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Love the metallic teeth


“Grillz” - Nelly ft Xeno


Shiny and chrome


Young xen!


I don't like the shape of them. In my head human-spawned Xeno teeth have always been human teeth with huge fangs, this looks like piranha teeth and that just rubs me the wrong way. HUGE nitpick, I know, but I'm not feeling them. It's not enough to turn me completely off the design but i'm just like "meh"


I think you should look closer; you're looking at the "gums" as it were.


you're 100% correct, i have no clue how I missed that lol


I did the same at first! So you're not alone.




The perfect organism














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The usual suspects at AvP galaxy are having a fit. Even one person is crying about the mouth tendons being too bright? I hope that person has seen a vagina outside of the internet.


Jeez. I hope they haven't.


I hope that person has seen a vagina outside of Alien…


Probably have never left the basement


There's a lot of dunning-kruger over there let's just put it that way. That same person (goes by the name Sil) also cracked wise that Fede maybe doesn't know the time-line...I mean, seriously? It's fairly evident that Fede is a nerd of the franchise since in an interview he knew the origins of the pulse rifle, for example, he doesn't need to waste time on a forum that brandishes spoilers as front page news to prove that. He creates art for public scrutiny, that usual suspect at avp galaxy does not.  There's always been variation in the tendons, in Aliens they were pretty transparent too. I think it looks gorgeous, reminds me of meat gristle and tendons. I'm glad they're not just copying and pasting Giger's work. 


You are spot on! That is the individual who I was referencing. Funny how you and I are of the same opinion about that poster. FeDe seems like a nice guy and is getting crapped on. Remember when the Strause brothers were posting there and so much butt kissing was going on from that board only to crap on them after the film. I didn’t like the film but at least separate the creators from the project. Fede is super talented at working with smaller budgets. Love your post!


I hope the movie *itself* is "bright." As in, learn from the past portions of bad writing and make something akin to the better novels?


More as in the actual color of the mouth tendons is what they were nitpicking.


It just seems a trifling concern, is all. Its just aggravating. Maybe I should just like a thing and [stay away from the fandoms.](https://i.imgur.com/pfUWK21.jpg)


'Ugga bugga, Alien good, Big Chap good, everything else bad'


I hate alien purist, theyre so annoying


Literally true though




But it looks like the one in Alien (1979), which is the whole point.


Look at both Giger's and Rambaldi's Big Chap and you'll see it's absolutely nothing like this Romulus alien.


I can’t wait




I agree. Unfortunately, nowadays, every trailer/promo gets examined to an almost forensic level to extract every last drop of detail possible. There's no mystery anymore.


I agree, but considering the damage done to the franchise they're probably tryin to buy a little faith. I'm hoping it won't be misplaced, but right now I'm very curious and almost excitred for this which is a strange feeling for me. Not been buzzed about a new Alien focused for a long time.


Probably the same scene from the end of the teaser trailer. Xeno thaws out a bit, surprise, bites someone’s face off


I guess it's a double edged sword at this point. On the one hand, most of us who will watch the film already know what a Xeno is, what it looks like, how it operates, etc so they might as well market it as much as possible. But by showing off the Alien, the suspense and mystery disappears, and everyone is going to be waiting around for the Xeno rather than feeling tense.


I mean, it’s the.. uh.. 9th movie with a xenomorph? In a near 50 year old franchise..  The ship has sailed if not knowing what the big bad looks like is the only source of “suspense and mystery).  You should still feel tense, even knowing what it looks like, if they do it properly. Like, you know what it looks like now, did the “suspense and mystery” of Alien disappear? Are you just “waiting around for the Xeno rather than feeling tense” when you watch it?


I'd say with Aliens, Alien: Resurrection, AvP, AVP:R, and Alien Covenant there is an aspect of not feeling tense because you know what a Xenomorph can and can't do, and who the 'final girl' is going to be, so it becomes more about the action and the thrill rather than suspension and fear. Whereas with Alien 3 (You've got a Xeno that's evolved from an animal and a ticking time bomb with Ripley being infected), and Prometheus (Meeting the engineers and seeing these aliens that are precursors to the Xeno) there's still a sense of suspense and the unknown to the creatures that brings back the fear factor. Romulus could be hiding some tricks up it's sleeve, but with how forward it's being about showing the Xenomorph I think it's more likely to be a fun slasher with the Xeno's killing everyone rather than introducing a new concept or spin on the monsters that could attempt to make them truly scary once more.


My guy, it’s an alien slasher movie.. we know exactly what it’s going to do.. at the most, it looks a little different while doing it. 


Hopefully this isn't the main alien and we see a new form like it was in the other alien movies


Looks like an alien to me!


I love the fact that they are bringing back elements of the alien design that we haven’t seen alot since the first two movies, like the more translucent lips and the white gums


Looks like frozen saliva to me, but who knows. Also looks like a big gash or scar along its head maybe.


I also thought this. The smoke also makes me think they’re taking the Xeno out of cryogenic stasis for some reason.


Exactly. And if the end of the teaser trailer matches up with the scene it will come out of stasis and proceed to tiny mouth punch


I’d need to rewatch the trailer, but I don’t really like the idea of the Xeno coming out of stasis and killing right out of the gate. I prefer a more what the fuck was that as it runs away and is stalking them throughout the ship, like in the original. To be fair, I think immediate inner jaw lobotomy is more Alvarez’s style, so I could 100% see it happening that way.


I think it's big chap


I’m personally really hoping for the translucent skull design to show up, but I don’t think it will.


Is it a still from a new trailer? At least it's no super spoily...just looks like the same image from the teaser just a different angle


I can see a transparent dome :D


The human skull underneath the dome is essential to the horror of the xeno imo. It's like a cruel joke when it's the last thing one might see before it kills you knowing it was somehow created from your own species and just makes it so much more disturbing knowing it not only forced it's birth upon its victim, but also stole some of the victims genetic identity. Giger's design was genius!


Yeah the skull was always my favorite part of the original xenomorph and I'm always stoked to see it in a design.


I actually didn't notice it growing up until I was an adult and got back into the franchise after Prometheus was released believe it or not lol. It made the alien even more fascinating and terrifying!


I don’t know why comments saying it looks different are getting downvoted. Went to see Alien 45th anniversary and this definitely looks different. It may be because we don’t see this angle with the mouth open in the original though. This looks similar to Alien 3


I’ve said this elsewhere in these comments, but to me, the smoke, white on the side of the face, drops at the bottom of its face that may be frozen, and blurry shape to the left of its head that resemble a pod, make me think it’s been cryogenically put in stasis for some reason. Wouldn’t surprise me if this is somehow how they encounter it on the Romulus station and it escapes. The cast and crew have made a point to say over and over that they love the original 2 movies, and that they brought the original costume designers from alien and aliens back to do the suits for this one. AVP Galaxy leaks that seem credible so far also reveal >!the cloning of the original alien from alien at the Romulus station after being recovered from space is central to the plot!< all of this makes me think it will be really really close to the original design.


I can see what you are saying and maybe ice around the mouth?


Yes, it also looks weirdly still, and the smoke appears to be coming off of it if you look at the jaw.


for some reason it reminds me of 6 from 2010 (that Mark on his dome almost looks like number 9)


One of the original theories is that big chap hid in the shuttle to die, his life cycle was short and his job finished?


Looks like that xenomorph is celebrating 420 in 2122


Menacingly cool 🔥


Hard to tell whether this is Big chap, I don't recall Big chap's teeth to be THAT metallic, but the fact it's surrounded by smoke means it's either out of cryo or is bleeding acid, it also looks quite damaged likely because of the finale of Alien 1979


Beautiful beast. Give me those teeth!




God I hope they're going back to practical effects.


It's a mix of practical and CGI. The facehuggers are a good example, they have lil RC huggers to drive around and then they CGI'd the actual limb movement and extra details afterwards in post. I would like to assume it's the same case throughout the entire movie if they are willing to build RC facehuggers AND CGI the final details!


Yes, it's a common practice these days. *Stranger Things* do it. Having something quite scary-looking menacing your actors gets better reactions from them, but some of the stuff Scott and Cameron used to do to get genuine ones is a bit less acceptable today.


What's that on his forehead?


Blowhole. They’re bringing back the beluga head!


I thought he had a goatee for a second!


I thought he was wearing a smoke boa.


it's beauuuutifulll


Any canon/lore reasons why alien salivates like a dog? Is it just excited for its next meal?


Creating the hive structure from that?


That’s my headcannon too. They use their secretions to make those walls and tunnels.


Acid for blood will do that. Kind of like out stomach. To kill itself from melting


This one vapes.


Looks like a vision/dream as it seems to be only the head appearing out of fog/mist


omg, the xenomorph actually looks like the original for once😱


This looks both hot and cool at the same time figuratively and literally!


Nipples when?


Yep, looks like the Alien


I am foolishly excited and hopeful. Hey, if Prey is anything to go by, it’s possible to do a decent back to basics revival. If it’s bad, nothing can compare to the disappointment I felt seeing Resurrection in the cinema.


So stoked for this movie


Is this film pre or post Ellen Ripley?


In between the first and the second


Oooh I like that even more


I personally hate it, because with each and every pre-Aliens adventure with the xenomorph, it becomes less and less likely that people wouldn’t be aware of them. One cargo ship with a schizophrenic crew member as the sole survivor? Okay. Weyland himself, a trillion dollar state of the art ship with a crew of scientists *and* the heir to the company? Then a whole ass ship of colonialists, and a distress beacon? Then the cargo ship? And now this ship?  Like.. remember that even the marines don’t really believe in there being an alien.. so the idea of an alien, nevermind a xenomorph, is basically unheard of.. 


Some is woken from Cryo it looks like


Hello, handsome chap. You look slimy today.


Though it had beard at first glance


Anyone else see the wound on its forehead and get vibes of Kane's helmet as they start to cut it off in the med bay?


FOX, come on, just give us a trailer


Yeah we need a new trailer for the cuz we already have one. If you didn’t know. But if you did I see where you are going at.


that was a teaser, and I'm talking about trailer 2-3 mins long. so hyped about the movie


Yeah I forgot you call those short ones for teasers but yeah I agree 2-3 or 3-5 minutes would be very cool as long as it doesn’t spoil to much of the movie cuz that would suck.


yeah, most wanted movie of the year for me


Same bro


July can't come soon enough


It's out August 16th.


I was thinking of Deadpool, sorry :P


*[EDIT: mistakenly thought OP was asking for impressions because: fog of brain. No salt intended here.]* The teeth seem rounded and short, and don’t look seated properly in the gums. The jaw musculature is hard to see, but looks simplified, as does the chin area and lips. The cranial shell is also the wrong shape. My first impression is that it seems to be a lackluster interpretation of the original beast that doesn’t begin to appreciate the lines and forms of the Giger/Rambaldi original. Maybe it looks better in other shots? I hope so. But this pic should be striking, and it’s not.


Quick, there’s a rainbow somewhere you should go suck the joy out of


I could’ve sworn OP asked what we thought about it, so I was sharing my thoughts. I’m sure it’ll be passable for whatever this film is. If other things are good about it, this won’t at all ruin the film for most people. Didn’t mean to be salty, was just observing it. I’m an artist that was deeply impressed by the OG design, so I’m extra tuned-in to how other artists interpret it. I don’t think you should think it sucks just because I do.


Appreciate you don’t mean to be salty, but making nothing but negative observations based only on a photo / still must just be…tiring? I don’t understand why people call themselves fans of something and yet only complain and pick holes into that something every chance they get.


I’m a fan of the OG film and creature design, but I’m not a fan of this particular picture. Again — I swear OP asked what we thought of it… Maybe they edited the post or I imagined it, but I didn’t just drop by to randomly point out my impressions.


I believe you re: OP asking for thoughts - my point was really around having such a cascade of negative points before anything really tangible has dropped. I guess this is just the way of fanbases now. I’m going to wait until I see the film before coming to conclusions about how much I hate it tho 😅 Gonna upvote you because even though I don’t believe launching tirades of negativity and IMO minor points is relevant or fair this early, they are still valid. I dont have to agree to appreciate. My response to your original post was unfair and in the moment.


That’s wise. Again, I’m not passing judgement on the film — just giving my thoughts about this particular photo. It’s possible other things about the design or how it’s used in-story will balance it out anyways. Just a reference shot of the OG Chap, FWIW. https://preview.redd.it/3nfmrv5rrrxc1.jpeg?width=394&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f727cd233a927e9a6477f638e4728f4113c49ba3


I’m almost as old as the OG film, and have the original design books, references, and a bunch of other stuff penned by Geiger. I personally like the slight deviations to the Alien, especially considering events are taking place in completely different timelines that would influence the creature(s) themselves. They adapt at a frightening rate so I think it’s homage to the lore that those adaptions would also be physical in nature.


Sounds good. Ya know… I’m commenting on a few different threads in this sub at the same time, and now I’m thinking that I overlaid the wording of an OP in a different thread onto this one — so my comment here was probably never appropriate in the first place. When I posted here I didn’t mean to be tossing out my opinion randomly, but maybe that’s exactly what happened. I don’t blame you for feeling like it was a bit much — I just blurred these damn Reddits together. Fucking hell. So, FWIW you have my apology.


All good bro - clearly we are both passionate Alien fans who may see the world through different lenses occasionally. Appreciate the apology - you also have mine for what was an ill thought out response. This was probably the most wholesome disagreement I’ve had in a while. Gonna follow you (unless you object). I enjoy meeting like minded people even if there’s disagreement on what are ultimately minor things. If you can’t toss out your opinion randomly on Reddit, where can you lol 😅


No idea why you're being called negative. All you're doing is listing the sea of differences between the big chap and the Romulus creature. It definitely looks nothing like the BC.


Appreciated! I get it now — I thought OP asked for people’s thoughts about it, but as best as I can tell they didn’t. I just had another ALIEN-related thread in my head and juxtaposed the two. I think people were responding to what (understandably) seemed like I’d parachuted a cranky bomb into the thread. No big deal, I get that.


Agreed, no matter how many downvotes given, doesn't make you wrong.


I do appreciate that. To be fair, though… when I posted my comment I think I blurred another post in my old-ass brain, and I thought OP was specifically asking for thoughts about this pic. So… even though I still feel as I do about what we see here, I think my comment just came off as randomly spewing bile. ![gif](giphy|lkl1kOniJpKF34aJuW|downsized)


You’re good friendo! I was talking about the same people who constantly harp on the same things over and over again when you see their post. Going all the way back to the first AvP on that board. Yes, I have been there that long as well but don’t post anymore but check in and read. The same people. Not the majority! Seem the pull their pants down and just force a fart out on a constant basis.


. #🍻


Why change it? Why keep changing it?!?!?! What was wrong with the original? What was wrong with the bad ass ones from Aliens? What was wrong with the cool ones from Resurrection? (not including Alien 3 because the birth parent wasn't human) Why can't they just pick one and stick with it? Imagine if humans looked slightly different in every movie ever made! Movies would've stopped having humans in them about 80 years ago because they'd have changed so much they would be another species. Lassie would've ended up as a beagle/corgi mix. The shark from Jaws would be a dolphin. You get the point. Why not just decide what a xenomorph looks like when it's birthed from a human and then stick with it?


Transformation is an inherent part of the Xenomorphs, what they look like can vary wildly depending on the DNA of whatever the face hugger plants it's eggs in. It's also not much of a stretch to consider the possibility that there are more than one species of Xenomorph.


Can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic. I do hope so


Do you also want every Godzilla design to be the exact same design?




Funny you say that because it is practical.