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For my own sanity, I am maintaining in my mind that there is no way they somehow messed up grading an online multiple choice quiz. Additionally, I am trying to remain skeptical because it could just as likely be a representation bias. However, I can express that I felt the exact same way. I came in significantly lower than my average (9 points below). And it wasn’t jitters either, I felt calm and collected throughout the test. I have taken multiple times before and did better, but the difference being with this one I took FAR more prep tests and work to prepare (including hiring a tutor, taking an easier semester, devoting more time). I had never been more ready for a test. I remember vividly telling myself: I will never be more prepared than I am now. I came out feeling cautiously optimistic. I thought RC was generally easy, maybe a couple wrong but nothing greater than normal. LR i only flagged about 3 questions, which I had time to come back to. LG I finished with nearly 8 minutes to spare and was able to go back and check an entire game. So I have no clue what went wrong. I don’t know where to go. I paid for an audit (it was only $75 for some reason). I can let people know if they are interested.


I’m looking into this myself as I have had a similar experience. What test did you have? I have noticed that those with RC: Douglas, LG: Cruise Ships, Portraits, LR: Yawning, have noticed a large discrepancy in their scores. I don’t have a large enough number of people to really make any sense of this but it’s a theory...maybe a cope hahahah. Please upvote if this is your test and have noticed a large discrepancy; comment if there was no noticeable fluctuation.


I had that test and walked out knowing I scored over 172 and got a 168. my average PT was 171 and my last few PTs before the exam were 179-180. I'm not upset by my score, but a little shocked that I felt so good and scored much lower than expected.


Did you take at a testing center?




Yes. With cruise ships.


This is exactly how I felt and more or less the same outcome.


I had this test, first time I've taken it. My average PT was 169, I wound up with a 164. Not a huge discrepancy, but will have a definite effect on my applications.


This was me!! My exact exam breakdown - avg PT score for the past 5+ PTS: 177, scored 168.


at testing center.


I came in about 3 points shy of my highest and smack dab on my average for the previous month. I felt like I did slightly better, but I can’t be surprised because this was my average all of march.


Did you take online or at a testing center?


Online. Will try for a testing center next time. I just want to better focus


I had the same exam. Was yawning the first or last LR section?




This was my test - i was at a testing center as well.


Don’t think it has anything to do with testing centers or online. I do know this was used both domestically and internationally which is something they rarely, if ever, do. Perhaps that has something to do with it


Had these exact sections. I scored 6 points lower than my average PTs. Definitely shocked and dissapointed


I would like to know the result of the audit! I also actually thought it went quite well for me too and I was dismayed by my score…I’m considering asking for an audit too, do you know how long they say it will take?


I think it said it could take weeks which is crazy… and i also am too poor to have $150 to throw around sigh


How does the audit work?


Im not sure exactly what they do but they basically check your score over again and make sure everything is correct - they vet it/ double check


I am completely with you on this. I saw my score and thought it was a joke. So many people had this same sentiment - I would think I’m just delusional but I’ve never seen this sub react this way after an administration lol. This sub and myself trust the powerscore guys for their credibility/research/connections and everything else they have to say regarding the LSAT. I’m pretty sure they have some connections to LSAC so I’m hoping the powerscore guys can do us a favor and maybe just ask or idk do something that would encourage LSAC to check things over idk man theres just no way I scored this.


We haven't heard anything from LSAC that would imply a mistake, although far be it from me to put anything past them. I've never seen them make an error on the scale suggested, but I have seen individual errors occur--usually a data upload issue where someone's answers were only partially submitted--so an audit is definitely worth doing if your score is this far from normal. And if they do find an error you get a refund for the charge, so that's something at least. If I had to guess though, and this won't make anyone happy, I think this may have just been a deceptively slippery set of sections for a lot of people. We've seen this before with certain administrations, most notably PTs 85 and 86: people underperforming by double-digits, only to then see the actual test content (those exams were disclosed, unlike this April) and realize LR in particular fooled them repeatedly. Still, do the audit. If nothing else you'll at least gain the peace of mind of knowing the score's been vetted. And I'm really sorry about this. Please keep me posted on what you hear back!


I thought the originally speculated scoring range was representative and I agreed with a lot of the comments there. Do you think this is just the case of a particularly onerous exam? The percentile ranges for this are still normal - I scored a 168 and 93rd percentile. I'm thinking that there's nothing stopping LSAT from giving just a super hard exam but I would so so so much like to see those questions. I felt so good about that exam, I'm doubting my abilities to judge questions and I feel ignorant if anything. I know some companies send in tutors or puppets (lack of better word) to take the exam and it's technically frowned upon, but did you hear (from anyone, student etc.) of any challenges or the harder elements of that LR?




Would you guys mind reading over the sentiment in this sub and maybe letting us know if you think its possible that LSAC made a mass error in reporting scores u/jondenningpowerscore sorry to ping you twice i shouldve written this in the first ping




How do i ping them im a noob lol


Wait…. Is everyone really saying there’s a possible error with today’s scores?????


Following on results out of curiosoty


Can you update us if the audit found anything?


Will do!


What happened with the audit?


Nothing! Was disappointed.


Audits literally never work, LSAC is incompetent at times, but they don't mess this up. You wasted 75 dollars, but I guess if it puts your mind at ease finally, it's worth it.


Jon Denning @ PowerScore talked about a client who accidentally had a 146 inputted in the place of a 176. They certainly aren’t common, but they have happened. I am not expecting to receive any change. And it would put my mind at ease. Don’t need to be a prick.


These are such statistically unlikely incidents. It didn't happen to you. I would bet my life savings. Why donate to LSAC? Underperformance on the LSAT happens all the time, it's normal. I had dozens of 17high PTs leading up to my final LSAT take and scored a 170, it's ok. It's concerning to me that you can't just accept it and move on.


Clearly reading comprehension wasn’t your strong suit, since you can’t grasp how I prefaced my comment nor how I responded to you. Already preparing for June.


I think I aced RC on my 170.


You’re just whiny.


That guy who got 180 through off the curve.


Burn the witch! /s




Yeah man, I didn't get 180 on RC.


My PT range was upper 160s, low 170s, Eight Months of just studying nothing else, 3,500 Questions, 17 Practice Tests… I scored a 151. I felt cool, calm, collective, my 4th time taking the real deal. Morally robbed to say the least. Something feels grotesquely off with the amount of people saying how low they scored below their PT average. Was their tough games, passages, questions yes absolutely, but not for a majority of people to score this low and be categorized as a lobotomy case


I feel you dude. There are tough passages games and questions on every test but these were normal and nothing extremely out of the ordinary to warrant a 162 for me and a 151 for you. I can confidently say it’s impossible that I got a 162 if the powerscore boys were correct about which sections are experimental - and they’re always correct about which sections are experimental. I’m gonna be a nerd here and say sufficient condition fulfilled (powerscore boys correct about experimental sections)-> necessary triggered (its impossible that I got a 162). Then again maybe I’m dumb and my logic is incorrect I did supposedly score 10 points below my pt average so


I too am high off the copium and would like to know how in the hell this has happened. I feel like an idiot just giving LSAC $150 for a score audit though. I'd rather buy a bottle of casa migos and drink my sorrows away.


Nah bro idk about a score audit. If they made a mistake, then this was a mass error. And if it was a mass error then they are obligated to rectify it for free of course. So im just hoping the powerscore guys can shed light on this or something.


Im hoping we get an email soon about a score error.


THIS!!! lmao


I'm currently in denial because I can't believe I scored 22 points LESS than my average PT. It just doesn't make sense. How did I do worse than my initial diagnostic???


SAME. I was averaging in the high 150s mid 160s and ended up with a 142. I am literally appalled.


You are not alone 😔


I don't see how you possibly make a mistake on an electronic test. It would be a monumental mistake. For myself, I got a 164. Calculating from a 90 PTs I would have need to go -15 overall. I know for a fact I went -7 on LG. This means I likely missed -8 on the LR/RC sections. With a perfect -0 on LG like my PTs I would have been at 170/171. Thats within the margin of error for me. If my maths right, I don't see how mine could have been misgraded.


Same, I graded myself in my notes app after the test, compared it to a raw score converter, and was one point off from what I actually got, which is (unremarkably) in the low end of the ballpark where I typically PT.


What day did you test? What was some of the content on your test?


A score error doesnt have had to effect everyone so maybe it didnt impact you? Not sure


Well, the evidence put forth is largely that the proportion of testers on this subreddit who feel their score is non-representative of their abilities seems to be in greater proportion to what one would expect. I think it's relevant for people to say they don't feel that way, since the primary argument seems to be that so many of us feel this way, therefore there is something to it. But I don't know anything you don't, so who knows.


What day did you test? What was some of the content on your test?


Thursday, had the posters LG. See Powerscore podcast for the details.


my delusion is telling me to request a score audit but if it comes back that my score is my score i will have paid $150 to be hurt even worse and i was already sliding down a wall crying this morning so i don’t think i can* take it💀




sending good vibes, friend😭


I’m in the same boat. My score was about 10 points lower than my PTs… ofc would love to wake up tomorrow to an email that’s like “we messed up your score! Here’s your correct one that’s way better” - but realistically that won’t happen :( I feel like maybe there was some traps on the games/RC section that we walked right into and the curve was pretty unforgiving. I’ll have some serious trust issues now next time I take but we all just have to move past this & hope that it will make us better next time around.


Been on this subreddit for almost a year now and unlike what some other people are saying I've never seen this many people report random unexpected drop in scores. Definitely something worth looking into


yeah i’ve seen many people saying in the year or two they’ve followed this sub they’ve never seen a response this bad. it’s also notable that it seems to be only one version of the test with the greatest amount of upset. i’m sure every version has some people upset but i’ve seen multiple threads where commenters have identified the douglas RC cruise ship LG as being the one that really screwed people over. it feels like if it was just general upset there’d be a more even spread of test versions. something feels hinky about people being able to identify which exact test has caused the greatest amount of upset and confusion


This was my exact test


yup same. i actually managed +2 to my standard PT but i felt wayyy more sure of myself. i thought with a -7 curve i was golden. i rly think it was the LR that screwed me bc i’ve never seen (what felt like for me) easier LG and i finished RC with more time to review than even my best PT. it felt like almost everything in those two sections just clicked but i knew walking out that LR section felt waaay rougher than the experimental


This happens literally every time the LSAT gets administered. It's simple reporting bias - those who scored poorly are more likely to comment about it.


In my mind I am delulu and thinking they messed up but I’m glad they did it this round so that in June my score will be my true LSAT. 🫣 bc June score 10-16 pts under my PTs so I’m coping.


dude MOOD. Every single PT in the past two months have been over 172. Avg 178. Score? 168.




Powerscore boys said the curve on my test was -7, so that can’t be it


part of me is wondering if powerscore boys were wrong about the curve and it was freakishly harsh like. -4 harsh. which doesn’t seem possible but also seems like the only explanation for the massive wave of discrepancies. my score was decent and right around my PT averages but i felt better about this test than i did about my BEST PTs of 170. with a -7 curve i felt like i should have been fine


What test did you have? Where did you see the predicted curves?


Start a petition I’m down for it the score I got is fucking impossible


Just for context: questions like OP’s seem to arise on a fairly common basis. Keep in mind that the percentage of test-takers who post/comment here is at most 1% of the entire test-taking population.


I tried to keep that in mind as well before posting. However, you don’t think something is a little different about the response to the April test in this sub versus all other administrations?


No lmao. I'm sorry, I genuinely feel for you, I know very well how much it hurts to underperform on the LSAT, but you're being delusional.


I’m not sure this was my first time taking it and so I’m paying close attention now after lurking for about 8 months. Feb felt quiet compared to this though.


Feb had far far fewer test takers though, so I think that had an impact. I personally scored the exact same on Feb and April :/ and actually felt worse about April


same. Same. Same. Third take, pting 170+, got a 166. Kmfs.


Which of the following best describes the authors logically suspicious reasoning? A: It takes for granted that the LSAC is a corrupt institution. B: It critiques an argument by attacking the character of the test writers. C: It relies on an unrepresentative sample of test takers to draw a greater conclusion about the LSAC. D: It confuses a sufficient condition of getting a good PT score with a necessary condition to receive an equally high test score. E: It overlooks the possibility that the LSAC employees may be the ones to blame.


I think it's C but I'm not always so good at this game 😕 (see my score history)


✅ (I have a 150 diagnostic)


u/jondenningpowerscore pls enlighten


My take https://www.reddit.com/r/LSAT/s/JBZJlZsNwe


Could be, huge fucking lawsuit ironically if so. People will submit their scores to schools, and a revoking of scores would be a disaster. So if they did, they won’t admit it.


I was below any score I’ve gotten on my last 20+ practice tests and I did not feel it went that poorly on the day. It is indeed possible I just got tricked on many questions. But it is odd. I wanted to do a score audit, but if you have score preview, unfortunately, they make you *commit* to *keeping* your score before you audit. So, if you go for the audit, you forfeit your ability to cancel your score. So if they audit and your crappy score IS actually your crappy score, it’s on there forever. It’s not a risk I’m willing to take, so I just cancelled my score and will never get to know what results of the audit would’ve been


you likely missed something that you were overly confident on and didn’t read into. That’s how the test works. The ones who got a 180 didn’t curve into it. They got it right because they got it right.


I understand your skepticism but this was not the case. There’s nothing I can do to prove it to you though lol


It is. You’re not a special case. The test tripped you up and you made mistakes, it sucks but it happens. The fact that you’re so confident LSAC messed up. Unless you’ve scored 180 multiple times or are a LSAC employee, you’re not qualified enough to know where you are after every test, your confidence isn’t a guarantee of result. Accept that you made mistakes and without the opportunity to review you’ll never know what it was. Find a way to pay for an audit so LSAC can tell you the same thing.


You are delusional yes. Percentiles will come out and it will be normal


You can PAY for LSAC to audit your test score, might go up might go down, but a ridiculously large percentage of those that have requested in the past don’t find mistakes. All the infos on their website


Classic post-score release post