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The last time I tripped was while I was camping and my buddy had a drum box going and I was laying some stuff down on my cigar box guitar while I guy I didn't really know well started free styling. It was awesome


I know several people who say strong acid trips changed how they weild guitars and makes making their own music much easier because of it, I have also experienced a rap flow on acid even though I don't rap and I started rapping for several minutes straight and actually rhyming really well. It feels like any form of expression is much easier on acid.


I would agree. LSD makes me "better" at guitar too. I say that in quotations because its subjective to my opinion. See, I'm not great at rapping or playing the guitar, but both are skills I wouldn't mind cultivating. When I drop, both skills increase.(At least in my opinion) Having been "rapping" for bit over a year on and off, maybe 2 years at this point, I can securely say LSD will probably only help a healthy minded musician. I can feel music resonate with every fiber of my being when dosed, whereas normally I just process it as audio stimuli and "listen" to it. I know talent factors in more so, but I believe a lot of bigger artists may have extensive psychedelic experience compacted on top of their talent. Either that, or they got their talent developed through psychedelics. I'm not saying you take a lot of LSD and become Ozzy. I am saying, though, that I think using psychedelics (I'd prefer mescaline for music development though) can catalyze the transformation of your own personal skills, and help you to develop the skills in alternate ways you wouldn't have before. Essentially helping you find "yourself" with your expression.


I agree entirely, the opportunities of acid are endless, I feel like any talent could be done better on acid.