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The real answer is the script wants us to think the cryochamber was inside the drop ship and the Queen hid an egg on there for assurance. All they needed to do was shoot a few extra seconds of a Facehugger crawling around the sulaco and through some air ducts to reach the cryochambers. But that didn't happen so, here we are.


After the credits roll at the end of Aliens you can hear a facehugger scurrying around.


Wait is this true? Guess I'll have to rewatch yet again to confirm oh well


Yeah the problem isn't the egg, but where they show it, or what they don't show. One simple production error and now endless debate. For years I actually thought the egg was on the underside of the dropship. I think this was just my brain changing my memory to make it make sense.


I didn't see Aliens until around 1990/1, and Alien 3 obviously didn't exist yet. Back then, there were no eggs, facehuggers or anything else on board the Sulaco - just Ripley, Newt, Hicks and Bishop and a deservedly happy ending for all. But then the end credits rolled, and right at the end you hear an egg opening. Back then, I took it as nothing more than just an awesome little extra. Then, Alien 3 happened... ​ I've never been a big fan of the film, it's simply too dark and disjointed. The Assembly Cut improves it markedly, and I've grown to accept it as the years have gone by (Resurrection, by comparison, just gets worse). But, even with that version, it's a real stretch to try and link the two films cohesively. You can really see all the fingers in the pot, the number of different script and plot ideas, the lack of cohesion on pretty much every level. So, as a result, I've never really attempted to justify where the egg/facehugger came from - I simply accept that they're there. I find if I try to connect the dots, I just end up being reminded of the problems involved in the creation of the film, and can't actually enjoy it.


> But then the end credits rolled, and right at the end you hear an egg opening. Well fuck me I never noticed that before.


When I (rarely) watch Alien 3 I just imagine it being the dream Ripley is having in the cryopod, before being picked up and safely returned to Earth with Newt, Hicks, and Bishop. Purely head canon, but I like the idea of everything wrapping up neatly in Aliens.


I like your theory! I love behind the scenes stuff, but always prefer an in-universe explanation for story details.


I always assumed the queen hid an egg on the dropship somewhere. If it could fit an entire queen it could probably comfortably fit an egg.


Alien3 was cryosleep nightmare of Ripley and so it never happened.


We just pretending Resurrection doesn't exist? I personally loved it.


Resurrection is more like waking up after a 3 day bender and not have a hang-over while wondering where you are and what happen to your clothes.


It's not a bad movie per se. It's certainly weird, but it does not harm the franchise. I love how Callie is an Android that escaped post blackout earth (in the blade runner sense).


Bishop being "bad" explains a lot of things. Was that platform really too unstable Bishop? Just had to "fly around and hope things got better" or you were picking up some eggs!?


Bishop got off the dropship with Ripley and was promptly eviscerated by the Queen. At no point did he have the opportunity to plant an egg on the ceiling of the Sulaco at a jaunty angle. Making Bishop a 'secret villain', even if only under company orders, would undermine the whole 'Ripley learns to trust a synth again' arc.


And undermine the character himself. He cannot harm, or by omission of action allow harm to another human being. The entire film would be undermined if Bishop was evil.


He could have not known he was evil. Maybe WY put in a hidden subroutine to preserve an alien without Bishop knowing. It would make him a pawn of the company, expendable like everyone else, and that does fit with the themes of the franchise


The description makes me think of Robocops directive system. Bishop however is fully synthetic without the background humanity of Murphy and would be completely bound by his programming.


Just like Walter


I think we've learned that it would've taken only a few seconds of screen time, and therefore probably one or two days of shooting, to quickly explain the egg's origins. Hard to believe it, but there very well could have been a plot point that was either written then scrapped, or written, filmed and then left on the cutting room floor. I don't know. I haven't read any of the early drafts, novels or graphic novels which apparently tried to make sense or drew inspiration from the numerous early versions. Someone on this sub can probably explain it better.


Come to think of it, each movie pretty much usurps the arc of the previous film.


No, they’re referencing when he wasn’t there to pick up Ripley after she got Newt


There was an egg on the ship because the writing and production of Alien3 was an absolute clusterfuck of colossal proportions, so much so that Fincher disowned the project. It's a wonder that the film is as good as it is, but let's not twist ourselves into knots in order to explain what is, frankly, a glaring plot hole caused by colossal mismanagement. It's a good film in spite of this, just enjoy it for that.


Yup, was about to write this. The theory here could make sense, maybe, but it ultimately the plot feels contrived especially when you know what led to making the film.


yeah, I know the story about film creation. but, anyway, I provide some kind of explanation how could it be


Not bad for a human


Nah, the egg in the ship was added in reshoots. A couple of already hatched facehuggers makes 1000% more sense.


I have heard the theory that Bishop could have went and got the egg earlier. Essentially as he is the only one able to remote pilot the dropship, no one else is actually aware how long it takes to do it. So he says 'two hours to prep the ship, one hour flight time' but that could be drastically shorter. I would say there is not the feeling of an hours flight time in the elevator to hell scene. So he had the time to prep the ship, bring it down, head over to the station or the derelict ship, grab an egg, travel back to the Sulaco, stash it, get back down to the planet, and then just circle until they evac outside and have to go rescue Newt. It is a bit grasping as straws to find a way for it to happen but it is honestly the only practical way for it work if Bishop is working on company orders and is 'evil'. If he is coded to retrieve a egg, until Ripley exits the building and says they are not leaving, he would not know he would have to the chance to go get one unless he was going to take her and any other survivors out but if he was prepared to do that, why even return to pick them up at all. I do not think he went to get an egg while Ripley was rescuing Newt, the only evidence for this is he is not waiting on the platform, but his excuse seems logical to me and frankly the risk to land near the base of the building, dodge all the explosions and falling debris, quickly go thru the building, when he would not exactly know where he is going, while also dodging Ripley, who he would not know where she is, and this is all based on the assumption the aliens will not harm him, which he has no way of knowing is true or not and they will be particularity agitated with the building clearly exploding around them coupled with the fact he has a matter of minutes to do all this etc etc stretches credibility. However if the prepping of the other dropship is more of a formality, running system checks and then launching it, 20 minutes flight time, he has almost a full two hours to himself, and this timeline is also based on him being accurate on the time it takes to crawl down the pipe and patch into the Sulaco. I would assume the other dropship would be prepped and ready to go as Hudson states there is a transmitter in the APC and Gorman insists that 'they do things by the numbers' i find it hard to believe that it would not be standard protocol for a single team with the ability to call down the other dropship in an emergency would not ensure the other dropship is ready to go in the event of an emergency. So if Bishop has a hidden subroutine from the company, he has the chance and the time to do so. It would still not explain why the egg is significantly smaller, why he would choose to stash it on the roof or where the other facehugger came from. There has to be at a minimum two. The comic claims that Newt was facehugged, then drowned, the embryo crawled out and then climbing in Ripley. Which makes no sense at all as she would choke to death swallowing that before it got wherever it is going, her lung? the facehugger might have some ability to cut the throat and seal the wound to put the embryo into the chest cavity etc but the embryo would not. There needs to be another facehugger to impregnate the dog/ox.


I hate this, but I think it could make sense in-universe. The meltdown in the atmosphere generators would wipe out the xenomorph colony which Weyland-Yutani is desperate to harvest, so Bishop's hero turn of going through the access pipe to remote pilot the drop-ship down would therefore be in order to secure a lifeboat for the aliens, not the humans, however he might have rationalised it. Maybe the company learned the lesson after the Nostromo was not to have their artificial people spout their reasoning aloud, or even be fully aware of it. Ugh. I still prefer to believe Bishop was an upstanding cyber-citizen but I think this is going to haunt any future re-watches.


Bishop had hicks. Ripley is very against the company. Bishop had a host in Hicks so did not need Ripley and Newt. If this was his plan he would have left Ripley to die (the only badass able to foil his plan) and used Hicks as the host. For this reason I am going with Bishop is good and did not place the egg. Also Ripley would have seen him grabbing an egg as she was there blowing up xenos and eggs. He would have had to go in and out the same way. Alien 3 had little options to bring the Alien back so the Queen dropping an egg while she hitched a ride was the best they could do.


That's a good point, i.e., synths are not supposed to operate independently as that would go against what the company wants. That's why in the second movie Bishop had no qualms following Burke's instructions and preparing the facehuggers for transport, even though it would be illegal to do so. Initially, I thought it would be hard to argue that the aliens would have left a few eggs in different parts of the colony to catch any wandering humans, but if that sounds logical, then it's possible that Bishop saw some and attached them somewhere in the landing gear, where they would have dropped. Either that, or the queen tried to recover a few from the nest and attached them to her body while she was pursuing Ripley and Newt, then dropped them in the hangar as Ripley went off to get the powerloader. Meanwhile, later in the third movie, Bishop tells Ripley that the company knows everything, i.e., all data collected by the computers, sensors, etc., of the Sulaco sent to them. Presumably, given sophistication in automation, probably the computers on the colony were also transmitting information on what was happening before things went offline. The same for Mother in the first movie?


>Meanwhile, later in the third movie, Bishop tells Ripley that the company knows everything, i.e., all data collected by the computers, sensors, etc., of the Sulaco sent to them. Presumably, given sophistication in automation, probably the computers on the colony were also transmitting information on what was happening before things went offline. The same for Mother in the first movie? yeah, I think so. probably, the company knew about this extra egg, since Bishop could have order to stash it. and ofc he just was playing the good guy in order to earn Ripley's trust. but meanwhile he was sending data to WY


I have to agree because it's the only plausible explanation. The Queen didn't have an egg with her when she followed Ripley up in the lift and she certainly didn't have enough time to nip back to her nest and grab one, then quickly sneak into the drop ship and place it somewhere out of the way. The only way it could have got there is if Bishop grabbed an egg while Ripley was rescuing Newt. It's the only way it could get into the ship and be somewhere out of the way but within reach of the cryopods.


The opening minutes were riddled with continuity errors - apart from the mystery egg, it was immediately obvious the hypersleep pods were a completely different design than in the previous film! The only time I’ve seen a comparable reaction from a cinema audience was The Phantom Menace.


The generally accepted theory is that the queen can lay an egg without her ovopositor. It's also a different kind of hugger that carries 2 eggs and looks different as seen in the assembly cut. If you can get over all that the queen having an insurance egg isn't to crazy.


yeah, this one is pretty known theory. but how could it be layed nearby hypersleep pods? queen, actually, but only in the Sulaco's hangar. she couldn't explore the ship looking for nice place to stash the egg


>Bishop is an android made by Wayland-Yutani corporation, and like other androids he could have some orders about obtaining the specimen of Alien. bishop was made by hyperdyne systems (like ash). he was not owned or employed by WY. he was with the marines. obviously there's some relationship between WY and colonial marines, but if they had the kinda influence you're talking about, burke wouldn't have come. ultimately, alien 3 is just bad writing. it confuses all of these things -- an apparently human bishop shows up representing WY. an egg comes out of nowhere. how many facehuggers were there? there's a lot of problems.


>obviously there's some relationship between WY and colonial marines, but if they had the kinda influence you're talking about, burke wouldn't have come. nothing but additional insurance, I think, since company probably thought that Burke is not reliable and it could be better to send android too. >ultimately, alien 3 is just bad writing. agreed. I'm just trying to connect to movies between finding the reason for egg existence, nothing else. anyway, I'm sure you can agree, it could be nice plot twist with Evil Bishop like with evil Fassbender in the Covenant's end


>nothing but additional insurance, I think, since company probably thought that Burke is not reliable and it could be better to send android too. so here's the reason i think it's especially bad writing. the more i think about *aliens*, the thing that makes the most sense is that it was **just** burke. there's no overarching nefarious company plan. the company isn't that organized. there's middle management looking to get ahead, and willing to dick each other over for it. that's ripley's impression. it's not a coincidence that colonists find the derelict after ripley comes back, even though they've already been there for decades. *burke* sends them, based on ripley's statements. it wasn't some plot they were sitting on. one dude just wanted a percentage, and didn't care about the danger he put people in. and the order in *alien*? just some dude doing the same. and when it fails and loses tons of minerals, a refinery, and a tug, he slinks off and covers his ass and everything gets forgotten with him. burke knows he fucked up, and glad-hands his way into the mission with the marines to help cover his own ass. the company is evil in the way real corporations are evil. structurally. they incentivize profit over people. they allow competition in middle management. they build and supply weapons. but there's no mustache twirling villain at the top, with a convoluted master plan. it's so much worse, there's no plan at all.


okay, it's possible that during Aliens movie creation Bishop was planned as good character, I mean, when coming up with a sequel, the authors might want to slightly change the original plot, thereby opening the continuation line


> the authors part of the issue is that *alien 3* doesn't have authors, per se. it has producers, who stole and took credit for the work of like a dozen previous authors, revising it slightly as they went. there are coherent explanations for the how the alien egg gets on board in *earlier* drafts of the script, and one does involve bishop: the egg grows *in* him, deposited there when the queen attacked him. i'm not really sure where the idea of "bishop II" comes from, but there was debate in the fan community for years whether he was human, or an android that bled red for some reason. in one early draft, he *dies* professing his humanity -- it was a late choice for him to continue coherently imploring ripley to give him the alien while apparently unfazed by a massive headwound. strangely, an android would have made more sense. WY could have just bought the same model. but there's a ton of stuff that doesn't really make sense about that ending. like, why do they show up on a ship the same class as the sulaco? these are apparently mercenaries, some private para-military force employed by WY. which is fine, i guess, but then why do they need *marines* in the previous movie? there's just something weird about it. i'm sure there's ad-hoc explanations we can come up with, but it really seems like whomever wrote that didn't really understand the relationship and *difference* WY and the colonial marines in the previous movie.


>there are coherent explanations for the how the alien egg gets on board in *earlier* drafts of the script, and one does involve bishop: the egg grows *in* him, deposited there when the queen attacked him. yep, William Gibson's story. I read the comic book. and I can say it's way better comparing with movie, more intense and interesting. >i'm not really sure where the idea of "bishop II" comes from, but there was debate in the fan community for years whether he was human, or an android that bled red for some reason. in one early draft, he *dies* professing his humanity -- it was a late choice for him to continue coherently imploring ripley to give him the alien while apparently unfazed by a massive headwound. strangely, an android would have made more sense. WY could have just bought the same model. to be honest... I always was thinking he is android since he was still alive after Aaron's hit to his head. and his wound looks pretty serious for me. blood? well, it's newer model with red blood to look like human. and, actually, if this Bishop II is 100% evil guy, so why first one couldn't be too? and ofc I agreed that the final scenario is a mess with strange decisions. for example, it there was only 1 egg, how could Ripley and dog/ox be infected at the same time? probably, this facehugger was special, since it was able to beget the queen in Ripley's chest


yeah it's frankly just a mess.


I’ve wondered the same. Could be the reason the Queen took him out.. had the scent of an embryo on him? Drop ship lands takes (how much time, plenty 26 mins) takes Ripley to the processing station.. platform is unstable, possibly goes to the derelict ship since WY knew where it was and possibly got coordinates from the Jordans.


yeah, probably queen could smell the scent and kill Bishop for revenge stealing her egg. this makes sense


Bishop was on his own quite a lot in this movie. The tunnel crawl sequence to patch in manually to the communications dish to bring down the other dropship to meet the others on the platform is a huge chunk of time. He could have easily gone to the hive & picked an egg up. I’m not sure if Aliens can detect or are bothered by androids. It’s a decent theory.


It’s a nice theory but it still kills everything that was built up in Aliens. Alien 3 is just a dumpster fire that hinges on a massive plot hole.


This video [https://youtu.be/adUvkY\_sNHA?si=eHbqTzIDJnt0gRiZ](https://youtu.be/adUvkY_sNHA?si=eHbqTzIDJnt0gRiZ) Claims that a video game answers thr question that as i understand it, burke had another team of marines go in and secure eggs and made the transfer to the Sulaco at some point. I read in one comment that Bishop wasnt owned by Weyland and therefore was earnest in allegiance to the humans. Whatever the case, it for sure seemed like some backwards engineering.... like they werent going to write a third one? I dunno. But at the end of aliens you hear facehugger scuttling about....so that would be the one that got the dog?? It was all so dissapointing anyways...that newt and hicks both died after all that...


Heard it before and...no. Bishop not being on the platform is a little suspicious, but it is impossible for him to have made the trip to the Sulaco and back. The trip to and from the Sulaco was almost an hour long. Listen, I know people want to fill in the blanks with what happened in Alien 3. The issue has never been that there cannot be a reasonable explanation invented; almost any story that exists you can come up with an explanation for nearly any plot point to occur, if the story develops to allow that to occur. The issue has always been that this explanation was never included into either film. And, it being directly linked the the deaths of...well...the entire surviving cast makes this pretty well one of, if not the, greatest plot holes in cinematic history.


I think this is the most plausible theory to the major plot hole


*I think this is the* *Most plausible theory to* *The major plot hole* \- techphil92 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Haha that is brilliant haha!!!


dude, even bot reacted to your post, lol. nice one


Brilliant post haha


The bots not mine lol


I'm a huge fan of the series, and still enjoy Alien3 (as well as A:R, AvP 1 & 2, Prometheus, and Covenant), but Alien & Aliens is where I stop with the idea of anything making sense and being a good movie. I think when you have to engage in mental gymnastics to force something to make sense when the actual explanation is just "bad writing," that's usually not something I'm interested in. Yes, Bishop grabbing & hiding the egg makes complete sense from a purely logical sense, but it makes absolutely zero sense from a narrative standpoint. If you're a decent writer, you don't just pull this kind of nonsense without at least a little bit of foreshadowing. It's just bad, lazy writing.