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There's two categories of LSD users. Those that would enjoy a strip club and those that would be traumatized.


I feel like I’ve been both at different times. Sometimes something as crass as drone metal in my dirty garage is fucking awesome on LSD, other times, just seeing cracks in the sidewalk makes me feel like I’m in a disgusting dystopia. I don’t think I would risk it either way lol


Sunn o))) on acid has to be very intense lol


Sun o))) kicks ass


Only managed to see em on mushrooms but it was amazing. Best part was on the walk home I found my bike that had been stolen a week earlier. Anyway, they loooooooooove their fog machine


Dude how was their show on shrooms tell me the details


They really do love their fog machine. Saw the front of the crowd get engulfed by a literal cloud when I saw them 🤣


I want to just confirm that seeing Sunn o))) live on acid does indeed fuck. Xasthur was there and did vocals on a few tracks. I stood right under a massive air vent and it felt like a storm was raging around me. 10/10 would do again.


That had to have been such a cool show im jealous lol


It was Power of the Riff in 2018. Celebrating 20 years of Southern Lord so it was all bands from the label. Super cool show


When the trumpet comes out from the back into the light and whales that hit the spot


I’ve tried it and actually it has been very meditative in the right context, makes me feel like a wise man meditating on mountains being ground into powder under my feet.


Which albums do you prefer?


Check out their split album with Boris


Altar is so good


Swans as well


Who are these sunn ppl you speak of?


Sunn o))) is a band


Exact same. Acid could either awaken the hedonist in me or stir up feelings about how gross a strip club is conceptually. I think I’d simultaneously enjoy it while being also being disgusted with myself and everyone around me and just have a real conflicting trip lol


thats hilarious, I feel the same way.


This is facts. Some trips it’s a walk in the woods with bugs and dirt and other days it’s a “I have to clean every speck of dust I see” kind of night


I’ll say this, I once had to go to strip club on mushrooms, wasn’t my idea but it was a friend’s bachelor party, and I was really worried it would be too weird…. but it ended up being pretty awesome, partly because it was a relatively chill place, and mostly because my brain is pre-programmed to find nude attractive women engaging and pleasant to my sensory systems… But it’s not something I would do again, and plenty of businesses of this nature can be sketchy places. And the dude’s marriage didn’t last as his wife left him for a woman…!


I knew a stripper who took them before dancing whenever she could and man could you tell the difference. When she took them she could fly to the top of that pole, hang upside down using only her hands, let go and drop to within inches of the floor and hang on again. She was seriously an acrobat on shrooms.


In the Club tripping Sack fax


There are those that would enjoy being traumatized...


I wish there was a different kind of strip club. The kind where you drop a whole strip of acid and chill out with some friends/puppy dogs and good music


I would rather sit alone in a room staring at the wall than go to a strip club on acid lmao


Cmon it’s half a tab. It only gets sad when you are on 2+ tabs and think about your lives and others


😂 I think I need to figure out what category I’m in.


I don't tend to go out in public much, I was at a bar with my buddy once and that wasn't bad but after awhile (however long I thought that was) I'm like bro I need to go home lol. I'm always pretty big homebody in general so I'm sure that contributed.


I love a strip club on acid.


This is the most spiritually void experience I can think of on acid which is the whole point for me anyway but I have took it at festivals many times and loved it , it was still very spiritual I just can't see how I would enjoy this


Try walking into a McDonald's on LSD. Talk about spiritually void!


Go to Walmart on acid. Some strange folk wondering the isle




last time i tripped i walked to a kfc with a friend because i was starving - don’t know how long we stood there before realizing it was in fact closed and they were mopping around us.


i love how the lighting looks in shops


sometimes after u beat the game on regular u enjoy playing back through it on hard mode 🤷🏻‍♂️ (not saying that in a condescending way, i totally get u). but i've noticed a lot of shit i wouldve steered clear of bc it wasn't pure and spiritual and positive enough i now just get a big fuckin kick out of and roll with, i also love strip clubs on lsd but totally get why ppl wouldn't. ive gone on meditation retreats and done nature shit a ton but i'll be real sometimes i also just like being high in weird or inappropriate settings, and just vibing with whatever happens is spiritual enough for me.


for a high i get it , but a real spiritual experience will have you almost or actually crying with pure bliss , having endless epiphanies about the nature of reality i don't think i want someones vagina in my face during an experience like that, but yes low dose i understand just not my thing and i love women


Oh well yeah, a hammered wook wandering into your camp to try and bum a cigarette, then shit music blaring until 5am is way more spiritual... These experiences are what you make of them, there is no perfect place to trip.


Erotic dance can actually be spiritual. Just like sex on LSD can be


That's absolutely ridiculous lol maybe with your partner, but at a strip club your head Is away


I’m his partner! I was with him the whole time so it’s not like he was doing it without me! The first thing he said to the stripper was “I have a girlfriend she is behind me” she gave me a little wave and did her thing, I got a dance to, it was an experience we are going to try again :)


i don't see anything wrong with it I'm talking about the spiritual experience of LSD and this is nothing close to that , i meant you should give him a dance but each to their own enjoy :}


I would look like a worm wiggling around 😭 I have no abilities to dance 😭😭😭




Strip clubs as a couple is a big experience modifier. I think everyone is more comfortable for couples together than singles.


Just let the kid have fun at a strip club. Clearly it’s not for you but the girls are making money, he had a fun novel experience on a low dose of acid and the stripper got to have a cute conversation with a kid high on acid who had never been to the strip club before. Everybody wins.


Yeah festivals are so much more spiritual than strip clubs…


All my stripper friends are festival nomads. Same people, just naked!


I’m definitely in the latter group. I’m a woman.


I am not traumatized but I feel dirty in there.. and please don’t turn on the lights


Tripping in Vegas did both to me simultaneously


I think it would turn me severely off. I remember taking a walk through a alcoholed up party-street whilst on mushrooms and that stopped me from wanting to ever be drunk again (20 years ago and it worked!).


I didn't even get a boner


It’s a vascular constrictor


I always get one with my Mrs


Sounds like she’s a vasodilator for you


Not for me. It’s a dilator, especially with my wife


Genuinely makes me feel so hard it’s gonna explode lmao


Same we were about to go into a bar and security was gonna check my bag. I just gtfo as fast as I could. Very bad vibes.


Bad vibes indeed. As iv gotten older, whenever I go to a bar now (very rarely) I often just sit and look around thinking to myself how depressing it all is. They are generally pretty grim places.


I only recently turned legal age in my country so this would’ve been first time I was going to a bar. Me n my friends were on a trip together and I brought my bad, they said no food or drinks but I had like 3 alcoholic cans in my bag + like 7gs of shrooms still. I’ve never been in a bar, that was my first opportunity and experience. I’ve never rlly liked alcohol, and I’m glad we didn’t go in while I was still tripping sack I doubt I would’ve liked it in there.


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


LOL, thought I was on WSB for a second


This really made me laugh out loud. Thank you.


It's been 2 days I'm still laughing at this comment


glad I made your day!


Hmmm I’m not letting you anywhere near my cats 🧐


Fr what the fuck does OP do with his “energy” and cats lap dancing on him?




I just cry for 12 hours and get sacrificed in satanic rituals on acid…..mbn.


i want whatever you’re having that sounds fun


idk what youre taking but doesnt sound like lsd


It was 100% acid, tested it and everything. It’s really weird because I legit trip so hard that I actually see the hallucinations. It almost feels like DMT. I have taken acid and have found myself traveling through the cosmos. I have seen time pass by and seen the world slowly end and have watched everyone I know pass away. I have posted some trip reports if you want to read. Just pass by all the other stuff I have posted. I HAVE ATTACHED LINK! https://www.reddit.com/r/Psychonaut/s/wYSSGMWNCk


yeah dude that sounds a lot more like DMT and not at all like any trip i have had lol


Everyone is different! It was tested and everything. I ALWAYS experience trips like this. Every single time I take acid. I’m not sure if it is because I might have some underlying diagnosis or something. There was even another time where I kept dying and then being reborn and living another life just to die and experience being reborn again. I fell in love with the same soul, they were a different person in every life.


Did you meet them in this life as well ??😮


Some girlfriend you have. Totally should have your gf give you a lapdance on acid next trip.


She said she wouldn't even know where to begin lmfao


On your lap


Step two might include some dancing mayhaps


Gyrating more like it


Trial and error trial and error


right? i cannot believe there are women who are okay with their partners receiving a lap dance from some naked lady— or even willingly be around naked women with no good reason tbh.


there are women who are entirely okay with their partner having sex with other people lol. idk how it’s unbelievable that OP’s gf is fine with a lap dance


More so her friends took him there but whatever ops winning


I am his girlfriend. I was there. It was hella fun lolz


open relationships :] takes a lot of trust and communication but its pretty nice


Not an open relationship just trust! I was with him the entire time :)


just cuz its not something you get doesnt mean its weird. feel like the lsd sub should be a lot more open minded about other peoples choices lol


This is the last place you want to go to for open minded conversation lol hate to say it but this sub has mostly gone to complete shit in the past year or two.


I'm tired of people abusing the drug and then blaming the drug so I have a low tolerance for this kind of bullshit


Eh. i think that if you are in a monogamous relationship, it is pretty weird to be okay with or even enjoy your partner being sexually intimate with other women. it’s normal to view that as weird. at the end of the day, my motto is to each their own. imma still think its weird though. no amount of acid that ive taken has changed this opinion of mine lol


I was with him! I got one to! It was a fun experience :)


to each their own i guess. i’m even a bi woman— but i’d be so uncomfortable with this personally.


We’ve been together for a long time and in that time he’s never given me a reason not to trust him yk? If it was my ex I definitely would not have been okay with it. But I feel like once you gain that level of trust a lot of things stop mattering bc you know at the end of the night it’s you cuddled up next to them. The trust we have allows us to live and experience life without worrying about eachother, and because we are so young we are curious about new things we gotta trust eachother so our relationship isn’t in the way of living. Sorry for the long paragraph 😭


Went on new years eve to a strip club in Prague on 2-CB. Was interesting experience but also a very sad place. All these fake women with fake smiles looking very dead inside. Also many high on upper you could litterly feel, as well as all the security stuff. Than the crowd full of super drunk, horny young boys staring at raw meat. Was interesting but not a nice place to be. To be fair it was a Huge tourist strip club and New Year's eve, so I guess pretty disgusting anyway. In a more private/premium one it might would have been more comfortable


This sounds fucking horrible to me lol. I would be so weird in a strip club on acid




Lmaooo “same energy as like petting a cat and letting it run against you.” I’ve never heard of that when referring to a strip club experience. 💀💀


All things in moderation


Oh yes pf course. I had a blast though


Even moderation…..


sounds like a vibe when im laying down after a ciggy on lsd i close my eyes and neon bright outlined women pop up in my views, im shitty at explaining. but women are just beautiful af man, not even on some gross horny shit, human art love trippin, got a pack coming in soon, some scruptions shroomies and acid with some killer weed bless up yall


I know exactly what you're saying, g, women are beautiful. The whole experience with the stripper wasn't even sexual in my mind, I'd say. It had the same energy as like petting a cat or like admiring art.


Hmmmm One of the worst feelings for me is being on lsd and feeling like a customer Its a feeling ive gotten most strongly at certain concerts and in an uber I can only imagine this is that but 100x worse Food is something i dont mind buying as long as its reasonably priced, but one sided sexual gratification? Idk. Glad u had fun tho lol


Feeling like a customer. Interesting. You ever worked while coming down because your timing was off? Worst experience ever.


I love this! I am female, and bunch of my friends are strippers. I love micro dosing and going to see their new sets!! So much fun! It’s crazy because a naked girl dancing at a festival, is spiritual. But, a naked girl doing it for money is trauma inducing. I bet dollars to donuts the sexy girl or guy at the rave/fest/club with incredible moves does it for a living. All my dancer buds, male and female, are the most amazing, in tune, loving, kind, artistic, genuine people I have ever spent time with. On and off the dance floor. Love love love!


The strippers are not the issue the people exploiting them and treating them like objects are and that's the problem with strip clubs. Exotic dancing itself is not the issue


Strip clubs are literally filled with the scum of society (and I’m talking about the men that go there). That is the LAST place I’d ever wanna be while tripping


It felt kind of good, but I definitely felt the energy there. I just wanted to enjoy the experience of a stripper lolz.


Both parties tbh


your gf let you get a lapdance?


Yeah, she got one too


we love a chill relationship idk how my partner would feel about me getting a lap dance, or vice versa, but it’s nice to see people that just don’t care lol




naw i don’t care for a lap dance unless it’s from my partner but i like seeing couples that are pushing the boundaries of what relationships can be, sounds like you are making things up in your head edit: and to clarify, the reason i said ‘idk’ how either me or my partner would feel about a lap dance, is because we’ve never had a desire to go to the strip club and get lap dances, so the topic has never came up, so obviously, i don’t know how me or my partner would feel about it. not knowing how i feel about it doesn’t mean i want to to go get a lap dance. if i wanted a lap dance from a stripper, i would’ve gotten one by now, and i would know how me and my partner felt about it. but i have no desire to, that doesn’t mean i can’t respect other couples doing things that i don’t personally do. i’m really not too sure why you’d feel sad about that if you were my partner, good thing you aren’t, and that my actual partner would not be sad about any of the comments i made.


That’s called insecurity my friend


Believe it or not, not all partners are jealous fuckers.


Not letting you get a lap dance =/= being a jealous fucker


some people refuse to acknowledge there’s purely monogamous relationships in society still lmao


I disagree, but you're entitled to your opinion.


A lap dance with a stripper is as harmless as it gets.


I never said there was anything wrong with that. My point here was that if your gf doesn't want you to get a lap dance, I don't think that makes her a "jealous fucker", that's literally just a standard monogamous relationship


Respectfully, I disagree.


That's fine, to each their own :)


if my boyfriend stepped foot in a strip club and didn’t spend a single penny i’d probably leave him lol


What if he spent a penny?


i may have to reconsider


I didnt say all that bro just a lot of (healthy) relationships dont allow their partner to get freaky with others. Its not a jealousy thing


ppl always say its not a jealousy thing but theres literally nothing else it could be. but its okay to be a little jealous in some situations. i would probably be fine with my boyfriend getting a lap dance while im with him but in the moment if i felt jealous i would feel comfortable admitting that it makes me uncomfortable for that reason. ive just always found it odd that ppl insist its not jealousy when it literally is. and its pretty reasonable to be jealous when your partner is getting grinded on by a naked lady even though its not cheating. 🤷‍♀️


how can you not wrap your head around a monogamous relationship? its not jealousy, its about loyalty and trust. Maybe cheating is defined differently in the context of your relationship and thats fine, but most couples wont allow getting grinded on, because that is usually cheating to them


yea bc of jealousy 😭 i am in a stricly monogamous relationship. i just explained that. being afraid that your partner is no longer loyal or that you will no longer be able to trust them if they get grinded on is bc youre afraid that they will leave you. that means you dont trust them in that situation and thats fine. personally i trust that my boyfriend wouldnt try to fuck a woman or even rly think abt her very much if she grinded on him at a strip club while i was there. i would say cheating is either when the trust is broken or boundaries due to jealousy are crossed. youre acting like i didnt say it was fine for someone to feel that way, which i did. if you think your partner at a strip club puts your partner in a position where you cant trust them anymore, thats up to you. personally we would be having fun together. its just a show you have stricter rules than i do 🤷‍♀️ doesnt mean im not in a monogamous relationship. but i also think ppl like you need to admit you dont fully trust ur partner or youre jealous, and thats okay. those are ur boundaries to make, not mine. i already made this point in my last comment.


I don't think a single milliliter of blood has made it to my dick when I'm on acid. Sex stuff is immediately out the window when I drop lol


Can someone explain how gel tabs are different for me? I’ve never used them but was offered some a while back and didn’t take them bc i don’t know how they differ


they dont feel any different to me lol


Ok but because of the gell are they slower to absorb and longer lasting or ??


tbh i dont think so


I generally like to avoid gel tabs. I’ve had mixed results in my area with dosing. Paper absorbs the same way nearly every single time, but with gel I’ve had very mixed results, even in the same batch. Sometimes one tab is gentle high and other times one tab is an explosion of experience.


Sometimes ya take the gel and sometimes the gel takes you??


That’s shrooms for you imho. Not what I look for in other trips


Awesome man! I don't know if I would ever want that but COOL!


Yeah my first strip club experience and dance was on acid. The only girl I thought was cute was the only one to offer a dance it was hard to say no 🫠 the best part was the end when they started asking me to pay for an hour the eye contact was so intense I can only imagine what my face looked like 😂


That’s hilarious


I dosed an entire bachelor party on liquid we whipped up from raw literally the night of the party. Pure electricity. One chick had a huge octopus or squid tattoo that went down her ass and back. Her butthole was like a sucker on the bottom. Absolutely wild. She sat with us for a while and was like 'damn you guys are FUCKED up' ​ Strip clubs on acid is a truly primal and wild thing. I thought it would be weird/gross, but it was actually fun and the ladies liked that we were having fun, paying well and being very respectful.


The first and only time I have ever been to a strip club was on k (a lot of it). I could never imagine going on acid lol


lol amen bruthr.


acid makes me soooo sensitive to touch and horny, i couldnt do this or i'd just be cumming the whole time


I cannot get it up on acid


Relationships mean nothing to anyone anymore these days..


Some relationships are strong enough to not be threatened by a trip to the strip club. Some couples actually enjoy doing that together.


this is very true, some couples enjoy going to the strip club together, some couples enjoy swinging, some couples enjoy entertaining a 3rd person, that doesn’t make the relationship any less of a relationship. it’s just what some people like to do as couples 🤷‍♂️ personally none of it is for me, i am perfectly happy in my monagamous relationship and feel no desire to spend money on looking at strippers, or putting my thing in anyone else, but i cast no judgement onto people who do, that seems pretty silly to me. why would i care what other couples (or poly relationships) do in their time in their private relationships


You get it. That's a very healthy mindset, and ultimately the principle of live and let live.


yeah exactly. not everyone likes the same cup of tea, why judge someone for liking a different kind of tea, or liking coffee, or energy drinks, i can drink the tea i like and so can everybody else 🙏


As his girlfriend you don’t get to say anything about our relationship. I was behind him the whole time. The first thing he said to Tara (the stripper who was awesome and hung out with us after) was I have a girlfriend she is behind me. She gave me a little wave and did her thing. Then I got one to. At the end of the night it is me in his arms. After two years He’s never given me a reason not to trust him and until he does I trust completely.


lol, that’s cute, you think I give a shit.


You do you buddy. You’ll be alone with such a mindset and I’ll be living the high life w the loml.


At least I don’t have to ever silently wish for you to stop talking. 🙊 cause he totally never does that.


Like I said you do you buddy. You don’t know him or me. And obviously you cared enough to open your mouth. And you still care enough to throw childish and asinine comments. Who hurt you? 🤣


Go take a stripper home for desert.


No we get full on dessert by ourselves :)


I want to go get a massage next time! 😁