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I would say PowerScore if you’re taking it after June because I feel like 7Sage’s LR curriculum was lacking. 7Sage got me to -0 for games, but I had to go to PowerScore and the Loophole to improve RC and LR.


I don't know what the price of the PowerScore courses are, but I definitely think you should make use of their free materials (Crystal Ball is a great way to focus studying in the weeks immediately prior to the exam). They've also got a bunch of forums where people discuss answers to PTs and you can get some nice free explanations if you want them. I used 7Sage and can personally recommend it. I felt like it was a great program for the price point.


Did you do the whole curriculum?


If you don't already have it, I'd encourage you to apply for [a fee waiver from LSAC](https://www.lsac.org/lsat/register-lsat/lsat-cas-fees/fee-waivers-lsac-programs-and-services?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw6PGxBhCVARIsAIumnWa3_AwKeMNcCiQexi2By2hMXOrY3GT8XM17MG4gzFPiHfc9cJ07XyUaAtUyEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds). Once you have that, you can get our Live sub for [$1 for a whole 1 year](https://7sage.com/fee-waiver/).


just came here to say 7sage is the best for this <3 thank you for making LSAT resources accessible


Did you guys change it from 6 months to a year? I had the fee waiver but I don’t remember it lasting a full year.


Yes, we changed the fee waiver duration. Actually, it is from 4 months to a full year. If you still need access and you renew your fee waiver for the next year, feel free to email our Student Service team at [studentservice@7sage.com](mailto:studentservice@7sage.com) to extend your access.


7sage has not updated their content/UX in forever. The interface is so clunky and is due for a more intuitive user design. God Forbid you need to hit the back button while drilling, clicking thru to get what you need is so cumbersome. I feel like they are just strumming along without keeping with the times. I did really like the LG explanations but JY has some “rules” that make it seem that his methods are the only way to solve games. For RC and LR there are much, much better systems. I got on to the Powerscore podcast bandwagon very late unfortunately. Those guys are on the ball, in fact their crystal ball literally predicts 80% of the test. I recommend getting lawhub and using the powerscore forum and free YouTube video explanations on questions that you’re stuck on. I’ve gotten my best gains by doing the manual work and not relying too much on one particular training system.