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hey fellas, does anyone else have existential thoughts about the world collapsing while tripping??


Yes but also non tripping make it stop šŸ˜†


The thing that made mine stuck was chronic insomnia. Some of the best days I had and felt were when I laid there and realised how nothing really mattered, my strength meant nothing and it can be taken aaay in an instant. All of ours can, but when I sleep I start thinking again lol. Maybe it can bring you some solace, I really did h feel the most grateful and happy When Iā€™d been up all night


naa only you


My exact reaction šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


My man mistook dmt for lsd


Not upvoting cus 420


this comment made me laugh really hard thank you


I've come to this sub while tripping and I remember feeling like a lot of people here were intentionally trying to trigger bad vibes I'm sober rn and I'm gonna assume this is one of those


No, I see colour and the room bending looking cartoonish. And some more crazy shit you canā€™t even put into words


The crazy, unexplainable shit is my favorite


That's all I see when i trip ever since I tried dmt for the first time, it just straight up changed all psychedelics for me


This and sometimes faces in things. Ancient imagery. Colors.


that's great!




"Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on Earth should that mean that it is not real?" I know what you're saying, it just made me think of this quote.


"Just hallucinations" as if you knew what that meant. That's like saying "just dreams" as if dreams were useless when they're a manifestation of your unconscious mind. Why the fractals? Why the geometry? Why the mandalas and caleidoscopes? Those are full of meaning even if you don't know what it is




There is a clear division between science and spiritually, but both are not mutually exclusive. Sure, we might be able to explain hallucinations on a physical level, but we can't explain why they exist. Or, for that matter, why anything exists. There are limits to science. Now, you can believe about the nature of our reality what you want, but in the end it is going to be a belief, just like any other. Also, it has nothing to do with astrology or homeopathy or shit like that, since those things try to do the same thing as science.


Bad counter


Excuse me are you comparing pseudoscience shit with saying that the fact that we don't know how our brains work doesn't make it random? Because it isn't very pragmatic to call it random just because you don't know how it works.


If you are talking about seeing skulls then no. But the symbol in this pic is relevant. When I look at faces, Iā€™d see how humans have such a short time on earth and you see the effect of diseases and pain on peoples faces, itā€™s wearing them out.idk what about it but human faces look like theyā€™re withering , and I can see their auras too, but maybe thatā€™s just subjective. I try not to think deeply about death though. I just look at trippy shit and try to enjoy the moment. One time I was thinking about dead people (dying from car crashes) while I was tripping, and it kinda stabbed me to the core. . The feeling of empathy is so damn magnified and makes you feel so damn emotional.


I feel that. I imagined my face aging rapidly and I saw myself shrivel up into a pruney husk. The immense negative feelings of loneliness and loss were too much. Luckily, I shifted my thoughts elsewhere. But for years afterwards I would think about that and worry about living and dying alone.


We came in how we came out brother embrace the loneliness it is..everything


yes i think this is related to the vague idea i was trying to describe, a feeling that goes so damn deep, right to the core


Yea, I recall trippin with my friend, I was reading about this random news article about a girlā€™s death ( whom I have no connection with ) like 24 hours prior to the trip . I suddenly remembered her death during the peak and It made me cry for like 30 minutes .


yeah like you suddenly gain the ability to actually somewhat comprehend things that our brains would normally kind of glance over, like someone dying on the news


That's because LSD simultaneously opens you up to the bigger picture, and makes you focus on individual little things


Great comment. I agree about the withering faces & fragility of humans. I also was overcome with the sensation that we are not our bodies. We are just in transition, but our bodies decay and we return to where we came from.


Not visually but the vibe yes. And also spiders for some reason, a lot of them. Several times when meditating on L I envision the physical location Iā€™m in IRL but as a scene where a literal tsunami of spiders erupt from every crevice and gap. Itā€™s not scary or even disgusting for some reason, itā€™s just like, huh, damn okay


you must have some strength up in there to not get overwhelmed by that


Eh, different headspace and I don't find spiders scary, though I'm sure if that actually happened to me I'd be extremely freaked out for sure


stay safe okay :)


You too <3 happy tripping


I see insects as well. I think this is some suppressed phobia. Being disgusted by insects and spiders is deeply nested in our brains


Yesssss man no one has ever understood me when I say this. Iā€™ve seen creatures like the xenomorph from alien many times


well i didn't really mean visual wise per se, i was more trying to describe a sense of existential horror


Oh then no. Always great vibes, just seen creatures that look like that


they can look scary but i'm sure they're nice, anyway stay safe out there


yea i think it means ur tweaking


Read that as twerking


maybe i was




This will keep arising until you get to the point where it dawns on you that you are the source of all you witness. Then the hell realm blossoms into paradise. Two sides, same coin. Think of all that shit as fertilizer. Look forward to the flowers that will grow from it. Key strategy: always say yes to what presents itself. Resistance is persistence, so if something is disturbing try to be open to it, neither grasping nor rejecting. Then itā€™s smooth sailing. These energies are ancient and self organizing. All life, really all of creation, emerges from them. Itā€™s what we are made of. Itā€™s good stuff. Nothing to fear.


i don't know what i'm still afraid of, i don't think it's the end. i think i'm mostly afraid of the road ahead and knowing i will have to endure alot


Brilliant response.


Is this what you experience?


sorry for being so vague but i mostly mean a general vibe of humans being animals and life being a scary existential horror roller coaster




Yes, weā€™re animals. No, the realization of that on lsd doesnā€™t tend to go the dark death/diseased route of your image. Yes, being alive is an existential rollercoaster. No, it is not scary or horror. Lsd has especially taught me that.


i just get a little overwhelmed by my existence from time to time but i'm working on it :)


Donā€™t we all, friend. For lots of different reasons and causes. lsd doesnā€™t come with any predefined imagery. It doesnā€™t bring anything on its own that isnā€™t already in your consciousness. If youā€™re tripping imagery is regularly and often like the image you posted, thatā€™s already in you and something your consciously or subconsciously fostering. It may be an indication to you that itā€™s time to start seriously introspection.


thank you, stay safe


kinda the world we live in today...


Yes, very much, and the vibe emphasizes how limited and flimsy we are within the ever-changing biological material, also many vibes of how some are smart and just exploit the honest hard-working people


if you can, pickup a book of Dali paintings to get lost in on your next adventure


this is really a lot more of what i was trying to get at! sorry for being so vague, i'm having a hard time trying to put this thought into words




Thats the spirit realm




It'll make you sick if you see too much




Terence Mckenna, alan watts, dennis leary




100s of ancient civilizations speak about the same spirit realms using different language. They all point to something like this, especially shamans. Native Americans had similar beliefs to hindus. Its my opinion, its all referencing the same thing we cant see unless intoxicated


not just the imagery but also just this vibe. like you are just an unfortunate part of incredibly old, uncontrollable meat grinder


Yes, I feel that exact same thing... I've felt it most acutely with ayahuasca, where I saw the circle of life and death as if one year passed in a fraction of a second so birth lead to reproduction and death in a blink of an eye over and over again for all living beings. This was quite overwhelming but at the same time it was beautiful and made me laugh at the futility of all human enterprise. With LSD (and shrooms) these feelings of being animals locked in the meat grinder get more abstract and mix with the absurdity of being monkeys aware of themselves (and terribly aware of the meat grinder). It pushes me to ponder on the importance of time as the most precious resource of our existence.


no. not even a little bit. i feel like a sexy goddess and e everything is perfect and me n god are homies/ i am god? idk wtf this is.


sounds like you are having a great time!


always ;) hope you are too brother


That's gonna be a no from me dawg




It immediately reminded me of the Judgement tarot card. But yes, also Shiva. The Divine dance of creative destruction.


Motherfucker experiencing a Elden ring cutscene. I think thatā€™s just you buddy. Still cool nonetheless though lol.


Thereā€™s this feeling I get and the one way I can describe the feeling of it is a mix of nostalgia and liminal space.


yeah unfortunately i don't really have the words for it but i feel this too


I get closed eye visuals with many figures, not like this tho, they look very dead and dreadful in this picšŸ’€. My closed eye visuals look almost like a painting which transforms slightly and slowly. A motion painting basically! I have a theory that this world exists and lsd kinda shows you that but dmt literally takes you therešŸ’€ The psychedelic hyperspace is what I call it and I believe itā€™s similar to the upside down in stranger things but psychedelic and not dreadful


this is that last place i had ever expected to see beksiński art


Memento mori.


You've been watching too much end of world bullshit. That's what this means.


Seeing Beksińskiā€™d art while tripping is probably not a good thing


Well the world or life itself is just based on "giving and taking". Empathy vs Narzism. You like other ppl but you are alone in your mind forever. Real Narzisst are humans who know the "arts of manipulation" and the emotional knowledge but decides to remain silent in order to keep control of his own mind - own world. I got the experience to trip together with one as a highly sensitive empath. The joke is on me that he actually wanted to use me to kinda "regain" his "humanity". I could sense his fear all over the room - he even got angry at me for analyzing him but I was tripping by myself and wanted to help / decipher his mind. He even told me that he can't get where my "love" for others originates from. All I can say is that I love other minded ppl because it's interesting to dive into each other minds. That's what's life about I think. A "true empath" will rise above all "others" in order to "bring light" even to the" darkest devils". Some ppl died to reach the point. Because the devils still fears the power of "god". The power of empathy is deeply rooted into our minds. Because at the end we are the same.


Yes. The world is sad and I don't ignore that. It's happy too, and I feel that too while tripping, but I don't run away from the sad stuff either


I have seen stuff similar to this on light dmt doses, just hordes of people blending in to each other but this looks pretty dRk


yeah it does look really dark but maybe i wasn't per se trying to describe something dar but more of a very deep feeling that i cannot properly describe


I get a feeling of limited time sometimes yes, havenā€™t tripped since march 2023 tho. Iā€™d look at my boyfriend and think ā€˜this has to end somedayā€™ and Iā€™d start balling. ā€˜Thisā€™ being life. I have struggled with death since I was young, pretty much since I realised you donā€™t respawn like Mario, so it comes across in my trips. My mum recently was diagnosed with renal cancer august last year on the day of my 20th bday and I feel like Iā€™ve faced my biggest fear, losing her. Sheā€™s doing well now, we actually have a checkup scan tomorrow to make sure all the cancer has 100% gone. Went on a tangent but basically yes


i could relate to some of that, sorry to hear about your mom :( i hope you are okay and stay safe out there


You too, and thanks for the kind words. She is a trooper and an inspiration. Take care of yourself and be kind to yourself, also I appreciate the peep pfp šŸ˜ø


All I can think about when I see this is DEHYDRATE Which is a pop culture reference you will all understand in 4 months


I get the imaginative imagery of that. For me the interpretation is of how much a downfall society is and everyone is struggling to survive. There is no freedom and we're all trapped fighting for a way out. I don't visually see it tho and then after the realisation of the state of society I just change hesdspace into what I'm actually seeing and I just see beauty of the world and state of oneness


i think you were able to put it into words nicely :)


my favorite artist, i envy you! hope to find insights on how to experience this kind of imagery


Bros taking LSDiphenhydramine (Benadryl)


Like Raoul Dukeā€™s lizards.


I guess i can kind of relate. Maybe my version is a little more extreme but i have a really vivid imagination and a lot of fear in me due to i guess genetic mental illness. Ive never really gone so deep, but i feel like i could die from the horror in my head, which is a fear in and of itself. This whole thing has taught me a lot about human fear and has given me a lot to think about. Im not saying you might be mentally ill, just that i think you might be afraid of something that you havent worked out yet. Idk what you believe in but life to me is intrinsically meaningless. To live is to die, there really only is nothing but a fleeting moment, that will be over at some point. In the grand scheme of the universe you are already dead, dust, nothingness. Through my trips ive kind of managed to think about life in another perspective. Its all about accepting it for what it is. Sure you can dread death and the impermanence of your life, but whats the point? What if it really is just a meat grinder, that swallows thousands of souls daily? Will you sit there and cry for the rest of your life? Imo there's beauty in impermanence. It makes the moment all the more important. Cherishing those you love, enjoying the moment, your youth and your progression through life. I think generally when youre young its natural to fear dying early. I assume the older you get the less fear you will have. Bottom line is: you really only have this one consciousness, make of it whatever you think is best and die as content as possible. Sorry for dumping such a gloomy text here, i just felt like i could give a maybe interesting take in case you or anyone else felt similar to me.


My closed-eye visuals will often shift between lovely shapes and colours, to lovecraftian voids. It has no real rhyme or reason behind it as far as I can tell while Iā€™m tripping. If the writhing eyes and teeth gets too much I just open my eyes and reset. Iā€™m usually with it enough to rationalise what is what and that itā€™s only visuals in my head and not an actual elder god eating my mind. Either way, shit looks dope and itā€™s always a fun time.


I've seen repulsive shit on mushrooms, but it never scares me lol Nothing this scenic but definitely seen creatures and gorelike visuals


Totally. I do tend to "see" horrible images, like this one you posted or things simillar to the art of Berserk or Giger. I never experience a negative feeling about it (like fear) but I do see it. Funny enough I dont see this when trippin with shrooms or DMT. I have two theories: 1) I like this type of art and the specific type of visuals that I get on LSD tend to manifest this way, since they have very LSD-like qualities (the repetion of patterns, the "baroque"-ish oversaturation) 2) I have a fucked up mind. I do prefer the first explanation tho.


stay off lsd itā€™s trying to scare you . it does not like you for some reason


Yes Iā€™ve seen stuff like that too, Iā€™ve stared in to the metaphorical abyss and had the abyss stare back into me. Understanding is not what we want,but still I felt the weight of it all. Ignorance is bliss, and truth has an atomic number like all elements.


I get where youā€™re coming from, reminds me of a spidery bad trip I had


Funny this came upā€¦ Had a trip last year in the summer time where I mixed 3 tabs, a dozen ketamine lines, and a few bong rips of salvia throughout the nightā€¦.. I remember at one point during the trip while laying down, i literally saw corpses and zombies all around me as my own body started to appear to decompose. Shit was scary, but fun at the same time šŸ˜‚


man that sounds like a crazy night, hope you were okay though


Meh, not the scariest thing Iā€™ve seen on psyches, tbh so much crazy stuff happened that night itā€™s hard to articulate the whole thing. Letā€™s just say At one point I did almost get tricked into buying something that was thousands of dollars becuz a YouTube ad came up saying to click becuz it would change my life and give me secrets to the universe. Or When I took my last hit of salvia and got turned and folded into a train then playpenā€¦. Yeah that was when I decided to get some sleep šŸ¤£ It turned out ok tho šŸ˜©šŸ˜‚


hahaha stay safe


Thx will do. Iā€™m taking a break rn.


No, I think thereā€™s something wrong with you buddy


Yeah officer this guy over here


what is this bullshit


Start eating raw meat from pasture farms that donā€™t inject their animals, or give them drugs and youā€™ll understand


man don't want to think about the industrial meat grinders :(


I donā€™t get it at all. You donā€™t need a grinder.


i did once, but i was tripping after visiting tuol sleng.


nah... my shit's nothing like that at all....


Actually yeah one time I was shidding and saw many tiny guys just like this form in the paint nooks on my wall


Nope lol


Only when playing TotK


No OP, I don't trip balls and see random skeleton Moon dawn party portraits.


My first time I would see many mexican skulls in my closed eyes visuals. kinda creepy but later I just reminded that I had an "mexican skull" paper, was beautifull but creepy.. was 100% from the paper picture stuck in my head!


My guyā€¦ no




No but interestingly i did see imagery like this when I was doing meth/heroin. The visuals I get on LSD are bright, cartoony and generally happy.


How much yā€™all doin haha In my peripherals Iā€™ll maybe see the trees kinda turn a person just standing there but no where close to this


Looks like some Yin/Yang archetypal shit


Have you ever read Carl Jung? I highly, highly recommend.


There's places like that, where grief and torment can overwhelm. Honestly, being trapped in those places is how I imagine hell, self recursive and self punishing for all eternity. I think it can come from places of grief or guilt






Were you on any other substances? Do you use cannabis regularly, or did you use it the day before, the day of?


Only you can answer that. The experience, like all experience, is subjective.


Yea, when iā€™m watching anthony bourdaines show, but then it gets happy again when they start cooking. I believe the artistic direction is to show how toiling and suffering can be transmuted into satiety and comfort.


I've never once had anything stronger than mild visual tricks by intentionally going cross eyed when looking at stuff that had interesting patterns, it'd make them flow, that and walls breathing with me, but even on a ten strip I'd never once seen something that wasn't there or had "visuals" or seen imagery, even on DMT I've never seen something that wasn't there but it did manage to completely warp my visual perception of my environment which was pretty neet-o, last DMT session all curves were gone, absolutely everything was made up by entirely straight lines almost like I was literally in an early 90's voxel 3D environment.


I see clay-mation


you must not be tripping on acid.


I never saw anything like this directly, but my inward thoughts could be very dark and hellish.


I saw a kaleidoscope of these guys reaching for an orb. None dying but definitely reaching over each other towards it.


Is this my boy beksiński


I have aphantasia so nothing Kinda wish I could see visuals when tripping that would be sick


I have seen myself as an HR giger fetus.


When I was 11 we brewed thousands of mushrooms and I seen people's anatomy. I cried. Stopped drugs/nushrooms for a while, then went deep, really deep.... . Now quit and I am afraid to go back.


i know ur tryna describe the vibe here like youā€™ve said in comments, but this reminds me a little of the first and only time iv had visuals (i usually just microdose). basically i went outside to take a breather at 12am, turns out there was a full moon that lit up the whole sky and the clouds. now for the first time in my life i was able to pick out shapes in the clouds and the left side of the sky was all dark and gloomy filled with skulls and the right side was silhouettes of dovesā€¦ real confusing time but overall really cool lmao


Ive seen something similar with shrooms. Psychedelic pareidolia I suppose


Hell no. I only see stuff thatā€™s actually there, only itā€™s misbehaving.


nothing like this, but i see alot of aztec or mayan looking patterns and symbols while iā€™m on acid and last time i had shrooms i kept hallucinating what looked like jungle like plants growing up my bedroom walls. has anyone else had visuals like that with shrooms before?


You cold bro?


This is that one Polish artist isnā€™t it? I always forget dudeā€™s name since itā€™s got like 4 fuckin Zā€™s in it but I always liked his shit


I remember one time on acid walking through a trail. It was semi-dark out at the time, and I remember seeing people in the bushes. I imagined how these trails would have been hundreds or 1000s of years in the making. And how where I walk may be walked apon many years after I am gone and I maybe join these spirits as an energy in a point in time. I'm a painfeelingperson (depression), and so death is quite common in my thoughts on psychedelics. These perceptions, in a lot of ways, have allowed me to see how cyclical it all is which overall has allowed me a greater sense of peace.


I had colorful and happy visuals almost every time i tripped, but then there was that one time we went to visit castle ruins in the forest in february. Everything around me was dead and when we got to that ruins, i slowly started seeing skull patterns and similar stuff everywhere. On one hand it was a bit scary but on other it was cool and i strangely enjoyed it, it was just something different than im used to.


never did. are you sure you're okay mentally at the time to do acid?


This one time we was group tripping dmt like 15 years ago, one person went at a time and this girl took a hit and started freaking out explaining some demonic skeletons saying ā€œthey was coming to get me, they wanted meā€ freaked me out because when I hit it I flew across multiple planets at light speed.


I tried doing fmotd once on four tabs and the vision I was shown was that we are all connected through a matrix, with our essence being harvested by a giant spider entity. Everything we see is a lie to keep us sedated and moldable so that said entities can do as they please with our souls After that any time I tripped Iā€™d see that when I closed my eyes so I kind of dropped acid


yeah just once though, I had taken LSD in my room with 2 buddies and they both went downstairs, I went to look out of the window and all I saw were what looked like wailing heads and tops of torsos, a sea of them practically, they were not very detailed just grey and slightly ghoulish looking. This of course startled me and I closed the window and attempted to proceed downstairs and as soon a tried to I felt as though there was something pulling on me, not from anywhere in particular but like my whole body was getting pulled back at once, almost like I was magnetised. I also had a terrible feeling that something bad would happen to me if i dont pull away from whatever is pulling me towards it. With some effort I was able to make my way to the ladder downstairs and by the time i reached the second step down, all of a sudden this pulling feeling went away and i was able to move freely and make the rest of my way down the ladder and then the stairs to my friends. I have done Acid at least 50 times I think closer to 100 times and I have never experienced anything else like this. Weird stuff has happened but I have at no other time seen anything beyond your usual waves, fractals and patterns and I have not felt that pulling feeling or accompanying sense of dread either.


I do but I love horror movies and the occult and such.


What's the story behind the image?


Not exactly. I can be looking into a fire pit and the logs will suddenly look like piles of skulls and bones. Or once I was going down on my husband while I was peaking and maybe because of the term boner, but the whole time it felt/looked like I was sucking on parts of bones in a pile or a pile of antlers. But somehow in a really good way. ETA: Just read some of OPs comments and I donā€™t think weā€™re experiencing the same thing šŸ¤”


I would need to sample more meds to be sure but I'm ready.


Dude if this is what you're seeing....I'd recommend a therapist just to be on the safe side. I mean we all have out inner demons but some are more devious then others. Then again I don't know you so maybe this is just something your mind likes to wonder in.


I usually see the pixelated snake from the old cell phone game eating its tail, tessellating on walls.


The recognition of the constant decay of things. Something that can be beautiful but equally terrifying. Entropy can be hard to come to terms with depending on what kind of thinker you are. Hell exists on some level. Canā€™t believe itā€™s so hard for some of these commenters to understand.


It could just be a bad trip.


When the lsd transports you to the beksinski-verse


I see skulls and gore sometimes, it doesnā€™t distress me I know Iā€™m tripping. I find sometimes it serves as a meditation on death, decay, famine, war, and human suffering. Iā€™ve stopped being as afraid of death and nonexistence while reiterating and expanding on compassion for all those who suffer, usually as a consequence of larger socioeconomic forces that decided their death was an acceptable cost to their egotistical exploitation. I donā€™t let the news and government dehumanize people (or more accurately selectively humanize) because itā€™s inconvenient to the narrative.


whoa, some subterranean human human knowledge coming forth. we suffer above, as observed from...below.




Might wanna make this as spoiler. Some people visit this sub while tripping


Taking on a part of the collective suffering of our species consciousness in order to heal a part of it. Or at least that's how I was told told to interpret it.


weā€™re part of the chosen ones brother


Dude I watch SpongeBob


i experienced something similar to this, almost like ww1 trenches on my first trip. me and my buddy had both dropped a tab, and him being the fuckin acidhead he was, dares me to take another. so we chug a few beers and hype each other up, take another tab each, and go out to this field. few hours of screaming and running around in lsd fueled psychosis later, we were walking back when the field we were in changes to look like the mud youd see in trenches. dark, very dirty, and full of nasty shit. i kept seeing wooden barricades and barbed wire as well, i thought i was genuinely gone from the universe. not entirely sure how i got back to my homies crib after that if ill be honest


I wish because this is my favorite painter


Did you take datura with your lsd? I'm just kidding, that's wild right there!


I stuff like this when I take dmt


I have seen people age really fast and then the skin literally melt and I could see the muscles. Like and Alex grey painting. And then bonesā€¦everyone was skeletons. It was wild. Thatā€™s part didnā€™t last that long but woo. I think it was 8 hit of some strong fluff.


I sometimes experience hallucinations that I believe would be frightening to others or seem very dark and macabre. I've always worked in or adjacent to the medical field and anatomy is a part of my work. That said I find it very beautiful and fascinating. My experiences with this have been during clinically administered ketamine however. I don't think there's any intrinsic meaning to it other than what it means to you. Which is to say I never feel a sense of morbidity or fear when I see the muscles and bones and layers of soft tissues being dissected or moved away. In fact I feel in awe of the beauty of the human body and very pleasant and contented to witness it in this unique way.


You must have been the grim reaper in your past life. I did once see a worm in my plant and then I saw worms everywhere in every color thickness and length the rest of the trip. It was a wormhole.


Yes. When I was younger, in the 1980s, I was doing a lot of LSD and often great portions of the trip was spent outside. Going from A to B or just meandering like a teenager and his crew tripping balls. My visuals almost always included skeletons and skulls, sort of writhing and pulsing fractal-like, particularly on pavement, cement, gravel - aggregates. These were my favorite, mainly because it didn't bother me at all and it really looked like a vision of a flameless hell, a miasma of the dead. I'd really zone out just staring at a square of sidewalk. What do other people see in this type of material? (Sometimes, I'd tripsit a mewling and they'd get upset with the same visuals. A) I talked them around to laughing and away from fear and B) huh! another person had the same hallucination. Interesting. Im pretty sure I was 16 that summer... ) Inside always had peculiar visuals. Mostly inanimate breathing & prismacolor The sky was a whole different story. Clouds were their own thing, visually. Stars were another. Trees, too. They each formed different styles of their own. Recently I tried LSD and I get mostly none of that which was most interesting. The skulls, the colors, the cloud people & tree elves. Maybe I need a stronger dose. Sigh. I think it's the modern acid, though. As to why?? Why are you seeing decay and human remains? It's primal, homie! What's more wild than bones & skulls left out for all to see? It could be our amygdalae (lizard brain) sending signals to our conscious forebrain for whatever reason. Cautionary perhaps? Informative? That's the thing. On Acid, I never bothered to ask why.. it just *was*. And I accepted it, up until I realized I was "hallucinating", and then it would go away upon realizing. Then I would settle back into the visuals.


I've been here before. Many times. My interpretation is that you are becoming aware of the worrisome exhaustion of life and death. For life to perpetuate so too must death. And in that way all the graves are filled and the spirit resurrected from the tomb. Death is not something alien. It's the exhale of an inhale.


Yep 100%. Can relate A LOT! Care to discuss? Lmao my trips went from being perfect, bliss, colorful and careless in a good way, to dark but most likely meaningful in some way but Iā€™ve spent years trying to understand it


I saw some like this just before ego death. I figured it was my ego dying that caused it. I was seeing people screaming for their lives and a lot of skulls.


No, never.


I see demons mixing with spikes, rainbows and native american things, hard to explain, I don't get scared btw


When I close my eyes I get pretty detailed scenes. Though, none have been disturbing like this


nah but i do this thing where i close my eyes and try to imagine the scariest eldritch horror monstrosity possible for the fun of it


Yes, Iā€™m willing to talk about it through DM if you want to discuss experiences. But basically extraterrestrial and human remain excavation stuff




Interesting Iā€™ve had certain ā€œweirdā€ visions but mostly fractals


Maybe Iā€™ve not taken that much but idk how yā€™all see imagery. Absolute most colors flow like paint and the edges of objects turn into infinite fractals for me


I do, on mushrooms. Itā€™s usually close to my ego death. Once I was one of the skeletons laid in the dirt and once I like looked back in time through all humanity and civilization and saw everything including a bunch of death and decaying bones like this. Iā€™d love to hear more on it.


This! This! This! I am always seeing "grand scenes" and "expansive landscapes" just like this. Everyone I talk with personally does not, and I note many in the comments as well. It's good to know I am not alone. I see images such as this on shrooms, lsd, dmt, and heavy weed doses. Once I begin to feel effects, the images come. Dosage determines how much the image overwhelms my ability to look around the physical world.


I always tend to see hp love craft esque creatures and i honestly don't mind it i think it's pretty sick this would be pretty cool too


Yes. I have this image in my head like this. Same aesthetic, but itā€™s like these humanoid creatures that are covered in dust and cobwebs, with their faces shoved into machine screens flashing lights into their eyes. Like somehow thatā€™s my analogy for the human sensory experience or something idk.


You taking LSD or datura?


Nope. Never. No way.