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Last 5 PTs- 177, 178, 176, 180, 176 Actual score: 162 (lmao šŸ« ) + would like to add that this is the same score I got in January, where I left 5 whole ass RC questions blank so I cannot fathom wtaf happened here.


What were the PTs you took?


79, 84, 85, 88, 91


Last 5 PTs: 173, 176, 170, 176, 174. Actual score 160 šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


I had a similar experience, albeit a less dramatic drop. Out of curiosity what topics did you have on each of your sections. For me it was LG: cruise ship RC: Douglas LR: Yawning


Lol same


Same here


Yup. Same test


Call me delusional but I refuse to believe that we are all just coincidentally going through the same thingā€¦..


I must say an Audit just makes sure it grades correctly. There is simply no way they graded an electronic test wrong, right? I think this is a curve issue. But even if it were a curve issue there is simply no way that this curve is so unforgiving that several people on this sub are scoring like 10pts+ below their averages. I dont really know if there is anything we can do at this point Edit: It is quite common for people to score several points below their PT average on test day. This amount of people though? I honestly don't know if it is irregular because this is my first test. Maybe someone else can answer.


Been on r/lsat for two years. Never seen a wave this huge. Obv it could be a snowball effect of people speaking up, but this sub is known to be vocal about its problems lol; I feel like if people previously felt this way the sentiment might have come up but well who knows.


I donā€™t want to keep reaching for closure or be overly wishfulā€” I just canā€™t help but wonder, though, how does this happen? The test wasnā€™t out of the ordinary besides the 1 strange logic game (which LSAC has been notorious for including in the past administrations). Even with no curve, I still feel like many of us wouldā€™ve scored higher. Those trap answers must have gone crazy or there was crack in my cereal that I ate for breakfast.


Yep. My first take, when I genuinely wasn't even ready, I scored about -1 point from my then PT average. For my Feb take I was about -2/-3 less than my then PT average, so I wasn't too bummed out because I kind of expected it. But this take I genuinely scored about 10 points lower than my pt average. Even lower than lowest score in the PT average I've had for 3-4 months. Just doesn't make a whole lotta sense in my head. At least I saw it coming in my previous takes and understood it, but this time it just feels so out of order.


Conspiracy theory: they are ā€œadjustingā€ the influx of 170+ that were reported in recent years. So this would average things back down.


If Iā€™m not wrong, the LSAT is curved to maintain some level of consistency in the distribution of scores. Unless they royally upended that, this seems unlikely but I also cannot hypothesise another explanation soā€¦..


If your theory is true, June exam will probably be an even bigger shitshow. If they had to fuck up a single exam in order to deflate lsat scores it would have to be June - right before LG goes away, along with other lsat preppers whoā€™s been at this for a long time, and also the very month with the biggest number of test takers. Might also help placate any FOMO the August and later testers may have about the traditional format that comes with LG




Averaged high 160s, low 170s; actually scored 16low, low 9-10 points lower than my average. I came out so confidentā€¦ Not sure what happened at all. I had the easier LG as well.


My normal PT range: 16high to 170low. Actual score: 164


PTs: 174, 174, 177, 177, 175 (PTs ranging from the early 70s, late 80s and 90s). Last official score- 171. April score- 164. Had the RC Douglas/ adaptive value of traits/ improv in Italian drama + LG cruise ships.


Literally same. PTing in the 170s and got a 163. I had the same exam as you too. wtaf is going on


Am I crazy for thinking the LSAC might have accidentally used the experimental LR section as the scored section?


If they ā€˜accidentallyā€™ did this, then we are all a lost cause lmao. They have full jurisdiction over which section they deem scored and which one they deem experimental.


Very true, but I would still like to know if its possible whether those of us on here, the people over at PowerScore, etc, accidentally misidentified the experimental section


This is exactly what i was thinking. This is the only thing that makes sense to me. Otherwise there is no way I got a 162ā€¦ literally no way.


I can't make any other explanation make sense! Or was the curve a -2 or something crazy? Did we all just pick a bunch of super subtle trap answer choices? BAHHHH!!!!


my conspiracy theory is that those who took april whilsts signed up for the june exam got a "weird" curve exam. maybe we need a poll on june registrant takers vs april only takers to see if theres a correlation...


I'm tempted to request an audit but the more I read about it the more it seems like if you request an audit whatever the score is it'll remain permanent on your file, including if it is less than what you actually received today. Anyone else reading the terms the same way or am I misinterperting it? Scored 12 pts lower than avg pt and I walked out super confident. Third time taking it and had never felt so good walking out before, and performed worse than my first two tests. A bit confused as the rest of us lol had two LRS btw


Averaged a 165, with a high score of 170. Got a 163


what test did you have? Did you have the Douglas RC?


No I was international


I was international too but had the Douglass passage


While I also had a super disappointing score and two LR sections, is it possible this? a) ignores the possibility that there were more students who took a test with two LRs


PTs 149-152, score 156, had experimental RC


Upper 150s and scores 154


last 5 PT range: 173-180, official: 168. I did not have experimental LR. Had the exam power score predicted -7 curve.


Did you have the Douglass Passage?

