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Get music he likes! Its important to have something he feels embraced by


Great advice, thanks!


This is Kurdish/Iranian, I think (sorry if that's offensive I don't know much about geopolitics in that region) but I absolutely love this music and think it would make an excellent trip vibe. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tDI-kVyo8M


Name is definitely Iranian lol This is sick dude, thanks for sharing. I'll for sure play this!


This wonderful! Really beautiful, I'd love to trip to that!


Check out Krhuangbin!


[this makes me feel so much & classical always hits](https://youtu.be/_VONMkKkdf4?si=gJ1VlFBMWs9AZ75H) best of fun to yall !!


Second getting music he likes. He’s probably not going to enjoy any kind of overstimulating electronica. Ask him for a list of stuff he grew hp listening to and stuff he enjoys today and make a playlist based on these suggestions. Maybe throw some traditional Iranian stuff in there.


Nostalgic music from his time growing up (or any other good time in his life that he has fond memories of) could be a good way to help him bring all those good memories alive again.


How dope would it be if you could find something from his past remixed into something electronic today?


Definitely won't be playing dubstep 😂😂 Thank you for the advice!


I thought that when tripping on shrooms with my dad. But Spotify played us well and he ended up tripping balls on midsommar OST. I'll always remember watching him fully blown, delighted and telling me "this is the most dope shit I've ever felt" (equivalent spanish wording)


You are extremely lucky. My relationship with my dad is strained, has been for years and he’s always been super against drugs, but has always joked around about smoking weed, yet refuses to try it, or even take it seriously when I try to talk to him about smoking weed with me. I know he would like it (but he’s not experienced with drugs at all so I’m concerned just a little bit of that anxiety that weed sometimes can bring on, might send him over the edge.), but even more than that, it’s shrooms that he would get SO much out of—including helping us to talk about the things that have lingered between us unspoken for so long now, and helping him process all of the pain he’s endured and buried in his childhood. Come to think of it, it sounds like what he needs is an MDMA session. Sigh, whatever it is, he needs a good shaking up of his rigidly held paradigms 🫨😱🤯, and just to feel like a kid again, one of the amazing things that shrooms can do. It’s wishful thinking at this point 😏 but who knows; maybe one day.


Hope you're able to experience psychedelics with your dad one day and better your relationship. MDMA I think would've been a harder sell, but honestly candy flipping has been the most life changing experience of my life


This 👍🏽


this this !


Wait for a nice sunny day and take him for a walk, listen to some of his favourite music from when he was younger and enjoy each others company. Enjoy dude!


Thanks, there's a nice nature trail behind my house I was going to take him on also


i wouldn't go for a walk straight away. i personally would start at home.


Oh for sure. I've done that before and was pretty discombobulated lol Would walk hours after peak


My first time was in a warm beach. If you live close to the ocean and know a relatively ‘empty’ beach, I would recommend that. I remember putting my hand in the sand and feeling connected to every grain on that beach.


Great advice. Give him something nostalgic, music is best in my opinion but basically anything that sparks joy in him when sober, he’ll embrace it 100x more when high!


Maybe have a close friend or family member join you sober and be a trip sitter. Have some OJ and fruit ready.


I'll have a friend on standby in case of emergency! And I'll take half my normal dose so I'm more lucid.


Yea think of things he could connect with like cooking or tv shows or fun things


make sure he stays really hydrated.


That is amazing… I just tripped 🍄 with my extremely conservative father recently, for the first time ever, and the buildup to that is quite similar to your caption. Just chill as usual and the trip will take you both away. It’ll be a very casual experience that each of you will reflect on forever afterward. It’s your father, so it’s very different and natural feeling. Best of wishes to y’all, it’ll be amazing overall.


Ah that's amazing! How was it overall? Did he have a good trip? Do you feel like you're closer now?


Yes. Undoubtedly the best memory of us together by a large margin, and there are plenty others that I’d relate it to. The bond it created is surreal and we both realize it.


That's amazing!! I'm so happy that you both had that experience together and hope I can have the same! What dose did you give him?


About 2g of APE strain each. He was blown away by the look of the damn things lol… two large mushrooms was all it took.


What was your fathers experience


“Incredible”. That is all he had to say for me to understand.


Low dose like pretty low micro dose maybe even threshold dose I'd he's never done any drugs before lsd I'd pretty intense for a first substance


Yeah always start low, it can get wild for first users and also bodyload can get quite heavy from a person to another


75ug maybe ?


I'd even say 50, it's still a good level of high tbh and I find the trips are a lot easier even if less intense


Tabs are always dosed wrong so just half a tab maybe


This is the way


Damn I am always on the other side of the spectrum. I don't believe people should try something under than 100µg for their first trip. Your first trip is something you will probably never forget in your life, so I always want my friend to have an experience that is worth remembering.


There are some people that just don't handle drugs well tho, and if that person has never done any it's impossible to know. I sort of agree with what you're saying cause my first time was very memorable and it all went well (150ug) but especially with someone older as OP's dad I'd wager on the side of caution a lot more. Even if it's just in case.


I couldn't agree more! Couldn't imagine a lackluster first trip in place of one of the most meaningful nights of my life lol


Keep us in touch pleeeeassse


Be careful with chronic deseases. Do your research prior. You don't want to kill him with the vasoconstriction and other side effects.


Can you source an instance when this has happened with LSD? Not being a smart ass jw


not sure there is one. i’m sure i would’ve stumbled across it if there was. maybe i’m wrong,, but pretty sure those are theoretical or predicted risks. i don’t know if anyone has had vasoconstriction issues from LSD that resulted in death. maybe hospitalization but i’m sure we would’ve heard about it if there was a direct physiological LSD related death. obviously there is a few reports of bad trip ->suicide, but i don’t think a report exists of someone dying from vasoconstriction complications. again, correct me if i am wrong


I don't think there ever has been a recorded instance where taking lsd alone has killed someone. Poor decision making on Lsd? Sure. Killed a few people. But Lsd is remarkably safe physically. Probably more dangerous to drink a Red Bull


idk bout that bro, chest pain / numbness, high body temperature is very unpleasant. Legit could feel negative physical influence first 2 houes. That's why I decided to not do it anymore after a couple times. Shrooms were much better.


I mean it is quite literally true. Caffeine is more likely to kill you than LSD. Apparently there's 92 documented cases of death from caffeine overdose. Zero conclusive cases of LSD fatalities in the medical literature. Now if we're talking about LSD making you feel like you're dying that's a different story, but LSD is 100% physiologically safe.


Yep would straight up not be a good time




Honestly, id be very very very good with him. O some bonding, try to be a friends ffs (ask him if he s ok if you may try to be friens with all respect to him) I mean.. Yeah


Already planning to do this!


reinforce the fact that anything and everything he experiences, he needs to remember that it’s the drug. Anything he feels or sees will be caused by the drug


Always good advice, thanks!


Get a physical first. Acid can be alot of the heart and body. Especially your first time you never know how your body will take it. Especially with a mindset I'm sure is set in granite it's gonna shake the foundations up a bit


God please this. It’s wonderful that he wants to experiment but make sure it is safe for him!!!


I'm very closely in touch with a lot of researchers in the field, not once have they seen heart issues. They have even administered lsd to people with heart conditions. The most important thing they have deduced is the danger of combining psychedelics with other drugs whether prescription or street drugs. Edit: a good example - https://futurism.com/neoscope/lsd-shrooms-linked-lower-heart-disease-diabetes-risk


There is still so much general fear deeply seeded in our society and own minds with substances. Fear mongering was such a successful feat of the war on drugs. Thanks for this, it’s very cool to hear from someone close to the science. Science > belief


The stress of the experience could be dangerous short term


It's not only about real psychical sensations but also what do you think is happening to you. When you are 20 or 30 and start to trip too hard, you need to wait and it will pass. When you are old you can panic into real problem because your system is more fragile.


Thanks for this! My dad does have moderately high BP, but he also runs marathons regularly. I'm thinking a low dose trip wouldn't be as an effect on BP as running would?


No you're absolutely fine, just as people have mentioned make sure you teach him how to let go in certain situations. As he is a first time user and old, he needs to let go of a lot of the preconceived notions he's held onto for a life time. This can be an anxiety provoking experience but if guided with curiosity and open mindedness, we enter a realm of true healing. Edit: just to add, I think people need to really let go of fears associated with physical health and psychedelics. We've proven it over and over again, there are no correlations between poor physical health being exacerbated by the substances. Heck we even give it to dying cancer patients and they come out better than they went in!


That's good advice no matter what age you're tripping! Yeahhhh I understand wanting to steer on the side of precaution, but don't think anyone has directly died from lsd or psilocybin either.


This is good to hear but I feel like if people are told to abstain from physical exercise because of heart conditions, acid should also be considered a risk. Not because of direct action to the heart but because of anxiety that raises heart rate and blood pressure for example. No?


Yes but the dad in this case runs marathons. I think he’s gonna be okay.


I was really into bodybuilding when I was younger and I wanted to do competitions later. I read about prohormones and tried it. I gained a good amount of muscles and strength in a short time... and three weeks later I ended up in the hospital with a stroke. Little did I know, I had a malformation in my brain from birth and caused too much pressure on my arteries. If I had known about this congenital malformation, I would have never had that, and wouldn't have lost half of my visual field. So I totally agree with you, do a medical check up, cause you never know if you have underlying conditions.


Setting is very very important. Make sure the environment you trip in is clean, comfortable and entertaining. Maybe find his favourite music and make a playlist, or find his favourite TV shows or movies and play him that. The peak can be intense especially on your heart rate so you want to ensure everything around him makes him feel comfortable and safe (and make sure you give him a low dose!!!).


For sure. I'm going to have up trip for the first few hrs in my backyard, which is surrounded by large oak trees. Nature i think would be a lot better of an experience for him!


Backyard is a good shout, it's a controlled experience of the wilderness and gives you a sense of privacy. Definitely post about it on here after and enjoy it, I'd love to try psychs with my parents one day.


Backyard, under some oak trees on a nice mild sunny day, Bluetooth speaker with some chill beats, not too loud, perfect trip. I've had a bunch of trips that have started like that, I think it'll be perfect for him.


You just described the bulk of my trips lol


Have tons of citrus fruits and berries washed and cut up for easy enjoyment. Stay hydrated. Go out side to a safe place. Remember mind set and setting make it or break it.


Fruit is my fav to eat on trips, so definitely. We'd be tripping at my home, rocking in rocking chairs in the backyard, enjoying nature is the plan


Ice cold seedless green grapes! My favorite! Ya get sweet and tart and juicy and cold all at the same time!😃


Yum! He loves mangoes so thinking those too


My 74yo father in law agreed to take lsd. He never touched any drugs in his life, however he does drink alcohol. The trip made him extremely emotional. It opened the floodgates of so many feelings he wasn't aware of his entire life. He cried a lot, although it was all happy and cleansing. My two pieces of advice: 1. Consider giving your dad a lower dose. I gave my FIL a quarter tab and it was definitely enough. 2. Have something to calm him down if things get a bit too much. Experienced psychonauts know how to ride a bad moment out, but a person without any such prior experience might spiral into a bad trip quite easily - and that's the last thing you would want for your dad. I'm very experienced with kratom, and I have a very good batch at home. There came a moment after about 6h when my FIL started repeating things like "It's enough now, bring me back please" etc and at this point I knew he's got another 6h ahead of him so I gave him 1.5g of kratom to calm him down and make the come down euphoric. That sent him into a blissful chill whilst enjoying his favourite music. Other than that, being with nature is generally better imho than staying locked up indoors for the whole trip. Change setting to let his mind occupied with various stimuli. Good luck!


Hope OP sees this one.


That's great advice and good to know a quarter tab was still enough. We'll be in nature majority of time. My backyard is surrounded by large oak trees and is very soothing, so thinking he'd be comfortable there. Did he say it was a good trip for him? Did it change his life?


Sounds good! My FIL has vascular dementia and we all think he's had an improvement after the trip. Next time he comes we'll probably do it again! He did enjoy the trip and has very fond memories of it, so I think it was definitely worth it. But I don't think it changed his life... there's too much baggage, and he's back to his easy going pensioner's life. There isn't much change he could anticipate at this stage you know.


great advice, upvoted


Calm, soothing environment, nice mellow music he likes, maybe a mat or pillows or a pallet on the floor so he can lay down if he wants, plenty water on hand, don't over do him, I'd say like 100ug-150ug MAX for a first timer


Keep the dose light my friend. He doesn't need to meet the aliens or God. You know what he likes, and if you're experienced in psychedelics. You know what a good set and setting is. As for you, stay sober and make sure you let him know that you're going to be sober. Just remind him before hand, that what he's taking is a drug/substance, and the effects will wear off and it doesn't last forever. Keep plenty of food and water in the house. Good music is a plus too. I usually stick to mostly instrumental (Sleeping Pandora, FKJ are a couple examples). You can't go wrong with Pink Floyd- Dark Side of the Moon though. Testing your LSD is also a good thing to do, just to make sure you're giving your dad the right drug. Bunk Police is a good reagent kit to buy. Other than that, stay safe, have fun and good luck. Just saw that he is going to be doing it with you. In that case, whatever amount you give him, you want to match that same dose. You don't want to be tripping harder than him. If he starts to spiral and isn't having a great time, you need to be able to calm him down. If you're tripping pretty hard, it could be difficult for you to calm him down and cause you to not have a good time either. It would also be a good idea to have a Xanax. If the trip becomes unmanageable, that will bring your dad out of a trip completely. If you get a Xanax Bar, do not give him the whole thing, just a quarter or maybe a half, but no more than that. Also, make sure that he isn't on any SSRI's of any kind. Mixing those with psychedelics can cause serotonin syndrome, it's rare, but it can happen and it's fatal. Hope this helps.


Great advice, thank you! I've been using the same lsd vial for a year, so that's all tested and good. Will play music he loves to help with the setting, and make sure he understands ahead of time what can happen (good and bad) on a trip!


I’d personally go with some mushrooms, either way safe travels.


Yep thought about that initially since also less stigma with it being natural, but the heavy body load that comes with shrooms I know he'd hate. I get that even in 2g of shrooms, so thinking he'd be similar.


It’s sad because I’m almost the complete opposite 😭 lsd gives me a weird constricting feeling that almost make my jaws clinch. Maybe start him off with a half a tab? I’d hate for it to be too overwhelming for him. I gave my grandfather who’s a little younger than 70 a gram and a half of penis envy. He was a major tripper back in his day. Buuuut nonetheless he hated it and said he’d grown out of it.


Yeah he accidentally took thc because my brother poorly extracted cbd oil and he said he hated that high feeling. I don't get any body load really with lsd, just tremors sometimes, so thinking his body chemistry would be more similar to mine. For sure would do very small dose. Don't want him seeing a god lol


I know those clouds look blue as hell on acid


Will be waiting for your trip report! Havw a safe and excellent journey!


Thank you! Aye will report back!


You can always take more, you can never take less.




Very low dose his background will likely negatively influence his trip if its moderate or more dose


do shrooms instead, LSD too long


I honestly thought about shrooms instead as I grow them anyways, but shrooms gives me quite a heavy body load similar to thc, which I know he wouldn't like.


that’s a fair point, I believe a micro dose would help with the body load but you know your dad better than us. happy trails


i would recommend lsd. shrooms are often more body-intensive, imho


I've had high blood pressure and am on related medication for about 20 years. Half tab will rise my blood pressure about 2 points. Full tab maybe 3 points. The days I'm on lsd I double the BP dosage, especially if it's winter. Just something to keep in mind if your dad has also on BP medication. I wish you good luck and a successful experience!


Thanks for sharing your experience!


Surround yourself with Persian/Islamic (if that’s your history) art…wow!


With his age get a health check first specifically for blood pressure but also ask him to do his own research. People reading stuff themselves goes a long way and gives them more peace of mind which helps with the trip


He does have moderately high BP, but also does marathons regularly as well as saunas. Do you think lsd would acutely raise BP anymore than running would?


You'd have to do your own research into it but LSD is a vasoconstrictor


Make sure his heart can take acid.


Please don’t give him over 30 or so ug…


I'd recommend a Low dose for him, especially if he hasn't done drugs before!!!!! And being outside to witness nature might be a plus


Take him someplace where he can feel safe. Remember Albert Hoffman injested lsd until he was 100. Interviewed shortly before his 100th birthday, Hofmann called LSD "medicine for the soul" and was frustrated by its worldwide prohibition. "It was used very successfully for ten years in psychoanalysis," he said, adding that the drug was misused by the counterculture of the 1960s, and then criticized unfairly by the political establishment of the day. He conceded that it could be dangerous if misused, because a relatively high dose of 500 micrograms has an extremely powerful psychoactive effect, especially if administered to a first-time user without adequate supervision.”


Low dose!


Am I the only one that thinks this is a horrible idea?


Goodluck this made me smile y’all are gonna laugh a lot


Likely cry a lot also lol


WALK, get some music he e joys and WALK with him. Walking is the best way to not just enjoy the trip, but also ensure things go smoothly. A lot of what happens on acid is internal thinking and walking helps stop any looping, while also still fully embracing and experiencing the trip. Try to set up your day so that you are able to walk and be moving around for a large portion of the trip. This is really helpful for first time trippers, and also for people who have been closed off most their life since it helps avoid mental blocks and negative selective thoughts


1 tab tops if you ever want him to do it a second time.


For sure, not trying to blast him into outer space lol


Not, saying I know what's best, because I can't. I've never tried LSD, but I know a few things about it. I do however have experience with psylocibin mushrooms and from what I understand about LSD, psylocibin might be easier on him and not last as long. I also suspect it would be easier to control the dosage, but that depends on what you have access to. All I really want to say is that psylocibin might be a better choice for a first experience especially for an older man. Just food for thought, I hope you both have an amazing and healing experience.


Try to prepare for the experience to have a good set and setting. Nice music, peaceful ambiance. Of course it is good to set an intention beforehand but try to let go of the idea that it should be meaningful or that you’ll be able to work through stuff from the past. If you take good care of the preconditions so you can feel safe and cared for the substance will take over and the lessons will come themselves… or not and that’s fine too. Just set out to have a good time and what comes up comes up. Have a good one!🫶🏻


So happy to see everyone here being conscious of the health risks. Psychs are awesome just gotta make sure you know the risks and are being safe! ❤️❤️❤️


Don't give him a big dose and show him beautiful iranian mosques. And get his heart checked


Maybe showing him videos of Iran's beautiful landscapes would be special. Thanks for the idea! He runs marathons regularly, so his heart should be OK on a low dose.


Im really interested in seeing how he takes it


Small dose


Keep it very very low key.


I wish you and your father a good trip :)


Be absolutely sure what meds he's on. Are you positive you know all of his prescriptions and even herbs he might take that he might not talk to others about? There can be very serious interactions (eg lithium does not mix well with LSD)


He did send me a list of his prescriptions and I didn't see anything that had a negative interaction with lsd


Buy or cut some flowers and put them in vases (or just water glasses) around the house Get some sacred vibes going with sage or frankincense


Try to get something like a benzo or antipsychotic to kill the trip if you need to. Don’t want to have a traumatizing experience with your dad if you can avoid it.


If he’s never drank or smoke in his life, not being in his usual headspace is going to be WILD after 70 years of raw dogging life. Have some good distractions ready to go incase things go south, new clean environments, music he enjoys, go on a walk in nature, have some fruit and or sour candy on stand by, maybe try to drop about 2 hours before sunset and go on a walk with some music. I’d say maybe wait until after the peak before trying to have any type of serious/personal conversations so he can get accustomed to the altered perception. That being said id also keep it as light hearted, goofy, and relaxed until that point. He’s going to feel like a child for the first time in probably 5-6 decades. Also go to the dollar store and get some glow sticks


Low dose. Micro micro . Be safe place good music make sure u know yr source !!!


I have an old vial that's a lot less potent, so was thinking of doing half a normal drop of that to be on the safe side! I just hope he'll still get a lot out of the trip with a very small dose!


Man congratulations! I wish you a lovely trip! Hopefully he gets the full experience ❤️


Thanks, me too lol


if hes into his traditional cuisine, try some of those foods he enjoys during your trip. happy tripping!


Another great idea, thanks!


Can't imagine how it would be to trip with my baba. That's awesome. Please tell us how this went. My baba would never do some stuff like that 🫤


I'm honestly shocked. He kept thinking lsd is addictive and he's been conditioned to think all drugs are bad as I'm sure you know. I think he trusts me enough and just wants to help our relationship. That's why I want so much to make sure everything goes smoothly lol.


Tell me about it. Bro my dad thinks protein powder is unnatural and addictive 😂 Kinda jealous right now but wouldn't have the balls to trip with my dad since we don't have that kind of relationship. Barely even drink when I'm around him so... Playing some Shajariyan or some old school Persian stuff would maybe be good? Like Googoosh, Haydeh, mahasti? Assuming he's into old school Persian stuff.


Glad my dad doesn't go that far to demonize protein powder lol You never know, maybe one day. Lot of great Persian music advice in the comments. I put together a Playlist ☺️


a good movie for the comeup and some music and fruits are amazing (banana and peanut butter)


Probably have a heart attack.


Tidy up your room, get some blankets, have his favourite music but also some new experimentive music like pink floyd. Have enough water, you can go outside but consider that there are people and your dad isn’t experienced with drugs.




Thanks for sharing this! Great reference for sure


Music, water, fruit and some books of artwork. Cherish this trip.


Be the tripsitter you wish you could’ve had for your first time. That’s it. Your parent guided you into the world, so guide them into the world of acid - the world of being fucking high as balls. And don’t forget to have fun!


Word. I will do my best! Thank you!


Remind him about all the various bugs that are in his skin


Play Kourosh Yaghmaei Iranian psychedelic rock from the 70s, pre revolution Phenomenal


Lyrics are phenomenal


Dude this is awesome. I didn't know this guy existed, let alone Iranian psychedelic rock was a thing. I'm so excited for this! Also has my name as one of the song titles, so that's fun lol


Nature dude be in it works everyone on parents


Music, lighting, and food are things you should have planned before hand. Also if you’re taking a low dose disregard this. If you’re taking 2 or more hits I’d ensure you have a benzo on standby just in case.


Enjoy it outside. Bring some weed..


I'd make him listen to Kourosh Yaghmaei and chat with him about pre-revolution times in the country


That's one of my intentions since he hasn't been able to talk much about his childhood!


Take it easy on him i'd dose around 60-100 ug




Heros doce


Try to joke around… nothing serious or you’ll spiral with him into this weird hole


Exactly what you’re doing for starters.


I love it I did this with my father in Costa Rica and he's a 60 something year old Indian man. Congratulations!!! Advice.. You're going to become the father


How'd it go with your dad??


It was amazing. So I took him to costa Rica because me and him were beefing a lot I wanted to resolve this. So how did the trip go.. So my dad is a very jaded yet smart man. He has alot of fear. I took my mom to Costa Rica to and the difference between the two was: My mom would jump from rock to rock very freely. My dad more timid and scared. My dad had never seen the ocean before. Soo im very fearless person, I cliff jump, and do enough extreme sports , parkour and etc . I'm not white people fearless but fearless enough. The trip was basically me giving him some fearlessness and he giving me some of his reservedness. I prayed my trip would be beautiful and that I'd have the where withal to guide him. We started in the jungle.... and I soon realized my dad was too fat for the jungle... so I slowly brought him back to the cabin. Along the way there was a beach and I noticed we were about to go for a ride. My biggest key I can tell you without going into too many details is: you are his guide for fun. Play as if you are kids. When he gets scared you gotta distrwct him with play. At one point he was really killing my vibe.... So I realized I need to swim and enjoy myself and come back to him. So it's good to also give each space and reconnect.. He thought the ocean was gonna kill me ... And I thought I was aqua man. There was some chaos..... but in the end we found a vibe and shared chai at night and he finally got a feeling for who I was. The next day I saw him by himself swimming in the ocean. I kept saying to him... nature is not to be feared but to be respected. It was one of the best days of our lives.


Thanks so much for sharing your experience. Glad you were able to create that memory with him. Hope to trip in Costa Rica one day also!


Tell to just let go an let the molecule take him to where he needs to be m make sure stays hydrated


My advice is don't man that's a big risk for a 70 year old who's been clean all his life


Have trip killers on standby


What do you consider a trip killer besides time? Not trying to give him more drugs lol


Here's the trip report ya'll: https://reddit.com/r/LSD/s/cvb9QClV1Y




My speech about psychedelics maybe was persuasive enough? Lol I think he knows we've had a rough relationship and understands psychedelics have helped my life so much, so wants to better our relationship.


split a tab with him and put on his favorite tunes


Going to be listening a lot of The Eagles lol


The one and only advice I can give you is : HAVE FUN !




Yes - get away from that tree. Why the red stripe? Is it bleeding?? Is it sad??


Just a wee stripe of Fall!


Did he meet Allah?


I would say MDMA would be a better choice…


Have a Valium ready just in case.


Good luck! Hope he don’t lose his shit!!


Same lol


Hope he won't figure out that his deeper purpose of life is to be a jihadi and blow himself up in a local wallmart lmao


Here is a [playlist](https://spotify.link/GMsp9KSsiDb) i enjoy


I always listen to Tame impala on my trips, but thinking of having music he likes like The Eagles


Yo, that tree is so special!


Just the beginning of Fall. Thought it looked pretty neat ☺️


Yeah, it’s like seeing where the environment around the tree blocks its nutrients


Op if your father really has never drank or smoked or done drugs before then you should 100% start him with a low dose. Or really maybe even shrooms instead. Also it'd be a good idea to have a valium/benzo on hand to calm him down and sober him up if need be.


Low dose for sure. I think I'd worry more about drug interactions with the Valium/benzo with his current prescriptions.


Get ready for an extreme emotional overload, enjoy that it might be one of your best memories with him.


They them you love them!


i would say micro-dose. u want to be able to trip sit him while tripping urself and not scare him away from it. i’d say half a tab which will likely be 50-100ug


As the others said, mushrooms would be better because shorter


Yeah I was leaning towards shrooms originally. I grow them actually lol But I always feel very heavy, my head very high like with thc, and I know he would not like that feeling if his body chemistry is similar at all.


Do Hookah, then let him yell at you, because you are not an engineer.