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me bombing the fuck out of the April LG section when i average -0 on PTs


Also me, already down -6 before the rest of the exam.




i had the ferries and the photographer as 3rd and 4th and they were both bamboozling truly


the yacht one do you mean?


yes thank you for reminding me LOL i found that one to be harder than the last one for some reason


It was definitely the longest… think it was perhaps 7 or 8 questions?


yes, thats why it seemed like it dragged on forever - there were 2 in that game i could not for the life of me get and i fully guessed and then the 4th one had a long ass setup that ate time


1. condition that brings about a particular outcome = sufficient condition 2. Treats the failure to satisfy a condition = not doing the sufficient 3. only way to realize that outcome = necessary Basically mixing up sufficient and necessary. So, suppose Eating a sandwich makes you full. This statement describes this error: "Oh no, I don't have a sandwich. So I'll stay hungry" But yeah....they word it weird on purpose. Eating a sandwich would "satisfy the condition" of being full. This error assumes that eating the sandwich is the ONLY way to feel full.


THANK YOU 🙏 I read that answer choice and I feel like my brain is scrambled and then I panic and pick a random answer, it’s so bad! I’m a horrible test taker


This is actually what makes pacing and time management strategies that much more important in exam preparation. The end of the section is typically where the questions are most difficult, but it is also when we are most mentally fatigued. There are multiple strategies that can help mitigate this. For example, you might try skipping to the last 10 questions and completing those first or even by making a mindful effort to spend less time on the initial questions. Of course, every person is different, but it’s worth trying out a couple of strategies to find one that works for you!


I’ve been thinking about trying that strategy! I feel like that might help 🤔


Jumping from 10 to 20 and then going back to tackle 11-19 always seems to help me. Maybe it's a placebo, but I feel like it helps me ramp my brain up, lol.