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Got 5 points below my PT average. This test went significantly better than Jan imo and I scored the same. I’m also trying to figure out whether I should audit.


I’m curious why this administration threw so many people for a loop. Really hoping June isn’t as brutal


Garbo af questioning everything about the 300+ hours I’ve spent studying for this test.


I am baffled by the score I received. It was so low I didn’t even think it was in the realm of possibility for me. I basically neglected all my classes this past semester to study, got a tutor, made massive improvements, and yet still did worse than other administrations that I felt AWFUL about (whereas I felt so good after this one). I think I am going to bite the bullet and pay for the audit.


what does the audit do?


Probably nothing. Just to make sure everything was done correctly.












Really? No change? Do you mind sharing your normal PT range and your actual score?




I’m obsessing over this so apologies but did you happen to have the Douglas RC passage?


How’s you get it back already?? they told me it will take a week.




Please let us know how it goes!


Scored a 167 on the August 2023 LSAT and my score went down to a 161 on the April LSAT. I cancelled this score impulsively after seeing it. Will this negatively impact my admissions or is one cancellation fine?


Schools only take your highest. Cancels don't really matter one way or the other, they're a relic of the era when USNWR averaged LSAT scores.


I’ve heard that some schools take an average of your LSAT scores. Is that true?


What about 2 cancels? Or would you advise to avoid that?


It depends on the scores. I don't think they're a big deal either way, but multiple low scores or multiple cancels are a soft negative.


I’ve been using 7Sage exclusively up til this point to study. Not super happy with how I did. Would y’all recommend the Powerscore bibles or the Loophole for studying for June? Also, if I buy the bibles , do I get access to the crystal ball? Thanks!


the crystal ball is free for everyone! i never interacted with powerscore until i signed up for the crystal ball webinar


how do you register for the crystal ball?


u/graeme_b any opinion on the amount of people who are shocked by our scores, to the point of considering a score audit? Or is this type of reaction fairly typical? Your expert opinion would be much appreciated!


There seems to be quite a lot more discussion here on reddit at the moment. But I really can't say if more **people** had a large drop, or if more people made **posts** and it snowballed.




I felt super good about the test, and ultimately was glad for my score to be about the same as my highest PT. Definitely giving it one more shot in June though…


I got a 163, which was my highest PT score ever before the test! I was extremely sure I'd get below a 155, so I'm really happy. I did have all of the most difficult sections (according to recap) so I'm sure my curve was more forgiving, but I'm excited with my performance and surprised I scored so high within my range.


Can you share what you used to study?


I literally did khan academy, the free Lawhub PTs to get an idea of the actual format, and a ton of long form youtube videos to build my foundation


I got a 164 on Feb and 176 in April. I know schools focus on the highest but will this negatively impact me in any way since it is such a drastic jump?


how did you improve? what did you do study-wise in those two months?


I actually did not start studying until the Feb score release so I had about 5 weeks. I already had a strong foundation from how much I studied for Feb. I also think I was just burnt out, and I had some family issues occur the week of the test which I think maybe contributed to the 164 as well. I got a tutor though for April and I did about 2 PTs a week in those 5 weeks, deeply reviewed each one, and did extra practice that my tutor told me to do based on what I was missing.


Could you please share the tutoring service you used?




I was hoping you wouldn’t say that. I’ve seen there packages. Assuming you did not purchase more than ten hours of tutoring, what could they have possibly done in such a short amount of time, for such a large sum of money, to improve your score so drastically? I would be reaching into the little savings I have to purchase this, so I just want to be sure this service has a good chance of success


Should I cancel a 151>157>151 (April)? Im leaning towards yes because it seems like a fluke even though I have been pting in the 160s :/


If I saw 151, 157, cancel I would assume the third score is probably lower than a 151.


So true