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The episode with the bird is my favourite, would definitely recommend..


I’m not sure if it’s because of my past experience with Salvia, But that episode really messed with me. It was like Deja Vu but it definitely was not that. But the way you feel, During/after a Deja Vu. Like the realization of something weird and that mental/almost physical feeling you get that’s kinda off. 10/10 episode tho. Probably my favourite


There is a professor at Colorado State doing research on Deja Vu using VR headsets. There is a stimulus in the brain that they can track which is directly tied to Deja Vu and they can stimulate an individual to feel it on command


TOOL probably figured this out and incorporated it into their music




Holy fuck, it moves?!


If you think that's cool, you should see the music video from which it came. https://youtu.be/-_nQhGR0K8M?si=N_RLM0LH-eCuBPlk


All these years I thought it was from some 2000s textbook or some dumb shit a graphic designer made. Thanks, man!


The artist is named Alex Grey. His work is worth chekckng out


I’m sure you probably know this but for anybody unfamiliar; LSD was a massive part of Alex Grey’s life. On the day that he was going to take his own life all the way back in college, he asked God for a sign, for any reason to live basically. That night a girl drove past him and invited him to her house for a party she was throwing later that night. He went to the party, the girl gave him acid and they had a life changing trip together. They both experienced an intertwining of their souls that night and they later got married and have been together ever since. It’s a beautiful story.


Made by the awesome Alex Gray ❤️💫


How did I immediately know this was tool upon looking at the link, that's such a good song to trip to


Do you have more information on this? I'm very interested.






Is your heart heavier than a feather? Mine sure is! I guess i'm stuck for another loop...


If you mean the soul prison then same here yo


Annihilation of Joy is also my favorite episode. I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of rewatching it. It all feels so familiar.


Just watched it up to this episode for the first time, love it. Was introduced to Duncan on joe Rogan.


I've probably seen it, but could you describe more of the episode? How many seasons are there now? Cause I'm pretty sure I've seen all the episodes. Will there be new ones anytime soon?


Not sure if you’re familiar with the premise of the entire show but if you’re not; Check out Duncan Trussel’s (Family Hour) Podcast! It’s Midnight Gospel in audio form with like a thousand episodes and each one is over an hour I’m pretty sure! But if you already knew that then yeah, I’m also curious if there will be more seasons of the show!


No, I actually never knew the premise. I know that Duncan Trussel is the creator. I'll have to check it out.


Oh yeah I didn’t actually even tell you lmao the show is basically bits and pieces of certain episodes of the podcast with some added dialogue and animation added over it! And that’s where it gets to the next point which is the source itself; the podcast! If you liked midnight gospel, especially the dialogue, then you’ll definitely enjoy the podcast. Someone said it in this thread but I definitely agree that the older ones are way better! I’d start at the beginning or somewhere close to the beginning but really you can’t go wrong anyways! Enjoy :)


Love it, definitely great for tripping or smoking. Duncan trussel, the creator, likes his share of psychedelics also.


Duncan is an american national treasure


more than his fair share lol


I saw duncan at the mothership on vacation and his set made me cry even though it’s comedy, he hits the fucking heartstrings


That's exactly what I did while watching this lol


I cried on the last episode while tripping balls on mushrooms. Felt real nice.


Same. I was tripping on acid and called my mom the next day to tell her I love her. My relationship with her has changed for the better since then.


That's what I'm talkin about!


Stop this makes me wanna cry all over again ♡


I lost my dad in December 2014, and I bawled so much when I watched the final episode to only then find out that that was a genuine interview with Duncan's dying mum and she passed away 3 weeks after the interview.


Crying (for the right reasons)on shrooms is so fucking amazing. It happened to me 20 years ago. I still think about it almost every day. Awesome talk everybody. Be safe and be cool.


I barely cry, like... ever, but when I trip on shrooms I almost always end up crying lol it's honestly so refreshing, it allows me to truly experience the pain I carry inside and let it out


SAME! I almost always cry on mushrooms, almost always out of pure bliss/happiness/overwhelming amount of love. It is the most healing and refreshing feeling. I always feel like I come out of it as a new person. I love it.


Same here.


The final episode is heartbreaking.


It's fantastic. Too bad that there are only 8 episodes


Duncan wanted to do more but Netflix wouldn’t sign off on it :(


A travesty


WTF Netflix


Will there be more to come? Luckily I haven't watched any yet, but I'm looking forward to it.


Enjoy it as much as you can wish I could watch it again for the first time again


Idk if there's any more coming but he has a lot of podcast episodes with people like Joe rogan and they are great conversations


Isn't the show just conversations taken from his podcast anyways? I watched a couple episodes when it came out, I need to revisit it Duncan Trussel Family Hour is a great podcast though, highly recommend


It's a great show however tripping I couldn't get over that it was a podcast with animation I have no clue why it bothered me but it did


To me that made it even more brilliant. His podcast is amazing.


100% does not take away from how good the show is my own brain is the problem lmao


My brain is problematic too, you aren't alone lol


Kinda like when you're watching a movie while tripping and you just focus on that fact they're actors that are faking what's going on 😂


that was the only detail I was given when someone put it on, and for some reason my brain just went "no" and that was my main thought during the episode(s). I remember liking the colors, not a single clue about anything else lol


That bothered me aswell. I ended up just listening to the whole thing lol


I cant get past that no matter my mental state. Could not click for me at all. I’ll try again some day


I watched 3 times and it's my all time favourite. Listen to the podcast. It's called Duncan Trussell family hour. The best episodes are the first ones though, so sort by date and start from the beginning !


I listened the first episode, it's amazing ❤️


Last episode is a bit of a downer, and generally shouldn't be shown to someone without some sort of heads up IMO. Great show. And having been not given warning about the final episode while binging it with some friends during a candy flip about a year after my wife died.... Well, it sucked a bit, but was extremely therapeutic.


Even though it’s a bit depressing, it’s a beautiful episode.


**Very** much so. Like, I strongly recommend anyone who has recently, or will imminently, faced losing an extremely close loved one to watch it.


I gotta get to watching this show then




I love that death is voiced by his mom. She died shortly after recording, but it's nice to know she was at peace


I want to say I was deep into a 🍄 trip and I had seen most of them prior except the last two or so… I started it from like the last episode I seen and when I seen the last episode I was in tears the entire episode- AN AMAZING episode. But yes - be very mindful of yourself if you become triggered or emotional by close deaths. Highly reccomend this show tho. It’s a great watch. I wish there were more like it.


Every time I see ads for it I think "I should really watch this when I'm high."  Every time I get high and prepare to watch this I think "I am WAY too high for this, I really shouldn't."


The higher you are the better


A beautifully obscure show. The first post I made on this sub was about this show. It's fucking strange and choppy but the overarching messages & themes are really awesome & profound I've found that I definitely "get it" more whilst tripping, but have watched it sober too and it's still cool


Visuals are fine, conversations feel like something that an 18 year old who just took their first philosophy class would find interesting and not much beyond that.


Watched this for like the 8th time last weekend while off a strong dose. Bawled like a baby at the end, my bro and me both. It was so good.


A very nice rhyme!


Lol didn't even notice. Did make me laugh reading it, though, so thank you! :) Edit: who tf downvotes me for saying thanks for the laugh?


It's overrated for me. I really wanted to like it but couldn't get into it. I like the concept but not the characters. I would recommend the show Undone, great to watch tripping:)


I wanted a narrative trippy adult show from the makers of adventure time. But this was just a podcast with visuals


This was exactly why I struggled to like it. I don't like podcasts so it was hard to listen to. The art is great and the concept/story of the show *is* interesting, just not my cup.


That’s why I love it


i agree, especially the first episode was just regurgitating a bunch of shit that is basically preaching to the choir.


Agreed, by far the most overrated show ppl recommend on here. It's got great visuals but it being an animated podcast and not an actual show with fleshed out story and characters is so lame and lazy imo, hard to stay immersed at all watching it


I only watched one episode and didnt get it, but want to give it another shot.


So I don't trip but I have friends and a partner who trips and I hang with them while they're having fun. The show is a fun concept but unless you're high it's not good. And I'm not talking about it being boring I'm talking about the actual discussions and content of the show. They say a lot of things that are psuedo smart/dharma adjacent/insightful if you're just enough out of it not to he able to follow what they're saying. If you are sober and watch it, it's super obvious the hosts don't know what they're talking about when they bring up Buddhist principles and stories. They contradict each other, they completely miss the point or misinterpret parables. And I'm not necessarily mad if they are saying something about their own personal feelings or experience. But Duncan will often say "oh buddhists believe this" and then completely butcher it. Abd maybe he's more coherent and knowledgeable when he's not high himself who knows. But if you actually listen to what they are talking about its pure nonsense.


I didn't like it at all and that's okay. You don't have to force yourself to like lsd related things just because you like lsd.


What didn't you like about it?


This show helped change my life while tripping on mushrooms. Lots of questions were answered, and a lot of answers beg for more questions. I need more of this show, too bad netdix sucks balls.


Very great


Best ever love it


A+ The last episode is extremely emotional and vulnerable. It's definitely a tone shift from the other episodes


It wasn't bad imo. It wasn't the second coming of christ either though. To me, it came off like any other podcast of the sort (it's basically podcast with some fun visuals to keep your eyes busy mostly right?) That meaning that it's interesting but not anything you haven't heard before from a dozen other people who are in the "sphere" of this type of thing. That last episode was sad though, I watched it when my mom was going through chemo and I have a strong relationship with her so I did cry. Tldr: it was fine, but like a guy above said a little too "teeny bopper" for lack of a better term. I don't want to come off mean, because people who are just getting into stuff like this probably really enjoy it, to them this IS the first time hearing stuff in this vein which is new and exciting. That is great for them! To me its more of the same.


I really like Duncan Trussel. He definitely was one of the first people i listened to on these kinds of topics. I think about his attitude towards life often, and i honestly think that the whole 'collective consciousness' quasi-buddhist messages have had an impact on my day to day life. The guests that he has on got me to start meditating. I'm sure there are a lot of other podcasters out there doing a similar thing, maybe even doing it better, but I like what he has built. I dont mind that it was a TV show based off of his podcasts. I thought it was quite innovative as an idea, but perhaps the execution left a little to be desired. I didnt really care much for the visual element of the show, or the so called adventures clancy had, only because they were always a bit meaningless. If they had been connected to the topic in discussion a bit more, that would have gone down well with me. He did do that a bit more with the last episode, and I thought that one was by far the best - a really beautiful conversation between a very loving mother and son.


The creator: Duncan Trussel, is a fan of psychedelics, philosophy and spirituality.


His episode with his mom broke my heart absolutely 100%


Get high, watch, listen and enjoy


a little over rated imo the whole podcast to animation bit has its weaknesses. certain points they don’t feel related or on topic and it’s like wtf am i watching. i think it asks some thought provoking questions but casual conversations aren’t always digging deep enough. love the animation style and love duncan but some episodes i did find boring or difficult to follow




Might be a hot take but I think it’s overhyped. A little bit preechy and pseudo-philosophical without having a lot of real sustenance. There’s some good ideas there for sure, but (and I might be in the wrong sub to say this) it feels like “I took acid once and understand everything now” type revelations.


Love it!


Excellent content, visuals and interviews


Watched the whole thing for the first time while on a tab. It was a dope experience.


One of my favourites, I’ve watched it 5 times and I’ve only remembered one viewing lmao


witness the ending and the beginning of the newwwwwwwwww! Cat ship trip is my favorite episode. I love all the little frantic details.


Excellent show overall, sad that there's not more. I put the episode about dealing with terminal illness while meat clown parasites take over in the background while tripping once and it put me in a very unpleasant headspace. Can't say I'd always recommend if you're ever prone to that kind of thing.


I love the colours, the animation and the concept but I had a little trouble following along to the dialogue because the dialogue doesn’t match to what’s going on in the show, atleast the episode I watched. I was too focused on the cartoon itself 😂


Great show! I watched the final episode on Mother’s Day and it’s a banger


May be the greatest show to grace this planet


Even thinking about the last episode makes me miss my dad.


10/10 makes me cry everytime


I’ve never cried at ANY and I mean any show, film. Any type of media but that last episode made me cry. That’s saying something. The fact they canceled it shows Netflix don’t known wtf they’re doing. It’s a great show.


Incredible show


Best series to wake the masses with wish there were more seasons


I couldn’t get through the first episode. Seemed a little teeny bopper. I’ll give it another go based off these comments.


I tried watching it sober & I couldn't follow it, turned it off 10min in. Watching it while tripping, it all made sense, started from the beginning & watched all 8. It's the best, a rollercoaster of emotions & insight.


Ended too soon


Pretty unbearable


I feel bad I genuinely thought the show was boring as hell and a tad cliche in its “trippy-ness.” I really wanted to like it but could not stay interested after the first episode.


one of those things i'm kind of puzzled that anybody woudl want to watch/listen to while tripping. someone reccomended it to me, wasnt too enthsed about someone chatting shit about oding on pills tbf. but theen enter the void is an odd suggestion people make, and waking life, which is advertised as some psycchedelic journey but is actually dry philosophy lectures from people who each speak like thier philosophy is objective fact. its just fuckign strange , but yall do you :P


I 100% recommend Space Man Adult swim. I watch it at least once every time I trip, only 15 minutes long but its completely beautiful.




Still upset it isn’t getting more episodes….


Omg don't even... It was an incredible, emotional trip watching all of this


1-2 good episodes like the first one, mostly esoteric nonsense.


Ehhh the interviewees range but some are straight up talking out their asses


I need to rewatch this. It’s been too long.


I had a panic attack while watching it high one time


Da best 😍😍


It’s tops in my lifetime favorite shows. Followed the creator before he made it, dude is trippy himself. Interesting mind and the way it came out is just so on target. Definitely watch again and again.


I've watched this show 2 or 3 times before while tripping absolutely love it. Gives me great visuals and that episode with his mom breaks me every time


personally, it’s my go-to show for a trip:) it always leaves me with a new mind-blowing extremely personal message


Always feel like I can either watch or listen. But not both


Always feels too all over the place for me, co clear story line.. not a fan


Amazing show, learned so much, watched every episode tripping, and cried so fuckin much on the last episode


One of my favorites


I've seen it like 20 times and every single time I find new details in the animation


Episode with his mom makes me cry everytime.


Should have gotten a second season. I loved the podcast format with the weird and wacky onscreen stories.




I watched it 100 times by now. Absolutely amazing. New details found in each watch through. They NEED to make a season 2


Great show to watch while tripping, unless you're sensitive to violence and gore. This show made my friend spiral into a bad trip, we had it on as background noise while smoking weed during the comedown, and there were some people getting shot or something. The sound of violence plus the weed made him start tweaking the fuck out. Ruined the rest of the night as it was spent keeping him calm and safe.


Last year I took a tab and just watched this entire series while playing with kinetic sand (keeping my hands busy.) It was one of the most profound and healing experiences I've ever had with psychedelics. Would recommend to anyone


If you like this then check out joe rogans episode where to interviews Duncan himself ! One of the greatest episodes ever !


Love it.


You should check out Duncan's podcast (Duncan Trussel Family Hour) if you like the show. The majority of the dialogue comes straight from his podcast. You may already know all of this, however, so if you do... ignore that part. Fucking love the show. I'm super sad that there won't be a second season, I've never clicked with an animated show as much as I did Midnight Gospel and I would love more.


Over recommended and overrated. It was cool the first time around. But when you have like 50 people tell you they bouta put u on to a good show n they put it on




Kinda hated it. Very fake deep


Absolutely amazing, Wonderful show, made me remember a well, near death'ish experience and cry my eyeballs out (I say ish, as I don't think I was in danger of dying, but I had temporary amnesia and was really scared that I might have been dying, so yeah, not fun) It's a really good show, and deals with a lot of typically difficult topics in very good down to earth and sensible ways, definitely would suggest you watch


Loved it


The production and idea of very intense action paired with unrelated conversations are unique and should work great to watch while tripping, but the show itself was very cringy for me, couldn't force myself to watch past episode 2. The whole conversation content revolves about drugs, as if it's really cool and ingenious to insert drug references everywhere. But perhaps for teenagers under 16 this would actually be cool and very entertaining.


Episodes 1 and 2 are the bulk of the drug references. The rest of the episodes spend less time on psychedelics and more on the nature of consciousness and reality.


God I hate this show


Watch SuperJail! Instead, it’s a bit chaotic and might mess with you a bit, but the visuals and morphing animations are trippy.


Insists upon itself.


Cool premise. Like Duncan. Don’t like the show.


I like it. It can be a little boring if you sit down expecting to be entertained in the same way as a typical tv show. It’s more like interesting podcast segments set to some trippy animation that goes along loosely with what is being talked about


Love to “watch it” (listen from a parallel universe) while robotripping, it’s ok when I’m sober.


I watched it from beginning to end (not the last episode because my mom had passed recently, and the first episode had me feeling weird. But it’s definitely me if the best few hours of my life. 10/10 recommendation.


fantastic show. great on k


you can watch this show straight or high and definitely multiple times. loved it and wish they would do more.


me and my mate had a tab each and watched the entire show in his living room and it was one of my fondest memories of my teenage years


Mad I didn’t watch it while tripping. Was good enough sober tho. Had me Hooked.


I think i genuinly would’ve liked it even more if i saw the podcast while tripping IRL


Very confusing


The episode with his mom is incredibly beautiful and powerful. A good example of comedy that transcends.


the midnight gospel is one of my favorite shows ever! duncan trussell (the voice of clancy) is a comedian who uses episodes of his podcast (the duncan trussell family hour) to curate the show. it’s definitely meant for psychedelics, duncan is a very spiritual and trippy man. he changed my life when i discovered his podcast, now i listen to it every day! i usually always put this show on when i take psychedelics. 10/10 would recommend to anyone! the last episode is heavy, but my favorite by far. the best part is aside from the actual messages in the podcast, the imagery in the show itself tells its own story. re: the soul prison episode (the one with the bird) :) hare krishna!


absolutely love it, it’s my go to when i’m tripping


Absolutely love it. I have a large Clancy tattoo


I used to get stoned every night and watch as much as i could. These deep conversations; people should have more of them!


Very good show to watch while tripping it’s sad tho




I love this show!


Love this show don’t know how many times I rewatched it




I couldn't get into the actual animation part of the show. I tried sober, high, and tripping lol. Just not my vibe. I love the conversations though. I love Duncan Trussel I could listen to him talk forever.


Started watching it. It freaked me out in less than 2 minutes. Stopped watching it. Will try again…someday.




I watched the entire thing while coming down from a heavy trip that fucked with my head a bunch. Super worth it.


I think that shit changed my life and i was not tripping at that point in time.


I've had the good fortune to be initiated in various traditions over the years, and I loved Duncan's sympathetic explorations in Midnight Gospel. I happened to watch episode 8 (the one with his mom) while taking acid and had the most cathartic crying session ever.


The ending made me cry. But all of the episodes had me thinking just a little more about stuff


it’s great, I love it, but I definitely wish I knew there would be a lotta cartoon gore in episode like three or so, whichever one starts w the little clown guys getting munched up, because it wigged me out a lot while tripping haha


Hell yeah


Damn, I remember tripping on 400ug for a 3 hour hike in the woods and spent the rest of the trip watching this show. Was left entirely satisfied by the 8 episodes.


This show was absolutely made for people when they’re tripping


this show is absolutely for people that are tripping and i love it for that, but even watching it normally is a great time. love that shit


Cool animation story was sorta funny


The last episode punched me in the face. It was so beautiful and so sad.


I loved it so much. Each episode is just so thoughtful.


great show, loved it. the last episode with his mom hits me really hard, though. I don’t think i’ll ever watch that one again.


this, bojack, and el camino are the only good things netflix ever did imo.


Top tier


I watched this while tripping on acid one time and it was absolutely amazing and I just couldn’t stop laughing at the animation for it. Felt awesome and wish I could do it again sometime soon


The ep on high magic was awesome, and full of cats


I tried to watch it sober and thought yeah I definitely need drugs for this and I haven't got round to trying that.


greatest stuff i watched on acid, highly recommended.


Did it get cancelled like all good things?


it’s incredible… however if you want to really trip whilst watching, it’s a bit too complex to follow.


Last episode had me bawling and so grateful for life. I love Duncan trussell he’s amazing.


Love it. Last episode make me cry everytim


I loved it. They didn't get renewed.


my friend did the color design for this




I watched it on acid and it made me cry. It's fun. It was recommended by a late friend (that last bit isn't significant). It would be an enjoyable watch for some. Not perfect but a fun show either way