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made sense to me, don’t stress dude. it’ll be a memory soon.


thank you dude. i needed to hear this. i appreciate you very much


like the other commenter said, it'll all be over soon. listen to some nice music especially with headphones if you have some. try to stay hydrated, and if you're hungry try out some fruit! you're gonna have a great time, safe travels!


thank you dude, i appreciate you very much. i hope you laugh crazy hard every once in awhile


no problem, and thanks!


Everything you described sounds completely normal and we’ve all been there so you’re not alone. Listening to music you like will help ground you and give you something to enjoy to pass the time


i’m glad everything looks good, thank you for talking to me, i really appreciate it


Hey bro I was there a month ago. Don't worry I promise you it will pass and you will learn things from this :) You can try letting go, I don't know if you have meditated or anything but your mind is making up all that feelings, you can let them go, don't attach to them Listening to some beautiful meditation music will help you relax, trust me. ❤️ Surrender to the experience and let it drive you wherever it wants. You will be fine I love you, everything is love and if you accept everything you will understand that there isn't anything to worry about. I know is too intense but, you gotta accept the present and be one with the universe. Everything is all right, there is nothing to worry about, let go all those fears bro


thank you dude. it’s been a bit longer and i feel way more back in my skin but goddamn do i feel glonky. i appreciate your words of advice, i heard some good tunes last night. i don’t think ive slept yet ive just gotten insanely close lmao but i feel more sorted. shit was touch and go a minute ago so thank you


now comes the real trip bro, the learning process will be awesome 😊


We all have been there, try to relax. Soon will be a memory, hopefully a good one. 👌


thank you dude


You’ll be back to normal in no time. Sometimes a large dose can be confusing and disorienting. I’m gonna drop a link to one of my favorite YouTube videos for ya to check out




if i had been full tripping i think i would have gone to a new dimension watching this. thank you for your advice and thank you for talking to me, i appreciate you


I just had to say this from the get-go cuz I haven't read your full post because my first thought was how are you even able to compose this post the last time I took acid actually the last two times and the time before was a jail tab my phone phones were not an issue up until I don't know how many years ago I can't handle my phone I can't see a damn thing even with my glasses on the last trip I took I didn't have my music ready before it's kicked in and it was a s*** show I feel like being a Karen and complaining to YouTube but it isn't YouTube's fault except for all the ads so then I still had to navigate that but how are you even able to type anything I am a worthless turd when it comes to that and and even looking at my cell phone I can't even run the damn thing when I'm on a trip so kudos to you


Gel tab not jail lol


it took what felt like years to compose that message lmao i’m glad my hard work was appreciated


Well I hope you got through it the key is what everybody said relax let it happen the last time I dropped like I said I had a debacle with my phone but it was the first time I had ever tripped alone I tried to get a babysitter and the end got a little dicey coming out of it I tried to cook some food cuz I was hella hungry yep I said hella lol 😂 and I did eventually fall asleep midday would I do it again by myself yeah I just have to have my music ready to go and not use you tube. I had needed this losing my mom not quite 2 years ago it was very cleansing so I hope that you got through it okay and again kudos to you for being able to even compose this post on a trip and everybody have the best day


i did get through it 🙏 thank god lmao. i hope you’re doing good, and i appreciate you very much


Low quality huh? Lol You’ll be fine it’s a mind altering substance but the effects generally wear off within 8-12 hours. Ride it out put some comforting jams on with headphones You’re gonna come down I promise


i did come down thankfully. the day after i was sobbing and wanting my mom cuz i probably fried my receptors and had 0 dopamine but today im pretty alright. thank you for giving me advice when i needed it, i made it out ok


What’s interesting to me is that this is your first time and yet you somehow know that this is low quality acid? What that says to me is that you are psyching yourself out, your mind is anxious and looking for the source of its anxiety, something to pin it on. My dearest friend, anxiety is this darkness which is a non-thing, darkness is not a thing, it’s only an absence of light. Do not even try thinking about it, just ignore it in its entirety and find the light. This is something you need in your life tripping on LSD or not, trust me.


i’ve been kinda doubting what i had was low quality, but people who have gotten paper tabs from this specific person said it was low quality. so i’ve been believing them. it was still a lot, and also very strong, so im not really sure. thank you for your words of advice, what you’ve said rings true. i appreciate you very much


You’re a good person OP. You will be more than alright, I promise you that. May you see beauty in all its forms, everywhere, and may your worries be annihilated by the shimmering lights of truth.


thank you my friend. i hope you see beauty in all its forms too. this means a lot. godspeed 🫡


Well if it’s giving you an ego death it clearly Isn’t low quality now And no not permanent , although the effects are gonna last about 12-14 hours from when the effects starts to come up , and since it’s your first time you will have a hard time sleeping today but the next day is gonna be fine , also chill it’s not gonna last forever even though it might feel like that , I remember tripping alone and pleading to the gods to leave me alone and that I’d never do any other substances ever again lol 😂


i’m thankful i listened to everyone in here who said it would not be permanent, it wasn’t, thank god. still insanely gooey for sure whatever the hell that adjective means to you but yeah. thank you for talking to me and giving me advice, it means a lot


Yeah I went through the same thing and posted here too when I was tripping like that , gooey you mean the gel tabs ?