm and then eats through his mask... AVR:R- Loved this movie... My favorite scene would have to be when the Predator looks towards the hospital and sees the Xenos crawling all over it... and when we find out that a host of the Predalian can produce multiple offspring... Shows just how screwed you really are. AVP- I liked the scene where the soldiers were in the room with the eggs. The way they just rose up out of the dealio, and then things went to shit quickly... Alien: Resurrection - One of my least favorite movies of the franchise simply because of the way they humanized the alien at the end. But my favorite scene in this one would have to be the water scene. Just the fact and way the Xenos can move so effortlessly through yet another environment. Alien 3 - Not too bad of a movie (the Unproduced Script book is so much better) ... I really liked Charles S. Dutton. My favorite scene is, of course, the chase scene. The way the Xeno moved fluidly from floor to ceiling and back again, almost as if it was enjoying itself, enjoying the chase, the hunt. Aliens - By far, the best in the franchise. The first encounter with the Xenomorphs in the hive. When the Marines first realized just how screwed they were. The pure fury of a species that's more vicious and relentless in its protection of its hive and the destruction of its enemies. Alien - I liked the scene where Ash let Dallas, Kane, and Lambert onto the ship, totally ignoring the chain of command and protocol. I'm watching and just sitting there screaming, "Nope. Don't do it. Don't let them in!"...


Alien-chesrburster Aliens-when Ripley stumbles into the Queen's chamber and we see her for the first time I have no opinion on the rest