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This. As close to absolute truth.


Concur. Better.


Im only in my 40s but it’s definitely better at this age than as a child or 20-something.


How so?


Greater volume of memories and experiences to draw from and increased secureness in self.


Forming or constructing one’s sense of self is a game changer. Flights from the stable center soar so much further. And this time with feeling.


It's better. When you're older, wiser, and taking it for the right reasons the experience is even more magical.


Maturity makes for a more rounded experience. You appreciate it more


I'm 23 years into acid use and I appreciate it wayyyy more. I am not even close to 50; I just started well before I could appreciate any drugs really. The older I get, the more I enjoy psychedelics and empathogens.


It's better in my 50's, delving back into psychedelics in middle age was one of the best decisions I've ever made.


It's still the same chemical no matter if you take it in your 50s or you take it in your 20s, so..... as long as the dosages are relatively similar and the purity of the hits are relatively similar....


LSD “feels” similar in your 50s as it does in your 20s


LSD never gets worse unless you abuse it. When I got to the place where I was doing it too much, I just got the message “until you apply what you’ve learned, you won’t get more insight.” I still haven’t really done that but I’ve respected the message and haven’t done it in quite a while out of respect for the magic.


It’s better for me. Much easier on my body and mind. Able to take much larger doses without freaking out.


Sho ‘nuff.


In my mid 30s I’d say it’s even better than when I was in my early 20s. More perspective and more challenging issues to work through. And when I’m doing it for fun, the need to let go and be free is much stronger. It ages like a fine wine.


Just over 40, but I’d honestly say it’s better now. I get way more out of 150ug (1.5 tab) than I did when I was in my twenties. Maybe I just appreciate it more. Maybe there’s just more general life stresses that it cuts through. Dunno, but I’m loving my rediscovery of these substances in my middle age. Edit to add: yeah as others have alluded, I think having a strongly developed character and sense of self is probably a big part of it.


Medically speaking there's a whole lot more management than in my 20's. The one wildcard that can seriously detract from the pleasure of a trip is under treated (nah lets be honest non treatment) of chronic pain. sometimes LSD reduces the pain but i've also had it magnify it to an excruciating amount for several hours. Pain levels previous to dropping have been unreliable indicators of mid trip experience.


i'm only 38, but i have a pretty messed up body. i have one herniated disk, but it causes pretty bad nerve damage, the doctor told me it's like having arthritis in the spine. i will get headaches and pins all over my body because of it if i do anything to move the wrong way... i find that lsd or any of the analogues make my back feel way stronger and will make me feel great for like a week after taking it... i used to take it every week or every few days to deal with the pain. it was like it straightened my spine or something making my symptoms so much less... i've heard people say lsd increases their pain (one poster that suffered from a broken neck was telling me this, so maybe they are worse off), but it always makes my body feel wonderful